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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1924, p. 1

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MHMW sr.- • ,'•'••'• ""rf^SvW* ! •&• iK <&w* .-J&'&fi ; 4g££fjl VOLUMK 50 MoHRNRY. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 27. IM24 . * f'a •M»•-M - , •/> ; vr .4 f? • V ;• r-$r. WEEKLYJXCIiANCES: AS TAKEN FROM THE COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES GAME DINNER FOR WAR VtTS DOUGH BOYS GOING AFTER THE , - GAME NEXT SUNDAY ( A game dinner for all of the World war vets of this c ty and vicinity is to be served at the K. of C. hall next Tuesday evening. This announcement was made by E. R. McGee, newly elected commander of the McHenry American Leg'on I post, the first of the week and, accordi ing to plans, the members of the 10 REMODEL HOTEL TO TRANSFORM BUCH BUILDING INTO STORE ROOMS JiOOS S1HVXS MHOW--KAVVHCI DKI3H WOK XKSWaAOHdWl HOJ SKVld John J. Buch, who for many year* successfully operated the hotel bearing his name and .ocated near the Fox . rvyer bridge, with frontage on Rivetlegion are going out next Sunday to side Drive and Pearl street, is now having p'ans drawn up wh ch call for a decided change in the property. According to the plans the building is to be enlarged and remodeled so as owner three additional ASSORTMENT OF NEWS ITEMS IN fONOKNSEJ) fpUM FOR BUSY pkople _ .'M The total coat of the new sewer system'and paved streets at Genoa City, Ws„ was $118,68?.07. A. cow on the Morris McDonald farm, located near Wauconda, and tenanted by William Schmidt, recently'bring in the game which is to deck gave birth to three fine heifer calves. J the festive table on Tuesday night. One of these died, but the other two j This will be the first regular meetare healthy animals. j ng 0f the McHenry poet since the Ground was broken ft Waukegan J election of officers two weeks ago and: ^ „jve the last Friday for the erection by St,J Commander McGee, on behalf of the1 Joseph*8 parish of a new parochial! post, is extending an invitation to school. The structure will contain evefy ex-service man of McHenry eight rooms and an auditorium and, to vH ship to be their guest on that CO!j *68'000- .... ! occasion- Besides the feed some sort! to the south end"of the present build The Walworth county board has ap- 0f entertainment will also be provided1 propriated $120,000 for the building of | for the occasion. a concrete road from Lake Geneva, j The commander wishes to have it Wis., to Cooper s Corners, one mile | distinctly understood that there will be north of Will ams Bay. Work on the. no charge for the feed and also that project will start early next spring, j an ex-service men are invited to Two cases of leprosy were dis- i participate, whether or not they are covered in North Chicago last week now members of the McHenry post and arrangements were immediately jt SUrely does beg n to look as if PRRES TO SOON BE AWARDED TO WINNERS IN BETTER HOME LIGHTING CONTEST * H»e Better Home Lighting contests as far as the faany boys and girls who participated in it aae concerned, came to a close a week ago last Saturday. The e&ays and primers have been handfld in to the committee of judges, whose duty It now is to read each one over carefully and give it the rating it will bear in competition for the many wonderful prizes. According to Mr. Ober, local chairman of the contest, approximately fifty essays had been turned in up to closing tme November 15. The BAND C(MRT NEX1 BIG MUSICAL TREAT HERf NEXT WEDNESDAY EVENING AUTO RUNS DOWN FARM BOY McHENRY BAND, ASSISTED BY OUTSIDE TALENT, HAS PREPARED FINE PROGRAM The biggest and best musicrl treat ever offered the public here is in store for those who attend the concei t to be given by the McHenry band at the Emp're theatre in this city on Wednesday evening of next week, Dec. 3. The band, under the very able direction of Prof. W. N. Sears of B lrringstore rooms bes des the one now occu-l ful* w»s v«7 favo'abie and pied as a soft drink parlor. In order )local P™J»ve been awarded it« to bring about the desired result, itl!