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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1924, p. 7

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*1? Igftita footwear at your winter potatoes now,#0c. l our news items always appre-' per bu. in lots of one bag or more, 6c /eiated. Phone 98-W. I extra delivered. Erickson's. East Side Service and Transfer Station Herman Schaefer & Co., Prqj». General Garage - Moving Telephone No. 108-R., I SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. Phone 49 HeHENRY, ILL.!WEST McHENRY, •ILLINOIS Phone 162 The Best Service Always Phone 126-W. Reasonable Kates BERNHARD POPP Expert Shoemaker A. VL SCHAEFER ^ Draying West McHenry, McHENRY, ILLINOIS n HENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL t INSURANCE CO. ;$V /•» liMinnlw|ftr Farm and Property Good Protection at Low Cost JOHNSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adams Chicago visitors one day last week. John Elvemann of Wilmot, Wis., tailed on relatives here Monday. Anton K rum pen of Genoa City visited his mother and sister, Anna Krumpen, here last Thursday. Buy your winter potatoes now, 90c per bu. in lots of one bag or more, 5c extra delivered. Erickson's. Stephenson underwear for men and boys, Dolby's for women and children 4s good enough for all. Smith Bros. Mrs. Wm. Oeffling and son, George, and her grandson, little Billie Guyser, I motored to Chicago this week Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck, who LJ... ,1" • V- "• ' 1 ' " "" 8LOCUM LAKE Mildred Hoffman attended to "business in Chicago last Thursday. Willard Darrell was a business caller at Libertyville Saturday. Mr. and JMrs. Earl Johnston were Sunday afternoon callers at Waukegan. Bert Do well recently purchased a Ford truck of John R. Knox of McHenry. Z. H. Ostaun of Crystal Lake called at the homes of Joe and Ray Dowell Saturday. A big line of Christmas and New Year cards now on display at J. J Vycital's. ~ Robt. Kirk and Joe Kirk were business callers at Crystal Lake Saturday reside about a mile east of here, wel- j afternoon. f eomed a baby boy into their home on; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were? bus-, Sunday, Nov. 9. 7 j iness callers at Barrington last Jftrl-1 Nick Mueller and Albert Weber of! day morning. " Stacyville, la., are spending a few • For your feet--Honorbilt shoes, J weeks as the guests of relatives and | Rollins hose. Converse rubbers. All friends in this vicinity. ! at Smith Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wagner and; Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Jecks of Cary! / • vol<w ^ Aluminum, granite and steel roasters at J. J. Vycital's. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Wait wer* Wanconda callers Sunday. The nur#e from Wea was a visitor in the Fort Hill school last week. Frank Frazer from Indiana is working for Ben Walkington now. Mrs. Frost isu helping in the Standfort home while Miss Troy is away. Miss Fannie Troy is spending her vacation with her mother at Hamlet, Ind. Miss Mildred Jepson of Ringwood visited Esther Lusk over the week end. . There will be a sale on the Smith farm Saturday, vacated by Bert Triimblee. Begin your Christmas shopping early. The finest assortment ever at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Cole of Chicago were week end guests in the Fred Converse home. Mr. and Mrs. Croker of Liberty- IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE MEETING HERE MONDAY Fluff and Rag Rugs made to ord< r MRS 1 POPP I'HONK W HH0. ,WI WEST McHENRY Agents' ' McHenry, Michael Freund, phone 148- J; Johnsburg, Ringwood. M. N. Schmitt, phone 623-R-l; Spring Grove And Richmond, Fred Meyers. children of Volo called on Mrs. Wag-! ewer Sunday evening Wallers at the' ville were week end guests in the Lee ] tier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alt-! W. EI Brooks home. ' Huson home. hpff, here Wednesday evening. Mrs. Louis Rhoman of Barrington i Berney Geary and family enter- Mrs^ Anders and Mrs. Stasseldt oft was a Sunday morning .caller at the1 tained friends from Chicago and May- Chicago and Mrs. Peter Oeffling vIs-jH. L. Brooks home. j wood Sunday. • ited with Mr. and Mrs. Richard puy- Abel Vasey of Volo was a Sunday] Bert Tmmbife; 'll,*Mo^ln^:^.Voio. ser on Wednesday afternoon of this' afternoon caller at the home of Mr.! A family from McHenry ismovirig in Chief JustteeWhite Mr. justice Harlan chewed tobacco in the Supreme Court room and lived, to a ripe old age and in fui vigor at 76 and 7$ years respectively. Chew Beech-Nut and remain strong and vigorous. Over250MU1RW Packages Sold in a Single Year r and Mrs. Ber^Dowell. Mrs. Page