J* Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuenemann and children of Chicago spent the last of the week with the former's parent. Mr. and Mrs. John Schuene- Misses Margaret Powers and Josephine Kelley of Grayslake spent a part of the holidays as the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Powers. Furniture Savings Are Sure At Leaths--and furniture styles arp ahr^ast of the times--and iur- " re qualities are always dependable and satisfactory. Leaths plan puts nice things in your home without heaty cash outlay Klffin 70 Grove Rock ford 602 W. Stat# Aurora >1 Island Dubuque 576 Mala FrMport i W. Main Waterloo 500 Lafayette Belolt £17 Fourth Joliet 216 Jefferson Janesvllle 202 Milwaukee Bau Claire Masonic Bldg Oshkosh 11 Main-St. Peoria S2S S. Adams Decatur 432 N. Water Madison 117-119 State St A. LEATH & CO. IT PAYS TO BUY We have lately added to our other good brands the Flag 1 Brand banned Goods We have tried them for our own meals anu, know they are good Smith Bros. To CHICAGO Ifom McHenry-- Gta ys Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect fit Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." Lv. McHenry 7*35 a.tn., 11:35 2:35 p.m.» 7tOO pjn. Lv. Grays Lake 8:18 a.m., 12:18 p.m., 3:18 p.m., 7:43 pjBk. Arr.Waukegan 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 8:25 pjn, Arr. Chicago 10:22 sum., 2:17 pan., 5:17 pan., 10:17 pja. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee ILlLCo. McHenry House ' Tlt'KKT \ Northwestern Hotel McHenry 18 I OFFICES I McHenrv M-R The COACH if 8LOCUM LAKE You save when you trade at Erickson's. • H. M. Hoelscher of Chicago spent Sunday at his farm here. G. J. Burnett went to Waukegan Monday, where he served on the jury. Sam Dickson was a business caller at Barrington last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were business callers at Barrington Monday. Wiliard Darrell and C. A. Bevans were business callers at Ivanhoe Monday. Dr. Holmes of Grayslake called at the Sam Dickson home Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were business callers at Waukegan last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bevans of Wauconda were callers at the Darrell-Matthews home last Monday evening. John Geary and Fred Jacobson were Saturday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and Mrs R. McGill and son, Farrell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the joint installation of the 0. E. Sb" and the Masonic lodge at their hall at Crystal Lake Friday evening. Mrs. Hayford, the former's sister, and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews, the latter's sister, were installed as officers for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs Wiliard Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and Henry Winkler attended the funeral of August H. Kuebkeer at Wauconda Monday afternoon. Mr. Kuebker had been in ill health since the passing of his wife on June 12, 1924, less than six months ago. Miss Orpah Morlock, teacher, of the Slocum Lake school, accompanied by Miss Esther Morlock, teacher of the Murray school, and Barney Aniaan, Jr., of Area returned to the Darrell- Matthews home Sunday evening to resume her work Monday morning. While on her vacation, accompanied by Mrs. H. L. Brooks spent the week! her sister, they visited their grand end visiting at the home of Mrs. Al- "mother, Mrs. Matthew Morlock, age i is available on either of two fine Buick chassis. The quality is identical in both Master Coach and Standard Coach, Both bodies are by Fisher. The only difference is in wheelbase and price. / * lit mdditwu to Bmidt't two Coach models, there m twenty-three other Bmdt style* to choose from. The Master Si* Coacfc Standard Six Coach $1495 $1X95 Print f o. Butck f*ctorim gsvtrmmml jghmhomttheG. M. A. C. Purchase PUn, which proridri for Deferred Payments. (F-15-2VA) OVERTON & CO WEN MCHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. ' .. U-M-- .ntomobfte. me Bufck will build meda Grantham in Chicago Mrs. F. E. Anderson of Detroit. j Mich., spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Pfannenstill Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake called at the DarreBMatthews home Saturday afternoon.. Miss Corinne Blomgren was a Wednesday evening and New Years guest at the il V. Lusk home east of Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and two children and Russell Patch were business callers at Crystal Lake Saturday, i mond New Years in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and two, „ , T„c Ki™ 92 year, from Canada, now visiting at Aurora, whom they had never seen before. They also attended a New Year's party at the home of friends in Chicago. 'if. • ' , JOHNSBURCT Pw.thSe best in groceries try Etickson's. ' • Miss Martha Huff spent Sunday aftr ernoon in the home of Katharine Michels. Mrs. Peter Adams of Richmond spent last week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Krumpen. Mr. and Mrs. JOs. Miller of Richchildren spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Kirk's grandparents at Grayslake. Arthur Wackerow came back to the Ray Dowell home Monday after spending the holidays with relatives in Chicago.* Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith and children enjoyed New Year's day with their son and daughter-in-law at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson and family enjoyed New Year's dinner and afternoon at the F. H. Dickson home at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peneck of Chicago motored from Chicago Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Granger. • v . Lloyd Dowell, who is employed by Robt. Kirk, spent Sunday afternoon with his sister, pin. George Scheid, near Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis and children and Peter Myers spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Harold and William Brooks of Waukegan enjoyed New Year's day and the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mildred Hoffman, accompanied by Mrs. Albert Stubbings and children of Wauconda, were business callers at McHenry Tuesday afternoon. Al. Staples, who has spent the past seven weeks visiting relatives and friends at Evanston, returned to the G. J. Burnett home last Tuesday evening. . • " Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter. Frances, called on the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Con-^ verse, east of Volo Saturday after- j neon. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliard Darrell andj daughter, Myrtle, were at Crystal j Lake last Friday night and saw "Rin Tin Tin in Find Your Man" at the Gem theatre. Mildred Hoffman and Mrs. Elvira Darrell were dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mrs. Albert Stubbings and Mrs. Ida Darrell at Wauconda Tuesday. Wiliard Darrell, accompanied by C. A. Bevans and George Blackburn of Wauconda, attended the annual meeting of the Mutual Casualty company of Chicago in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake called at the G. J. Burnett home Tuesday evening and was accompanied home by Mrs. Burnett, who remained with her daughter until Wednesday evening. < Miss Frances Davis spent from Thursday evening until Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and were accompanied home by them, who spent the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Hiss Matilda Sandman of Lake Zurick and Wm. Sheehan of Lake Villa but who is a teacher in the Hubbard school near Lake Zurich, were Sunday supper and evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson and John Blomgren enjoyed the chicken dinner given by the Volo Ladies' Auxiliary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk east of Volo New Year's day. »• Mrs. Harry Matthews spent last Thursday and Friday with her sister at Crystal Lake. She accompanied her sister to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayford, where they enjoyed New Year's dinner and the afternoon. Russell Patch returned td Aurora Saturday, where he is a sophomore at the Aurora college, but on account of ill health he is unable to take up his course until the next term of school* Since October he has been employed at the Robt. Kirk farm. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake were entertained at the home of the latter's parents for New Year's dinner and afternoon. Other afternoon and evening guests were Mildred, Hoffman and Miss Myrtle Darrell. They all enjoyed music and cards. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis and daugh- VOLO Joe Rossdeutscher spent Friday in Chicago. Frank Wilson called at Round Lake Monday. » . Frank Bacon was a Chicago visitor Saturday. '*• Clifford Wilson is taking care of a lame arm. ~ Erickson's mid-winter clearance sal* now op. The Passfield family was home Sunday as usual. One more of our women have joined the bobby class. The Henkel children were in Waukegan Tuesday. Peter Wegener made a business trip to Chicago Saturday. Alvin Case was a business caller .at Lake Zurick Monday. Ed. Bacon was a caller at the home of his parents Sunday. Mr. Wesser and June Wesser were in Waukegan Saturday. The Volo school is now open after the two weeks' vacation. v Clarence Deusing broke his arm Friday cranking the Ford. Mrs. Jane Vasey is visiting wWh her sister, Mrs. Rose Dunnill. James Fitzgerald spent the holidays at his home at Courtland, III. t Mr. Molzahn spent the holidays, with his parents at LaCrosse. Mrs. John Wagner and daughter.: Margaret, are on the sick list. j Frank Vogt received a fine new violin for a Christmas present. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lenzen spent New Years with relatives in Chicago* i Lloyd Fisher and Roy Passfield were Wauconda callers Saturday evening. Chancey Jepson and family were j callers at the Lee Huson home Sunday.< Rev. Lordahl spent the week end at: the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk. Arthur Monohan and Vinnie Bacon callers New Year's stay at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Will Hironimus. We are glad to say Mrs. Dunnill is must improved in health. Don't forget to call on Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 93-R, when you get that new car, for insurance in the best of companies. McHenry, 111. Miss Zelma Russell of Wesley hospital, Chicago, spent Saturday night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J.