t we**jM*«t In th*b6«Mafw aunt, HA. Rw. ftrttlgn, last Saturday. >• Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shales and chiltettt of Woodstock were Sunday |ltllU In the home of Mrs. Shales' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dwjrw of Chicago were week end guest*.in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mrs. A. H. Gilbert left Wednesday for her home at Carpenter, South Dakota, after a several weeks' visit with f- 'S .<.*• . - v< 4'; " f * ,.,J • • *. JoiU tHir Club by depositing 5c--increase your weekly deposits by adding 5c each week for fifty weeks. Next November just before shopping time you will receive a check for $63.75 plus interest. This certainly is an easy way to pi©r vide sufficient "Ready Cash" to make gluing a real pleasure. There are other Clubs, some that will enable you to save more-- some less. Whatever you want to save you will iind ^ club to suit your purse. Come In and Join To-Day DR. D. G. WELLS, PRES. GP FURNITURE 'A piece of furniture or two always make very acceptable gifts. In many families throughout this section, to "add a piece of furniture at Christmas time" has become more or less of a motto. As always, our stock is very complete and therefore we are in a position to offer an assortment the size of McHenry. (OR THE LITTLE FOLKS In the selection of our Christmas istock we have not forgotten the little folks. We have had them in mind for many weeks before the Christmas shopping season and therefore we are also well supplied with ihe things that bring joy to them. You are welcome to €0(ne in and look over our stock whether you buy or not. We are here to serve you. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY. ILL. at FOR CHRISTMAS! line of Fancy x Candies ifc Sweets of all kintfc Fine line, ol Xmas Baskets lag"1'.,. "I • III; Cigars in Christmas Boxes Imported Dates All kinds of seasonable Fruits » 1 .""DwjVj McHENRY BRICK ICE'CREAM FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER McHENRY ICE CREAM COMPANY WHOLESALE PHONE 79-M (Continued from front page) school can justly be proud of one of the very best high school orchestras to be found anywhere and their contributions to this particular prografn was indeed a praiseworthy accomplishment. . The Boys' Glee club next appeared in two songs, "Kentucky Babe" and "Home Going Song," both of which revealed that our high school has within its male student body some exceptionally fine voices. They, too, were roundly applauded for their efforts. This club iB under the direction of Mr. Elmer Koerner, who >9 also a member of the orchestra, being a cornet soloist of more than ordinary note. Needless to say that he is also a member of the high vschool faculty^ The address of the evening came next with Prof. E. C. Fisher, who is now at the head of the Peoria, 111., school system, as the orator. Prof. C. H. Duker of the McHenry schools, in introducing the speaker, among other things said that he did not feel it necessary to introduce the speaker of the evening for the reason that Mr. Fisher was probably better known to the audience than he himself. Mr. Fisher, as most of DM* fWfcders can remember, was at one time superintendent of the McHenry school, and since leaving this city has steadily climbed the ladder of succesB until he has now reached a position that is , probably the biggest of the kind that can be accorded a man in this particular field of endeavor in the state of Illinois outside of the city of Chicago. Mr. Fisher went to Dundee from McHenry and while at the latter place schools from all over the state were bidding for his services. He finally chose to becorte tfie head of the school system at Rock Island, from whence he went to Peoria, but, unless our prediction is entirely wrong, he is destined to achieve even still greater success. - The writer has listened, tot* Mr. Fisher's addresses off many occasions in the past, but the message he left with his listeners last Saturday-evening was probably one of the best that he has ever rendered in our midst. Quite naturally, his subject hinged on education, during which he depicted the human side of life in a manner that sent us*all home with a great deal of good food for thought. We regret that-the Yuletide season has crowded our columns to such an extent that prohibits us from publishing his addvess in full. „ The writer has alway% admired Mr. Fisher as a man and educator, but his address of last Saturday so impressed us that our admiration for him is greater, if'that is possible, than ever before. *' ' We, like many others of this community, learned to love Mr. Fisher during his regime as school superintendent ljere and while the writer sat in that audience last Saturday evening we were certain of just one thing and that is when he speaks it comes from the very bottom of his heart and in all sincereness. He is what the world terms "a common man." His world