Smith and Mrs. yfm. Whitman of Wauconda were .Elgin shoppers last Friday, William Brooks of Waukegan spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and chil-; 1% Week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake and children, Wilfred and Frances, of Lily jLake were Sundiy guests in the home ©f Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer and family. Mr and Mrs: Wm. H. Althoff and Jijaughters, Eleanor. Ethel and Eliza- > T>eth, of McHenry visited with the dren were business callers at McHenry former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. last Wednesday evening. ! Althoff, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Page Smith and Mrs. Clara | Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Schaefer mo- Smith were business callers at Mctored to Waukegan last Friday to visit Henry Monday morning. ; 3Mr. and Mrs. John Cossman. Mr. H. M. Hoelscher and Ed. Hoelscher rome Cossmann was operated on for appen- of Chicago spent Friday and Saturday Mrs. Phil Peterson of Huntley wa? j dicitis at the hospital there recently. I at the former's farm here. ! a visitor in the Gussie Townsend home j Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen, Mr. and: Miss Orpah Morlock spent the week j Friday and Saturday and attended kjMrs. Wm. Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs. Peter end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the bazaar. jjt)effling, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guy- J. P. Morlock, at Rosecrans. Tier and George Oeffling visited at the ! Mrs Almeda Grantham and son, j home of Mr. and Mrs. George Miller Walter, of Chicago were week end and family last Sunday evening. quests at the G. J. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel of Volo, Mrs. Jack Geary went to Chicago "Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and fam- Saturday, where she will visit her jly of Volo, Mr. and Mrs. Peter: mother and sisters for a few weeks. the Smith house. Miss pernice Johnson motored to the city Friday and Visited :with her mother Until Monday. Chicken pox is the latest thing in this vicinity. Several , children have been absent from school. Miss Lorena Jepson of Ringwood spent the week end with her cousins, Lyle, May and Ruth Huson. There will be church services at the Volo M. E. church the first Sunday evening "of ea^h, month. All are wel- Oeffling and Mr. and Mrs. Richard; We are now showing a lager and Guyser and family were entertained at' more complete line of rubber footwear the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. OefT-' than ever before. Erickson's store. John Blomgren, Mrs. H. Blomgren awl Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson--were callers in the Ben Wa'kington home ! Sunday afternoon. ! Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bacon, M i s s - ; Emma Bacon and Lew Lu.-.k attended | the funeral of Mrs. Mary Monaghan at TH SHO LINE To CHICAGO From McHenry--Grays Lake . Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop/* Lv. McHenry 7:35 a.m., 11:35 a.m., 2:35 pan., 7tOO p.m. Lv. Grays Lake 8:18 a.m., 12:18 p.m., 3:18 p.m., 7:43 pan. Arr. Waukegan 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 8:25 p.m, Arr. Chicago 10:22 aanu, 2:17 p.m., 5:17 p.m., 10:17 p.m», • , : " Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee fflcHenry House Tl< KFT j Northwestern • Mr'lenry II 1 OFHCKS I MrHeniv M-R ling last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller of Iowa were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer last week Wednesday and last Friday Mrs. Schaefer took them to Spring Grove and from there they expect to go to Milwaukee for a few days' visit with relatives' and friends. . The church fair, which will be Mrs. Elvira Darrell called on her *ister-in-law. Mrs. Ida Darrell, at Wauconda lasf Thursday afternoon. Earl Broughton and Dean Kirk of Wauconda were Sunday morning callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk. Wm. Hansen and son, Willard, and Mrs. Demolin of Barreville spent Sat- Wauconda hist Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vasey, daughter Vera, and son, Walter, called at th< hospital Sunday to see Mrs. Pearl Dunker and new baby. Jdother ami son are doing fine. Calvin Brachn, Vincerft Casey, Joe 1 Sikes, Chauncey , Parker and Davi ' Walkington motored to Madison, Wis.. ; Saturday to see the foot ball game be- • tween Iowa and Wisconsin. i Mrs. C. Jepson, Mrs. A. W. Smith The McHenry members of the Izaak Walton league have called a meeting to be held at the city hall here at 7:30 o'clock next Monday evening, Nov. 24. If you would save a little hunting