jpppp wm K;?4lV"S?£* rVk' I'jA 4,.VV$£~ WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY CITY V- -*#. }.•'. Vy\jS$ AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED IN BY OUR FRIENDS Edward J. Knox of Aurora spent the week end with friends here. James Burke of Chicago was a Christmas day guest of relatives here. Thos. Kane passed Christmas day at the guest of friends at Richmond. Leo Thelen §pent Christmas day as the guest of his mother, Mrs. Gertrude Thelen, in Elgin. John Siavin of Antioch is spending a few \ve£ks in the home of his sister, Mrs. Anna Knox. Miss Gertrude Kisch of Evanston spent a couple of days last week with MeHenry friends. George P. Steilen passed Christinas day As a guest in the home of his daughter in Chicago. ' Mrs. M. A. Sutton and son, R. J., were guests of relatives in Chicago Mondajiflknd Tuesday. Miss Frances Steinsdoerfer of Chicago is spending a couple of weeks at the home of her parents here. Miss Lenore Freund of Yorkville is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers and family of Elgin were guests in the George Meyers home here Sflnday. . Miss Edythe Geary of Wauconda was a Christmas day guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. F. C. Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hoffman of Chicago spent Christmas in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs.,Helena Heimer. Miss Carolyn Miller of Chicago Its spending the holidays in the , borne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. JM. N. Miller. Miss Rose '"Freund of Waukegan passed the latter part of last week in the home of her father, Michael Freund. Miss Catherine McCabe of. Chicago is spending the holidays in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCabe. Miss Gladys Rietesel of Chicago is a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and MPS. Chas. Rietesel, for the holidays. ° Mrs. B. Neunert of Chicago is spending the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steinsdoerfer. Mr. and Mrs. Perce Molton and daughter of Joliet, 111., passed Christmas day in the "home of Mr. and Mrs. Al. Krause. Mr. and Mrs.- Frank Spieker and daughter ,of Burlington, Wis., are spending , New Years in the home of Michael Freund. Alfred ancf Seth Richardson spent Christmas day in the home of their ..parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Richardson, at Ridgefield.. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robison of Woodstock were holiday guests in the heme of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wjn. J. Welch. --Mr/and Mrs. Carl Schmitt of Belvidere spent Christmas day in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Miss Kate McLaughlin and brother, Thomas, were guests in the home of their sister, Mrs. Otis Murray, at Genevar over Christmas. Misses Rosina and Cornelia Freund of Chicago passed Christmas day in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Worts of Chicago spent Christmas day at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steinsdoerfer. Mrs. Emma Mudgett, who has been spending the past several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Parks, returned to her home in Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay of Elgin were guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fay, on Christmas day. * Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Groom of El burn passed Christmas day as guests in the home o£ the former's sister, Mrs. W. F. Vogt, and family. Mr. and' Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughter,' Ruth, of Elgin passed Christmas day in the home of Mrs. McArthur's mother, Mrs. A. Wolff. Miss Verena J us ten of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Marum and son of Woodstock spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Miss Amelia Regner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Regner, went to Chicago Saturday to £ attend a fraternity dance held at the Hotel LaSalle. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin, iThos. Knox of Chicago and Elmer Winkelmann of Forest Park were guests in the home of the former's mbther, Mrs. Anna Knox* over Christmas. Mrs. Mary Carey and daughters, Be^le and Avis, of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Cowen of Harvard were Christmas day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton. v^Kr. and yrs. James Marshall and .little daughter, Jane, of Champaign were Christmas day guests in the home of Mrs. Marshall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. Those entertained at a' Christmas d&ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ftank Steinsdoerfer east of this city last Thursday were Messrs. and M6sdames George Steinsdoerfer, Andrew Steinsdoerfer and family, N. P. Justen and son, Mike Worts, Mrs. B. •Neunert, Frances Steinsdoerfer and Hazel and Jane Heimer. Service and ion Joe Buch passed Christmas with