of experience and fine education have made it possible to view life as it really exists. He knows the things that are needed to make this entire world a better place in which Jto live; he knows what is needed in our American homes to make us more happy and content; he knows and can place before his audience in a light that is certaiA to be understood the thingsthat are gradually demoralizing the "human side of life." | These and many other things embraced his splendid message to those gathered here last Saturday evening and let us hope that his visit on this occasion was not his last. We cannot get too much of this "Fisher" doctrine. Needless to say that the orator was given a long and sincere applause. "The Shoogy-Shoo" by the Girls' Glee club was the next number on the program. This number, too, was very ! well given and received. The young ladies who make up this "club formed a pleasing picture as they appeared on the stage and their contribution to the evening's pleasures evidenced the fact that their training is under a very capable conductor. Miss Helen O'Sullivan is the director of this organization and the club's number was ample proof of her qualifications along this line of work. The program was concluded by the orchestra with "Officer of the Day," to vfchich the musicians were obliged to respond to an enchore. Thus came to an end the dedication \if McHenry's new community high school and let us hope that the same spirit which prevailed on this occasion will continue to live on and on. McHENRY'S gQHE or AHUSEHEIff "WE CAN'T rLAY THEm ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" i ' ' ;'*$• THURSDAY, OEC^If Russell --,n-- Odds Are «iD COMEDY AI'S OUTING J"*S5 am* y.1*; AND SAT.. DEC. 19 AN£T20 (-Mk Mae Butch AWomen Who AND *~. THE TELEPHONE GIRLS " V « SUN.. DEC. lO * 21 ^ BIG TIME • VAUDEVILLE SPECIAL SUNDAY MATINEE 2s30 Prices llc-Mc " ^ iiuNpiAY. DECEMBER 21 ' , v Alice Brady -'.i' Ml The Snow Bride AND AN OUR GANG COMEDY THE COBLER MATINEE AT 2:%:^ MONDAY. DEC. 22 - PUBLIC HEARING THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25 Johnny Hines IN*-- Conductor 1492 A HILARIOUS FARCE AND -- . AESOPS FABLES r further notice there will be no shows at the Empire ^Mondays Tuesdays aiid Wednesday. , FOR SALE--Full blood Bund Rock cockerels. Price, $2.00 And each. J. V. Auckland, Ring wood, 111. 27-2t FOR SALE--140 acre farm near Griswold lake. Ihquire of A. H. Hale, Crystal Lake, III, Phone 66-J. 27-2t FOR SALE--Living room and bed room furniture. R. Hankermeyer, West McHenry, ill. Phone 3tf. 28-it' FOR RENT--A 158 acre farm, situated one mile south of Solon Mills. Mrs. Mary Stilling, McHenry, Dl. Phone 106-M. 24-tf 5 PER CENT MONEY--To loan on gofld farads; first mortgages only. Write or telephone A. A. Crissey, room 203, Community Bldg., phones 23-M and 993, Marengo, 111. 25-tf NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY GOOD REAL ESTATE as all prices are at their lowest po'nt. We will be glad to furnish further information and explain our time payment plan. Kent 6 Green, McHenry, 111. 25-tf REWARD--Will pay $25.00 for return of gun taken out of machine left at Joe Miller's farm southeast of McHenry on Sunday, Bee. 7, and no questions asked. Or will pay same for true information who took the gun. Reward will be paid by owner. Call McHenry 72-W. 27-lt FOR SALE--Seven room house, one room suitable for small business. All modern improvements and a good, full basement. House is furnished and has furnace heat. Property has a 42 ft. frontage and extends back 133 feet. Fruit on premises. Mrs. D. C. Smith, Hours, 2:30 to 8:00 p. m. S. J. Fowler, D. C. Palmer Graduate | CHIROPRACTOR W. McHenry, Mon., Wed., FrL Phone 158 Woodstock, Tue£, Thurs., Sat. Phone 449 I GIVE WINNERS ANNOUNCED A beautiful five tube radio set will be awarded Miriam ^gundstone of Grand Ridge, 111., and a three tube set will be given Beatrice Bedard of Kankakee, 111., the lucky winners in the Suburban Electric league division of the better home lighting campaign. Local winners of prizes in the Northwest Electric league will receive watches and kodaks respectively. Contestants winn'ng prizes are: Alfred Lueck, Dundee, 111., watchl Margaret Mason, Crystal Lake, 111., wrist watch. Eleanor Regan, Crystal Lake, 111., kodak. John Anderson, McHenry, 111., kodak. In judging this contest the officials had a big job on their hands. For one thing, the excellent quality of the essays submitted as well as the correct manner in which the primers were designed made the task a big one. Then again, the accuracy of the investigations ma^p by the pupils gave the job of judging a professional aspect. The judges were called upon to gradq. as close as possible. The winning ^says in the Suburban Electric league will now be forwarded to the national v headquarters, where the national judges will pass upon them for the national prizes. A fifteen thousand