^Mrs. Donald Simpson of Dundee pass-1 The rainy days of the past week <|d last Friday and Saturday as a guest j have served to fill up cisterns but has ifl the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page, i placed the roads in' very bad condition. •SP" can be at the J. A. CONRAD, Cashier BARGAINS -IN-- • Musical Instruments Four Tube Radio1: $30.00 . .Two Tube Radio..----. - 15.00 One Tube Radio, high grade 10.00 Three Tube Radio with loudspeaker.. 25.00 Columbia Cabinet Phonograph . 50.00 Brunswick Cabinet Phonograph65.00 C Melody Saxophone with case, like new. 75.00 Carl Fischer Clarinet ..... 15.00 Banjos and Ukeleles at reduced prices Sewing Machine.. I0;00 Upright Organ M.00 We Invite You to Call Nye Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop WEST McHENRY, ILL. THE HOMfc OF Good Furniture Where honest prices and the best of service and treatment always predominate. Call lis when you get ready to install that new furniture. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. Brick Ice Cream Now on sale every day. Made Up in two flavors Vanilla and Strawberry Quart Bricks 50 cents cHENRY ICE CREAM COMPANY liOi^SALE PHONE 79-M INCOME TAX LOWER (Conttnoed frgm front pat*) ( 25 ^e^cen t thereof $ 100.tf» 25.00 Tax Payable ...$ 135.00 On a net income of $12,000.00, derived by the tax-payer, unmarried, and with no dependents, entirely from securities, the tax, considering the first $5000.00 to be earned, amounts to $400.00. Illustration: Taxable Income ........ .'.$12,000.00 Personal Exemption ....... 1,000.00 Net Amount Ta£--• ,, 2 percent of $4000 4 percent of $4000 6 percent of $3000 Surtax .$11,000.00 80.00 460.00 . 180.00 ; V 20.00 Total Tax .. Earned Income Credit-- Earned Income. .j^OOO.XK) Exemption-;.... 1000.00 ..'. .$ 4*0.00 ~ $4000.00 2 percent of $4000 ...... 25 percent thereof .... - !Ket amount of Tax . .$ 420.00 In lib ease, 'however, inay' the earned income credit exceed 25 percent of the normal tax. „ • . Earned income is defined as "wages, salaries, professional fees, and other compensation for personal services actually rendered," but doe not include that part of the compensation derived by the tax-payer for personal services rendered by him to the corporation which represents a distribution of earnings or profits rather than a reasonable allowance as compensation for personal services actually rendered. In the case of a tax-payer engaged in a trade or a business in which both personl services and capital are material income producing factors, a reasonable allowance as compensation for personal services actually rendered by the tax-payer, not in excess of 20 per cent of his share of the net profits of such trade qr business, shall be considered as eariled income, provided that this allowance does not exceed 2> percent of the normal tax computed in the ordinary manner. The limitation i§ applicable in cases where there is a loss and earned net income is greater than the taxable net income. bowlingTfinals this week McHENRY'S •QUE OF AMUSEMENT "WE CAN T PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" THUftS. AND PRI., FEB. 26ft 27 The world's greatest comedy characters "rOTASHAND PERLNUTTEK" The Fifty-Fifty Partners lTunnler than ever--Latest styles in fascinating femininity -- The greatest picture ever made--It's the inside story of Hollywood and how pictures should be made-- ife'aa laugh sensation - < V IN HOLLYWOODJp; '• WITH ' NTASfl AND PERLNBTTEI SATURDAY, FEB,2* TOM MIX INHUDSONS AND FORDS ARE SURE WINNERS IN THEIR LEAGUES The two bowling leagues expect to complete their schedules this week when the winners will be given their prizes. The Hudsons copped first place honors in the Regular league while the Fords share a lik^honor with the business men. The race this year, was rather onesided as compared with previous seasons and therefore the interest was also somewhat lacking. However, some very good scores were registered and the participants had plenty of fun. The Rexall team, which in previous seasons, had been one of the leaders, just could not feet to going this year and their showing proved considerable of a disappointment jiot only to the members of the teams but their supporters as well. George Bohr, a member of the Artificial Stone Company team, has picked five men from the Business Men's league and has challenged the winners of the Regular league and it is expected that these two teams will come together immediately