friends in Chicago. George Kamholz spent Christmas day with friends in Chicago.' George H. Johnson , was a business visitor in Aurora one day recently. Dr. D. G. Wells is spending several days with Ms mother at Montreal, Canada. Miss Rosemary Nye spent several days the last of the week with friends at Aurora. Miss Loretta Kirby of Aurora spent the week end as the guest of Miss Rosemary Nye. * ' Miss Nellie Doherty is spending several days as the guest of friends at Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Emma McGinnes of Elgin spent last Thursday as the'guest of MeHenry relatives. John Schreiner of Elgin passed Christmas day as the guest of MeHenry relatives. Miss Peggy Lyons of Chicago spSttt several days last week as the guest of Miss Helen Welch. Mrs. Wm. Tesch has been spending several weeks in the home of her daughter in Kenosha, Wis. Miss Louise Weingart is spending a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landgreve at Crystal Lake. Henry McCabe of Chicago spent several days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCabe. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foley of Cleveland, O., are guests in the John M. Phalin and Wm. J. Welch homes here. Miss Margaret McCabe of Waukegan spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCabe. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Thompson of Lake Geneva spent Christmas day as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J C. Holly. Mr. and Mrs. S. (J» Frazer and little son, Billie Jim, are spending New Year's with the former's mother in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Thompson of Lake Geneva were Sunday guests in the home of Mrv and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Dryer of Forest Park spent the latter part of last'week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block. Misses Theresa and Mary Brefeld spent the first of the week with relatives and friends at Waukegan and Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. John Bushaw and sons of Rockford were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell, over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison and son, Robert, of Elgin spent Christmas eve in the home of his mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christensen and two sons of Richmond spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tliijmas and sbn of Elgin passed Christmas day as guests in the home of Mrs. Thomas' brother, Ray Page. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sayler and daughter, Viola, of Woodstock spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. N. Sayler. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Loomis of Woodstock spent the latter part of last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins and family. Mrs. P. W. Graham and Miss Zora Rhinow of Minneapolis, Minn., are spending the week as guests in the home of«Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Mrs. R. E. Sutton and children of Chicago are spending the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Mr. Sutton was out over the week end. Mrs. Elizabeth Gruenfeld has closed her MeHenry home for the winter and is now in Chicago, but expects soon to leave for Florida, where she will spend the balance of the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Salzmann and daughters, Shirley and Jean, of Woodstock %nd Miss Isabelle Baur of Wilmef spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. Math. j. Baur, and family. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE The Elk lodge of Elgin entertained one thousand kiddies at a Christmas party and community tree celebration at their rooms in that city on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The home of Arthur Krell, west of Wauconda, was destroyed by fire Sunday night. The house was on what is known as the Rockenback farm. An overheated stove is believed to have been the cause. Members of the family succeeded in removing practically all of the furniture. The loss is estimated at about $4,000. Another bad fire occurred near Waukegan last Sunday morning when the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Van Haecke was destroyed while the parents and their thirteen children were attending church. When they returned from the services they found a heap of burning embers where their home had stood. The loss is estimated at about 110,000. r-- Telephone No. 108-&. RttttiWOOD Miss Mary Smith spent the week end with Mr. anrf Mrs. John Bell in Chicago. Mrs. C. W. Harrison, *who has been quite ill for a few days, is slowly improving. Mrs. Minnie Ceates spent Christ®*!