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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1925, p. 6

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RHP •• ;,---V V?Mj '•v*"'T "•%" 4" Phone 182 The Best Service Always :^v.y»> telNHARD POPP Efcpert Shoemaker West McHenryv :: 1 :; Illinois M. J. FOWLER, D.C. PALMER GRADUATE „ CHIROPRACTOR Monday, Wednesday and Friday - Hrs., 2-:S0' to 8:00, fr.'TBr Pnorie li Brefeld Bid*. W. McHENRY, ILL. Telephone No. 108-R. •• f. Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS Sample Ballot ANNUAL REPORT hp^! (By Petition) $Y THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER STEPHEN BLFREUND for Supervisor <Vote for «&#) Do You Live to Eat toatttei£ point is, no matter why youeat you w ant the best. We sell the best teas and coffees, purest of lards, highest patent flour, best canned goods, fruits, vegetables in season and the best general line of groceries to be found in this town. M. M. Niesen McHenry The Hot Bath In Time Saved Nine-- Nine Days Off With Grippe! Instant Hot Water Heater Provides Best . Cold Cure A hot bath is the cold cure approved of all physicians. The big, generous hot bath that is available when you have a Humphrey Automatic Water Heater is the effective, always ready kind for which every home should be equipped. Its total cost is less than the cost of one attack of the "Grippe." Western United Gas and Electric Company C. E. Collin*, District Mgr. • • • • • •• State of Illinois, ) - Town of County of McHenry,)ss. McHenry The following is a statement by Stephen H. Freund of the Town' of McHenry, in the County and State ^foresaid, of the amount of public- -*§<unds received and expended by him during the fiscal year just closed, ending on the 31st day of March, 1925, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of said fiscal year, the amount of public funds received and from what sources received, the amount of public funds expended and for what purpose expended, during said fiscal year, ending as aforesaid. The said Stephen H. Freupd, being ______ • __ _ s . duly sworn, doth depose tnd say, that STEPHEN H. FREUND j the following statement by him subscribed is a correct statement of the amount of public funds on hand at the (commencement of the fiscal year above sjtated, the amount of public funds received fend the sources from which received, and the amount expended, aQd purchases for which expended, as set forth in said statement. Stephen H. Freund. • Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 31st day of March, 1925. ' ,Wm. J. Welch, Justice of the Peace. Jpunds Received and From What Source# Received Amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year commencing the 25th day of March, 1924, ..$ 952.99 Received from Roy J. Stew- « . art, Co. Collector, Apr. 23 4,000.00 Received from Roy J. Stewart, Co. Collector, Aug. 13 6,540.76 Amount received from Mrs. Dehmloro ; 25.Q0 Funds Expended and FoV What Purpose Expended April 9 W. C. Whiting, grading ......$ 24.00 V FOR CONSTABLE i - r j(Vote for two) WM. H. KELLER JOHN WALSH! FOR JUSTICES OF THE PEACE (Vote for two) E. C. HAWLEY WM. J. WELCH I hereby certify that the above is a true specimen of the official ballot to be voted at the annua) Town Election, in the town of McHenry, McHenry county, Illinois, on Tuesday, the 7t,h day of April, 1925. B. N. Smith, grading .. 84.00 October 22 Lewis Schroeder, road work ... 90.00 Henry Sompel, grading ...... 249.25 Peter Freund, crushing ....... 71.00 Ben H. Stilling, crushing ....... 80.00 B. N. Smith, crushing 80.00 Russell Grader Manufacturing Company, scraper ' 1MJ20 November 12 J. W. Davis, belt for crusher .. 16.00 J,. WgleK painting post ;. 