and fishing for yourselves, you are urged to join this league, of which McHenry has been admitted as a charter member. The lzaak Walton league is a nation wide organization of sportsmen who are trying to preserve for all times the hunting and fishing we have always enjoyed by correct game and fifch lajws. The fate of our wild game and fish now rests with the sportsmen of today. Everyone interested are kindly asked to attend next Monday night's meeting, at which time local officials hope to sign up a number of new members. A fine assortment of wool and wool mixed dress goods at Erickson's. BAND CONCERT TICKET "M SALE PROGRESSING RAPlDlS^:f The advance sale of tickets for tlM'/> benefit concert, to be given by and for l the McHenry band at the Easpiier theatre on Wednesday evening, Dee. 3, was opened last week. Members /_ of the band who have the tickets far* sale report that very satisfactory progress is being made in this dire©*- tion and, unless all signs tail, the empire theatre will be packed on this occasion. Large window cards, advef- * tising the event, are off the press and '; ^ are now being posted, while a house program is now in the hands of tlk» ' printer. The concert this year gives promise of surpassing all previous efforts and lovers of real music us assured of a rare treat on this occa» t sion. The Plaindealer hopes to p6blish the complete program in nest , week's'issue. WM-. • : • . * : Plaindealer ads bring resolta* 'IS*- RADIO A AND B BATTERIES "Will improve your Radio set w Insist on Exide Battcrifes fof your new Rad«0 W. L HOWELL & CO. Phone 101-R McHENRY, ILL. "-'la -:-Mm ANNOUNCING ui"day evening at the G. J. Burnett! and daughter, Mary, and Mfs. Brown given for the benefit of St. John's home. -of Rinjrwood attended the bazaar here thurch, will start next Sunday at the Mrs. Wilbur Cook and Miss Althea j Friday night. There were a number parish hall at one o'clock. The card: Cobb of Wauconda were Saturday; party, sponsored by the W. C. O. F.. afternoon callers at the W. E. Brooks^ Avill take place at two o'clock in the home. afternoon, for whIHi beautiful prizes Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell andj were donated. On Tuesday evening daughter, Mrytle, attended the M. E.; from Wauconda and Grayslake who attended the Volo bazaar. There was a large crowd in attendance at the supper and* bazaar at the Volo M. E. church last Friday evening. the fair will be continued and Wednes- supper and bazaar at Volo last Friday | The ladies wish to thank all those who day, Nov. 26, is set aside for the chil- evening. dren. On Thursday a Thanksgiving' dinner, will be served from eleven o'clock until all are served at 50 cents per meal and supper at 35 cents. Everybody welcome. Chance books will be raffled the 23, 25 and 27. OSTEND Begin your Christmas shopping early. The finest assortment ever at Erickson's. Myron Francisco and wife of Wau-, conda were calling on relatives here er ran£er- Mr. and Birs. Wm. Johnston and Mrs. Earl Johnston were business callers at Crystal Lake last Saturday afternoon. Mr' and Mrs. Harry Matthews were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Schlottman at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Granger of Crystal Lake spent last week Monday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. assisted in the work and also those that donated. The society cleared 5208.70. FULL STOCK OF t NOW CARRIED ' ' Vi' '•* ' / ' • * Let ns give a demonstration in your own home SATISFACTION GUARANTEED KNOX MOTOR SALES Lincoln Fordson IIIMIVIIMtMl Phones 30 and 31 McHENRY, ILL. "•*•*•2V •*••« * 7'3j Friday la$t. Elma Sherman and four little friends were out riding Sunday after-1 noon and called on the former's grandparents. j Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of: Crystal Lake were Saturday callers at; the Darrell-Matthews home. Miss! Myrtle Darrell returned home with j them. Mr. and Mrs. Hk E. Maiman of The farm house vacated last spring! WjH|<;ohda were Sunday'afternoon and t I its Leadership . Por the seventh consecutive year Buiclc has first choice of space at the National Automobile Shftws. This signal honor is awarded annually by the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce to the manufacturer-member having the largest volume of business for the preceding twelve months. In winning and in maintaining this enviable position year after year, Buick has demonstrated conclusively that the true value of any automobile is reflected in the consistency with which the public buys it. ' Since the introduction of the 1925 Buick models, public patronage ha* Increased to an even greater degree-- A tribute