( Russell. She has been in the hospital three months and this was ^ier first time home. The next meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held at the home of Mrs. Joe Vogt the first Thursday in February. At the meeting the three pound box of candy, presented by the editor of the Grayslake Times, P. S. Schlottmann, will be opened and eaten by the ladies as well as the men, as they are invited, too. The January meeting of the Young Peoples' society of the M. E. church' will be a hay rack party. The sleighs will start from the home of Vera Vasey and the party will go to McHenry and back to the Vasey home,! where refreshments will be served. A jolly time will be assured all. Meet at the Vasey home about 7:30 Saturday, Jan. 10. • At last we have a catechism class for the young folks of the Volo M. E. church. The class meets every Saturday afternoon from 2 to 3 o'clock in the church. Bible instructions and memory work of the choicest material is given. The parents are urged to have their children attend, especially those from eight to thirteen or fourteen years of age. An interesting and happy time can be had by all. passed last week in the home at , former's daughter, Mrs. Ray Page. Warm footwear at Erickson's. Basket socials are now in order. Let Auctioneer Wm. G. Schreiner sefi your baskets. Office phone 93-R, Henry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. King. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nell and family of Woodstock spent New Years in the home of Math. Freund. Mrs. Jos. Michels and little daugh-jwere Waukegan ter, Helen, spent Sunday afternoon day. in the home of John J. Pitzen. Mrs. Jos. King and Mrs. Jacob Sttffes of McHenry spent last Friday in the home of Mrs. Stephen King. Mr. and Mrs. George Michels visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Oertel at McHenry last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Freund of Spring Grove spent last Friday in Ifce home of Jos, Freund and family. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller visited in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling, recently. John Krumpen of Spring Grove visited in the home of his mother, who is very sick, on Tuesday of last week. Miss Katie Freund of Ringwood Visited in the home of her parents, Mr. j and Mrs. Math. Freund, one day recently. Mrs. Mike Pitzen and children of Volo passed last Sunday atthe horn. firat p„rtlc<! „„ of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank . ' Miller. Richard Donley and grandfather spent the Christmas holidays at Kenosha. Ben Walkington is going to have an auction sale Jan. 14 on the L. V. Lusk farm. Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Cleveland returned to their home in New York recently. F. E. Wilson and daughter, Beatrice, were McHenry callers Saturday afternoon. Church services were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk Sun day evening. Mr. Pittwood and family spent New Years at the home of Mr. and Mrs Bernie Geary. Mrs. M. E Smith and Edith Converse were callers at the T. Bacon horre Wednesday. The Volo choir met at the home of Come to Erickson's store during the mid-winter clearance sale. Miss Matilda Freund of Glen Ellyn spent the latter part of last week in the home of her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Dalin of Chicago were guests in the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Frank Thurlwell, and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nelson and Mr. Stone and daughter, Helen, of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider. Sunday. Mrs. Christine Going and granddaughter, Frances Brandt, of Chicago Honestly! Are you wholly satisfied with your present hot water supply? Do you have all the hot water you want whenever you want it? What about care--and work-- and muss--and worry--and cost? HUMPHREY Automatic Gas Water Heaters have already solved this knotty problem in thousands of homes. They give perfect hot water satisfaction,; and the cost is lower, considerably, than what you are paying now. We recommend that you intall a Humphrey Automatic. Do it right away and begin to enjoy hot water service • without a single draw-back.. To begin with, drop in and let us show you a demonstration Western United Gas and Electric Company C. E. Collins. Dist. Mgr., Elgin. I1L Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bidinger of Waukegan were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Ge^ry. Mrs. Clark was a guest at the home > of her sister, Mrs. Jenks, at Waucon- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horrick of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Stephen H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer spent . . last Sunday afternoon at the home of( a Mi> e^ Mrs Vr the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen. ' Miss Rose Miller and friend, Robert Lang, of Chicago spent New Years and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deg." of Mc-; } Mon(lay Henry v.s.ted .n the home of fteir horsP! were »ick John Degen, and family here Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dowell, Sunday. Jos. Passfield and Helen Vasey celebrated their birthdays at the home of j A. J. Vasey recently. Dr. Holmes, the veterinarian, was at! Two of Mr. air. ana mrs. vym. ^avi* *nu Damfi where ter, Frances, and George Bennett atej dutie3\ New Year's dinner at the home of the former's daughter and