8.00 50.40 18.76 24.00 156.00 178.00 Jos. J. Freund, grading ... .... Louis Schroeder, grading ..... April 23 N. N. Freund, grading ....... Lewis Schroeder, grading Jno. Smith, grading B. N. Smith, gradi^Tv ^... CHARLES B. HARMSEN, Town clerk it aw P*ICU Fluff and Rag Runs made to order MRS R POPP PHONE 162 IHVJ. D. IWfr WEST McHENRY, ILL ORS. M'CHESNEY & BROWN lINCO RPGHA1K) DENTISTS Dr. J. W. Brown, Dr. R. M. Walker Established over 49 years and •tilt doing Business at old stand Pioneers in First-Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices Ask Your Neighbors and Friends About Us N E, Cor. Clark & Randolph 145 N. Clark St.. Chicago PHONE CENTRAL 2047 • I)«Hv « 11 .Wire Fence Come to our factory for the fence you need. You can select what you require from our entire stock an<i you will find a distinctive, strong fence for every purpose and at factory prices. MEDIUM HEAVY STOCK FENCE JWfetf 8 bars, 32 inches high, 7-inch stays_» • t . 34 c 9 bars, 42 inches high, 12-inch 8tays^\, • . 9 bars, 42 inches high, 7-inch stays • • • . 10 bars, 50 inches high, 12-inch stays . . . . 3 2 MEDIUM HEAVY POULTRY FENCE 46 inches high, 8-inch stays 37 lo oars, 58 inches high, 8-inch stays • • • • . 43%c BARBED WIRE--<J0 R*JSp~lt Ptr Spool 2-point Hog . . . $3.66 4^>oint Hog . . 2'pouit Cattle . . 3.44 4-point Cattle . I Ptr Spot! . $4.15 . 3.66 Each, STEEL LINE POSTS 28c PLAIN STEEL DRIVEWAY GATES 10 feet wide. Each 12 feet wide. Each 14 feet wide. Each, STEEL POULTRY GATES 48 Inches high. Each 60incheshikfiS::::: :::::: . $5.65 . 6*25 $235 • • • • • • • • • • • 2 . 5 5 4R . f,°YLJRY NETTlNG-1%^ M«k 48 inches high. Per ISCVfoot roll ... . ft* fU 60 inches high. Per 150-foot roll . . . . . ^ LAWN FENCE 36 inches high. Per foot ,«i/ 42 inches high. Per foot }?%* 48 inches high. Per foot ...****!!!! * CHAIN LINK LAWN FENCE 48 Inches high. Per foot . . . .] # # American Wire Fence Co. * Libertyvillef Mlinois. 12.00 46.00 16.00 128.00 39.00 . 35.75 Lou Smith, grading 16.00 May 9 N. N. Freund, grading ..... J 8.00 Lewis Schroeder, grading .... 224.00 B. N. Smith, grading 23.00 Peter Freund, grading; 81.00 May 28 i. P. Miller, Smithing 9.20 John Regner, road work 8.00 Peter Weber, grading < '. 73.40 B. N. Smith, grading 24.00 Geo. J. Schmitt, grading 16.00 Jos. Huemann, repairs .. ....'. 46.72 J. Smith, gravel, graveling ... 47.50 Ben Freund, cutting brush ... 25.32 Lewis Schroeder, grading aitd hauling dirt . 114.00 ' 8.00 17.55 13.05 C. J. Jepson, hauling dirt W. Francisco, dragging ».. H. Hobart, dragging June 11 Lewis Schroeder, road work .. 152.00 B. N. Smith, grading 37.50 R. C. Harrison, dragging .... 20.00 Steve May, grading 20.00 June 26 Peter Freund, grading 66.00 J. Smith, grading ........... 81.00 J. M. Schmitt, grading ...... 42.00 B. N. Smith, grading 21.00 Jacob P. Miller, grading ..... 36.00 Lewis Schroeder, grading and graveling ^. 229.25 Alexander Lbr. Co. (Ringwood) lumber • 7.64 July 9 Lewis Schroeder, grading .... 187.30 July 23 J. M. Schmitt, grading . : 24.00 J. Smith, grading .......; 38.00 B. N. Smith, grading ....... 21.50 Peter Freund, Jr., grading ... 42.00 Peter Weber, grading 38.00 J. R. Schmitt, grading 44.00 Lewis Schroeder, grading'and graveling • i 197.50 Ly!e Hopper, cutting brush ... 27.00 Ed Jung, cutting brush 5.00 Alexander Lbr. Co.," lumber and culverts 171.12 R, Hobart, grading 64.00 August 13 B; N. Smith, grading 19.00 J. M. Schmitt, grading 40.00 J. Smith, road work ......... 52.50 B. H. Stilling, grading ...... 137.00 j. H. Huemann, repairs ...... 21.35 Lewjs Schroeder, grading and graveling 225.75 August 27 Ed. Nordine, road work ....... 4.00 J. Smith, grading 24.00 Peter Freund, Jr., grading G. Knapp, 215 rds. gravel . . . . Will Stilling, grading . . . . Lewis Schroeder, grading and gia^eling | B. N. Smith, grading j J. L. Schoos, membership fee in estate association September 2 Theo. Sehiessle, office rent ... 