r mj RINGWOOD Begin your Christmas chopping early. The finest assortment ever at Erickson's. Mr., and' Mrs. Harold Kelley of Bel< vide re spent Thanksgiving with his parents here. Miss Agnes Bigelow went to Sun •ik-- V m; fy-i " I s#':' I: • I1-- * I'll;.' l| V-, •r * • •* TV*:v:^T^*V . V »ai-' v ^ fox River Valley State Bdnk The Three C's--Character, Cash and Credit The greatest of these! is Character, because it enables you to get-the other two, if you have some ability to mix with it. When the bank is acquainted with your .{imracter and your cash is on deposit there, you are in position to command credit 'Fhen you are In a fair way to succeeded Dr. D. G. Wells, President BOARD OF DIRECTOR! Wm. Smith N. H. Petesch Wm. Welch Ray McGee Wm. Pries John R Miller Dr. D. Gw Wells 3% Paid on Savings Accounts J. A. Conrad, Cashier Hake Your Home Pleasant With Good Furniture RUGS Really good furniture will give you comfort, the satisfaction of long wear, and the great pleasure of an attractive home, furnished in good&iste* LINOLEUM UNDERTAKING !fW M--- "if* JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY. ILL. I ;• - " I ^HE reason our ice cream has grown so popular and is now considered the finest and best obtainable anywhere is because of the fact that nothing but the purest and most wholesome foods go into its making. First of all our cream undergoes one of the most complete tests known to the creamery world before it reaches our factory. The cream is sediment tested, pasteurized and goes thru all of the various operations known only to the most modern scientific methods of purification. We do not use powder in any form. After the cream reaches our plant it goes thru a spotless process while in the course of being made into ice cream. Every piece of machinery in our modern plant is of the very latest type and design and undergoes a thoro cleansing after every operation while our modern cooling system keeps the product at the correct temperature until ready for delivery to the customer. We pride ourselves on the completeness of our modern plant and invite inspection at any time, famand the best by calling for McHenry Ice Cream. * WHOLESALE PHONE 79-M to;::' McHENRY S HOWE OF AMUSEMENT *WE CAN T PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" ifo^RSDAY. DCCEMBCft 4l John Gilbert -INMan's Mate AND COMEDY TK BOUSE THAT tUINED r*i. and sat ': oec. s and ea May Time With a Star Cast AND COMEDY THE TELEPHONE GIRLS •.f^T. A SUN., DEC 6 * 7 BIG TIME I v VAUDEVILLE SPEUAL SUNDAY MATINEE Prices tic-Ac Prairie, Wis., last week to y*8** her mother, who is ill. Mr. Thompson of CMfgo spent Sutday with his children in the hone of Miss Ellen Hall. Julian Butler of Chicago spent Thanksgiving with his sister, Mrs. P. A. Hitchens, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edaon Hodge entertained the former's sister, Mrs. Wright, from Lake Geneva the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Antcliff of Richmond ate Thanksgiving dinner with their daughter, Mrs. Clay Rager, and family. J. V. Buckland departed Friday morning fo^s the sunny south, where he expects to spend the winter. He went in company with his niece, Mrs Dickerson, and family from Iowa. C. D. Bacon was a Thanksgiving guest of his daughter, Mrs. Ray Bartholf, and family at Richmond. Mrs. Baftholf accompanied him home on Thursday evening, returning to her home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Harrison; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison and Mr. and Mr. Charles Peet were among the dinner guests last Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinse at Crystal Lake. • , The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. Charles Peet next week on Thursday instead of Wednesday. Please note the change in days. Everybody is welcome. A one o'clock luncheon will be served. The basket social last Wednesday night brought the school $47, which will be used for hot lunches. The program given jointly by the school and the Cable Piano company of Elgin was thoroly appreciated by a