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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Nov 1924, p. 5

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mm. \T^'.. \ •* < ^ ?- r-.^"^ "/t <*-** {f «;>, ,> ,.>tr»! rs^*r -i' "r.. #i .• v<?.%r*i «iu liiHii Hiii T •hMlMliii VOLO J. Walton spent Monday in Waukegan. Mrs. Josephine Wagner was in Mc- Henry Tuesday. . . Miss Catherine Henkd was la Ltbertyville Friday. Fred Converse, is in Wisconsin buying cattle this week. Mrs. Vincent Martin was confined to her bed all last week. The county nurse visited the Brick school one day last week. Howard Converse and family ware Chicago shoppers Wednesday. Forty hours' devot on started at tin Catholic church here Sunday. Mrs. P. Stadtfeld spent three days last week visiting in Chicago. ' A fine assortment of wool and wool mixed dress goods at Erickson's. Mrs. F. H ronimus and Mrs. Chas. Haas were in McHenry Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Converse spent a few days last week visiting in Chicago. . Mrs. Gussie Townsend and son, Dell, were Waukegan shoppers Tuesday. Will Richardson of Grayslake spent Sunday at the John Brimer home. Bert Tromblee has secured employment in. a meat market at Waukegan. S. J/ Russell and Phil Maitnan were Waukegan business callers Wednesday. M visi da5>/ V •- • . Mr. and Mrs Lee Huson and daughters were Waukegan stoppers Saturday. A large crowd from here attended j the card party at Round Lake Tuesday: night. i E. H. Aiansfield of Chicago spent j the week end at the Ben Walk°ngton; home. Mrs. Anna Adams and Mrs. Lee W lliams visited Mrs. Ruth Townsend> Wednesday. . j Sunday school will be at 9:30 a. m. j at the M.'E. church Nbv. SO. Every-j body come. t j Mrs. Frank Vincent . of Chicago j spent the week end with her father, | Fred Dunnill. . I Mr. Lucas moved from the Ffedi Do we'I farm to a place near Gurneej last Saturday. ! Laura Granger of Chicago is visit-] ing her sister, Mrs. Sadie Brimer, to*! day (Monday).. Wm. Vanderboom has been plowing for Lee Huson with his tractor a few days this week. ,Mike Wagner reports the b'rth of a grandson at the home of John Wagner west of Volo. ' | There will be preaching at the M. E. \ church next Sunday evening, Nov. SO. Everybody come. Elmer and Ivan Zuelsdorf of McHenry spent Saturday with the F. Hironimus fam ly. Mrs. Osgood and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Russell were Waukegan shoppers last Thursday. Miss Esther Russell and gentleman friend saw "Yolanda" at Libertyville Wednesday night. Mrs. Frank Wilson and daughter, Beatrice, were McHenry business visitors last Saturday. Mrs. S. J. Russell and daughters, Esther and Alice, were Waukegan shoppers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith and daughter, Rachel, spent Wednesday last with Mr. and Mrs. 'Earl Townsend. Frank Dowell and wife of Elgin visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Dowell, over the week end. We are now showing A lager and more complete line of rubber footwear than ever before. Erickson's store. The auction sale on the Dev Smith fafm Saturday had a large attendance. Miss Orpha RUssell, Miss Ruby Peterson and M ss Larson attended the. teachers' institute at Lake Bluff Saturday. Peter Wegener returned from the hospital Tuesday. His many friends are glad to see him getting along so nice'y. Little Letah Benwell is now able to sit up a little while each day. The other Benwell children have returned to school. Mrs. D. V. Wait and Mrs. L. V. Lusk visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Harold Stroker, at Wa'uconda, on Wednesday last. Ben Walkington is busy shredding corn these days. Not many farmers in this vicinity are bothered ( I) with this job this year. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilson and family attended the supper and bazaar given by the M. E. church at McHenry last Thursday evening. Mrs. Jennie Cossman of Ringwood and Mrs. Grace Kirwan o^ this place vis;ted tfie former's daughter, Mrs. Molidor, at Round Lake Thursday. Mrs. J. Engeln and Mrs. P. Engeln and daughter, Lorraine of McHenry, Mrs. F. Hiron mus and MPB. Chas. Haas were Waukegan shoppers Wednesday. Mr. Grover and son, Wilfred, have returned from their tr p east, where they seeured a patent on a sanitary milk pail cover, which they now have for sale. Miss Raether and Miss Johnson attended the teachers' institute at Lake Bluff Saturday and from there motored to Milwaukee and spent Sunday with telat ves of the former. The farmers of this vicinity who have recently purchased new 15-30 International tractors are John Vasey, Howard Converse, CI fford Benwell, V. Duetzler and L. V. Lusk. These tractors were all purchased of Dell Smith of Round Lake. . ^ A party of curiosity seekers from Colorado stopped "at the home of Frank Hironimus Friday afternoon to view the dairy barn. Altho middle) aged people, they had never had the, opportunity to v'sit a dairy barn and see cows stanchioned up before.. Miss Baxter of Evanston organize-! I the Young People's association <m Suti-1 Mb tikit •*. , v are now showing a larger and more complete line of rubber