^ .. ,1>. "3.St*r? "i 2i.3£3: :.S3% \'r i£**V£ !• »r$m&. wtm :.^|V;. •.. /*. r'i". .?•;.••'/>- * «f* -a -a <E l. * t "* ••? t::i^7*?>; Sifr1fcVv>* 1THE MeHBNBT FLAINDEALBR, MeHENBT, 1'"!' Ensemble Costume ^ Now Fashion Rage ; SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! H, A Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are f - fiot getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe ijby millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years fq| •a^eT%°^*r\ Colds Pain Toothache Headache ' Neuralgia ..y'i jUimbago .< faieumatisni:j Accept only "Baver" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets---Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. || trtdt mark of Baiw HmlMtsn of iioBoieetletcldulct of SalicjlicacM Tea Avert* a Strike ®fca drinking is n deeply rooted cnstofn In England and this habit averted • strike among girls in the herring caring plant at Grimsby when they walked out, demanding an increase of 6 shillings a week. After much argument between the president of the concern and the girls, which was getting nowhere, he suggested that they ad journ for tea. While the girls were indulging themselves the president hurried into a conference of his associates and came back with the news that an increase would be granted and the strike was averted. Freshen a Heavy 8kin With the antiseptic, fascinating: Cutlcura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented, economical face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes superfluous. One of the Cutlcura Toilet Trio (S<>ap, Ointment, Talcum).--Advertisement. Dmmp Is Hatchery Twenty-four chicks were hatched by the intense heat from partially incubated eggs that lad been thrown into tlie municipal dump east of New Philadelphia. The chicks are being cared for by the city. Palace Becomes Hotel The "Dolma ltagtche," which was the palace of the former Sultan Mohummed V. at Constantinople, probably will be converted into a fashionable hotel and amuseniept resort. The plan, practically accepted by the nationalist Turkish government. Is looked upon us part of the program of sacrificing the ancient landmarks of the Turkish empire to raise tunas to keep the new nationalist government going until a more stable financial system is developed. IIAhtt baa COM mad #WT the ensemble costume, We find It not only In sports and formal models, but even winding its way into the boudoir, says a fashion writer in the Washington Evening Star. One of the shops is showing a three-piece affair In a negligee whicl Is charming. It consists of pajamas of Chinese blue crepe de chine, bordered and sashed in black crepe-back satin, and a matching breakfast coat of the black satin, banded In blue silk, wadded. The ensemble idea is even carried out in jewelry, and no one would think of wearing necklaces, bracelets or earrings that did not distinctly harmonize with each other and with the coptume which they adorn. One of the most striking exponents of the ensemble modes Is a distinguished importation from Molyneux of Paris and is executed in a combination of crepe materials. The dress Is of a handsome crinkled and stitched printed silk, woven especially for this model in shades of cream, black and henna. Of black wool crepe, the coat Is built on straight lines, with a Btrnlght cape attached to the back, and luxurious collar and cuffs of fox. But the most Intriguing detail of all Is tte crept de chin if, the upper WOLVES WHIPPED BY ZOO KEEPER Conquer? Beaiti With Ban Hands in Atlanta Park. For Croup--What Would You Do? ' Here is a physician's prescription ust'il in millions of homes for 35 yoars which relieves croui> without vomiting In lj minutes. Also ihe iiuickest reliof known for CouRhs,,. Colds and Whoopinn Coqsh. If th. re are little ones in your lioine you should never be without a bottle of this v.iluablo. time-tried remedy, recommended by the best children's pp.-cialists. Ask your druggist now for Dr. Drake's Glessco. SO centa the bottle.--Adv. " When men admire a great tree wlth- «&*•' \yantlng to convert It into lumber, romance will come back. Humility doesn't wear very well. The world presumes on it. Somewhat Awkward "I liked that young fellow you with, the other night, s# I asked him to dinner this evening. Told him Just to drop round In his business clothes." "Oli. father! He's a swimming last rue tor." Hootstown, Ohio, has an industrious citizen who hoes his potatoes by night, having a searchlight mounted on his hoe. ' Ren CRY for m MOTTTFR Fletcher s Ca#» toria is a pleasant, harmleii Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. ' To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on cnch pflcV.ige. Physicians everywhere recommend it aifOU^ A X7HEN you are constipated, poi- W sons are formed in the accumulated food waste, and reach all parts ofthe body. The first results, headaches, biliousness, a feeling of "heaviness", etc^ serva as warnings of graver diseases to follow If this intestinal poisoning continues unchecked. This is why intestinal specialists state that constipation is the primary cause of three-quarters of all illness, including the gravest diseases of life. Physicians Advise Lubrication f«r Internal Cleanliness Medical science has found at last in lubri~ cation a means of overcoming constipation. The gentle lubricant, Ifujol, penetrates and softens the hard food waste, and thus hastens its passage through and out of the body. Thus, Nujol brings 19- ternal cleanliness. Nujol is not a medicine or laxative and cannot gripe. Like pure water, it is harmless. Take Nujol regularly and adopt this . .