*^ £? will ing, which will make room for the contemplated store rooms, two of which are to be 18 feet wide%and 40 feet deep, while the third will be 20x40 feet. Mr. Buch, who, by the way, is the o'dest business man in point of years in the harness in that end of the city, ton, has been rehearsing for ti e conshowing made by McHenry^ boys and j cert during thf past several we< ks and those who have stopped in to li ten to some of these rehearsals are of the opinion that the local organization will be at its yery best next Wednesday night. According to band critics, M Henry can justly lay claim to one of ti e very best small city bands to be four.d anymade for the transportation of the victims, aged sixteen and eight years, to the United States leper colony on1 the Hawaiian Islands. The motorcycle cops of Lake county were agaiq laid off a week ago last Monday, due to the fact that the appropriations for the maintenance of this force has been exhausted. According to reports from Lake county, no mdre funds will be available for the hiring of motorcycle officers until next June. Fred Phiebe of Wauconda was given a year's sentence in the state penitentiary at Joliet, while Dennis Shelby, also of Wauconda, will have to serve a year at the Pontiac reformatory as' the result of the findings of the Lake county circuit. court. The two men' were charged with wronging little! the Legion post here is coming into its own and we predict that from now on there will be a decided'increase in the activity of that body as well as in its enrollment. ! The Legion has already accom- j plisbed many good things for the ex-service men of the country and with the co-operat5on of all World war veterans many more good things can and will be secured. Once more let us remind the ex-serv ce men that a grand feed will be awaiting them at the K. of C. hall on Tuesday evening, Dec. 2, and it is up to them to be present. McHENRY HOME UNIT {HJESTS OF MRS. EPPEL be necessary to add several feet tr,^re<i 1 '*• ,or national prises which will be awarded later. Names of electro league prize winners will be announced within a few weeks, or just as soon as the judges are able to give each esuy their full consideration. Mr. Ober wjjj j,e stated that all the essays that have manner> while outside talent will ..v been graded so far have been ex-; assjst in completing the evening's pro- ,h as great faith m rthje future of ZthZa'lt 'I tr,e mel*y well written and show thatj~rsim A j gram. the contestants had fully mastered | Besides the band numbers thire will the details required of them. Watch! vocai selections by the Brown this paper for further announcements j brothers of Chicago, who appeared in EDWARD MILLER VICTIM OF PAINFUL ACCIDENT Edward Miller, fifteen-year-olid sen of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Miller, who reside on the cement road near Lily Lake, was the victim of an automobile accident last Saturday afternoon, when the lad was knocked down and dragged a considerable distance by a passing automoble. The accident occurred between four and five o'clock. Edward, with his father, has been engaged in hauling gravel that afternoon., At chore time he jumped off the wagon and started for the barn, which is located on the south side of the cement h ghway. He had no more than started for the NO. 25 HEMS OMNTEREST AS PICKED UP BY PLAINDEAIS REPORTERS DURING WEEK WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING IN THIS CITf AND IMMEQUn VICINITY . -;i *-!!&•'" •••* The Plaircdealer for news. All kinds of winter apples. 118-R. No rural del!very of mall Thanksgiving. For comfort, Anchor Hot heaters at J. J. Vycital's. Vaudeville and pictures at the pire theatre Saturday and Sunday. Insure--in sure--insurance with Wm. G. Schreiner. Office at rsslbarn, after jumping from the gravel J dence. Phone 9S-R, McHenry HL wagon, before he was struck by an i Auctioneering. Mr. and Mrs. George Worts are occupying their comfortable new hocbe on R verside Drive, having moved into presented in a profe: sional-j end of town and therefore his decision \ to prov de space for new business which is certain to inhabit the street. Already he has been assured of one tenant, while he ant'eipates very litt'e trouble in getting occupants for the two others when once they are ready for ocfcupancy. The owner hopes to have the plans and all preliminary work completed so that actual work on the remodeling regarding awarding of pr zes. PRIVATE PEAT WILL BE two years ago. There will also be - NEXT LYCEUM NUMBER! class'cal dancing and one or two other ijnumbers of a very high class. An Priyate Peat, an internationally j effort is being made to* land the Brown brothers' saxophone sextette which made such a big hit at the last band known and highly able and renowned! lecturer, will appear in McHenry as the next number of the local enterproject may start very soon, thus as-jtainment course. He w 11 be heard at suring him of