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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1925, p. 6

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SEi iy> : %\> yk*l *'* / .<*.'•<• * \ • ' -*1$!* ^ v- , ;*•'" V*5 •"&&/% -* .«•-* ,~ - SHE SfcHENBT PLAIXDEALEB, McHEPTRY,' CLlikr'*> /'• "^iT* T4 i"~ '-l? ' " * - « V ** SAoift Another Nurse raises Tanlac $ "A* a mut\f / hcpe seen waht mar- ;fc Vthtu remits from Tanlac horanae- r ^, '* «w'a, nervousness, stomach trouble: 6*4 building up the system afler^ . ^ m mperatiaus / consider Tanlac great!' ?*•••• -~ If JMrs. K. M. U»e, WahutPm*, Cat SE Lowe'sstatemcnt merely backs up what over one hundred thousand teful Tanlac users have said about this great natural tonic and builder. Our files are packed with such testimony. If your system is run down, if you can't Seem to eat or sleep, have lost weight or suffer from trying pain, why not let Tanlac start to bring you back to rigorous strength and health. No long, wretched wait to get results! Tanlac starts right in to build you up. It cleans the blood, revitalizes digestive ^organs, fixes up the liver and makes yoo fed like a new person. For Constipation Take Tanlac Vegetable Pitts STAN LAC IFOR YOUR HEALTH For Frost Bites Vi'l m For RheumatuOfc Insect S tings, Sore Throat, Frost Bites, Piles and Barns A Pain-Relieving Healing Oil At Drue Scores or by Pared Post, 35/^ M. R. ZAEGEL & CO. Notable Faculty for Holy Land University The new University of Jerusalem will have a notable faculty, says the Portland Oregonlan. The group of scientists whose support is assured Includes Albert Einstein, known wherever science is mentioned for his theory of relativity, who will become dean of the department of pure science; Chaim Weismnnn, discoverer of TNT, who will head the department of chemistry, arid Dr. Jordan Manges, a noted American scholar, who will direct the college of Semitic literature. One of the lecturers in English literature wilt be Rabindrana&i Tugore, who has won one of the Nobel prizes in literature and is an admitted world leader of tl.ouglit. The Zionist movement recognizes at the outset that broad culture is indispensable to durable results. It takes hostage of the future by insisting that the imponderables shall not be ignored. The political and economic problems of Zionism are necessarily complex; but the probability of their solution Is enhanced by that foresight of the founders ,.i« this regard. Conceived solely as a vocational venture, the enterprise would be far less likely to succeeed. ' "Cuticura Soothes Itchtng Scalp. Oh retiring gently rub spots of dan* |druff and itching with Cuticura Ointment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make thera your everyday toilet preparations and have a clear skin and soft, white hands.--Advert! sement. Finally Balked at Passage in Bible £30 Eighth St. Sheboygan, Wis CROUP? Relief In 15 Minutes A well known physician's prescription that gives relief ir, fifteen minutes without vomiting-- used in millions of homes for thirtyfive years for Croup, Coughs, Colds and Whooping Cough. ^ DR. DRAKES GLESSCO SO ccnts the bottle At S small chapel in a remote corner of one of the English Yorkshire villages, the appointed minister had failed to make his appearance at the time for beginning the usual service. One of the waiting congregation, a local farmer rich in grace but meager of education--was eventually persuaded to officiate as substitute for Ihe absent cleric. The lesson was the chapter from the Book of Daniel which contains the oft-recurring passage: "At what time shall ye hear Jhe sound of the . cornet, flute, harp, snckbut, psaltery and dulcimer, and all kinds of music." Three times the farmer, with evident trepidation, waded through the comprehensive catalogue Of undent Babylonian instruments. When, however, he again came to "At what time ye shall hear," he paused for a moment, wiped the perspiration from his brow, and then con tinued: "It's t'same band again, friends. Ah needn't read 'em out."' .GLESSCO New Kitchen Utensil9 In England a patent has beert grant ed for a process by which cardboard pressed into the shape of kitchen utensils, such as kettles and saucepans, can be made waterproof and acid resisting. The cardboard utensils are dipped in a solution of one part asphalt, two parts resin, three parts shellac In five parts of spirit, and allowed to dry slowly in the air. % OLD SORES, PILES AND ECZEMA VANISH Good, Old, Reliable Peterson's Ointment a Favorite Remedy. "Had 51 ulcers on my legs. Doctors Wanted to cut oft leg. Peterson's Ointatent cured me."