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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1924, p. 4

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•"SPSS ?£& • Wv'^ I "> liMHffiiiWIi T«rfy j ?jr» r\t" RADIO ^think of what k back of it" . , ••- '• Model 20, 5 Tube, $100 A Complete Line to Choose From In Atwater Kent Radio you have a wide assortment of styles, sizes and prices to choose from. |Tet each Receiving Set and Loud Speaker is built with the same high quality characteristic of ALL Atwater Kent products. Before you invest a single penny in Radio equipment, come in and V let us demonstrate this remarkable line. Ours is a fully equipped and authorized Atwater Kent stofe--a place where you can get reliable information and service on problems pertaining to Radio. Your call shall not obligate yoju in any way. ' Model 10, 5 Tube, $85 You can't buy better performance at any price! AUTHORIZED DEALER CITY OF McHENRY * ' FINAL SPECIAL "vV ASSESSMENT NOTICE In the matter of the Special Assessment and Condemnation proceeding for the cost of Constructing a system of sanitary sewers in the City of McHeliry in Riverside Drive from 40 feet south thereof to 752 feet north of Washington street, in Front street from 20 feet south thereof north'208 feet, from 304 feet south of Pearl street to Pearl street, and from 306 feet south of Broad street to Washington street, in Court street from 308 feet south if Pearl street to Washington street, in Green strefet from Elgin road north 250 feet, from 420 feet south of Elm street north 321 feet, and from 306 feet south of Pearl street to Washington street, in Elm street from Riverside Drive to Ringwood road and thence north in Ringwood road 765 feet, in Pearl street from Riverside Drive to 166 feet west of Front street and from Green street 370 feet west, in Washington street from Riverside Drive to I Dame. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and family of Woodstock visited relatives here last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Burke of McHenry spent Thanksgiving day at the home of M. Knox/ P. H. Conway and soqg spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Geo. Adams near Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. James P.( Green and children of Woodstock visited relatives here Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McMillan and daughter, Alice, spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Fred Klein. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Person of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day with the latter's sister, Miss Alice Leisner. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Conway and son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Adams near Ringwood last Thursday. Carl Bergman and Miss Cruden of Chicago spent last Thursday with the former's aunt, Miss Alice Leisner. Mr. and Mis. M. Knox spent Saturday and Sunday with their son, Robert, at the University • of Notre "Green street, in Waukegan road from 790 feet east of Elgin road to 500 feet west of Front street, in Main street from Elgin road to 465 feet west of Front street, in John street from Elgin road to Front street, in Elgin road from John street to Waukegan road, in Center street from John street north 200 feet, in Front street Mrs. Etta Haible and son and Mrs. Winifred Tobin of Elgin were guests of Mis, Henry McMillan Thanksgiving day. ' Mr: and 'Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter, Parlene, of Carpentersville spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Henry McMillart. Mrs. Marion McMillan/aijd Misses from John Street to Waukegan road, Mariqn ShalojS and Eleanor McMillan from east end of sewer in Waukegan; spent( Thanksgiving day at' the home road northeast 600 feet, and from 40 of Henry McMillan. feet south of Riverside Drive south-j Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay and chileast 375 feet, thence southeast 2754 dren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. feet and thence east to disposal plant, j Wm. Coleman at Crystal Lake Thankstogether with a sewage purification i giving. plant consisting of distributing man-j Howard Phalin of. the University hole, collecting well and pump pit | of Notre Dame spent the Thanksgivwith pumps, motors, controls, etc., j ing holidays with" his parents, Mr. and and superstructure,, sludge separating i Mrs. J. M. Phalin. and sludge digestion tanks and srper-1 * t OSTEND structure with manholes, valves, out- ! ^ Sherman and Roy Hobart were let pipes, appurtenances, grading, etc.,i brjef businegg callera in Elgin Saturand to acquire certain lands in u hich! , to construct a portion of said sewers [ Qur school and on which to construct the sewage' purification plant, said proceeding being entitled, City of McHenry,. Petitioners vs. Frederick Beller, Gerald Carey, Florence Carey, Evelyn Carey, Genevieve Carey, Walter Carey, Mary Carey, Agnes Doherty, J. E. Hauswirth, Adelia Bonslett, Gertrude K. Freund, John Bonslett, Everett Hunter, Jr.. Mary J. Jackley, the Great Atlantic A Pacific Tea company, Nellie Bacon, Joseph R. Smith and "All Whom It May Concern," defendants, Docket No. 2593 in the County Court of McHenry County in the State of Illinois. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that the Board of Local Improvements of said City o^f McHenry has heretofore filed in said Court in said proceeding a certificate showing the cost of the work, the amount reserved for interest and that said improvement has been constructed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the ordinance therefor. The hearing to consider and determine whether or not the facts as stated in Said certificate are true, will be held in said County Court on the 29th day of December* A. D. 1924, in the court room usually occupied by said County Court in the Court House at Woodstock, Illinois, at 10 o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said court upon said day and may appear at the hearing in support of such objections'and contest the truth of the facts stated in said certificate. BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE CITY OF McHENRY. 26-2t By D. G. Wells, President. closed for the usual Thanksgiving vacation, resuming work again Monday morning. We are now showing a lager and more complete line of rubber footwear than ever before. Erickson's store. Miss Ammie Francisco is still holding out as well as for several weeks and is better than in summer months. Mrs. Hoppe and son, Arthur, left Sunday afternoon last for Mobile, Ala., for a pleasure trip, to spend their vacation. They expect to be gone about three weeks. Eddie Wallis and several men, said to be from Fox Lake, arrived at the farm vacated by Don Hall with a drove of eighteen horses to winter. The cow barn has been changed to a horse barn, stalls put in for horses and several other changes made. A card from F. E. Martin and wife states they arrived in Belleview, Fla., Wednesday, Nov. 19. They left here Nov. 6, visited several different states and stopped over night thirteen nights. They had a fine trip and drove mostly on pavement. They drove 1991 miles. At the Don Hall( sale the straw raised on the farm was put up for sale and Mr. Schroeder bid it off and paid for same. The Wallises took in that large drove of horses to winter arid commenced using the straw for feed and bedding. When Mr. Schroeder moved a baler here he was ordered not to take the straw, but he kept at work baling and drew same away as fast as it was baled. TERRA COTTA A fine assortment of wool and wool mixed dress goods at Erickson's. MelVin Walsh of McHenry spent the week end with his cousins herte. Miss Alice Bergman of Chicago spent last Thursday with friends here. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chi, cago visited relatives here last Thursdayi Mrs. Clara Miller of Chicago spent several days last week with relatives here. , Begin your Christmas shopping early. The finest assortment ever at Erickson's. NOTICE Over thirty sets of double1 harness lold since Jan. 1, 1924. Beiftg in poor health I will close out regardless of cost my harness shop, full stock of harness collars, blankets and all kinds of made parts of harness.' Must be sold at once. Also harness tools. G. L. Hubbard, Crystal Lake, 111. The Plaindealor for news. West McHenry, 111. W- PHONE 123-J fl Men's All-Wool Union Suit»JM.H Men's Wool and Cotton Union Suits : $S.2S to $3.95 Men's Ilibb^d Union Suits $1.93 Men's Wool Shifts and Dra w»• re. Men's I'lq»h Back Shirts and. D aw»T6 $2.25 Women's Union Suits at $1.00 $1.20 and $1.50 Hoys' H^av> F1 t eced Union Suits, 12 to 16 U >ys' Slip Over Sweaters at $2.35 to $3.25 Men's Sport Coats $4.50 to $€.50 O D FUnnel Sliirts $2.95 Ho.ys' Flaonel Shirts ... $1.75 U. S- Army Coats, size 40 $7.75 Part Wool Blankets, 66x80, $4.25 John Stoffel... West McHenry, IU. You Will Say - "Why Didn't We Have This Before?" « When you sit beside your RadiantFire Heater -- in a room warmed to just the right temperature-- you will wonder why you have so long gone without this simple, a d a p t a b l e h e a t e r which is lighted* by turning a screw, and is turned off with equal ease. It is the heat that is never too much that is always ready; that eliminates work, dirt and expense. Get the facts on the record of these heaters. Western! 'r)ited Gas and EJectrtcComnanv Ci. K. Collins, D*t. Mgr. EiSia. 111. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock passed Sunday with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox and Martin Knox were Elgin visitors last Friday. , Mrs. Lewis , McDonald spent the latter part of last week with relatives in Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Aicher passed Thanksgiving with the: former's mother at Washburn, 111. Mrs. Clyde Kent and daughter, Ruth, were among the Chicago passengers Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Landt and daughter, Dellmar, attended the fat stock show in Chicago Monday. Mrs. A, H. Gilbert of Carpenter, S. D., is a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. J. F. Claxton. Mr. and Mrs! M. J. Walsh and sons passed Thanksgiving day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkel. Mr. and Mrs. Jame Ehle and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ehle and families of Alden passed Thanksgiving day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Ehle. Do your Christmas shopping novf. Gifts of all kinds at J. J. Vycital's. C. B. Durkee of Glehview, 111., is spending a few days in the J. F. Claxton home, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Tetlow and daughter of Elgin were Thanksgiving day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld and family and Mrs. Caroline Schiessle of this city attended the Steffens-Brefeld wedding in Chicago last Thursday. Glenn Wattles, who is attending school in Chicago, passed the Thanksgiving vacation in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wattles. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Rodenkirch and children and George Steilen of Chicago spent the latter part of last week in the home of Mr. and Sirs. Geo. P. Steilen. Q Mr. and Mrs. John Carr and sons, Charles and John, and Mrs. Sarah Reece of West Chicago spent the last of the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Donavin. Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Vogt, son, Robert, and daughter,- Adelene, together. with Mrs »Vogt's parents, motored to Elburn last Friday, where they were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Groom. • , , ' - " * 'f • *>' y', *-6-r ' ^ I - . ' . ' . . J . ' ' . • 'tygfe ; A fine assortment of wool and wool mixed dress goods at Erickson's Christmas Gift Suggestions 4 .iV THE AGATHA SHOP * * ' - •; • !.%<*•: ; • i.f Pottery mid Glassware v Bulbs aod Bowls • Candles and Holder? • ; ' Boxed Gift* , Philippine Embroidered Gowns Handkerchiefs for Men, Women and Children Guest Towels and Other Articles to be Embroidered Tinker Toys Children's Books - V\" " Christmas Cards, 3c to 25c \ • v; ? r v . ."-.Wo Do You Rnow that We pay extra money to keep our / Groceries Fresh? 1 believe most people would rather pay a fair market price'for gbod eats. We seldom buy so-called bargain deals, for buying too much at one time means some stale goods. " Buy your Groceries here* v SMITH BROS. of Business When you come into our store we try to show you the same courtesy, and offer you the same honest values in quality merchandise that we would likf* to have shown and offered to us if we were the customer and you were the druggist. That is the only way in which a lasting business can be built and we believe our progress is in no small measure due to adherence to that golden rule of business. -v 'PHONE 118-J N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST <PM on our pay-roll ? , * 1 £ V-.v > ' X %'v v v;. o4 Merchandise Despatch Train Mail This Coupon Utility Securities Company Edison Bldg., Chicago. Without obligating me, please send Map and Illustrated Folder on the North Shore Una and information about the 7% investment opportunity now ofim*. Smmm. Addrtmm •M \ . $ DONT be content with just the earnings of your job. Have another in- • come. Invest in North Shore line 0 Shares and enjoy four extra pay days every year. Whether you save much or little, here's a safe, easy way to save more and earn more.' A new limited issue of our 7% Cumulative . Prior Lien Shares is your opportunity to become a partner in this business; to receive quarterly dividend checks from die earnings of North Shore Line Trains. Typical of this Company's progress is the : great growth of our service to shippers. In 1916 the year's operating revenue from its merchandise despatch service was $62,655; in 1923, It had groien to $1,033*479. Shares are $100 each; cash or on deposits of $10 down and $10 monthly per share;- 7% interest allowed on payments. Ask any employe or send the coupon fin illustrated folder and large, colored map of the North Shore Line system. Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company 72 West Adams Street, Chicago. d

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