the completion of the' St. Patrick's hall on Monday evenimprovement by early6 spring. ing, Dec. 8. It is very rare that a Mr. Buch has not as yet decided as community the size of ours is given an to what changes, if any, will be made J opportunity of hearing such a splenon the second floor, which comprises j did speaker and it is the hope of the hotel part of the building. It is j Father McEvoy that the hall will be automobile and dragged a distance of about twenty feet before the machine was brought to a stop. Mr. Miller ran to his son who lay in same last week. the mud along side of the cement,! Temporarily and until farther MH where Some of the very highest which seems to indicate the machneltice, I am discontinuing my millinery class of music has been master >d and! struck the *** th« Pavement. In| store over the C. Unti ice cream PWthe excitement the driver of the car, aj lor. Mrs. John E. Freund. closed machine, made his get-away J Coming, a carload of round white without even offering assistance. j Minnesota potatoes, at 75 cents per Mr. Miller, together with his neigh-j bushel. Wm. Pries, McHenry, HL bors, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth, Leave your orders at the store, carried the unconscious young man to J Fancy work, aprons, comforters aid the house, where he was attended by vugs belonging to the Ladies' Aid can be seen at the home of Mrs. W. D. Wentworth, where they are on sa'e. Get your 1925 license application blanks at the Knox Motor Sales. We assist you in making them out. Ko charge. Knox Motor Sales, McHenry. Only three more issues in which to advertise your Chris, mas goods. Bat* ter prepare your advert'sing for next week's issue. Early Christmas ping is the order th s year. Get The officers and members of the | the concert given by the band about' Dr- D G- Wells of this TTp<,n examination it was found that the boy had suffered quite severe injuries to h s Tigad and face, while his left arm and r'ght leg also suffered bruises. The greatest injury was sustained about the mouth and Hps. One concert and if the band members are tooth was l°st> while another was unsuccessful in securing these musicians another act of equally as high order will be here. Advance tickets for the cencert are broken off and driven into his jaw and had to be extricated. Several stitches were requ'red to close up a lip wound. Shortly after the accident Mr. Tlie regular meeting of the McHenry unit of the McHenry County- "ft. Irene Sexton, a teacher in the! Home Bureau was held at the country Waukegan h'gh school, drove her car| home of Mrs. Fred Eppel on Monday thru the plate glass window of a res-, afternoon of this week, Nov. 24. „R.o l„l taursnt in that city one day last week ^ e*ch, when she stepped on the accelerator; "Pla.n.-* usefulness «t her pet of her machinf when she meant to; k'"h™ too • Mls. Loren -Martin apply the brakes. Tables were over-1 favored the with a p.ano selecturned ,s the patrons of the restau-: « »"• »h"( h »»s by rant scramb,,le d, f,o _r safety. vNr o one!, ph*ro"g*r am for the afternoon was Comwas seriously injured. I mun t/ Health" ,M,ss t Be f nne" According to reports from Lake | »n mlerestmg and instructive talk on county, condemnation proceedings are 'sanitary and health conditions of the to be started soon in order to secure home and community. The month of going well, we are told, and we would J Miller telephoned to John R. Knox in Lad e^' Aid society wish in this manadvise those who have not already j c'ty be on the watch for the j ner* to thank all who in any way supplied themselves to Het their tick-( machine and its driver, but evidently j helped with the bazaar and made it a not likely that any chants will be filled to overflow^ on this oceasion.! |"ST». » T~« -d Mi doors next Wednesday night. ! Henry. Mr. M ller was able to obtain' are now makiner their home in the The tickets are selling at one dollar! 