after the close of the league schedules. Arrangements are also being made for the playing of doubles. The games and scores registered (hiring tlip past week follow: - TEAM STANDING Stofular League W. L. Hudsons 28 14 Mohawks .......26 16 F. Market .16 26 Rexalls ........14 28 'The Heart Buster' with Tony, the wonder horse SClNDAY. MARCM 1 Warner Rt'os. Present 'The Gold Diggers' -BY-- DAVID BELASCO "The Dean of Drama" In the cast are Hope Hampton, Windham Standing, Louise Fazanda, and a host of other stars. IT'S A BIO STORY " .'AXD THE COMBB*-- "HIGH LIFE"4 THURS. & FRI., MARCH 5 It Single Wives" A new type of woman, with Corinne Griffith and Mil- . ton Sills COMING MARCH 17, ST. PATRICK'S DAY Colleen Moore in her greatest picture "So Big" 'The cast and direction glorify this mighty drama. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE Harry L. Thorn of Huntley has leased the Neuman building at Richmond where he expects to open a furniture store and undertaking establishment. He expects to get started by April 1. Harvey Cornu< arrived at Zenda, Wis., last Thursday morning with 20 head of horses which he boijght at Wimiett, Montana. The weight of the animals range from 1,300 to 1,600 pounds each. They will be sold at auction. G. P. Renehan of Round Lake has recently added to his real estAte holdings in that community thru the purchase of several pieces of property, among which is included a business house. Rumor has it t^at there is to be much activity in real estate changes there the coming spring and summer. Options have already been secured on several farms there. The jury in the Louis Geary liquor case as tried for the second time in the McHenry county court at Woodstock, returned a verdict late last Saturday afternoon of "not guilty." The verdict proved a great disappointment to the state's attorney, the sitting judge and many others of the county who stand for strict inforcement of law and order. Burglars again visited Hebron during last Saturday night. Sunday morning found that the Hebron Hardware and Furniture Company's store, Merry's Drug' store, Lowry's Garage and Miller's Clothing store had been entered. Loot was secured at all except the last nanied place wft4re the proprietor, who resides in the flat over the store, was awakened by the night workers and frightened them away. Fox River Valley members of the Izaak Walton League have gone on < record as opposed to ^he dredging of Fox river as proposed by the Fox River Valley association. The Valley | federation proposes to make the I stream navigable for pleasure crafts | from its source to, its mouth at the] Illinois river. Izaak Walton League j members declare that such a project i would convert the river into a canal i and would have a damaging effect upon the fish life. "Leave the river like nature intended it to be" is the stand Waltonians have taken. James Hickey of Chicago was arrested in that city one daj recently after a car which he was driving, crashed into a bunch of workmen, killing one man and severely injuring two others. It is said that the young man was in an intoxicated condition at the time of the accident. This is the same man, according to the Hebron Tribune, whose car crashed into one occupied by Mr. and Mrs. James Judson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Judson agd Miss Edna Tibbits, near Spring Prairie, Wis., on the Fourth of July of last year. The elder Judson, it will be remembered, died from the effects of the injuries received. The Judson estate now shas a suit pending in the court at Elkhorn, Wis., for the death of the father, and the injuries as suffered by other members of the family. MARRIED HERE TUESDAY ^ MISS KATHRYN JUSTEN BECAM# BRIDE OF JOSEPH SCHAID 4 Miss Kathryn Justen, daughter dt Mrs. Mathias. Glossen, and Joseph Schaid, son of Mr. and Mrs. Georgt Schaid, who reside at Griswold La** were united in marriage at St. Mary%- church in this city at seven o'clock di Tuesday morning of this week. Ref, Father Ceus, who is in charge of® Mary s during Rev. Nix's absence, of- . ficiated. The couple. was attended by Mi|jj' Lillian Schaid, sister to the grooi|t».. . and Edward Justen, • brother to tte bride. The bride wore a" suit of powder blue with hat to match while Miss Schaid wore a tan suit with hat to match. . A wedding reception, attended W' fifty invited guests, was tendered t|l(? pair at the home of the groom's fwffc I e n t s . . . • • j Both the young people have a large | following of friends in the commuiMk j ties in which they reside. They will temporarily make j home with the groom's parents al&b Mr. Schaid expects to engage in ing the coming year. When you are contemplating building of any kind call on or phone 93 -B£ Wm. G. Schreiner for insuran<M» McHenry, 111. 