good' sized audience. There will be a community Christmas tree in the M. W. A. hall on Wednesday evening, Dec. 24. The program will be given by the school children. Remember the date and place, as Santa Claus will be there with a well filled sack, containing a present for all the children. The Home Bureau met with Mrs. A. W. Smith on Tuesday. Miss Mirian Bennett, county advisor, was present and gave a talk on the preparation of food for the sick and invalids, which was appreciated by all. The Health chairman gave a paper of special interest to mothers and the food chairman read an article on sugar and the making of candy. After the program the advisor gave instructions in stitches used for dress trimmings. There was a good attendance and they adjourned feeling that this had been a very profitable meeting as well%s Interesting to all. SOLON MILLS A fine lot of wool sweater coats at Erickson's. McKinley Hodge of Lake Geneva was a business caller here Friday. Alfred Parker of Chicago spent Thanksgiving with his family here. Mrs. Clay Hardy . and daughter, Emily, were Chicago shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanborn were business callers in Harvard one day last week. Mips Emily Cole, who is attending normal at DeKalb, spent Thanksgiving with her parents here. Gus and Stanley Aim of Chicago were guests in the Mrs. Victor Aim home over Thanksgiving. Mrs. Geo. Westlake and son, Charles, were Sunday callers at Jas. McCannon's home at Wilmot. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gardner, accompanied by their son, Robert, were business callers in Elkhorn Friday. Earl and Ada Monear returned home Friday after spending the week here in the Jas. Jackson home. , MONEY TO LOAN--On good secur Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Overton and fam- ity. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 26 ilyof Milwaukee ate Thanksgiving! FQR SALE_Several spotted Poland dinner at the W. H. Gardner home Mrs? Josephine Heimer returned Hiome Monday evening from a few days' visit with Chieasjr relatives. .SUNDAY. OEtEM^Ell 7 I Children of Jazz i^phrilling and Dramdljfc * : '£• AND THE COMEDY , , "THE MANDRAItt M1XUP" MATINEE AT 2.30 TUES. ft WED.. DEC. 9 * lO Warner Bros. Attraction Flaming Passions AND THE COMEDY WHY HEN WORK THURSDAY, DEC. 11 Fred Thompson IN Thundering Hoofs Coming Dec. 15, 14,17 PftE&rNTb JPARMODEUS CCTGIOUNZt CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT McHenry Ice Cream McHENRY ICE CREAM COMPANY Auction Sale! Wm. G. Schreiner, Auctioneer On account of other business interests and being unable to carry on, farming, the undersigned will sell at I a^80 cul"tain stretching, public auction on the farm known as l <lu'reThe Plaindea er office. 25-lt* the Emil Thurm place and situated two miles northwest of McHenry, on the Ringwood road, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER fc 1924 commencing at sine o'clock, the follow- *22 HEAD OpYlVESTOCK 22 j reAl'eJtaTEIME h° BUY --Consisting of- • |?EAL, f" •' "r";fL,a Ten milk cows, 3 he.d of bon™, »l!helr '»»«"' P»»'- w; K>»* Ind.t hogs, 2 sows with pig» one' furnl8h further ,nform.t.on and ™ j explain our time payment plan. Kent ' 4 Green, McHenry, 111. 25-tf month old, 25 ducks. HAY AND GRAIN Fifteen tons of alfalfa hay, about 100 bushels of wheat, about 40 bushels i of pats, stack of straw, stack of hay. MACHINERY, ETC. Deering mower, McCormick corn ' binder, Deering grain binder, hay loader, hay rake, lumber wagon, milk wagon, top buggy, two seated surrey, cutter, King milk separator, land roller, hand plow, hand cultivator, feed cutter, harness, pulverizer, milk cans, pails, strainers, and other small articles too numerous to mention, nam OP SALE: I ' v E$st Side Service a^d Transfer Statiqn Herman Schaefer & Co., Pra$iC • •' General Garage Moving Phone 40 :: McHENRY, ILL. Telephone "No. 108-R. SIMON STOFH L Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :• ILLINOIS Hours, 2:30 to 8:00 p. m. ... S. J. Fowler, D. C. Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR W. McHenry, Mon., Wed,, ; Phone 158 , !" - WVxistocJc, Tues., Thurs., Sai ,1 Phone 449 | i Insure -fe Sore -- Insorance WITH -- W m. G.,Schreiner •HP Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE ? Phone 93-R McHENRY, LLI. Fluff Md Rag Rob* made to ortfrr HRS. I. POPP WEST ^ HENRY N'HENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Insurance, Farm and Residence if Property . , Goal Protection at Law Qest Agents McHenry, Michael Freund, phone 148- J; Johnsburg, Ringwood. M. N. Schmitt, phone 623-R-l; Spring Grove and Richmond, Fred Meyers. Mr. and Mrs» Carl Schmitt of Bel videre were week end guests in th* home of the tatter's parents, Mr. anr Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Mr. and Mrs. John Enrich and laughters, Fern and Fay, of Monroe ,Wis„ were Thanksgiving day in the home of Mrs. Ada Bobb. Furniture Gifts at Savings Fine gift furniture--hundreds of pieces to choosy from-Hurf fU typie* Elgin 70 Greve . -v , u™, Dubuque 57# Main , > make burins Kreeport 5 W. Waterloo 500 L,afay<j^a>',J Beloit 017 Fourth " X V Jol>t J^ffervon Junftivillf "JOS Milwaukee ban Claire Masonic Rldy Osl) koah i. Main St. Peorin 325 8. Adama Decatur 432 N. Water MndHoa 117-119 Stat* St. -t ' LEATH ® CO. r ' <v * i£ 'V/* i' •. '-P,- '.$*;•; We believe I ' that it is our job to help men and women get ahead in life^;4^our -^count here enSbles you to make this bcuik your , active partner. ? v ' Wg Mthenry Me Bank WEST McHENRY,* ILt* -'M boars. Priced to sell. Geo.^. Adams, RingwoOd, 111. 26-lt FOR SALE--A Thor mangle in firstclass condition. Will sell cheap if taken at once. John Karls, McHenry, 111. 26-lt FOR RENT--120 acre farm, 2% miles north of Ringwood on German prairie. Mrs. Mary Carey, McHenry. Plione 140-W- 23 There was ar large crowd attended the May and Meyer wedding dance here Friday night. The community club served the lunch. Mrs. Jack Gibbs had the misfortune to fall and break her ankle Tuesday morning. Dr. Kloritz of Richmond was called and found that there were two broken bones. ^r. and Mrs. Reuben Turner entertained for Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hill of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haldeman and daughter, Floy, of Richlpond. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aubert of Chicago spent Thanksgiving in the home j FOR RENT--A 158 acre farm, situof the latter's mother, Mrs. J. S. jated one mile south of Solon Mills. Gibbs. Mrs. Aubert was called here | Mrs. Mary Stillipg, McHenry, 111. to care for her mother, who has a | Phone 106-M. 24-tf broken Vimb. FOR SALE--Duroc Jersey spring boar, wt. 200 pounds. Price reasonable. Phone 611-R-2. John A. Anderson, West McHenry. 26-lt WANTED--To do large and small washings and iron ngs at my home; In- FOR SALE--New Ford roadster, driven about 500 miles. See Earl Broughton, Wauconda, 111., or phone Wauconda 22-R. 26-lt 5 PER CENT MONEY--To loan on good farms; first mortgages only. Write or telephone A. A. Crissey, room 203, Community Bldg., phones 23-M and 993, Marengg, 111. 25-tf All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes hearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possession of same given, to purchaser until settled for with clerk. HENRY DYKO, Prep. C. W. Stenger, Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Foss and Mrs. J. F. Claxton and daughter, Pearl, were l%in visitors last Friday. 1 We Are Now the Only AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR > • w • * -r%5. Atwater Kent RADIO EQUIPMENT in McHenry, West McHenry and Wauconda Atwater Kent Model 29 Receiving Sut ^ We chose the Atwater Kent line of Radios and Loud Speakers after testing out almost every popular make of Radio, - • Atwater Kent Radio is beautiful in design, easy t<^ operate, selective, quiet in operation and very economical to maintain* * - If you are interested, phone and we will install one in your home. If you are not satisfied aftef a thorough demonstration, we will remove the Radio at no cost whatever to you. Phones 3# and It THE PEST IN RADIO sr. CASH OR TIME m Radio -rV