dollar electric home, th% first prize, and a number of college; scholarships are the secondary prizes, offered in the national contest." It is the belief of the officials judging the contest that the essays submitted will be on a par, if not above, those of any of the other leagues in the country. Contestants in the Su* burban Electric league and in thq local leagues can well expect to b$ > awarded a share in the forthcoming national prizes. Local prizes will be awarded th$ winners at some school or public exer-d cise to be held before Christmas--& fitting Christmas present in honor of the ingenuity of the authors. "Hear the new mystery radio speaker at Nye's. NOTICE OF SALE OF PEARL FISHERIES By virtue of a decree entered in th^ Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, the property known as th# Pearl Fisheries on Fox river near Me %enry, will be sold at public auctio|[ on Wednesday, December 31, 1924, at eleven o'clock a. m. at the east door of the court house in Woodstock, 111 at which%ale absolute title and pos« session will be given. There is in*i eluded in this property nine of th#, most beautiful lots on Fox river, on| of which is improved with a bungalow. Anyone interested in obtaining river property should be present a| this sale as there is nothing better on the river to be obtained than this property. , 28-2t Do your Christmas shopping at Erickson's, the Christmas store. „ < A GAME PRESERVE tfctice is hereby given that OBf farmers have been made a game pro* FOR CHRISTMAS Bq|«' Slipover Sweatttai .*•;. .. $2.45 to $5jM Men's Wool Sport Coats --------$1.M to $6.59 Men'8 Heavy Sweater (Joabs,$5.00 Men's Army Flannel Shirts.$2.95 Boys' Flannel Shirts w.,.. .$1.75 Single Bed Blanket*,.*..,... $145 Wool Mixed Double Blankets... : $«.$$ Indian Style Blanket*......$5.M Flannelette Petticoatt..^^.....it All Wool Heavy Socks! .St Bill Band 4 Buckle Galoshes$S.St Flannelette Gowns tlii John Stoffel West McHenry, III. 28-tf J in the course of -the next two MAN WANTED--To take charge of I The building will be 28x48 feet freight office in H4UI must be able to drive men and manage drivers' unusual opportunity, requires ability, honesty and. real work. $1500 required. Guarantee $125 weekly. Possible to make $800 to $1000 monl&ly. One year contract with option of renewal annually. Ap»iy at eur srain office at once. 3752 So. Ashlapa Ave., Chicago, 111. n • • -- 28-3t , at once ! will consist of basement and top: and route!14 wU1 contain eighty lockers f«J This is an anc| thirty for ladies- The p!«i , showers will be of the very besC " Work on the new club house at the Hil'more Golf club, near Lake Geneva, Wis., was started last week and the contractors hope to have the struc- „ , , . __ . m up End ready for om.p.»cy wilhi,,nd R,chmoBd- ^ TOWNSHIP MUTUAL H&tMNCE CO. Insurance Farm aari Property Gaad Protection at htm Gael Ageats c. IfcHenry, Michael Freund, phone 148^' J; Johnsburg, Ringwood. M. Schmitt, phone 623-R-l; Spring Grove* Money Helps Jo • MM Christmas! Mere's the Way to Have Botttf .•tm -n •ft??? •-< -"ijfrsi-? Christmas Savings CltiS ^ Hundreds are flocking to join our Christmaa Sivtog^'^ C|lub, and you should not let the chance go by. *-• ~ * Cosu nothing b» bftcome; ^ m^mlyr^nn jteee, nothing to lo^e. "^ Club Now Forming- It •ill enable you to save when yo« couldn't |k» tt otha» wise. !*• You'll have money for Christmas or other use |nd - v4er how you accumulated so much! C :./r A little each week regularly. and intareet added--vakok. ^our saving growl It's a great co-operative You get your sbara of i|p general profit. Qall for full, particulars. Save for your family and frtendjk; Get otfterB to join Save for any special purpose. But hurry, whi)# you'rethinking aboutitf " -* , 'sirUM WEST McHENRY, ILL., i- *'V 0'^ serve and that hunting, trapping an# trespassing are strictly prohibited.' Several arrests for violations have already been made and this notice is printed in order that everyone may understand and thereby save others from tbe wme predicament. .... ^ William Freund. John F. Claxton. John PfannensttfL-• Peter F. Milier. John Kerber. Magaret PfannensWJJ. August Kunz. THE UNIVERSAL CAH • >-•.: All Prices Reduced Effective Dcccmber 2nd, the* Ford Motor Company announces new low prices on ill Ford cars. A reduction of twenty-five dollars on the'Fordor Srdan and lower prices on all other types make Ford cart even greater values than ever before. NEW PRICES iv-. Runabout . , Touring Cmr , Coup* . . , Tudor Sedan , Fordor S*dan J Chattis . • •Truck Cha*ti» 9 * $260 290k- 520 680, 660s 22 S 36# All Prices F. O. R Detroit I*. .... •» These are the lowest prices ever offered in the history of the rord Motor Company. They create a new standard of value for motor car transportation. I " ; - f-k' K& - iM. Jk : SEt TME'NEARESt AUTHORITED FORD BEXLElt KNOX MOTOR SALES McH£NRY* IU. mOBW H '•?Y » .,Wa. T* t • -i: *jL. 'bUr;.?