1--LL Buicks .Conrad Johnson Goodell Hughes Business Men's League February 23 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av Thompson v Art. Stones J. Steffes .. M. Steffes .. G. Wirfs ... F. Thurlwell Geo. Bohr .. .147 146 176 .121 127 142 .. 87 154 98 .125 125 125 .141 196 190 469 390 339 375 527 156 130 113 125 142 612 748 731 2100 700 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av .154 105 98 357 119 .119 111119 .155 120 85 .154 162 148 .169 191 215 751 689 665 2106 Business Men's League | Fords ! Art Stone Co. I Buicks Weil McLains W. ,31 .20 .18 .15 L. 8 25 24 27 High Game 1002 913 924 906 High Game 812 829 851 789 Regular League . February 18 Frett's Market 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av. Spurling 164 2H 153 528 176 Stoffel .......140 140 140 420 140 Gorman 146 100 92 338 112 Bacon 154 170 175 499 166 L. Thurlwell ..179 99 169 447 149 Mohawks Al. Patssfce- 773 720 739 2232 744 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av .191 178 144 513 171 Laures .......114 197 163 R. Patzke .. C. Buss .... Art. Meyers . 126 ;L24 133 . 179 -177 193 .223 174 159 474 383 549 556 15fc 127 183 185 833 850 792 2475 February 20 " 626 Hudsons Biekler ...... Steilen Smith ..... v. Art Patzke'. Lockwood .. Rexalls* Rossman Schaef^r Granger Vogt Justen . i J 1st 2nd 3rd Total Av .177 180 181 .134 198 100 .198 186 142 .177 181 164 .169 168 174 538 422 526 522 511 173 140 175 174 170 856 ^13 761 2529 843 1st 2nd' 3rd Total Av .. CAMP FIRE NOTES On February 23, 1925, the Winitohi Campfire Girls had their monthly ceremonial meeting. All of the girls we% present to receive their honor beadi, except three. Bernice Ferwerda became a Wood Gatherer. She is the first one to receive this rank. Girls, you had better hurry up or she will bfe a Fire Maker before you are Wood Gatherers. At the opening of our meeting Juanita Keg lit the fire of work, Minnie Ferwerda lit the fire of health and Helen Pries .lit the fire of love. The following girls performed the ring ceremony and received their camp fire rings; Lillian Stoffel, Mildred Gans, Juanita Keg, Gwendolyn Overton. At our next meeting we will finish our scrap books and start working on our head bands. Notice! We are going to sell candy at the play given by the "Ladies' Aid" The proceeds from the candy sale will go toward camping expenses. Everyone bring their pennies. CONSTABLE SALE The following household goods of Andrew Jensen, all are in very good condition, will be sold at a constable sale at Herman Schaefer's garage ori\ the east side of Fox river starting at 1:00 o'clock P. M. on Thursday, March 5r Chest of bedding and dishes, smoking set, graphophone, new brass bed and mattress, bath room glass and cupboard, 2x3 ft. looking glass, kitchen table, barrel of dishes, chiffonette, fix 12 rug, kitchen linoleum, 2 wall pictures, morris chair, plant stand, porch swing, small gas oven, almost new gas stove, some carpenter tools, ironing board, a quantity of kitchen tinwara. Jack Walsh, Constable. .172 163 170 .149 148 153 .122 168"167 ,.199 158 169 ..179 126 141 505 450 467 626 446 168 150 155 175 148 821 763 800 2384 794 CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to express oar thanks to the kind neighbors and friends for the assistance and kind words of sympathy extended us during our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund, • Plaindealer ada bring results. We will appreciate your paying your AT THIS BANK Authorized by the County Treasurer West McHenry State Bank Could YOU iMake iMoney 'with a Truck? Wt WILL sell you a brand new FORD Truck for a small deposit--balance by the month, and you get possession of the truck dt once. This means you can set it to work and earn at least as much out of it every month as the payments come to--in cash* ym >t for trucking; in profits, if you use it for your own hauling.* v <• . Investigate! Let us tell you why you can make money with a FORD truck when other trucks wouldn't show you a profit. Let us give you details of how much down and how much a month. f. Knox Motor Sales FORD SALt^ ANO SERVICE Phones 30 and 31 ' • McHenry, IU.