--Wm. J. Nlchos, 40 "Ifilder Street. Rochester. N. Y. . Get a large box for 35 cents at any Aruggist, says Peterson, of Buffalo, P. Y., and money back if It Isn't the fiest you ever used. Always fceep Peterson's Ointment in the house. Fine jt>r burns, scalds, bruises, sunburn, and the surest remedy for itching eczema and piles the world has ever known. Hall's Catarrh Medicine rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. Sold by druxgiitt far ortr 40 run F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio WRITS FOR OUR FREE BOOK ON P A T E N T S MUNN & COMPANY 444 Tower Bldg., Chicago •77 Woolworth Hldg , New Jork Cttf (30 Scientific Atneru an Bide., Washington, D. C. ~ SIS Hobart Bids., San Francisco, OkL 142 V:>» Nuys Brag., Los Angelea PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Remove* i>«rwinjff-8topa Hair FiDiog Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair 60c and I i .00 at Druggists. Hiseox Chem Wks .I>atehognatp.yL IINDERCORNS Removes Coma, Cal- , etc., (tops all paiti, euiurei cumfurt to the walking eu;. lie by mail or at Drog- Hlsooz Chemical Works, Patcbofne. N. T. The Vain Things! Complexion creams are being increasingly used by men, mostly inlddle- aged or elderly. Skillfully applied, they make a man both look and (eel younger.--Answers. Great Power Possibility Colorado has a river on which 19 power dams, yielding 28,000 horsepower 90 per cent of eudti year, could be constructed. , * , i RESINOL Soothinq &nd He&linq For B&bys Tender Skin LEONARD EAR OIL dt Jill Druggists reufR Man'DttfN[S5~0H REQUEST Mammoth Electric Sign To announce the recent 1'residential election returns to Cincinnati, four large electric sign monograms, each made up of the letters "C" and "D," were mounted on the tower of the Union Central Life Insurance Company building, 33 floors above the ground. Each of these letters was 12 feet high by 10 feet wide and contajned 60 25- watt electric lamps. & fc i SMALL INAUGURAL REP0RTT0S0L0NS Urges Economy in Message Delivered at Joint Session of Legislature. Springfield.--Gov. Len Small's second inaugural address and his report of the condition of the st^te delivered before a Joint session of the house and senate here is in part as follows: Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Fifty-fourth General Assembly, Representing the People of the State of Illinois, Ladies and Gentlemen : In view of the unsettled condit wHIcli still exist in the old worlu, 1 desfre first of all to felicitate you upon the fact that we are at peace within our borders and abroad. I. realize fully the responsibility which rests upon me in undertaking to fill the requirements, discharge the duties and carry out the mandates expressed by fhe citizens of Illinois In electing me to a second term of office a« chief executive. Economy and Finances. The finances of the state are tb splendid condition. In compliance with the law, the department of finance is preparing a budget of estimated appropriations required for the succeeding two years, which will be submitted to your honorable body, and I recommend that the sums suggested be appropriated. In the preparation of this budget, every Item is being scrutinized with a view to reducing it to the lowest possible amount consistent with good government apd efficient administration. Every department under the administration of the governor will continue to exercise the strictest economy. Taxation. In adherence to the principles for which I have consistently stood and In keeping with the pledges enunciated in the Republican state platform, I renew my recommendation that steps be taken to amend or revise our revenue laws, or our constitution. If necessary, so as to establish a modern system of taxation and equalization that will provide an absolutely fair distribution of tax burdens. During^the four years just past, the state has carried on an extensive building program. Illinois Roads. During the past two yea*® Illinois has broken the world's record for the amount of pavement laid by any state In a like period of time. Under the $00,000,000 and the $100,- 000,000 bond issue laws, all Incorporated cities and villages In the state, with the exception of about 160, will be located directly upon the bond issue highway system. I recommend to your honorable body that some means he provided for the connection of every Incorporated city and village In the state with the bond issue highway system at state expense without direct taxation. A very important subject which should engage the -attention of the general assembly Is the providing of means for reducing deaths and injuries from motor vehicle accidents. I earnestly recommend the enactment of carefully considered measures that will save and protect human life on our highways. Division of Waterways. With Illinois' hard road system well under way, the completion of the Illinois waterway becomes a subject of the greatest Importance. The Illinois waterway in the early days added greatly to the state's growth in popu! ;tJon and to its development. Historj will repeat itself when a waterway adequate to meet present day needs has been completed. I therefore recommend the reappropriation of the unexpended balance of the $20,000,000 bond issue 'authorized in 