footwear! '***], than ever before. Erickson's store. Buy your winter potatoes now, 90c per bu. in lots of one bag or more, 5c extra delivered. Erickson's, S" %*-'East Side Service and' w *v Transfer Station Herman Schaefer A Co., Props. ;^|feneral Garage Intone 49 Moving - McHENRY, ILL. Telephone No. 108-R. SIMON STOFFEfc Insurance agent for all classed of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, ii ILLINOIS f*«nel«2 T"' * • • • • cHenry, The Best Service AlWay*1 Phone 126-W. * Reasonable Bate BERNHARD POPP Expert Shoemaker ftliriois SCHAEFKR "'v-f' Draying WK,« , 5 Flu1ff anpdn pRpag Ro(t made to order I'HONP IRT . D. I VII WEST McHENRY McHENRY. ILLINOIS wmm TOWNSHIP MUTUAL FIRE INSL RA^CE CO. I IKS* ranee for Fit-M and Rcudnuc; ' - Property 1 • 3-'died Protection at Low • I ., ^ ' Agents i McHenfy, Michael Freund^. phone |48- j 4; John?burg, Ringwood. M. N. i Schmitt, phone B23-R-1; Spring Grove and Richmond, Fred Meyers. i Ahealthy, pleasant and economical Habit--• " Quiets nerves-- Sharpens wits--- Preserves the teeth?** - Aids digestion. -V Chew BEECH. NUT Chewing Tobacco. First aid to efficiency everywhere and costs so little. Have vou tried it? Over250 Million , f packages Sold in « Single Year TH SHO LINE To CHICAGO From McHenry--Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trailis taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." Lv. McHenry 7:35 cum., 11:35 a.m., 2:35 pan., 7:00 pJtt. Lv. Grays Lake 8:18 a.m., 12:18 p.m., 3:18 p.m., 7:43 pjn* Arr.Waukegan 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 8:25 p.«n; Arr. Chicago 10:22 a.m., 2:17 p.m., 5:17 pjn.f 10:17 P4B* Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R. E. Co. IKkKT ( >imliiwestern Hot* 1 OFFICES f McHenrv M-R 1'Miry Hmise McHenry IK Sealed! to protect Buick performance Buick's chassis is sealed. Iron and steel housings protect the operation of all driving parts--seal them in to safeguard Buick performance. //ere are the vital points at which Buid^eniineering provides this extra protection: A FAN HUB--Fan bearing totally enclosed-- lubricated by its own gear pump. A MOTOR --Steel cover keepe water irom short-circuiting spark plugs. Steel cover over valve-in-head mechanism keeps dust out, oil in. ©STARTER-GENERATOR-- Delco "ingle unit starter-generator completely housed in single housing. Starting gears housed with flywheel A FLYWHEEL-- C o m p l e t e l y housed. Starring teeth protected irom rpad damage and arainmUtion of mud and dirt. A TRANSMISSION --Completely protected. Shifting mechaniem holes sealed. ©UNIVERSAL JOINT -- Com pletely encased in ball joint at front end o! torque tube--lubricated automatically from trans ©CLUTCH apia disc • p*M wt_y_ In oun.a1 . Mul- ©PROPEtLtR SHAFT -- Buick's third member drive, which is a torque tube, completely encloses the propeller shaft. It iS impossible for road dirt to work irom the shah into the universal joint or rear axle. rtfc REAR AXLE ~ Floating type, totally enclosed in re - axle housing. K-15-17 N OVERTON & COWEN McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. ' {""j" • yka« better tw bufl^ Bokk will bofld dial Joe Vogt and daughter, Mary, I Mrs. CI fford Benwell Wednesday evening at the M. E. church. On Dec. 13 she will be here and wants to meet all the young people of the community for a soc al evening. She plans on being with ns one evening each month. Rev. Mr. James, pastor of the Volo and Grayslake churches, expects to leave Thanksgiving for Missouri, where he has accepted a better position. The people of Grayslake and Volo will join in giv ng him a farewell party Wednesday evening, Nov. 26, at the community hpuse in Grayslake. Everybody welcome. JOHNSBURG V : Frank Kempfer motored tb Chicago Monday. Mrs. Josephine Frett is spending a week at Springfield, 111. Wm. Althoflf transacted business in Chicago Tuesday of this week. George Tonyan was among the Chicago passengers last Saturday. A fine assortment of wool and wool mixed dress goods at Erickson's. A full line of Christmas fend New Year cards at John J. VycitaV's. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffl ng motored to Chicago Friday to visit relatives. Otto and Nick Adams sj ent the latter part of last week in Chicago. Alex Adams spent Saturday and Sunday at Waukegan and Highland Park. Some of our school boys were skating on Tuesday for the first time this season. Misses Coletta and Paul'ne Freund of Chicago spent Sunday at their home here. Another social meeting will be held here on Dec 14 for' the men and lady Foresters. i Begin your Christmas shopping early. The finest assortment ever at' Erickson's. , j Mr. and Mrs. George Michels andj fam'ly were visiting with relatives in| McHenry Sunday. j R. G. Varney and Alex Adams j motored Highland Park and Chicago Sunday atfernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pitfcen and fam-j iiy were Sunday guests in the home j of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff. Mrs. Peter Miller and family vis-} .ted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred i P. Freund Saturday afternoon. A large crowd attended the Smith- King wedding dance at Kempfer's hall here last Wednesday even ng. Mr and Mrs. Math, tay of Spring Grove visited their parents. Mr. atid | Mrs. Stephen F. Schmitt, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guyser visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart in McHenry Saturday evening. Miss Verona Smith and Joseph Huff were married Tuesday morning at nine o'clock by Rev. Wm. Weber, pastor of St. John's church. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund. Mr?.! Henry Hetterm^nn, Mrs. Ben Tonyan j and Miss Agnes Hettermann motored' to Waukegan last week Friday. Wm. AlthofT has ajain received a; good line in men's overs; also children's four buckle and ladies' four buckle over shoes and one buckle for little ch ldren. Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes, Mr. andj Mrs. Joseph Adams, Otto, Math., Alex, | Alfonse Adams, Mr. Varney, Gene-| vieve Adams and Mar e Mertes visited j Mr. anil Mrs. Peter Schaefer Sunday, i Mrs. George Frett was taken to the hospital at Woodstock last Saturday night around twelve o'clock suffering from blood poisoning, caused from an operation on a carbuncle on her knee wh ch she had undergone over a month ago. \ Jacob Drymiller and Wm. Oeffling motored to Ch cago Saturday. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mis. Joseph Guzzarde of Chicago, who visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Oeffling, until Monday morn ng.' Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund were tendered a surprise last week Wednesday by their children, the occas on being the fiftieth anniversary of their wedded life. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen, Mt. and Mrs. John Rauen and son, Arthur, of Spring Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Lew Bishop and daughter, Jeanette, and Miss Emma Freund of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Freund and family, Mrs. Freund's two sisters, Mrs. Peter W.lliams and Mrs. Martin Freund. TKIUIA COTTA A fa* lot of wool sweater coats at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Conway were Chicago visitors last Friday. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan visited relat.ves at Carpentersville Sunday. Raymond J. Riley is spending a couple of days with relatives in Chicago. Eugene Leisner of Chicago «pent Sunday with h s sister, Miss Alice Leisner. Miss Eleanor Walsh of McHenry visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs. M. Knox, Sunday. Miss Florence Knox spent last Thursday even ng at the home of H. Rapp at Crystal Lake. Mesdames Ed. Kelter, M. A. Sutton agd Albert Purvey of McHenry called on friends here recent y. Miss Eleanor McMillan is ill andj unabTe lo attend to her school duties] at the Ellis business college. , j Buy your winter potatoes now, 90c per bu. in lots of one bag or more, 6c: extra delivered. Erickson's. i Vernon J. Knox, in company with three other Crystal Lake high school students, spent several days last week at Champaign in the interests of the Illinois Press association. Roy Ellison, a tenant on- a farm near Wilmot, Wis., has made a getaway after having cashed forged yfaylr« totalling several hundred dol- Wfim family waa-krft jtbaadonad. SLOCUM LAKB Bert Dowell was a business caller at Libertyvilla^Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L- Brooks were Libertyville business callers Friday. M Idred Hoffman was a business caller at Crystal Lake Tuesday afternoon Begin your Christmas shopping early. Hie finest assortment ever at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kirk of Elgin are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk George Eatinger of near Wauconda spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and Alma Dowell were Grayslake callers last Thursday afternoon. George Passfield of near Crystal Lake was a Tuesday evening ca'ler at the Darrell-Matthews home. Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent Wednesday and Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and Wm. Brooks of Waukegan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lou's Rhom in. Mildred Hoffman and Miss Orpah Morlock attended the card party and dance at Round Lake Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk an 1 two children and Joe Kirk spent 1'riday with relatives at Aurora and 0; wego. Mr. and Mrs. Harold B'.omgri n and' Mrs. E. Auderson were Crystal Lake j business callers Wednesday afte- noon. Mrs. McGill and son, Farrell. Mrs.! Earl Converse and daughter, Fr inces,| were Crystal Lake callers Sunday aft-; ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk an:' two children were Saturday evening «. alters* at the home of Mr. and Mi Joe Dowell. i Wi'.lard DarrejU was a dinner guest at the home of his daughter, Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews, »t Crystal Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Kirk and ehil-j dren and Glen Kirk spent Thursday evening with Mr and Mrs. Dean Kirk at Wauconda. / Mr. and , Mrs. lid. Pfannenstill of Area were feunday dinned and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J W. Pfannenstill. