Th* |f\, BERNHARD POPP 'fe " ' Expert McHenry, WJ Reasonable A- H, SCHAEFER Uraying ttcHSNW, ILLINOIS ' '/:* :-r; - -/:*! 1 Jf:' •jT.. ,f 'S . 1 f* :'•? "EXIDE" RADIO A AND B BATTERIES r- C-s Wf-?-; Will improve your Radio set ':v Insist on Exide Batteries for your new Radio W. L HOWELL & GO. . . . » - f - > . . . . 4 - Phone 101-R 5 ^ 1 McHENRY, ILL. 8LOCUM LAKB M:ss Orpah Morlock l^pent Sunday with her parents at Rosecrang. Willard Darrell and C. A. Bevana of Wauconda transacted business in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews oft Crystal Lake spent Sunday with relatives at Oak Glen farm. Rcy Winkler of Chicago spent the week end and a few days at the home of his parents here. ' George Passfield of near Crystal Lake spent Tuesday evening at the Darrell-Matthews home. Mrs. Clara Smith enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with her daughter and son-in-!aw at Crystal Lake. Arthur and Mae F*fannenstill spent Thursday afternoon at the Joe Pfannenstill home at Grays'ake. Walter and Roy Winkler called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Jr., at Waukegan Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Joe Dowell and daughter, Stella, called on Mrs. Alice Baseley at Wauconda Saturday afternoon. . We are now showing a larger and more complete line of'rubber footwear titan ever before. Erickson's store. Gordon Hazleton of Batavia on Wednesday, Nov. 26. Mrs. Hazleton was formerly Miss Edna Jones, who lived a few years in this vicinity on the farm now owned by Bert Dowelf. Mr. Hurd, a resident of this vicinity fifty years ago, while passing thru here enroute from Michigan to Wisconsin, called at the G. J. Burnett home. He inquired about old neighbors and viewed the farm he once occupied now owned .by Fred No-dmeyer. Announcements were received at the Darrell-Matthews home of the marriage of Harold Wheelock to Miss Irene Wheck of Chicago. Mr. Wheelock was borif and spent a greater part of his life on the farm now owned and occupied by Fred Nordmsyer. He is a nephew of Mrs. Willard Darrell. VOLO . Chub Vogt spent Saturday 4ad Sunday wih John Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trumblee spent Thanksgiving out of town. Mrs.' Frank Henkel and daughters motored to Waukegan Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Wait spent Sunday with friends at Gurnee. ... _ _ . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Paddock spent Mr. and Mrs E. Lund,en of Chicago | ThanksRiving at Ray Seymour's. motored to the Bl^mgren home Sunday; Mr and Mrs Le{? Hbson were Lib_ and were afternoon and supper guests.; u,e yisitors Thanksf?ivi d H. M. Hoelscher and Miss Marion Burmister of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the former's farm here. >• Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children and Arthur Wackerow were business callers at Round Lake Tuesday evening. Mrs. Robt. Kirk* accompanied by Select Gifts of Quality The joy of giving 'worthwhile gifts far overbalances any little difference in price CHRISTMAS shoppers can wisely make this store their gift headquarters, safe in the knowledge that they will secure articles of high integrity, combining beauty, usefulness and intrinsic value, at low prices. The gift of a watch forms a most appropriate token of affection which will carry its associations ior years to come. Your personal preferences in flgfe. daaign, and price can be Iblly satisfied hen. A. E. NYE MUSK:, JEWELRY AND RADIO SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Dell Townsend spent Sunday at the Lee Williams home. Rachel Smith of Fremont visited at the Earl Townsend home Wednesday. Mrs. Ruth Townsend and daughter. Hazel, were Chicago visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vogt and family t . spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. C. Benher guests, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kirk,1 wejj rW To CHICAGO From McHenry--'Grays Lakm Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." Tv. McHenry 7:35 a.m., 11:35 a.m., 2:35 p.m., 7:00 p.m. Lv. Grays Lake 8:18 a.m., 12:18 p.m., 3:18 p.m., 7:43 p.m. Arr.Waukegan 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 8:25 p.m. Arr. Chicago 10:22 aon., 2:17 p.m., 5:17 pan., 10:17 pan* Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee R.R.CO. McHenry Hoise ^KtT | Northwestern Hotel McHenry 18 I \ OFFICES McHenrv M-R I Coach asBuickbuilds itr Has two wide doors which permit people to enter or leave the rear seat