®® day near MeHenry with her son, Fred Gibbs, and family. ^ Miss Lora Harrison of Evanston came home Saturday to visit her parents, returning Sunday noon. Ben Justen and family went to Springfield, 111., last week to spend Christmas with Mrs. Justen's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shepard and family ate Christmas dinner with he* parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Claxton, at MeHenry. , Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huson and daughter, Marion, of Elgin were Christmas guests of their daughter, Mrs. C. J.. Jepson, and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley and son, Andrew, and Miss Bernice Smith were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon at Crystal Lake on Christmas day. Miss Adele Heimer of West MeHenry and B. T. Butler of Chicago were out of town guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens j>n Christmas day. , 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bumgartner of Detroit, Mrs. Agnes Corbin of Kalamazoo, Mich'., and Miss Elynor Dodge of Athens, Ohio, were all home to spend Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dodge. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. A. W. Smith on Wednesday, Jan. 7. Bring your needle and thimble. Reports of the past year will be read by the secretary and treasurer at this meeting so if you are interested be present. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley, and daughter, Shirley, motored to Chicago last Wednesday night to eat Christmas dijiner with Mrs. Hawley's relatives and returned Thursday evening to Crystal Lake and joined the Hawley family gathering at the home of Mrs. D. C. Bacon. The community Christmas tree Wednesday evening, with the program by the school, passed off very nicely. The weather was so severe that some of the children were unable to get to town and some changes had to be made in the program, but Santa Claus was there and the little folks all went home happy. ,. TERRA CO'ITA Ui Miss Florence Knox was ft ftsitor in Chicago last Friday*. Eugene Leisner of Chicago - spent Christmas with relatives here. Henry Shales of Crystal Lake visited relatives here Christmas day. Melvin Walsh of MeHenry is spend ing a few days with relatives here. Edward J. Knox of Aurora was the guest of relatives here Christmas. Frank Spraud of Chicago spent Christmas at the home of Frank McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foley of Cleveland, O., are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Harold and Robert Knox visited relatives and friends in Elgin last Wednesday. Robert Con way-called on his sister, Mrs. Geo. E. Adams, near Ringwood last week. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent Christmas day and Sunday at her home here. Leo Conway of Chicago spent Synjday at the home of his brother, Ed., and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Kuntsman of Hinsdale spent Christmas with relatives here. Miss Lillian Riley of Chicago called on her sister, Mrs. B. J. Shine, last Tuesday evening. Misses Mary and Ellen Frisby of Elgin spent Christmas day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McMillan and daughter, Alice, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and family of Woodstock spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Shine and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Green and children of Woodstock visited at the home of M. Knox Christmas, Mrs. Green and children remaining untif1 Sunday. Miss Eleanor Phalin of Kansas City, Howard Phalin of Notre Dame, Mr.j and*Mrs. Robert Knox and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin and daughter and George Phalin of MeHenry spent Christmas day at the home of J. M. Phalin. Auction Sale! Charles Leonard, ?: Auctioneer The undersigned will sell at public auction 6n the Charles Knaack place, known as the Thos. Thompson farm, located 3ts miies souL'u uf McKcnry, 2 %, miles northwest of Burton 's Bridge, 5% miles northeast of Crystal Lake and 2Vt miles east of Terra Cotta, on the McHenry-Barreville road, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1925 commencing at eleven o'clock, sharp, the following described property, towit: i 53 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK --consisting of-- S2 Head High Grade Holstein Caws some with calves by side, several springers and new milkers; 8 heifers, 4 yearling heifers, 2 good grade Holstein bulls. 7 HEAD OF HORSEj|:?'. Black mare, 12 years old, wt. 1400 lbs.; black mare, 11 years old, wt. 1800 lbs.; bti&k gelding, 9 years old, wt. 1300 lbs.; black mare, 7 years old, wt. 1400 lbs.; black mare, 5 years oldr wt. 1300 lbs.; bay mare, 5 years old, wt. 1100 ibs.; bay gelding, 5 years old, wt. 1400 lbs. 60 chickens i s HAY AND GRAIN- ' Twenty-three tons of clover and timothy hay, 20 tons of alfalfa hay, 15 ft. of silage, 150 bu. of oats, 15 bu. of barley, 125 bu. Marcus^ wheat. MACHINERY, ETC. McCormick 8-row corn husker, Mc- Cormick grain binder, Fairbanks 15- h. p. kerosene engine, Deering corn binder, new; Badger broadcast seeder, Gale corn planter, Emerson gang plow, Appleton silo filler, Keystone hay loader, 7-ft. hay mower, 8-ft. disk, 7-ft. disk, Blackhawk manure spreader, Ford truck, 3-sec. drag, new side delivery rake aud hay tedder, combined; 2 hay, rakes, 2 walking plows, sulky plow, 2 truck wagons, 2 land rollers, cultivator, grain box, milk wagon, new single cultivator, set of dump boards, new Holland feed grinder, 1000-lb. scale, buzz saw, hog crate, grind stone, 2 oil barrels, 80 ft. 4-ply belt, 3 sets of double harness, two of which are new; 9 new milk cans, pails and two new strainers. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Six leather seated dining room chairs, dining room table, 4 kitchen chairs, 3 rocking chairs, chair, Morris chair, bookcase, 3 iron bed steads, dresser, 2 commodes, buffet, library table, davenport, sewing machine, 9x12 axminster rug, 4 small rugs, 3 bed springs, cook stove, hard coal stove, 2 meat jars arfd other , articles too numerous to mention. '•1 WtoMftwi over that amount a credit of months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of *1 per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possession of same given to purchaser until settled for with' clerk. GEORGE W. KNAACK, MRS. MINN IK BUCnERT, Administrators of Chas. "i^eidk Estate. ^ s' ' C. W. Stenger, Clerk. 1 ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE Highway 20 from Janesville, Wis,, to Delavan is to be paved next year. The arrest and confessions from five baby bandits, ranging in age from twelve to fifteen, solved a series of burglaries which have been committed at Elgin during tjie 'past several months. The arrests of the youths took place last Friday. Arthur Jayne, twenty-two, employed as brakeman on a Chicago A Northwestern gravel train, met his last Saturday morning while at wo: near the Western lime and grave' pit, located on the main line or the ra Iroad between Crystal Lake a/id Cary. Hie body of the unfortunate young man was taken to Crystal Lake by members of the train crew about two o'clock that morning. The victim's parents reside at Chicago Highlands, near Barrington. The young man lost his life by being ground to death beneath the wheejs of the moving gravel train. ^ ' insure-- In Sore-Insurance with -- W m.G. Schreiner •i1 jwill, seei Jfidence 'r v- J Auctioneering 'OFFICE AT RESIDENT% Phone 93-R McHENRY, ILL. mwm -4 i < - ' FREE LUNCH AT NOON TERMS OF SALE; All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; and Ri( Run made tc^ordcr MRS R PflPP PHONE ttt niw. D. run WEST McHENRY Prosperous New Year to All < • .' •*. M. M, jNiesen MeHenry v> , Phone M %r s Fresh, Salted and Smoked Meats : ^ Vegetables ^ Booth's Oysters * Fruits ? Watch Plumbing Uncle Sam Cautions! Hoover Issues Standard Code Washington, D. C.--The Department of Commerce haveapproved a "people's plumbing code" with the hope that it may be adopted by states and miAiici- Slities, it was announced. The bill is r the protection of the public "from insanitary plumbing, the use of defective and cheap material and improper installation." The code was prepared FRESH FISH FRIDAY -I'l . - . • . . " 1 - J t Truman Slater PROP. - i Vest Mchenry A7 " 'ih'tr> II time is agaj ^ expressions of Vfi'cularly appro] " ing with the sej ^patrons and frij prosperous N j: McHEN _ special committee appointed by Secretary Hoover and headed by William C. Groeniger of Cleveland. SIMON STOFF^L, Insurance agent for all classed«£ property in the best jpompames. West MeHenry, :: Illinois WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS N'HENRY TOWNSHtf MUTUAL FUtE INSURANCE CO. f o e | a n d R e s i d e n c e ro| Good Pr MeHenry, Xlchac iburg, L AN 0- Bam Room Outfit Complete ab Illustrated k*ating plants My spectacles and eye glasses are (uown all over America. Thirty years experience testing eyes and grinding to order only. We make all AbdH^tMBwanteed. cheaperJfrom*KAROL i__ Save up to 40% Buy at Wholesale Prices! Material ban of superior quality. made in the venr nicbMt claaa maiiaar--made to last as *ttd well aa the moat .expensive sold and all new from factory. FM« DIUVKRY--TIME PAYMENTS make upwta-- no ' inferior ^to t.b e „H oover pyr iunsc. ipAlell. FOft CATALOG CO. Just i 'Middling Good Smoke* * ' Vc-' " The e&st- of ft cigar--ten eetots, say--is about what you have to pay for twenty-four hour hot waUi Aujloi That r^&rvice from a •,i HUMPHREY matic Gas Water Heater service is continuous--inst& oianeous! Requires no work or acriy. no effort, no plenum# --nothing Ht all but turning the faucet. Seryfce you ean dej on over a very long years Wouldn't such a hot wa| ply in your home be cost of en* cigar aNflajj your wife. : Then come in and :v demonstrate public Ser - * Open 8 a.m. 30 Day Free Trial Snowy white is this new kitchen fixture white porcelain enamel on Armco rustresisting metal and white embossed glass spotlessly c A m S' '• 4 : . i Western Uniu •nd Electric Coi C. E. Collins, Diat. M*r.. I