'icense number and this is now be-' Mrs. Theo. Bickler house on Pearl made for the present, altho the owner may, at some future time, transform the space into flats. With our resort colony constantly on the increase and with new families moving into the lower end of town, Mr. Buch believes that Riverside Drive is destined to become what it was first planned to be--a live business section of McHenry. * , LADIES' AID BAZAAR A SUCCESSFUL VENTURE the right-of-way for route 20, between December will be set aside Waukegan road, via Half Day and |^»- Every "f»ber .s to Lake Zurick, to Barrington. This lirin£ a ffuest. A graduate nurse wul| prove(j a big success, both socially and The annual bazaar, as sponsored by the meinbers of the Ladies' Aid society and held at the M. E. church last Thursday afternoon and evening, stretch is to be paved next year and, be present to taU< oti "Community * Health." The guests of the afternoon . F. S. Rich, Mrs. Eppel, Sr., while most of the right-of-way has al- j ready been secured, there are a few ] were Mrs, holdouts in th£ vicinity of Half Day. | Mrs- LoreB Martln and Mi" N*U,e Antioch is one of the small towns Clemens. of this locality which can justly boast ( RURAL RESIDENT BUYS of one of the best and most active j LOT AND WILL BUILD Business Men's clubs to be found any-1 where. Monthly meetings are held John M. Phalin, one of this commuregularly and as a result of the activ-' nity's best known rural residents and ities of tliis body much good for the! who for many years has successfully village and community has already | operated a large farm south of this resulted. There is nothing that keeps! c'ty, has purchased a lot of H. H. Fay a community to the front better than | and expects to build a modern home* a good, active civic organization. j thereon early next spring. The lot is The Bowman Da ry company has j located on Maple avenue, just north announced that they will close their 0f the George Kuhn place. Work on Cary plant on December 1. About the new home, which will be of colon- 13,000 pounds of milk are being re- ;al design, will start early next spring ceived at the plant daily. This milk, j and upon its completion will be occuon and after December 1, will be cared p ed by the owner and his family. . for at the company s plants located at j^g^'py-FIVE ATTEND Crystal Lake, Wauconda and Barring-! ton, with the bu'k going to the Crystal • Lake factory. One by one the smaller milk bottling^plants in the Chicago, territory are being closed down. The' financially. Approximately 150 suppers were served, surpassing by far previous expectations of the ladies who worked so fa thfully to make the event a successful venture. During the evening a program was given, which proved highly enjoyable to the big crowd present. The entire receipts amounted to about $230, most of which will be clear, as the expenses were light. - ' R. N. A. CONVENTION HERE NEXT YEAR Members of the American Legion post as well as other ex-service men are planning on tendering Private Peat a recept'oh on his arrival in McHenry. The post wi'l have a reception committee at the depot to meet him and do everything to make his stay in McHenry a pleasant, one. Father McEvoy has gone to considerable expense in signing up the Private each and the entire net proceeds of the concert are to be turned into the band's fund. Like all other small town bands, the local organisation is experiencing its troubles in keeping together, -ot his experience While none of the members are really Peat number and It is to be hoped that! looking for financial gain, they have the people of McHenry and community j in the past not only given over their will show their appreciation of the j time gratis, but have also reached pastor's efforts in bringing to Mc- j down into their own pockets to meet Henry entertainments that are really I expenses. This should not be the worth while by their generous support. case. The least that the citizens of ing checked up. I street. Mrs. Bickler is making |pr The unfortunate victim of the acci-, home with her son, j. C. Bkkler. M dent is getting along nicely at this the McHenry House. wr ting and it is not expected that hej This local ty is this week expcriefte-> will suffer any ill effects as the result] ing its first siege of cold weather. The mill pond was frozen over for the first time on Monday morning of this week. It will not be long ere the skating days will be with us. M. E. CHURCH 19:00 a. m.--The church school. Mr. Duker meets an adult class at th's hour. This may be your opportunity. 11:00 a. m.--Morning worship. How do we worship? Do we know Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jencks and daughter, Ruth, left last week for gin, where they are now making their home. Mr. Jencks, until recently, . , . 