^ tjjabrt of internal cleanliness. For sale by «dl druggists. Nujol RIO. U£. PAT. OFr. For Internal Cleanliness Charming Patou Model of Banxai Brown Bengaline. part of which is In ros* color, the lower In apple green, with a band of the printed silk to define the two. In the sports type there Is a dashing model from Patou in a soft sandcolored wool. The dress is sleeveless, and the coat, seven-eighths In length, is banded In wool of a deeper shade of tan, with a scarf to match. There are also domestic models. In the lovely new autumn shades, furtrimmed or with braiding. Many of the coat dresses which are so liked this season, are made to give the appearance of a three-piece suit. A very handsome Imported model is especially of this type. The material used Is a deep green twill; the ribs of which are at varying widths to stamp its newness. It Is banded in gray squirrel at the cuffs and rever. and about the skirt to £tve the line which the coat would have. It Is a very practical dress, being appropriate indoors or out. Simplicity Is the keynote of another coat dress la Imported tan WMI Straight of line and unbelted. It is trimmed only In a row of buttons fastening all the way down the front. Tailored severely In masculine style. It may be worn with a narrow rolled collar to give the feminine touch at the throat. Attractive coat dresses are also shown In the bengaline variety of silks, with revere of Irish lace, or with touches of color In the trimming. Giving Long Lines. For the "watch-your-weight" ladles, dresses have been designed which are not only cut in large sizes, but have fullness introduced In the desirable places to lessen breadth and give long lines. Such a model Is to be had in a navy twill coat dress, closing with a self-material sash at the side, and with a flattering rever faced in penny bronze crepe de chine. It has bands of striped silk braid down the front and on the cuffs and there ts a little fullness at tlie hips. With such models from which to choose, the slightly overweight matron should find no difficulty in looking as slender and smart as her eighteen-year-old daughter. There Is such an art In designing clothes to enhance magnificent dignity, and some of the best shops make a specialty of catering to this type. It Is no longer necessary to try to lace yourself into a dress two sizes too small or to go to the bother and uncertainty of having them made because you "simply cant find your Bise." Hats have never been smarter 1 The favored shapes are the small square crowned, turned-up-brlm types, to be worn with tailored clothes and the crushed velvet shapes for more formal occasions. Black felt Is very good and extremely practical, as It will harmonise with Innumerable costumes. A charming hat of this sort has a square crown of black felt, and the brim, turned up becomingly in (font, is faced with black satin. The Venetian type of hat, flaring off the face In front, is again In great favor. This Is easily understood, as no more universally becoming shape has ever been designed for dress .wear. For evening there are more frivolous hats composed of satins, brocades or metal cloths. A chic little model of black satis, has a flat, turned-up front braided In sliver and a black lace veil drooping In piquant fashion about the face and ending la a cascade at the right side. A. gold cloth turban In basket weave effect is smart with its feather fancy adroitly placed at the side. Beaver hats In tailored styles are much favored. Besides the correct sailors, elegant aftei^oon models are being shown. One of them is trimmed in an Imposing feather ornament directly in front and Is turned up at Just the right angle at the side. Velours hats for sports wear may be had In becoming shades of tan. some with youthfully wide brims and an appearance of studied carelessness which Is most fashionable. A smartly different little black felt turns up in back and down In front and has the oddest possible ornament --a pair of silvered turkey claws I The evening mode Is very gorgeous. It offers freest play to the Imagina tlon of the designer and results lo gowns on many different types, front girlish bouffant lines to stately crea tions of metal cloths. Clouds of peach-colored tulle float uhout a delectable dancing frock. Built over peach satin, the shoulders gleam through a bertha of heavy sliver lace, and mink fur edges both dress and scarf. The tulle skirt reveals a touch of blue beneath and ends in a huge diaphanous bow at the side. It Is an importation, of course. Atlanta, Ga.