from either side without forcing front seat occupants to get out of the car. As Buick builds the Coach, it is a convenient, modern, substantial, smart-looking, closed car with Body by Fisher. ------ And in addition to Buick*s two Coaches, there are twenty-three other Buick models from whtch to select your Buick. MHM Standard Six Coach *1295 Master Six Coach *1495 f o. h. Butck Factonei: government ta% to || . Ask about the Q M. A. C. Purchase wkick provides for Deferred Paymenft were Crystal Lake callers Saturday afternoon. Miss Orpah Morlock, accompanied by Walter Winkleattended the bazaar and dance at Ivanhoe last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Earl Johnston, accompanied* by Misses Margaret Hughes and Marion Hughes of Wauconda, were Elgin visitors Saturday. Arthur Wackerow went to Chicago i Wednesday, where he spent Thanksgiving day and the week end with his sisters and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson and! daughter, Mary Alice, enjoyed the radio at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell Tuesday evening. , Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, were Sunday guests at the home of the latter's parents, M*. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, ate Thanksgiving dinner with the former's parents, Mr. fltid Mrs. W. Converse, east of Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrein and daughter, Myrt'e, saw the basket ball Frank Henkel, JK, of Gurnee was a Thanksgiving day guest at his home here. Miss Mary Vogt Spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. C. Benwell. * Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddock are planning to go to Florida after the holidays. # The Lew Lusk family spent Thanksgiving with Harry Lusk and family at Grayslake. George Benwell of Round Lake ispending the week at the Mabel Benwell home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosing enter- > tained the latter's parents and broth?) I Thanksgiving. The young peop'e gave a party at the home of Wm. Nicholls at Rosevillo < Monday night. The Pillon and Walton families spent u Thanksgiving* at the Henry ; Krueger home. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wait and i family spent last Thursday at the i Levi Wait home. game .b e,t ween «Wr aucondja anda il]ia mp- Mar. tin Deck and Alfred Rothermel " .. .. , . , v „ of Chicago were Sunday visitors at shire at the high school gym Friday Katherine AltholT and family. Buy your winter potatoes note, 90c per bu. in lots of one bag or more, 6c extra delivered. Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry StofFel, of vVolo visited her parents, Mr.'and Mrs. John Pitzen, here one day last week. Misses Katherine and Mary Aithoff motored up from Elgin with their uncle, Henry AlthofF, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.'Will Lowe of Chicago were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmitt, Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wagner and family of Volo were guests of home folks here last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Elizabeth Hettermann is spending the week in the homes of her sons, Henry and Jos. B. Hettermann. Miss Dorothy Schaefer of Elgin spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and* Mrs. Jos. Schr.efer. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. B. Hettermann and family motored to Burlington last Sunday, where they passed the day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krift. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Justen and family returned from North D; kota one day last week and expect to stay around here. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williair i of Chicago were guests of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams, over Thanksgiving. Frank Kempfner returned to s< hool in Chicago Monday morning ;\fter spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfn r.- .• Mr. and Mfs. John Hiller, daughter, Frances, and sons, Ben and George, motored to Burlington Sunday |o visit with Mr. afid Mrs. Lawrence Sii hoff. A very large crowd attended the wedding dance of Miss Verona F nith; and Joseph Huff here last Tur ;day evening at the Frank Kempfner hall. Misses Margaret, Ella. Theresr and j Rosemary Huemann came out from Chicago to spend the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J< aeph H. Huemann. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox, Mr.