1 | how to feel God? How do \fe have a; eneajred „ the rulomobile repair bosiof this, as well as the remaining l religious experience? Friends, it will,and Ewre-ce Rev. McEvoy is just a little j i be'important to y»ur comfort to comej Huck dissoived ^ SOCIAL WHEEL MEETING A very delightful meeting of the members of the Social Wheel was held , at the home of Mrs. T. J. Walsh ^ast l^lgefield plant closed down about »jThursday afternoon, with Mrs. Walsh ***"" a£°- B I acting as hostess. Twenty-five ladies Mrs. Manie Orent, fifty-five, of Chi-' Both Royal Neighbor camps of this city were very well represented at the ninth annual convention of the Royal Neighbors of McHenry county as held at Woodstock on Wednesday of last week. The morning program consisted of the sing'ng of "Apierica," devotions, roll call of convention officers. roll call and reports of camps and the b u s i n e s s s e s s i o n . T h e a f t e r n o o n s e s -j . sion included the address of welcome j ° and response and school of instruc- j ^.« held fey 80ciety th 8 fall. $34.00 was added to the chimes fund sa the result of this meeting. bers . , t disappointed with the co-operktionj.'t possible for the band men to pur- j an(j think about it. that he is receiving from the public! chase music, engage a leader and pay ^.qq p m Young people's social here, but hopes that better support,of j off the other incidentals without being A musical even ng is planned, the course will be expef'enced begin-1 ^ ^*8 down themselves. If a ning with the next number. The j fund of a few hundred dollars, can be course as booked this year is probably i created as the result of the coming the best and most expensive' ever | entertainment, the public is practically brought to a city the size of ours and I assured of another series of open air it looks as if these h gh-class enter- J concerts here next summer. Show- the band men that you appreciate their efforts by purchasing a ticket and turn out next Wednesday night and listen to one of the best mus'cal programs ever presented in McHenry. Purchasers of regular adm'ssion tainments should be better patron.zed. ALTAR AND ROSARY HOLD SOCIAL MEETING The members of the Altar and Rosary society of St. Patrick's church th?1 coupon tickets at Ray McGee's. This may be done now. SLAIN CHICAGO GUNMAN RAN BOHEMIAN €UJB cago passed away at the Victory Me-! morial hospital at Waukegan last1 Thursday morning from injuries sus-J tained in an automobi'e accident which were present to enjoy the hosp tality of their hostess. The next meeting will take place at the Universalist emplified in the evening. The Riverview camp of this city was aWarded the 1925 convention. P TUBERCULOSIS CLINIC The McHenry County Tuberculosis church parlors next Thursday after-1 agSociation, in co-operation with the held a social meeting at the home of j tjckets may have them exchanged for Mrs. Michael Knox at Terra Cotta lastj Saturday afternoon, there being about forty present to enjoy the genial hosp tality of the hostess. Cards and bunco provided the afternoon's enter- The imported l nen, donated by Mrs. C. j • Unti, was won by Mrs. D. A. Powers, j Aecording to Monday's Waukegan while Mrs. M. J. Walsh was the lucky Daily Sun, Eddie Tancl, Cicero gun- Thanksgiving basket, j man, who was shot and killed last The meeting proved one of the most j Sunday morning, was at one time the proprietor of the Bohemian club at Fox Lake. The Bohemian club, according to reports, was one of the real lively places of the Fox Lake territory. Tancl, recognized as one of the most conspicuous gunman in Ch'cago, met his death in a gun battle with two j i i *11 i noon, Dec. 4. Members are k.ndly, eounty Medical society, has invited occurred new- L.berqmll. three day. | ^ ^ „nd , goo6 prior to her death. The woman had a | premonition last summer, in whicfi she declared that she would die before Jan. 1, 1925. So strong was her belief Dr. George Thomas Palmer of Springfield to conduct an all day tuberculosis cl nic at Woodstock Dec. 4. The clinic will be held on the second floor 30HN BRDA INJURED John Brda, Green street tinner and Oat she would die before the year was! hardware store proprietor, was able of the court house in the office of the up that she selected her casket and to be out for the first time last Satur- county nurse. Anyone w.shing to a pa:d for it and had it put away at the ; day after having been confined to his ; tend the clinic. Please get in touch J . F . E u d e i l i s u n d e r t a k i n g r o o m s a t h o m e f o r t w o w e e k s on a c c o u n t o f a n ^ i t h M i s a i M a b e ^ ° 4005 South Hermitage avenue* Chi-| njury received while moving a stove Woodstock, so that she may knO j at Johnsburg. He was in the act of i just how many will be in attendance stove down a stairway; and arrange llie t me accordingly. TWO CHURCH FAIRS Both St. Mary's and St. John's ARRESTED FOR DISTURBANCE A number of boys were arrested for causing a disturbance at the C. Unti ice cream parlor last Thursday, . evening. The warrants we taken! acquamtances «t a^scrt he ^as oper out by the proprietor and the case atmK a icero. called for a hearing before Justice Wm. J. Welch last Saturday evening. However, two of the fathers of the boys asked for a week's cont nuance of the case, after which Atty. A. H. Excavation for the basement of moving the f. » ?