--The story of a desperate battle* with two mad wolves was revealed when J. W. Camp, animal keeper at the Grant park zoo, appeared at Grady hospital to take the Pasteur treatment. According to Camp, he entered a cage in which the two wolves were confined. While he was stooping in the act of arranging food for the animals he heard a snarl behind him. He wheeled around Just in time to knock one of fhe beasts to the ground as It leaped at him. Infuriated, both wolves attacked htm and for several minutes he fought them with his bare hands. The wolves kept a position In the cage which prevented him from escaping. Fighting desperately against the repeated attacks of the animals, which sought to to rend him with their powerful fangs, he finally succeeded In stunning one of them with, a blow from his fist. Fighting the other wolf all the while, he staggered to the open cage ddor and escaped. Mr. Camp, whose address was given as 131 Burns street, suffered only a severe laceration on hif right hand, which was dressed at Grady hospital. One of the-wolves died, and an examination by state physicians revealed that It waS suffering from hydrophobia. The other animal was then ordered killed. mORU66IST8 RECOMMEND ' SWAMP-ROOT For many rears druggists have watebed with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Itoot, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medicine. It helps the kidneys, liver and litadder do the work nature intended they khonld do. Swamjvltoot has stood the teat of years. It is sold by all dniiij;i>«ts on its merit and it should help you. Xn other kidney medicine has so many friends. He sure to get Swamp-Root and start | treatment at once. 1 However, if you wish first to test this , great preparation, send ten cents to Dr. j Kilmer & To., Binghamton, N\ Y.. for a I sample bottle. When writing, be sure J and mention this paper.--Advertisement. ~-iHis Work for Liberty Ai, w I1.1 hud been serving Id a c^lj':lri;il..roiirt effected n transfer to divorce-coiir^. - Some lawyers were ondcring u liy, hv uuide the. change. One of 1 IH'HI oiTennl a Solution'. : i, •"Ti.w" rjitfijsv'v.-.said- ftei! ?if A'^rwy humane mail."•••':. , / ^ s, "AVlial h;is that to do with it?" -We.il/ in a criminal court he had to send people to jail. In the divorce x<nni he gives them their Hbett^.'^- Minneftpolis 'I ribuiift / '--J*'" FBFF Tcfe • I • •••• and rOSTM bottle of LIQUID VKNEKft. WoadariM your catly dusting. Dnni,dattf sadpolMtat with one iwerp of your dMt cloth. ItiHlwl# anos.furntture.woodwerh^MtomoMlMi everything look lik* OM. ICaka* dM pis a sure. Sold by Hunware.fmiturr. drutf, paint. grocery and general] store*.' Haunted by Wife'9 Ghoat, Desert* Bride, Children Derby, Conn.--Haunted by the ghost of his former wife, who died three months ago, and who Is said to have appeared nightly before him, warning him to either desert his bride of three weeks or she would cause the death of her successor, leaving evidence which would Incriminate him, W^dslaw Zydron, a Polish shop hand of this city, has mysteriously disappeared In New York city with $2,000 of his bride's life savings, after deserting his two children. The present Mrs. Zydron has appealed to both local police and New York authorities to find her husband, who left here to go to Poland, where he was to regain his health and shattered nerves, somewhat shaken by his alleged experiences with the phantom figure which is said to have appeared at his bedside every night for the last two weeks and a half. Mrs. Zydron fears that the ghost of the first Mrs. Zydron will come back to carry out the death threat.. She has asked the police for protection. She is insistent that she hears footsteps roaming through the rooms in the middle of the night, the shutters hang loudly against the frame building and low moans echo through the rafters while she lies abed, frightened and expectant of pending disaster. ^ . Dinner Gowns Bordered With Fur Splendidly regal in Its heavy gold filet lace, another dinner gown challenges attention. It Is designed on tunic lines, bordered with fur, and belted with a plaited cord of gold. In keeping with the shimmering richness of the gown Is its midnight blue agate buckle, inlaid in rhlnestones. A simpler dance frock of cherry-colored crepe-back satin is offered la straight lines, the skirt cut in three tiers, which the banded with the dull side of the material and caught at the Bide with two large rosea. A gown of shining sliver lace exploits the new circular flare by means of godets inserted about the skirt. It is a glittering example of the evening mode, but without that gaudiness which offends good taste. Only the master designer could have created a model of such simplicity and styl& The gown is entirely of the silver lace with clusters of corn-flower blue and yellow flowers at the right shoulder and left hip. The stems of the flowers, In silver, trail down