1908. Flood Control. Provision shall be made. If possible, f a systematic, uniform plan regardn ; flood control of streams, the excesre overflow of which affects the lue and safety of property within is state. r The division of parks, during the past ? biennium, has made rapid progress in making Illinois a leading state in the conservation, for the benefit of the people, of areas of land which are beautiful of Bcenery or of historic interest. The purchasing of state supplies has been brought to a high state of efficiency by the dlvlalon of purchases and supplies. The Department of Public Welfare. It has been my desire and aim that the charitable, penal and educational Institutions of the department of public welfare be conducted with the greatest possible economy, consistent with best results, keeping In mind at all times the comfort and proper care of the state's unfortunates. The present condition of the institutions, the general health, happiness and comfort SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting th& genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions jifd" prescribed by physicians 24 years lac C61d$ Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Neuritis ftheumatisra Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets' Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists.' l> |he tail Sltt ef ISfV Maantactoi* «t MwouaticacMMUc ot BsllirrllsarM Pain Toothache of these unfortunates, bespeak this accomplishment. Under the direction of the*division of Juvenile research a survey of ppenally handicapped children has ^6een made and a report will be submitted 10 your honorable body. Housing Situation. Approximately three and a half million dollars -have been spent for permanent Improvements at the caritable Institutions during the past four years. We have not been unmindful of our duty to the ex-service men, who have been so unfortunate as to have become afflicted with mental and nervous diseases. Two hospital buildings have been constructed for their exclusive use. One of these is at the Elgin i State hospital and the other at the/ Jacksonville State hospital. i The accomplishments of the division' of pardons and paroles are not approached in any other state. fThe eradication of tuberculosis in cattle Is one of the great economic, as well as public health problems. The State of Illinois Is working In co-operation with the federal bureau and has made great progress In the work of eradicating tuberculosis among domestic cattle during the past four years. l'ublic approval has rewarded the efforts of the division of game and fish in Its constructive policy of conserving many of-the natural resources of the state. Department of Public Health, - Health is fundamental to human activity. It is of primary consideration to a nation, and no government has performed its full duty unless it has adequately prosecuted every practical means for promoting and safeguarding the public health. Great progress has been made in Illinois along these lines, especially in recent years. Health education has gone forward. The state has been In the federal birth registration area for two years. The great commonwealth of Illinois has, during the past four years, made liberal increases In support of education. The general assembly increased appropriations for educatinal purposes from $34,347,034 for the period beginning July, 1921, and ending July, 1925. This Is an Increase of approximately 70 per cent or $24,500,- 000. This action of the general assembly Is highly commendable and in direct keeping with our alms and ideals of democracy. Military and Naval Department. In my Inaugural in 1921 and In my biennial message In 1923, I invited your attention to the needs of the National Guard and to its substantial development during the first two years of this administration. The two years just passed have shown a still greater development and Instead of approximately 3,000 men, with no regiments fully completed as in 1921, we had on September 30, 1924, a total of 9,089 officers and jncn. This remarkable growth would not have been possible without the hearty co-operation of all agencies interested and the active efforts of the officers and mep of this great volunteer organization. On July 1, 1923, the first funds for1 the fcpa.vment of compensation to Illinois World war veterans and their heirs became available by legislative appropriation and since the commencement of payments approximately $52,- 000,000 of the $55,000,000 voted by the people, for that purpose, have been distributed. Illinois Commerce Commission. The important and far-reaching achievements of the Illinois commerce commission deserve special and extended mention. This commission, having within Its jurisdiction more than 1,400 utility companies, whose properties have a present book value aggregating about $1,500,000,000, who employ more than 250,000 people, and whose securities are held