50.00 - . September 10 | H. Sompi'l. grave!, gravelifg. ( Michael Thiel, road work ... | B. N. Sm;th, grading J. Smith, grading, road work. Le>vis Schroeder, grading .... Mis. J. Stilling 20 ids gravel. September 24 R, W. Wright, cutting brush . J. Walsh, cutting brush ..... Peter Diedrich, burying dof , Alexander Lbr. Co., culverts j J. P. Miller, smithing Jacob Freund, gravel, grading *Good Road Machinery Co., repairs for crusher Ed. Kattner, crushing ....... J. Schmitt, crushing L. Schroeder, grading J. M. Schmitt, power for crushing 555.25 B. N. Smith, crushing 54.00 B. H. Stilling, crushing 94.00 Peter F.rev^nd, crushing 81.50 Edwin Freund, crushing ..... 128.00 Geo. Freund, crushing . 186.00 A. M. Schmitt, crushing>. , «*.. 170.00 Frett Bros., cement woi%\ V,. , . 17.00 Joe L. Freund, crushing. „ ..... 72.00 Wm. Oeffling,"44 rds. gravel . ; 8.80 J. Blake, graveling ... i.... .i.. 48.00 J. R. Schmitt, Crushing" ; i . 166.00 J. Jung, crushing . 60.00 J. Ilegner, graveling. . . >*• ••* 425.00 Lou Althoff, smithing ****'%.1.50 November 2H ' " : J. Hi. Schmitt, crusher power 34.00 B. N. ^piith, grading ....:... • 89.50 Jake Diedrich, gravel tb crush 505.50 J. H. Stilling, crushing ...... 106.00 Peter Freund, Jr., grading ... 24.00 B. H. Stilling, crushing .... 22.00 Peter Weber, crushing ...... 194.00 P. F. Miller, crushing 118.00 J. P. Freund, crushing 109.33 P. M. Schaefer, crushing .... 176.00 Lewis Schroeder, grading .... 72.00 .B. J. Smith, crushing 64.00 A. M. Schmitt, gravel to crush 126.00 J. Huemann, smithing and repairing 233.62 W. Stilling, crushing .... I.... 332.00 Lou STnith, roajd work 4.00 Alexander Lbr. Co., culverts.. 101.30 December 10 H. C. Kamholz, hardware 12.15 A. M. Schmitt, graveling .... 8,00 J. Smith, gravel, graveling ... 283.50 Joe Smith, graveling ......... 16.00 R. C. Harrison, graveling .... 20i00 F. E. Howe, gravel, graveling 18.00 Geo. Freund,. gravel, graveling 28.00 December 24 J. Walsh, cutting brush 8.00 Frank Herdrich, graveling . 52.80 J. Regner, graveling '... 51.25 R. C. Hobart, graveling" 150.00 Frank Wattles, 66 rds. gravel.. 13.20 Frank May, cutting brush .... 8.00 J. N. Freund, road work .... 10.30 January 14, 1925 Thos. Doherty, cutting brush.. 5.00 January 28 H. J. Thelen, 28 rds. gravel .. 5.60 February 25 L. Schroeder, 8% days hauling* 88:00 Henry Tonyan, grading ...... 60;00 Frank Wattles, 18 rds.^gravel.. 3.60 March 11 Lewis Schroeder, grading ....' 40.00 J. Smith, grading 63.80 B. N. Smith, grading ........ 62.00 March 25 " Richard Guyser, grading 24.< A. P. Freund, grading 4.< Lewis Schroeder, grading ... 84.UU F. Grasser, hauling gravel .... 2.00 J. M. Diedrich, grading 88.00 Peter Freund, Jr., grading , .•> 55.00 J. M. Schmitt, grading .....>. 24.00 j Peter Weber, grading 5^.00 I Roy C. Hobart, grading 67.50 i John Smith, gracing 38.00 B. N. Smith, grading ........ 32.00 March 31 J. A. Miller, filling .......... 1.20 Legal Advisor Publishing Co., stationery 14^67 Mrs. Theo. Sehiessle, office rent 50.00 Total .$11044.38 Recapitulation Amount on hand at beginning of fiscal year 952.99 Amount of funds received during fiscal year 10,536.36 Total amount ...... ..$11,489.35 Amount expended during the fiscal year $11,044.38 Commissions .............. 130.44 Total amount paid out $11,174.82 Balance on hand $ 314.53 SUPERVlSOR'TSTAfEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OF "THE .TOWN OF McHENRY A full statement of the financial affairs of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, as existing on -the 31st day of March, A. 52.00| D. 1925: 53.75 Amount received from coun- 27.00 j ty collector, being balance ( of tax for 1923, less his com- 213.751 mission ....,. j. $3031.42 28.00 Amount received from county collector being 1924 tax.. 1026.24 6.00 76.00 46.00 36.00 72.0C 176.00 4.00 Total amount received from a'l sources ........... ...$4,067,66 - ----Contra ~~~~ ^ Total amount paid out, and the account on which the same was paid, are as follows: Paid 'deficit to balance! 1924 budget $ 4.52 Paid judges and clerks, spring I election, 1st district . . ... 