V QUARTER OF A CENTURY EMS CLIPPED FROM PLAIN ' HF W KRS OP 25 YEARS AGO ^ Tb« entire hijrh school *nd eotpi of €§achers surprised Fayette R. Small it a body on Friday evening. Guy Harrison had the misfortune to irain his shoulder^ very badly in a ctice game of football last week. Mr. Mead was thrown out of a . -Wagon last Thursday afternoon and *".Idias badly stunned and bruised as the , .-Iftsult of the fall. r . The four-year-old son of Mr. and „ Mr*. N. L. Freond of Johnabur* had the misfortune to break his arm one day last week. Those having: the long distance telephones in their homes were able to enjoy some fine music rendered in Chicago last Sunday afternoon. Last Saturday at Gage's park before the largest football crowd of the season, the McHenry team held that representing the Elgin Y. M. C. A. to a score of 0 to 0. Wm. S toff el and company have just sold to Mrs. Elizabeth Stoffel a lot awned by T. J. Wa'sh, upon which she will erect a handsome cottage to cost in the neighborhood of $1 000. The growth of the Citizens' Telephone company, during the past year, has been a remarkable one. The independent stock is owned entirely in the county and by fifty of its business and professional men. Artie Whiting and Roy Colby were hitching up the former's new hone when she suddenly surprised them by becoming unmanageable, breaking the bttggy shafts and tearing loose from th buggy, last Sunday morning. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Baer joined in g ving them a grand farewell party in Stoffel's hall Friday evening last. L. H. Owen and Mrs. S. S. Chapell carried away first * ERICKSON SPECIALS Specials for .Friday arid Saturday I; Potatoes- •. ":i: We still have a quantityof extJ#; good quality Red Rive^ Early Ohio Potatoes. "••w The potato market is higher and we believe that with the approaching of cold weather it will be very difficult to replace our stock at the price we are now offering. Per peck 25c. per bu. $1*00 By the sack, per bu. 90c at the Store or 95c delivered. - Apples We have a quantity of Baldwin apples and some other varieties. Price per basket S2fJ?5 Picnic Hams Kerber's picnic hams. Per pound--. -- Men's One Buckl# ? v ^ • Arctictj We have two small lots of <fis: continued rtumbers in Men's one buckle Arctics. These are not first quality but our low price makes them tf<x>d values. Per pair_ $1.49 and 98c Ladies' Felt Bedroom Slippers We have a large lot of ladies bedroom slippers iff assorted colors Per pair >--$1.00 Cotton Challies ^ Just the right material for making quilts and comfortables. Yard wide, in a variety, of patterns. Price-per 42 Bars Kirk's Olive Soap for... 81c '12 Bars Kirk's Castile Soap. Hard Water _89e 12 Bars Jap Sole Toilet Soap.. 1 89e L. A. ERICKSON GENERAL MERCHANDISE WEST McHENRYi honors in the cake walk and Mr. Mrs. C. D. Schoorunake^, second. Robert and John Spears wjf« tip victims of the third runaway that lias occurred in the same neighborhood in ten days. While feeding stock thef5 v.ere thrown from a wagon and Joh&> was badly, hurt, His shoulder being dislocated/ while Robert was not so seriously injured. * j On .Tuesday evening at a meeting of j the business men's association the following permanent officers wefre elected: President, John Evanson; vice president, George Han'y; secre-i tary, Wm. Stoffel; treasurer, O. N. | Owen; executive committee, John Evanson, Dr. C. H. Fegers+ II. C. Mead and A. S. Parks. * The death of Mrt. ~C. Oma occurred very suddenly at her home' a few miles south of town on Saturday morning. Mrs. Groves was i thrown from her carriage and met[ v/ith a very painful accident some time ago and since that time .has been in• verp poor health. The funeral ser- j vices were conducted from the M. E. church at Wauconda. December 7, 1899 ' a' ., * George Sommars is- putting- ft' Sh acetylene gas plant for J. J. Buch. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter May on Wednesday. The Current Events club met at the home of the Misses Perry on Tuesday evening. ^ George Sommers has given his store a new coat of paint and put In an! acetylene gas plant. Mrs. Elizabeth Stoffel has commenced building on the lot .recently purchased from T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Chapell entertained a large number of friends and relatives on .Thanksgiving* day. Miss Kate Howe entertained a nuinber of friends Monday evening. Cards andi various other games were enjoyed. Hon. F, K. Granger and wife celebrated the thirtieth anniversary oi their marriage on Saturday last; They spent the day in Chicago. ~ Mrs. C. H. Fegers entertained a large company of young people on Tuesday evening in honor of her niece, Miss Lillie McGee. It was the anniversary of her fifteenth birthday. . The fair, held in Stoffel's hall under the auspices of the members of St. Patrick's church, was a grand success. The total receipts were $2084.92 and expenses $192.63, netting $1892.29. Mrs. John Clark, who was a well known resident of McHenry until about twelve years ago, passed away at Lake Geneva Wednesday. The remains were brought to McHenry for interment in Woodland cemetery. Warm footwear at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Flotow and son, Ernest, of Neuseehagen, Germany, are now making their home in Crystal Lake, having arrived in that city 'ast week. «*. -"BOWLHB BETTER A. IfoyjitU. .W0 188 ISO 514 mI MEMBERS OF BOTH LEAGUES SHOW IMPROVEMENT (Intended for v The mem/bers of the two " bowling leagues, which opened the 1924-25 schedules at the Smithy alleys two] v-eeks ago, are already beginning to sho v some improvement and within the course of the next week - or two the member' of the various teams should be in good condition. The winners, since our last publication, are as follows: On Nov. 24 the Pi ies Markets took two out of three games from the Artificial Stones, wh'le the following evening saw die Fords take two out of three from the Buicks. In the Regular league the Mohawks won two out of three from the Frett Markets on Nov. 26, while the Hudsons took three straight from the Rexalls on Nov. 28. The scores: Bos wefts Men's League Art. Stones 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. M.Meyers ....114 148 110 372 124 M. Steffes ....l05 123 150 878 126 F. ThurlweH . .146 137 125 408 136 G.< Wirife, .. . . 85 129 145 359 ' 119 Bohr .'.7.472 172 185 479 159 Hudson* H. WeUft,., Sickler Schmittf.. Steilen i..v Lockwo«tf- 789 m 801 2401 799; lst'ilpfil ird Total Av .185 «88 182 600 200 .175 170 177 522 174 .168 147 105 420 140 .184 136 158 458 151 .180 123 209 518 171 rr: 872 80S 826 2507 836 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av .185 130 148 465 155 .153 122 105 421 118 107 .124 153 146 .202 172 168 381 345 423 540 Rexallsi Schaefar J. B>ley Heimer; *'. i. I Rossmaiav.- Vogt .*"• ; r .785 795 672 2252 £ tKUl STANDING Regular League . ' W. Hudsoiis ... ; i * .. .4 Mohawks .. .v.,; 11.. .4 Frett's " Rexalls 127 115 141 180 - • 622 709 666 1997 665 Pries Market 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av Kreutzer .....156 169 119 444 148 Donavin ....,,107 103 119 829 109 G. Barbiart ...163 112 133 408 136 Reihansperger 154 112 149 415 138 Pries 147 165 225 637 179 <^29 661 745 2135 711 For<|t ^ f 1st 2nd Srd Total Av E. 158 163 471 157 Thies .... .C.i47 132 113 892 130 Sayler .......154 129 165 448 149 Schiessle .J...119 202 98 419 139 Wattles . ****,169 128 133 425 141 Buidtr 5 1st Conrad .......183 Johhson |'|^1J32 Goodell .VI18 C. Weber ,...366 Thompson^ 742 672 2153 716 2nd Srd Total Av 152 194 151 150 72 130 135 188 122 181 529 433 320 489 417 176 144 106 163 139 Pries* Market- >. Fords ...... Artificial StoMsa Buicks ...IF: ...4" .. .1 L. * 1 751 667 687 m it? 883 867 888 m Tuesday Night's Remits The Artificial Stones lost two out of three games to the Buicks on Tuesday evening, Dec. 2. The scores of these games will be published in next week's 'ssue of The Plaindealer. EM SE ACH ESS (ContiiMMMt from other side) ~€&ADE S^OL HONOR ROLIT-. First gj ai)e--Kathryn Doawin, Adeje Froehlicli, Darlene Lo^kwood, Ruth Reihansperger, Dorothy ffiinf- >i k. . Seecnd grade--Evefyn Karls, 81#-,. ley 0&?h% George Jo!,nscn. V Third, grade--Guy Daker, Hi Howard. Gordon Engeln B^i nice Ui Beatrice Weber. Fourth grade--Harriett Fre<lerick Conrad, Virginia Enge!s» Marguerite Johnson^ Gladys Warriafton. 1 Fifth grade--Arleen Bacon, Stanley Cobb, Juanita Keg, Marie Kinsala/ Robert Peterson, Jack PuEvey, Carl Rietesel, Eugene Sayler, Doris Warrington. Sixth grade--Elvera Antho"z, R(dand Ensign, Dorothy Fisher, Harold Lindsay, Lowell Nye, Harold Patafce, Margaret Trent, Frances Tucek. Seventh grade--Leone Margaret Dittrirh Berniece Fei Marguerite Kinsa'a, Frederick Mi 'er. Gwendolyn Overton, John Thoarsell, Ade'ene Vogt, Bernjece Weber. Eighth grade--Ivan Zuelsdorf, t£L- ' an Stoffel, Helen Pries. The fifth annual shew of vard Poultry associaton place at Saunders' hall in that city Dec. 9 to 13. (ft**1 i'Z?'- ' Wj % • • ?33 Regular Frett's Market 1st Spurling i; ...185 Bacon ...;. * ^*441 Gorman .«*i4^488 Page .........147 R. Thurlwdl . .193 632 828 2188 729 League 2nd Srd Total Av. 152 157 160 170 178 146 185 152 189 148 494 471 512 484 480 164 157 170 161 160 ••-••jib?;" Mofiswtar 854 814 773 2441 812 1st 2nd Srd Total Av A. Patzk#>*,,«|143 168 186 497 165 c. Buss *i;^170 174 164 R. Weber.i^|il68 149 M. Laures viV1; 148 B Patzke ...^.183 152 147 608 169 450 482 150 144 f .'VjV. ; , .T- N. ^ > "0J rot urns mm For Pa or Ma, Brother or Sister, buy Rolling ; Silk Hose oi* Wool Hose. Sure to pleas^ * c Let us show ypu the new patent Run-Stop; * w > a good 14-thread Silk Rollins Hose at $2.2^ a pair. *x^l-: $0 j'V Heinx's Demonstration Saturday ^ SSt; 5A;,§- u SMITH 0;: I? »• ^ & r 3d 3G IF nr 3E m If Jj li1i!^ 'wwgwpl 0C - ' ' **1 v ,1 ; ~ / " . i .^3 You Can Please the Entire Family With a Gi SERVICE See Gut Wiiidow Ebd and Console Tables, mahog- Console or Buffet, plain and miany and walnut finish, fred mirrors, Polychrome frame,' ^ - f\r* special prices on all mirrors. (1*Q ^A and up V/ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmLmmmmmmmLrnmmm' /^and UP Smokms Crfrine^ rn.hog.njr «r. ^ mahogai.y and walntl, m.lnu.f.n,sh. completely equ.pM $425 "$17.00 $7.50 junior. Bridge and TaUe Lanpfla^ Solid mahogany and walnut Marthr: the newest colors, ^ Washington Sewing Cabinets, S10.00-S28.00 $18.50 Rugs: Wiltons, Velvety Axmilf> Rockers, mahogany wfllnut ters. All sizes, oak, and up a, ->•"•-'>.-,.•4 ""/j, '-r$f $4.50 r - • and op ^ A Life-Time Gift to the Home Sonora Talking Machines Card-Tables Genuine Red Cedar, plain and copper trimmed. All sizes, $11.50 » $21.00 FootStools Gateleg Tables - Coxwell Chairs Davenport Ferneries ' Day Beds .4-3 Clobe-Wernicke Sec^ tional Book Cases it- Federal Electric Washing Nacbites Telephone Sets Ali White Porcelain- Top Kitchen Table# 0 & •:• *- /c: Sellers Utility Cabinets \ rm in Children's Chairs and Rockera Blackboards Genuine Bis»eU.Tojr.Car»« Sweeoer* "Wheelbarrows - r Tahiti Rock Bottom Prices on Toys •<* Lloyd Doll CarWges, colors: mahogany, gray, ivory, caramel Pedal Bikes TT I:: I Plioflue, Store, 6S-W N. J. SERVICE 11T HE ac "'f- ' i 'iilill' 1 & SON West McHenry, Illinois P. Child's Spivet Desk and Chair "• Kiddy Kars ' Sleds, , Coaster Wagons ' « n!i . ; Velocipede^, all sizeliH • ••• ' ; Phones, Residence, 58-W Residence, 83-J3' 3E 3C D0C DQC DE SMmim Mil* 111 itfrtf 1 11 SERVICE?- DC - j .f'-.r