• Li_L -_At ; ii-Uan Vta Pouse, representing the complainant, asked that the case be dismissed entirely and at the same time declared that another course would be followed in the prosecution. It is quite likely that the case will be taken over to Woodstock- ATTENTION. EX-SERVICE MEN Ex-service men of McHenry and KLANSMEN PASS THRD An automobile,& carrying a number of Klansmen, dressed in full regal a' Catholic church. Both fairs with the exception of > the hoods,; on Sunday and will come to passed thru this city between seven! this (Thursday) night. Marengo's new community high school^when he lost control of same, with the bvilding was started last week. It is result that it fell against his right side^ ^ _ the hope of the contractor to have the and limb. While he is again able to fa ra are now in full session foundation completed within the be up and aVound, it w 11 probably be e former ia held at stoffel's commUnity, who have not as yet filed course of Uje next three or fourfUnother week or two before he will be J ^ for the benefit of St. Mary's their applications for the Illinois church of this city, while the latter is compensation, are requested to do so in progress at the parish hall, Johns- without further delay. Notice has burg, for the benefit qf St. John's | heen issued by the Illinois service started j recognition board that these applications must be in on or befpre January 1. If you are an ex-service man and don't know how to go about it to _ _ j make this applicat on, we are certain i 7*. burning cross "were M « weeks, after which the bricklayers will able to perform outside work. go onto the job. Andrew Linquest, Marengo contractor, has been given the contract for the erection of the structure. With the exception of the heating, plumbing and l;ghting, the cost cf the building wi'.l be $90,593.00.1 HT^t 0'clock last Thursday even- i ners and suppers ing. ™ -Near & Co. of Chicago, the purchasers.] Jiis the result of the sale of the bonds, | ^ s_ $135,220.42 has been turned over to the treasurer of the school board. Of this sum $125,000 represents the bonds, $6,835 the premium derived ftom their sale and $3,885.4* accrued interest. Tancl is the second gunman to be killed within the past two weeks, both of whom passed cons derable time in this river and lake region. These developments cause one to wonder how many more of the underworld characters of Chicago make the lake region their play ground during the summer season. HEARD NEWCASTLE OVER RADIO TUESDAY NIGHT 6:00 p. m.--Supper is served. Epworth league folks may come here for their evening meal. 6:30 p. m.--Epworth league meeting. George Reynolds will lead the meeting. All young people are welcome. On Saturday evenings McHenry folks like to be entertained. We are planning something very good for Saturday, Dec. 6, at 7:45 p. m. Edward Br'gham is an entertainer of national fame. He can make you laugh, think and give you an inspiration. He p'ays before audiences from Maine to California and dates about Chicago are few. You will not want to miss this. Members of the finance committee will meet on Saturday evening, Nov. 29, at 7:30 at the home of Albert Reynolds. * Choir rehearsal is to be on Wednesday evening at the hpme of Albert Reynolds. The men of the church will meet at the parsonage on Friday evening, Nov. 28, at 7:30. All men are inv ted. Lambert J. Case, Pastor. MRS. FRED LANG DIES SUDDENLY VW3V L- - Vlic uu-tuiiig «*•» MV yvv,wvu.vv. i ^ ^ The bonds for the building have been f__ e!Jhe O foil0wing morning storiesj both places today, a close Chicken d'nwill be served at! W. L. Howell reported to The Plaindealer that he had heard Newcastle, England, over the radio on Tuesday evening of this week. Mr. Howell had the foreign station at 10:45 and was able to hold them for about five minutes. He recognized the Italian opera of "Rigoletto." The station was heard over a five tube Grebe synchrophase. One story had it that a large j g church will sponsor an eritertaincross was burned in the vie nity of