(Eleanor iifcGee, Miss Lou Schneider and Mrs. Robert Knox, Mrs. P. J. j and E. R. McGee attended the funeral Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton. Miss 1 of a relative at Woodstock Monday PM G « AC L i. a \ o 9 5«H.- y/oNDER] ,lL KELLEP MADE TO ORDERJSfcNLV •temng. , Miss Myrtle Darrefl and Mildred Hoffman were in Crystal Lake Wednesday night and saw Conrad Nagel in "The Silent Watcher" at the Gem theatre. y. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Amann and fahiily are moving on the H. L. Brooks farm recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bonnin and family, who are now living at Wauconda. Dr. Hepburn and daughter, Marion, of Ringwood were recent callers at the 'Dr. (\ Opfom ofrisf and Ufifitian \ 3407 N. PAULINA ST. COP HOSCOE AND LINCOLN AVE. Frank Henkel's. Mr. and Mrs. HowaVd Converse an 1 Mr. Radcliff spent Sunday at the Oliver. Hook home. i Mr. and Mrs. Earl -Townsend and' j^y spectacles and <>>•<• gis>^«es are family were- recent visitors at the; cnown all over America. Thirty years Pete Stadtfeld home. {experience testing eyes and grinding Buy your winter potatoes ^iow, 90c ,giasses to order only. We make all, per bu. in lots of one bag or more, 5c, repairs. Absolutely guaranteed. extra delivered. Erickson's. j * Dr. C. KELLER, The presiding elder expects to; Optometrist and Optician send a student out to Volo and we will!Chicago Address McHenry, 111. have services Sunday evenings. 8407 N. Paulina St. Phone 157 home of Mrs. Cl.r. Smith. Howard Converse and son, Nelson,, Phone Graceland 9540. Mr | stock show in Chicago Monday. Mrs. Leslie Turnbull and children of Hepburn taught the Slocum school two years ago. Mr: and Mrs. Nels Hart of Elgin ct'led at the home of Mr. «nd Mr.. | Wauconda .pent a few day, last week Robt. Kirk Saturday afternoon and! »'«> •>« M." A_ P"'Mock were accompanied home in the evening OVERTON & COWEN McHENRY, ILL. -- HARVARD, ILL. Wlien better automobiles are bqflt, Btiidc will build than by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. George Schaid, Jr., and daughter of near Wauconda and Dan McCabe of Burton's Bridge were Sunday afternoon callers, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Willard Darrell superintended unloading a car of shelled corn for the Lake County Farm Bureau at Lake Zurick Tuesday. Many farmers from tfeis vicinity are hauling the corn. Miss Corinne Blomgren accompanied Raymond Lusk to Grayslake Thanksgiving day and among the other guests enjoyed dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lusk. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mildred D. Hoffman attended , the worthy matrons' night, O. E. S., at Grayslake last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews filled offices that evening. Miss Orpah Morlock, accompanied by her sister, Miss Esther Morlock, Barney Amann and brother, Herman, of Area, enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at the home of the latter's aunt at Hoelscher St., Chicago. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, falter, of Chicago came to the G. J. Burnett home Wednesday evening and with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake and Anson Davis of Waueonda enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner. H. L. Brooks and son, William, of Waukegan spent Sunday at Barrington and were accompanied home by Mrs. Brooks, who spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Louis, Rhoman Mrs. Duane Smith and daughter, Ruth Frances, of Edison Park and Mrs. Ella Parks of Park Ridge were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mrs. Parks called at the Wm. Brooks home in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mrytle and William Darrell, Milded Hoffman and Mr. and Mra. Harry Matthews ate their usual Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Elvira Darrell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mildred Hoffman attended the worthy matrons' night, 0. E. S., at Crystal Lake Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews filled the offices of warder land chaplain for the evening. A very enjoyable even:ng was spent. Mrs. Joe Dowell received word of Ute birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rossdeutscher spent Thanksgiving with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers. Invitations are out for "backwards" party to be given at the Volo M. E. church by the young people's society Dec. 13. Sunday school will be held at 9:30 a. m. at the Volo church and preacing services