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary and son | of Fremont Township were Saturday, ! afternoon callers at the home of the ; former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and two I Children of Crystal Lake were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mrs. Anna B'.oomfield and daughter. Marjorie, and Wm. Kay of Elgin were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the J. W. Pfannenstill home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were among the dinner guests entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Rowley at Crystal Lake Sunday. ' Mr and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer and son, Stanley, of McHenry were'Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mrs. E. Anderson went to Chicago Wednesday, where she will spend Thanksgiving and the fol'.owing week with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Bagley. Miss Orpah Morlock and Mildred Hoffman were in Crystal Lake Thursday evening and saw M lton Sills in "The Sea Hawk" at the Gem theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, were Sunday afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter. Myrtle, and Russell Patch saw the basket ball game between Wauconda and Wilmot at the high < school gym Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mildred Hoffman attended the reception given Rev. and Mrs. Scheider at the community house Monday even!ng. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mildred Hoffman attended worthy matrons' night at the Libertyville chapter, O. E. S., Friday evening. Mrs. Matthews filled the office of warder for the evening. Miss Orpah Morlock spent Saturday even ng and Sunday with her sister, who teaches in the Murrie district and accompanied her sister to Rosecrans Sunday afternoon, where they were supper guests at the home of their parents. Mrs. William Johnston was hostess to the members of the Ladies' Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. Earl Johnston on last Thursday afterribon. The usual work was done. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the afternoon. There were forty-n'ne present. Mesdames Frank Dickson and Andrew Sorensen of Wauconda will entertain the members of the Auxiliary next Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Earl Johnston was hostess to the members of the Wauconda Girls' club, of which She is a member, at her home Tuesday evening. A few friends were also invited. Sewing and social chat made the early part of the evening pass quickly. Mrs. Johnston had) provided crepe paper and a cap mak-^ 'ng contest was held. Miss Esther j Lamb was awarded the prize for mak-; ing the best cap and Miss Delia Kir-; wan received the consolation for mak-, ing the most comical creation. A few of the gentlemen who had been asked to stay acted as judges. A delicious two course luncheon was served at the close of the evening. Insure -- Io Sure - losortnce Wm.G.Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE McHENRY, III. p v- "EXIDE" „ RADIO A AND B BATTERIES Will improve your Radio set ^ Insist on Exide Batteries for your new Radio r W. L HOWELL & CO. Phone 101-R McHENRY, WE SELL : ... V. • .. , • Janfesville Overalls at, ^ach - _ 1.65 JanesviJle Shirts at, each .. _ ,A --90* Rollings Silk Hose for .y/qm^ 85c. RoitiiTs New Patent Run stop Silk Hose _ _ 2.25 Those Men's Work Socks we sell at 20c per are sure good, black or brown. ^ Buy Converse Rubber Goods, we sell them. We sell the same Coffee we always had, onl price changed, now, lb 42c. 50c. 55c fc- si ;' "M .V, •m Win a FREE Battery for Your Car HAVE you an your car? <M batt*y in Register with us your name and the date you bought your battery-- regardless of its size or make. We will give, absoJu testy free, a e Better Battery' to the person who has in his car the oldest storage battery still giving service. If you need a new battery before this offer closes, buy a Globe. Should your old battery prove to be the oldest one registered, we will refund the amount you pay for your new battery. [You cannot buy a better battery' than the Globe. It is famous for longer life and better service., This offer closes JANUARY 15 HETTERMANN BROS. ] a CENTRAL GARAGE JOHNSBURG I An Exhibit of Fine Aluminum Ware Your interested attention is invited to an unusually complete assortment of VIKO, The Popular Alumium, which we are now showing. We know you will be delighted with the great variety of different articles. There are scores of them, for all sorts of uses. You will be impressed, too, with the beauty and quality of these splendid utensils. There's nothing like the thick, hard aluminum oi which \^IKO utensils are m ide to insure lasticg wear " and satisfaction. Perhaps you will besu prised - ntt how moderately priced VIKO is. Honestly, we don't believe that any better value ^prists. Confidential, to a lew fortunate ones.'-- There ai e some $ quart VIKO sauce pan?, . with cover, which wt* are -i^*elling for 79c. They should be $1.05. ^'e haven't nearly enough of theaa.Comeeari\) JOHN J. VYCITAL PHONE 9S-M ANCHOR HOT BLAST H E A T E R S M "•is m • h - i

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