the side as far as the hem. The most important rival of metal eloth for evening gowaa this season Is velvet. Being an exquisitely rappie material. It lends Itself to many uses' and Is unsurpassed for formal dinner gowns. Relying on beauty of material for striking effects, tlie velvet models which the shops are showing are extremely simple in design. There 1s one charming model in a shade of mauve velvet, gathered la at the right side by a design of rhin*- stone beading. Bengaline is a much favored silk this season. So many years have elapsed since grandmother's Sunday dress was made of it, that many have forgotten all about It and hail it as a newcomer in the list of materia^ However, history repeats itself and si» does bengaline, and we have It In all manner of the smartest frocks for afternoon as well as street wear. Find Bogu$ Coin Plant Near Liberty Statue New York.--A raid of a scow which for two years has lain at anchor In the shadow of the Statue of Liberty disclosed a counterfeiting plant which government agents said they believed was operated by an international ring which has been flooding the country with bogus nickels, dimes and quarters for seven years. Three counterfeit Treasury department molds were found on the scow, the Sparklight, one of five craft raided during the day. The coins found were said by secret service operatives to be perfect In detail, but lacking In the weight of good coin, A quantity of metal alloy, the raw material of counterfeiting, was also confiscated. Net Edgings USMI Crepe de chine lingerie, especially step-Ins and vest chemises are decorated with frilled net edgings. These bits of ornamentation often are supplemented with insertion and medallions of real Irish lace. Combination Was Not in Keeping With Mode A short sleeved dress of rose colored flannel, a hat of dingy brown felt, abort brown leather gauntlets fringed at the pides, tan and brown plaid wool stockings and heavy brown brogue*. This was the costume that made Its appearance on a city street not long ago, observes a writer In the Kansas City Star, and in every detail It was an example of what not to wear. In itself each article of apparel was not bad, but nothing had been chosen with an eye to Its relation to any other part of the costume and the result was a fashion hodge-podge. It' was surprising to see such evidence of poor taste In dressing in this day and age when simplicity, harmony, line and color are preached by every fashion authority, and stressed by etery person who has given attention to the art of dress. It is not difficult to choose frocks, hats and accessories that harmonize and form a part of a perfect ensemble. While the ensemble rait Is reported M bain# by tfee aai#rt«st at the moment, tlie tailored street frock Is also in evidence. On cooler days It ts covered by one of the new long coats in a soft finished wool or in one of the new plaid materials. Developed In black, dark blue or la one of the varied shades of brown with occasionally a model In dark green cloth these frocks are delightfully simple. They are cut with the greatest skill to give the attentuated look from shoulder to hem that Is the salient feature of present day fashion. One of the prettiest of these dresses is made of dark blue repcord with a vestee and cuffs of lacquer red crepe de chine Aa Small aa Brooch It is unlikely that the popularity of the wrist watch will wane much, since It Us so practical an article. HBut the latest watches are in the form of brooches, so small. #o unlqque lo shape, and so be Jeweled that tbeii naa la wt at tntt •w*§«ctad. U l i m i M I I I I M M I H H H , ; < • Boys Steal Dynamite, Have "Pretty Bonfire1 \ ; PottsvUle, Pa.--Informed by « » school teachers that scholars had dynamite in their possession, po- ' ' lice investigated and announced ! ! that three pupils, all less than ' ' twelve years old, had confessed ! ! taking a box of dynamite from J | the Sherman Coal company here i» and had used the sticks for kin- | | dllng wood. The boys confessed ! I building a fire with forty of the J | sticks because they made such < • "pretty blue flames." The police 11 conbecated the remainder of the ; | loot. DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Aspirin Marked With "Bayer Cross' Has'Been Proved Safe by Millions. Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting tho genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed^ by physicians for 23 years. Say "l.ayer" when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous.--Adv. Atlas TRADt MA IT Radio-Reproduction Gives the Best That's ia Year Sd-- Tone - Quality. Clarity of reproduction. Sensitivity to Harmonizer adjustment. Safe Procedure A'fw Owm-r- Say! You sold that departing rustoiner those had eggs! I'll het he'll be back with a big kirk. Old Clerk--No, Blr. I don't think lie will. ^ N. (J.--Why won't he? They're bad. O. C.--Y«'s, but not a«» bad as his credit, sir.