b.v more than 500,000 citizens of Illinois, affects directly the prosperity, eomfo>rt and well-being of every family in this state. The present commission, after Its appointment In July, 1921, diligently undertook the duty of reducing and stabilizing rates, rehabilitating service and bringing about those extensions and betterments which the needs of the public demanded. " ' Conclusion. ' - > During my entire admlnistiaitatfc- hi my efforts to carry out my promises to the people, I have been harrassed nnd Impeded by the interests representing human greed. In spite of, this I am happy to announce that under my administration the state has made great progress and much legislation in behalf of the peo-_ pie has been enacted into law. Whenever I am assailed I find much consolation In the words of that great exponent of human rights, Abraham Lincoln, when he said: "If I were to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed for any other business. I do the best I know how; the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing It to the end. "If the end brings me out right, what is said against m? will not amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference.** Largest Species of Snake The regal python, which Inhabits sach countries as Burma, Indo-China. the Malay archipelago and the Philippines. Is the largest species of snake known. Ttyere are reliable records of specimens which measured nearly So feet in length. In the zoological park at Washington there is a regal python which is 25 feet long. This specimen, which is one of the largest ever cai>- tured alive, weighs 135 pounds.--Exchange. Siege Gun That Burst The "Swamp Angel" was a Parrot rpin. which was mounted on piles driveniftttr-r swamp outside Charleston, STC., during the siege of that city by Federal troops. It blew up on August 22, 1863. n Extreme Humidity # fft^-'F'aroe islands, In the AtlRBtle ocean, north of Scotland, experience rain storms 300 days out of the year. Lying in the Gulf stream^ th« «ttmt* i» «H.d, although very humid. Green's August Flower The remedy whh a record of fiftyeight years of surpassing excellence. AH who suffer with nervous dyspepsia, soar stomach, constipation, indigestion, torpid liver, dizziness, headaches, comlng-up of food, wind on stomach, palpitation and other indications of digestive disorder, will find GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER an effective am] efficient remedy. For fifty-eight years this medicine has been successfully used in fhllllona of households all over the civil Issed world. Because of its merit and popularity GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Is found today wherever medicines are 3ol(l. 30 and 90 cent bottles.--Adv. Bees Work by Whistle ^ lifi Texas, says Ihe Detroit News, if colony of bees has taken up theto abode In a baggage car between the roof and the ceiling, and they do not seem to be'the least disturbed by the (act that the car is making daily trips from one end of a little branch line. The baggageman Is authority for the statement that the bees go and come by the whistle. When the whistle blows before starting the bees come In from all directions, and when the car reaches the end of the li&e they file out and scoot for the honey. DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Take • Tablets Without Fear If Vow 8ee the Safety "Bayer Cross." ' Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 23 years. Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous.--Adv. New Bird Sanctuary A bird sanctuary comprising 29 acres has been bequeathed to the Rhode Island Audubon society. It is in the southwestern part of the state, about eight miles from Westerly. Trees, shrubs nnd berry bushes will be planted and the whole tract converted into an ideal refuge where students may enjoy exceptional: opportunity for observance of wild bird life. The income from a trust fund of $15,000 will. b# used to maintain the sanctuaff. ' Cole** Cnrbollflalve Qnlcltly Relieve# and heals burning. Itching and torturing 6kin diseases. It Instantly stops the pain of burns. Heals without stars. 30c and SOc. Ask your druggist, or send SOc to The J. W. Col« Co., Rockford, 111., for a package.-- Advertisement. Finally Squashed Her . The druggist wus becoming wearied. He had been explaining and pricing dozens of articles to the shopper, who didn't really want to buy anything at all. Finally she picked up a bottle. . "Is this pest exterminator reliable?" she asked. "How is it applied?" "You take a tablespoonful every half hour, ma'am," the druggist replied, with fiendish emphasis. No more questions were asked. Children are the tomorrow of society.-- Whately. , '•" Naturally Magistrate--And what did you do when you heard the accused using such language? Policeman--I told him he wasn't fit to be among decent people, and brought him here. Noisy "Do you think this salt Is too loud?" "Yes; it looks like thunder on you."