s^n-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse, while Mpper and evening: guests JUere Mr.l Nye's. son, Monday afternoon. j Miss Theresa Smith and friend of Chicago gassed Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smith, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adams and little son, Oren, of Woodstock called a£ the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams, on New Year's day. Misses Theresa and Rosemary Huemann and gentlemen friends of Chicago enjoyed New Year's day in the home of the formers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freund and son, Vernon, and Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling and daughters, Norma add Verlaine, of McHenry visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pearson arrived here Christmas evening from Los Angelas, Calif., to spend the holidays with their daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Adams, of Woodstock. They will return to Los Angeles again next week. TERRA COTTA Market your eggs at Erickson's store. Edward Knox of AUFW* visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Frank McMillan Cftttod on Mrs. Fred Davoll Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wingate spent Sunday at the home of C. A. Mason. Miss Eva McMillan of Evanston bpent last Thursday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox visited relatives in Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Manning of Virden, 111., spent the first of the week at the home of J. M. Phalin. Miss Peterson of Kansas City has been a guest at the home of J. M Phalin the past week. Mrs. M. Knox and three daughters were guests of Mrs. Frank C. Sullivan in Chicago last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan spent New Year's day and Friday with rela tives at Carpentersville. Rev. P. Masterson of Springfield was a guest at the home of J. M Phalin the first of the. weelt. " Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and family of Woodstofek visited at the home of B. J. Shine New Year's day. Howard Phalin and Robert Knox left Monday afternoon for Notre they resumed their The New Year's dinner at L. V Lusk's was well attended. The sum of about $50.00 was cleared. Wilford Grover hauled a truck load of shelled corn from Lake Zurick for Frank Bacon Monday, Dec. 29 Miss Grace Duesing has returned from Williams Bay, where she had been visiting during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haas spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and son, Robert Eugene, visited at the hoifte of her parents Friday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Leslie P. Davis and children spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Lloyd Fisher, Wilford Grover and Russell Cleveland went to Milwaukee Wednesday and returned New Year's night. Mrs. C. Dillon has been ill the past week and her sister, Mrs. Robert Richardson, of Ridgefield has been caring for her. Wilford Grover and family and Russell Cleveland and family are in Milwaukee on business at the present writing. Mrs. L. V. Lusk, daughter, Ruth and son, Edward, and Rev. Lordahl attended services at Zion City Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and family attended a New Year's watch party at the home of Max Haas at Libertyville. Owen Paddock of Bowman's dairy plant at Wauconda was a business caller "at the homes of the farmers in this vicinity Saturday. Harry Nicholls, Mrs. John Engeln and daughter, Virginia, of McHenry were callers at the Frank Hironimus home one day recently. Mary Ann McCabe White, who was born and raised on •the McCabe home stead, died in New York and was: buried in Waukegan Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Esse Fisher and son, Lloyd, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis spent New Year's day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dowell. Roseville school opened Monday after a twelve days'* vacation. E. Smith, the teacher, spent the holidays with relatives at Bridgeport, 111. J. J. Doerschuk, farm advisor of this county, will give a picture show at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Which Washer SHALL 1 BUY! 7TI OMEN nowadays are thoroughly "sold" on the many advantages of washing their own clothes with an electric washing machine. Isn't it true then that the present question is: "Which washer will serve me best?" The washer simplest in action and most thoro in its performance is obviously the washer lor your home. Vacuum Electric THE WASHER will respond to your every washing requirement. IT "STANDS UP." Its sound mechanical constructions the big reason for this satisfactory performance. Day after day and for many years the "EASY" has delivered the goods thruout the .length and breadth of this land. Phone or call and convince yourself--- or better still, let us demonstrate the "EASY" in your home next wash day. THE MOST IMPROVED TYPE OF ELECTRIC WASHER MADE TODAY. Authorized dealers for Hamilton Beach Electric Vacuum Sweepers " 1 lv*v * ' I 2* v UkC school dutie;^ at the university there l Waite on Thursday- evening, Jan. 8 on Tuesday morning. I Everyone is invited to attend. See the new super-Zenith radio at Mrs. Rose Dunnill has returned to JJMJT fepg in Volo after a tihree weeks'] PHONE 145-R EASY TERMS McHENRY