80.00 36.00! Paid hall rent, spring election, .36.00 lpt district 6^00 3.001 Paid posting notices, return- ---^ 86.40 ing ballots, first district .. #300 10.00, Paid judges and clerks, spring L. Schroeder, grading 22.00: election, second district N. Smith, grading Smith, grading rft-7 October 8 v G. P. Newman, blasting L. Schroeder, road work ...... J. Jepson, road work ..... ,y,. J. Smith, grading. . K..f' 66.50; Paid judges and clerks, spring 64.001 election, third district Paid for hall rent, spring 7.70 election, third district .... 8.00 Paid canvassing board for 8.00 spring election i 47.00 Paid McHenry Plaindealar, < 36.00 8GD0 mo # n I • - M I. li mit " [ ' rnmmasitm pub. Township treasurer's report for 1923 32.70 Paid McHenry Plaindealtr, pub. Supervisor's report for 1923 eio Paid Wm. H. Althoff, assessing for 1924 800.00 Paid Wm. Simes, thistle coIk missioner .............. .. 129.00 Paid Dr. N. J. Nye, fumigat* ing bills 16.00 Paid N. H. Petesch, bill far fumigating material .. 13.00 Paid Walter F. Vogt, ftuStgating materials 46.75 Paid board of auditors, Sept. meetings • 24.00 Paid John Boyle for 29 Township meetings 174.00 Paid John Boyle, fees as highway commissioner .... 1,002.00 Paid McHenry Plaindealer, . , pub Township auditor meeting and ballots, etc. .... . . r 26.50 Paid Wm. Hepburn, for fumigating vv 10.00 Paid McHenry County Abstract Co., abstract of Riet- ' esel and Sohm property '. 109.50 Paid Joslyn & Joslyn, expenses and services in the Rietesel and Sohm case .«1,000,06 Paid Chas. B. Harmsen, town clerk fees 176.60 Paid S. H. Freund, poor master salary .............. i;. |50.00 Paid board of auditors, March ' -; meeting .... •* 12.00 .-XL Total amount paid o«t for all purposes $3,871.77 Being a balance in the hands of the supervisor of ......$ 185.89 Dated at McHenry this 31st day of March, 1925. Stephen H. Freund, Supervisor. Get the habit. Call 98-W and give us your news items. " McHenry Upholstering Shop IV J. LANDT Furniture repairing and made to order. ReSnishiog and Antique Work * ....... ; a Specialty. -- r Phone McHenry 57-J PAINT NOWf This Is ths host tims In tho year to paintl I have had years of experience and can guarantee results. 1 «*se 100% pure paint made of white lead, sine and linseed oil. Mjr prices are lowest. Let me quote on your and show yos B. J. KREUTZER West McHenry, Illinois Phone 71-W PainterV APBRAND. PAINT w a Diffev DEVOE WHAT do your wfiM , mean to you? A drab surface which robs the whole room of its beauty or a clean, bright, restful playground for m the eye? If neglected walls could speak, they'd ask for Devoe Velour Finish. It brushes out freely, covers perfectly, and dries quickly into a flat, velvety washable surface.' : r. pient Plan whereby you can paint yomr \ r i; Qouse--inside and out--ana pay for it ifi ten monthly installmpeb,. JOHN F. BRDA McMBNHY. ILC* GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS Camp Lawrence, Great'Lakes Naval Training Station, For Sale at Bargain Prices. The following Building Materials: Lumber--Five Mil ion Feet--All Sizes--Lumber i^fces Ranging from $15 Per M. and Up--And Plaster Board Doors and Windows--Thousands of Doors and Windows AT VERY LOW PRICES Radiators--10,000 Feet of Wall Radiators At 27+ Cents Per Foot » Pipe--One Thousand Tons, All Sizes--Pipe 8 Cents Pfer Foot and Up Plumbing--Thousands of Toilets and „ Lavatories At a Tremendous Savin# Valves, Fittings, Ventilators, also Electrical Materials All Sizes Serviceable One Car Garage--$59.00 Open Every Day Including Sundays American Housewrecking Company Office 4 Blocks Wedfc of Sheridan Road on 22nd Street NORTH CHICAGO, ILL. Phone North Chicago 3970 New Styles in PRUPP" Men's Hats TTHE popular new shades of London Lavenders, Poudre Blue and Pearl Grey, the latest British shapes with broad brims-just what young men want. $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 McGEE'S CLOTHING STORE McHENRY, ILLINOIS likiiAa

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