to the Buick engineering skill and manufacturing ability that have provided newer fltirf better Buick cars without departing in any way from the fundamentals of power, economy . awH dependability for which all Buicks have been famous. OVERTON & COWEN McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. by Gilbert Harris and family was oc cupied during the summer months, but is vacant again. | M ss Ammie Francisco is holding, her own pretty will. She has had nO| back seta for some time, cats and sleeps quite .naturally. • j Frank Kaiser and Joe Harrer at-, tended a sale west of Ringwood Tues* i day of last week and purchased sev- • eral pieces of farm machinery. The latest news from C. E. Martin | and wife they had been sight-seeing j in Washington, D. C., but before the j news reached Illinois they were many* j mile* from there. Some person or persons, who had; little to do on Hallowe'en, went to the j farm vacated by Don Hall and over-! turned the , outhouse, tore a door offj another building and did some other, rath<?r foolish tricks. Wairen Rouen, wife and little son of Belvidere drove over and spent the lemainder of the day in the Hobarti home, Mr. Rouen and Roy Hobart; "t-njryod a fe%v hours' hunting. Mr/ liquor, is a state game warden and had a chance to look after business also. TKRRA COTTA When better automobiles arc 'tiaik, B»uck . 'Pgji'j.Bl.j 11," : evening guests at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis and daughter, Frances, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their daughter, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Sr., were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Jr., of Waukegan and Walter Winkler of near Wauconda. Mrs. Henry Winkler, Sr., and daughter, Lillian, and son, Walter, were Sunday afternoon visitors of the former's daughter. Mrs. Dan Gilly, at Barrington. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, saw the basket ball game at the high school gym between Palatine and Wauconda last Thursday evening. Wauconda won the game. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews accepted the invitation and attended the meeting of the girls'club at Waucoi at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren a»d daughter, Corinne, Mrs. E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan were and John Blomgren were Sunday afttca'lers in Elgin Friday. ernoon guests at the home of Mr, and I Edward J. Knox of Aurora was a Mrs. Ben Walkinorton east of Volo. [caller at his home here Friday. John Clifford, George Wmdle and f , A fine assortment of wool and wool Al. Staples of Evanston spent a ck*y [ mixed dress goods at Erickson's. last week at the G. J. Burnett home, I Miss Lillian Ri ey of Chicago spent where they enjoyed the jSunday with her sister, Mrs. B. J. iiff- Mr. Staples remained until tjShine. , day. ] M. Knox and daughters, Florence; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and l and Mabel, called on relatives in Elgin daughters, Myrtle, Mildred Hoffman I i Sunday. 'and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal' +~ Eugene Leisner of Chicago spent Lake, motored to Spring Grove Sua^j /Sunday'with his sister, Miss Alice day and spent the day with Mr. and Leisnei". y Mrs. Reed Carr and Mrs. Fannie Carr.j J Miss Eleanor McMillan of Elgin Those from this vicinity who *tspeht Saturday and Sunday at her; tended the funeral of the late Mrs. j ' home' here. 1 Mary Monaghan at Wauconda last j Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Marie,, Thursday afternoon were Mrs. Wal-j visited relatives in Elgin from Friday lard Darrell, Mrs. Elvera Darrell, Mrs.] . until Sunday. ^ R. McGill, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Con-^ Raymond and Miss Lillian Riley t verse, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks, Mrs. j spent Saturday in Notre Dame andj Clara Smith and Oatis Phillips. The] attended the Notre Dame-Nebraska i deceased is a grandmother of football game. • * 1 Converse. reason's hunt- Open 8:00 a. m. to 5:30 nu Public Service Stores 10 p. m. Only $ JOO Down Delivered in Convenient AU'Stoei Com »!«• a month With Service Statement SHE IKON OF IRONS The Sunbeam is just the iron you have always wanted. Now, it's yours for only $1.00 down and $1.00 a month. Guaranteed heating element, cool, comfortable handle; perfect heat distribution and super-quality finish. You need ope extra good iron. * PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS G. E. McCOLLUM, District Manager 101 Williams St. Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 25 m-- m J t >*5 • •> 'r'-rV'v. W*

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