--Progressive Crocer. . Stop tbe Pali. Th« bu*t of a i>urn or a cut stop* Cole's Carlu>lis«Aiv<> ia applied. It heals rjUK-kly will.n it ars. and tit^c by all druKKisis, or is. mi SOc to The J. w. Cole Co., 1 took ford, ill.--Advertisement. How He Viewed It Anxious Father--But do you feel sure that you can make my daughter happy? . Calm Suitor--I ' haven't thought uhout that. But I have finally decided that she can make me happy. Boston Transcript. Green's August Flower The remedy with a record of fiftyeight years of surpassing excellence. All who suffer with nervous dyspepsia, sour stomach, constipation. Indigestion, torpid liver, dizziness, headaches, coming-tip of food, wind on stomach, palpitation and other Indications of dlircstlvo disorder, will find OK KEN'S AUC.FST FLOWER an effectlve and efficient remedy. For fifty-eight years this medicine has been successfully used In millions ot households all over the civilized world. Bemuse of its merit and popularity GREEN'S AUC.rST FLOWER Is found today wherever medicines are sold. 30 and 0<> cent bottles.--Adv. Improving Highways Following the visit of a delegate to the I'nlted. States, Ouatomala is rushing plans tor the improvement of highways; throughout the republic and paving streets of tiuateniala City, the capital. Attending to,, one's own business and nterest in nothing tclse. may imnly some selfishness. For KtCTatnfe serf" your name to the mar. ufacturex. Multiple Electric . Products Co., Inc. 36S Og&Mi Straat Newark, New Jeqaay ATLAS products are guaranteed. iUUft r4 •\< 4 WRtTB FOR OUR FREE BOOK OW PATENTS MUNN & COMPANY 444 Tower BUig., t'hlcago (77 Wonlworth HUlg., New York City 630 Scienliiic American Bli'.g., Wa^hinKton. P. C. 130 Hobart HMK . San Frmncisrtt, Cat, 14X Van Nuya tiljg., Loa Angelas $100.00 CASH PRKM1UM for beat ion earn corn. Contest open to aa* grower. F i r p a r t i c u l a r * w r i t e CAPITOL ERD COMPANY, SI'KINGKIELD. 1LU W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. 49-1924T" Gift Horses The book reviewer gives- his girl the novel which he has character* ixed as "pabulum for ninnies." The shopkeeper brings home to hte wife the cape which has been lying about for three years. Mr. llurnsidc passed along to his hookkee|H>r, Mr. Tuttle, the cfgan Mrs. Hurnside bought for him last Christinas. The press agent gives his landlady a pass for "You're Another," a farc#> comedy. Mrs. Suburban gives her neighbor some of the mushrt>oms which she finds growing in her garden. Mrs. Suburban is not quite certain sboat them. llahy throws the cat a chicken bon® on which she can find no further nourishment. Pussy appears strangely Oftgrujeful.-- Kansas City Star. . . Qs Enthusiasm "Tour speeches have made th# welkin ring!" exclaimed tbe entbnat* astic friend. , "Yes," rejoln«Ml Senator Sorghos doubtfully. "Hut much as I adralrs the welkin, it has brought to my at* tention that the people who are likely to cast the deciding votes jpBUkfr. there."--Washington Star. i -4 There Is a freight elevator In a New England factory that has been riHh ning for a century without an aeeft* dent. & Luck sometime* consists in a smart w i i «•. goot> bor liPs? Shot With Paper Wad Dunkirk, Ind--When Mr. and Mrs. Gall Dugan, recently married, objected to the tactics of a helling party some one in the crowd pointed a revolver at Dugan and fired.' A paper-wad bullet hit Dugan In the hip and Inflicted a severe wound which required tbe attention of a physician. Rocking Is Fatal Chllllcothe. Mo.--Mrs. Ardle Rose Is dead as the result of an unusual accident. She was In her rocking chair when her chair struck a match on the floor. The flames caught her dress and before her cries brought help most of her clothing had been burned off. • .Live Fox Boa ISWrence, Kan.--The cold weather will not have much eflTect on Miss Lucille Vaughan of Lawrence. This winter she will wear her pet fox around her neck to and from the University of Kansas, where she Is a student Exit the Audience Among an audience of 500 watching a performance In a theater at Fort William, Ontario, was a Chinese bpy. In whose pocket lay a young skunk .which he had captured while It slept. Suddenly the skunk awoke, and two minutes later only It and the Chinese boy remained In the theater a A Policeman's Lot-- Eighty-one London policemen were bitten by dogs while on doty dartni vm. Important News Jor Cocoa Drinkers Cut cocoa bills 40% to 50% by • ing for Monarch when you boy Dutch Process Cocoa--by asking lor Farm House when you want Amev* Jean Process. Note the la* prfcss» REID, MURDOCH &CO. Mamtfactxrrrs ami iMfiMni Established 1853 Ctuca;>o Boston Hew York Pittsburgh QROCERS: ' *«*). Murdoch & Co.% M products are sold only by the Regular Retail Grocer who owns and operate* his own me, 1ft •«*«* to OUIl Stum, i A Cheaper, Better STOCK FEED Grains and ha to choap roug h. Molasses add* wain* Other te««is. Ptoducas milk, beef or pork aclcsscost. Keeps stock heakhy. Sold in barrels, car lots oc less. Write (or prices and booklet. A&encs and dealers wanted. MOBILE IMPORTING ft TRADING CO. Mubik, AUbaaoa * 'i- v ia •ii