-- Boston Transcript. Ceremonies are different in every rountry. but true politeness is everywhere the same. ' 4'-, % . i U:' ; J h; ~ IN CONSxiPATlOrl, My intestinal specialists, lies the primary cause of , more than three-quarters of all illness,* , including the gravest diseases erf life. Laxatives and cathartics do Dot oveiv come constipation, says a noted authority' " but by their continued ass tend only to aggravate the condition and often lead to permanent injury* '0^ Why Physicians Faromr Lutmcatiom Medicaf science has found at 4ast ln" v':' lubrication a means of overcoming •constipation. The gentle lubricant, Nujol, penetrates and softens the hard food waste and thus hastens its passage through and out of the body, 'fhus, Nujol brings io* tsrnal cleanliness. Nujol is used in leading hcspitsls ail!.' is prescribed by physicians throughout the world. Nujol is not a medicine or laxative and cannot gripe. Like pure watsf, it is harmless. : Take Nujol regularly and adopt thte habit of internal cleanliness. Por sale by •imi Rio. us. PAT. orr. 'or Internal Cleanliness Ihfie virtue af justice consists fib moderation, as Regulated by wisdom. All that is huAan must If It does not advance. • : t * ... ' fit . ' MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is especially pre- I "•&&' pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying !Feverishnes$ arising" therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomack and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend It The nearer a girl approaches the age of thirty the more anxious she is to lose her self-possession. A smile may hide a man's thoughts just as paint may hide a woman's complexion. Many a man falls to reach to "' v because every time >he stops t» fMf V he falls asleep. ."?§ . •. :-v- An engaged girl Is always susplctoat of her girl friends who are heartwhoip ' | and fancy free. •* A Condensations Few people drink enough wafer, according to medical experts. Milk readily becomes a breeding place for microbes in. hot weather. Many great" mathematicians have been equally weak at arithmetic. -The shirt-sleeves is not so universal in Kurope as in America. A gigantic ice figure of a heaver is in front of a furrier's shop In'Quebec. 1 he hurnfhg to death of women was carried out in Kurope us late as 17D0 Japanese widows designate themselves as such by the arrangement of their hair, and also Indicate whether they desire to marry again. A substitute for wood, containing •"><» per cent sawdust mixed with chalk and chemicals, is said to be combustible only at high temperature. A three-gallon can filled with kerosene passed through a Are at Wharton, Texas, unharmed, when a home was destroyed. In clearing away the debris following , the destructive fire, the filled can was JemA iiki* ef smoldering ashes. 1 V Feel Stiff and Achy After Every Cold? Op You Have Constant Backache? Feel Old and Lam0 ^ ; . ! and Suffer Sharp, Rheumatic Pains? Then Look to Your Kidneys! It's little wonder, then, that eveiy cold leaves you with torturing backache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness and annoying bladder irregularities. Don't delay I Get a bo* of Doen't PUh. Give your weakened kidneys the help they need. Assist them. also, by drinking pure water freely, eating lightly and getting plenty of fresh air and rest Doan's Pills have helped thousands and should help yo*^4s4 neighbor! DOES every cold, chill or attack of grip leave you worn-out and utterly miserable? Do you feel old and lame, stiff and rheumatic? Does your back ache with a dull, unceasing throb, until it seems you just can't stand it any longer? Then look to your kidneys I Grip, colds and chills are mighty hard on the kidneys. They fill the blood with poisons and impurities that the kidneys must filter off. The kidneys weaken under this rush of new worik; be :om» congested and inflamed. "Use Doan's," Say These Good Folks: MR8. A. BATES, 806 W. 1st St, Dixon, III., says: "Bearing down pains in the small of my back Vothered me when I first got up in the morning. I just felt lame and stiff all over. Catches across my kidneys f«!t like the edge of a knife sticking me and made me feel all oat of aorta. The kidney secretions were acanty. After using Doan's Pills I was soon rid of the trouble." C. H. HENSCHEL, 309 E. Fellows St, Dixon, III., says: "I had dull pains through my back which bothered me a good bit of the time. Riarp catches across my kidneys took the life out of me and I felt tired and worn out. Occasionally dizzy spells came over me and specks appeared before my eyes. I had to get up many times at night to pass the kidney secretions. I used Donn's Pills and they rid me of the trouble." r Doans Stimulant Dint? * w*** ** LJllUlltlU-IW flexible gold or sil Jtt AU Dealers, 1 Tec Wire. J&lgh ^ne 1« set with a la jpRfte I sStnl predod* COLDS-GRIP <

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