will be in the evening at 8:00 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey and family spent Saturday and Sunday with the latter's parents^ O.'O. Perkins, at Yorkville. Miss Fannie Troyer returned to Stanford's Tuesday after a two weeks' vacation spent with her mother at Hamlet, Ind. The ice cream social, given at the Brick school Wednesday evening was well attended and all had a lovely social evening after the progrart). Miss Viola Wagner and Arthur Kaiser were married Wednesday at five a. m. at the Fremont church. They will make their home at Waukegan. Several families from Volo and vicinity attended the farewell reception at the Grayslake community house for Rev. and Mrs. James. All had a lovely time. We are all sorry to see our pastor go. Mr. and Mrs. Will Duesing and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Converse, j Blanche and Nelson Converse, Mrte. L<j V. Lusk and daughter, Esther, attend-j ed the farewell pairt for Rev. James at Grayslake last Wednesday night. ~j(fesBURG~ , Nick Adams was among the Chicago | passengers Sunday evening. { Miss Elsie Mertes spent last week with relatives in Kenosha and Chicago. ; Mesdames S. N. Schmitt and Math. Schmitt passed a day recently in Chicago. * Misses Pauline and Colletta Freund of Chicago visited with home folks: last Thursday. Miss Ella Huemann visited with Mr. | and Mrs. Ray Horrick at Woodstock, last Thursday. Ti Emil Meersmen and his friend of; Chicago were visiting relatives -here J Thanksgiving day. | Quite a number from here attended; the wedding dance at Solon Wednesday night of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mertes motored | to Kenosha Friday to visit with Mrs. j Christmas Candies, ' N uts and Fruits & M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 4# Now Open With a new, clean line o f > Fish, Vegetables," Fruits, Bread, Bakery Goods and the choicest Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Come in, get acquainted and let -«ia demonstrate the kind of service that is obtainable here. People's Market Schmitt Block West McHenry Call the"Home Folks" WHEN you rcach your journey's end, calf home by long distance telephone and let wife, husband, mother or father know that you have arrived safely. It will relieve the anxiety for the safety of travelers which is always felt by their loved ones. Use the inexpensive, "station-to-station" service. Call "Long Distance," give the operator thfe number of .the.'distant telephone, and tell her you will talk to anyone who answers. This service is about 20 per cent lower in rate than "person-to* person" service. Evening and night rates for station-to-station calls are still further reduced. ILLINOIS BBLL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM • > One Policy • One System • Universal Service /REGARDLESS of MX. higher level costs of materials and equipment, the Illinois Hell Telephone Company must continue to erect new buildings, equip them with new and modern apparatus and keep abreast of the demand for service. Each new telephone added in* creases the utility and the value of yours. Publics Service Stcres Waffle Irons Federal Washer Useful Christmas gifts are appreciated most. Something electrical is always welcome. You will find many gift suggestions in our display of S>/ electric appliances. • Have ^ good cup of coffee quickly. Alumi* num Percola»' tors low Balance Mamtmf Ask lot; Home Demonstration / Vacuum Cleaner , Attachments FREE! With these attachments you can. clean walls, furniture, drapes, pillows, cushions and hard-to-reach" Corners. 8ave your strength. Here is a gift for mother, wife or sister. ' *252 Now Balance monthly <with your service statement All Metal Construction Built for Service Why worry about the family .washing when the new Federal can do the work so easily and satisfactorily t Electric Heaters 4-Piece Coffee Service $4 N OW, Balance Monthly Electric percolator, beautiful loving cup design, six cups; serving tray, •agar and creamer. A handsome gift Buy Lamps Now Large variety of styles and all rightly priced. $Q50 Substantially built. Big copper baat reflector and guaranteed beating element We guarantee the appliances we sel" Lamps Make YYeliO«e 'Gifts "Mr--- Curling Irons for bobbed hair, marcel waves aaii; long curls, as low as PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY _ OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS G. E. McCOLLUM, DIST. MGR. ( • tl Williams Si. Cry,la! I ake, HI ' Phott. IS •SiEt ft