the |.ment t0 be given by Edward Br'gham Fox dance pavilion, but upon invest,*jat the church on Saturday evening, gation we found that the report Was j g The program will consist of FIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH The services at the First Univer- . . . . , salist church of this city for Sunday, The Ladies' Aid society of the M.!tha^ ^ . ^Henry American Legion, November 30, will be as follows: post officials will be o to assist you too pleas@4- utterly void of foundation. musical selections and A big selection of Christmas gifts i Everyone #l gliffdially and toys now on display at Vycital's. tend.' _ readings, to at» BASKET SOCIAL A basket social and program will take place at Lincoln school on Thursday evaning, Dec. 4. Carolyn Steffes, Teadfpr* Ten a. m., Sunday' school. Graded; classes, experienced . teachers. 11:00 a. m., morning worship. Rev. Lambert Case, the pastor, will preach on "True Success." What is true success and how can it be attained? Come and join In the serrfoe with us. He and Lawrence partnership a short time ago. * Ed. Nordin has rented the Bridget Relihan farm sooth of and will move onto the place spring. Mr. Nordin, during the put several years, has worked the Martin Bros.' farm northwest of this city and is considered one of the best fsrBiWH in th s section. / A dandy crowd of dancers tuias4 out at the Polly Prim tavern last Saturday evening, the second dance af the fall season. It begins to look wm if the Polly Prim dances are going to grow very popular with the yang people of McHenry and the surrnnwiing cities and towns. Sam J. Frazer has returned hMM from the West Side hospital in Chicago, where he recently underwent an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Frazer is making a slow but satisfactory recovery from the effects of th* operation. It will probably be another few weeks before he will be able to resume activity. Elgin has set out to bring vehftcls tax del nquents to time and make thMS pay up. McHenry, we are told, alao has a number of vehicle owners who J have not as yet paid in the r 1924 tax. ! In justice to those who have paid to | and in order to make next year's collections easier, the McHenry d«U>. quents should also be made to pay. Mrs. Nellie Bacon is now nicely settled in her new quarters ever the A. & P. store, where she is again serving her patrons and the public as hereto- Mrs. Bacon,jsince engaging in city. Mrs. Fred Lang, sister of John Schaid of this city and George Schaid, who resides southeast of town, passed away quite suddenly at her late homej in Chicago at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday! fore. morning of this week. Mrs. Lang re-! the restaurant business in this tired Tuesday evening at about eleven j has built up a very nice trade and bar o'clock apparently jn good health and | patrons will find the new quartan the news of her sudden death came as | very pleasant and the service of tiba a great shock to her relatives and j best. many friends in and around McHenry., Mrs. Bridget Relihan, who recently The funeral will take place in Chicagoi held a sale on her farm south of town« next Saturday afternoon. moved to this city last Saturday and is D OF A. TO INITIATE j "ow mak "« her h^lne in ^ house ^ r. * a - -1.1 purchased from George Worts some Joyce Kilmer court, D. of A„ wiU; t_me ^ Thl, home, a compacthold init ation of new members at the. Qew ^ b locat(d on K. of C. hall Tuesday evening, Dec. 9 | avenue Mrs. Relihan-S rfster, The court has been quite active of late j Cather ne Frisby, will contane in the solicitation of new members j and as a natural consequence enough; candidates have been secured to make possible the holding of the coming initiation. TO SPONSOR CARD PARTY The members of Joyce Kilmer court, D. of A., of this city will sponsor a public card party at the K. of C. hall on Saturday evening, Dec. 13. \ npara- % naeflr make her home with her. The 110 patrons of the A. J. Olson milk plant at Woodstock are ap la arms because they received but $2.00 per hundred for October m lk delivery, A meeting of the patrons was held ia the city hall a week ago last Sunday and last Sunday they met with tha patrons of the Borden p'ant. The Olson patrons insist that they should be Christmas gift sale of pillow cases and 1 paid the price as agreed upon by the aprons will also be held in connection.! dealers and Milk Producers' associaMore particulars later. ption. which is 9&40 par * .py' l Mi

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