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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1925, p. 7

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In •old wen all purchased for «m afcoantryectates bf Chfcago- 128-W. A. H. D raying McHENRY, ILLINOIS • '-Sn^VTf-"- "HS j ?"%%, y> MftrC tttt W. Btatfl Aarara SI '-lrtind Dafc6«M ilC Mala fh-.-. VkMHit 5 W. Hala Waterloo HO ' * Bstoli m T«arth w? )«Ult 21' Xfeifrrson Jaararflle 202 MilwaahM •an Clair* Masonic Blig. OafcfcMk I* Mnin St. P»rt« S2& s. Adiima Dwatur 4tS N. Water&:- M.cHhob 117-11* Stat* rnL A LEATH & CO. 4 •'-£ We Live From What We Eat! Why Not Eat Good Things ; ' v ;; While Life Lasts? mm i *-* a rn &}.?> - £y/V i IP^'^^S^jfrinkled Peas,25c Flag Little Gem Peas ,,.v -25c S. B. Tiny Sifted E. J. Peis .35c N. S. Little Kernel Corn 20c S. B. Golden Bantam Cora 25c Mr. Red Salmon -Jlm- ...35c Only a few pennies m6re than you pay for lite ordinary kind* buy real good things here. • •• ' . M From IHcNenry--GrayB Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." Lv. McHenry 7*35 ml, 11:35 a.m.t 2*35 pA, 7tOO pan. Lt. Gray* Lake 8:18 a.m* 12:18, 3tl8 pan* 7*43 pja. Air .Waukegan 9:00, 1:00 p.m., 4:00 pan., 8:25 Art. Chicago 10:22 a.m., 2:17 p.m., 5:17 p.m., 10:17 p.m. CUcago North Shore & Milwaukee B.B.G*. HcHrarjr Hoaso ( TICKET \ Northwest0I*b Hotel McH«nry 18 I OFFICES McHenrv M-R UltfMt Buick 4-fwheel brake$ be applied fuming corncrsi • Certainly. The " J^rake on the outside front wheel is Automatically released, making steering easy and car control sure. Only one such device has so far. been perfected, and Buick has it, SOVERTON & COWEN ^ McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. Urmr «e baflt, Bafck will bafld_A«m P8 ii-Jg*" .... ,n-*r£- JOHNSBURG Frank Kempfer was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mat. Adams motored to Etgjft to attend the K. C. picnic Sunday. Wm. Althoff attended business matters in Chicago last week Thursday. The Lady Foresters' next meeting will be May 26 at 7:30 in the evening. William and Edward Tonyan and Bernard Althoff motored to Solon Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Katherine Tonyan spent this week Tuesday at the home of her son, Joseph Tonyan. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Adams and son. Gene, of McHenry called at tiie home of C. M. Adams Sunday. Mis* Mary Schaefer of Crystal Lake called on her friend, Miss Katherine Althoff, here Sunday. Mohawks go farther. Not the cheapest but the best. Sold by Walter Freund, West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michels moved Tuesday into their apartment in the residence of John Pitxen. Mrs. Peter Williams WM ^Halting with her daughter, -Mrs. Martin Schmitt, in McHenry Sunday. Clarence Smith and his sister, Laura, and Miss Alice Freund were McHenry callers this week Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Biidner went to McHenry Monday afternoon where they boarded the train for Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmitt and daughter, Agnes, visited with relatives at Spring Grove Wednesday. Miss Katherine Pitzen of Chicago spent a few days recently witli her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pttzen. Misses Carolyn Miller, Kathryn King and Mrs. Stephen King were Waukegan visitors Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Peter Neiss and her mother, Mrs. Katherine Freund of McHenry, were visiting with relatives here last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams and Miss Coletta Freund and Otto Adams attended the K. C. picnic at Elgin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tennis and family of Volo were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Freund, a week ago Sunday. Miss Rose Pitzen and her brother, Joseph, of Volo visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pitxen, last Friday evening. Btf-V Shta Batter Automobiles Are Built. Buick Will Build Thess SLOCUM LAKB Mrs. 6. J. Burnett has been in with the •*!*." The bargain crater of McHenry. Erickson's Depti store. Mrs. Henry Geary visited relatives at McHenry last Thursday. Oatis Phillips was a business caller at Crystal Lake last Saturday. Harold Brooks of Waukegan sprat Sunday with his parents here. Willard Darrell was a business.caller at Waukegan last Wednesday. Miss Orpah Morlock spent the week end with her parents at Rosecrans. Lloyd Dowell spent Sunday with his sister,.Mrs. Geo. Seheid near Wanconda. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were business callers at McHenry last Wednesday. Mildred Hoffman was a business caller at McHenry and Crystal Lake on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and little son spent last Thursday evening at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. .Robt. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ahrwall of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinner guests of the latter's parents here. Going out of business. Help yourself to anything in the store at cost and below. M. M. Niesen. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kirk and daugh ter of Wauconda spent Sunday evening at the Robt. Kirk home. Mr. ahd Mrs. George Windle of Evanston spent from Monday until Friday at the G. J. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Cypher of Wauconda spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell. Emmet Geary and son, Forrest, of Fremont township called on the former's parents here last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baseley and children of Wauconda spent Thursday evening at the W. E. Brooks home. Stanley Schaffer of McHenry spent Monday and Tuesday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler of Waukegan spent Sunday with the former's parents at the Hoelscher farm. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks visited at Miss Kathryn King of McHenry tfte Geo. W. Sherman home on Fox ~SFC'-v~ v• -*f-; passed Monday and Tuesday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ming here. Mr. and Mrs. Jos.* Regner and daughter, Betty Jane, spent Sunday as guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Regner, Ht Pistakee Lake. Henry Hetterman and daughter, Agnes, and her friend, Anthony Freund, were visiting relatives at Burlington Sunday. • Mrs. John Stilling of McHenry and Urs. John Brown of Wauconda were Visiting their parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Stilling, last week Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauers of VolO and Mr. and Mrs. Ben BaUers of McHenry were Sunday visitors at tht home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bauers. Jack Thies and Albert Justen of McHenry, Miss Carolyn Miller and Mr, §nd Mrs. Roy Horick of Woodstock were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen King Tuesday evening. A solemn reception of new mem bers ;n the Young Ladies' sodality tuok place here Sunday afternoon. The new members were Genevieve Adams, Asella Tonyan ahd Cecelia Schaefer. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wm. Weber. After the devotion a meeting was held and quite a number of the members were present. TERRACOTTA J. Lynott spent Sunday with his friends here. Raymond J. Riley sprat Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Miss Florence Knox visited relatives ftn McHenry Saturday. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Henry McMillan spent Sunday With relatives in Carpentersville. M. Knox and daughter were Wood* Stock visitors Saturday afternoon. Albert Davis of Chicago visited at the home of Henry McMillan Sunday. Mrs. B. J. Shine was the guest of relatives in Chicago over the week end. ; Eugene Leisner of Chicago visited •at the home of his sister here Sunday. Misses Mary and Ellen Frisby of Elgin spent Sunday at their home here. My entire line of groceries being fclosed out |t cost and below. M. M Niesen. Ernest Peck of Algonquin visited |kis mother, Mrs. Henry McMillan over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Green and children of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday evening. NEW FIRE SIREN IS NOT UP TO EXPECTATIONS . Citizens of McHenry were more or less disappointed with our new fire siren, located on the roof of the Fox River Valley State bank, which was given its second test last Saturday noon. For some reason, not as yet .discovered by city officials, the "screech" does not carry as had been anticipated. As a matter of fact a number of residents of the West Side failed to hear the siren at all and others, who happened to be out-of- -doors at the time, did not take notice Of the alarm until their attention had been called to it. Just what is to be done to make the siren satisfactory is a matter of conjecture altho some teem to think that the turning of the device so as to throw the sound to the fast and west instead of the north Ond south would do it while others proclaim that the siren must be elevated to much greater height. The fity council, no doubt, will recommend i$ertain changes to be made. , v • • • < * • / * < • , - ' . 7 . . « " iiJ" . -is's -if --i' river, near Burton's Bridge, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Roeder of Chicago and Mrs. Williams of Palatine spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Burmeister and Dr. and Mrs. Hoelscher of Chicago were Saturday guests at the H. M. Hoelscher farm here. Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams and daughtei, Pauline, of Geneva spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rohm an of Barrington were last Wednesday afternoon and supper guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mm Harpld Blomgrer*, Mrs. E. Anderson and John Blomgren attended the movie at the Empire Theatre at McHenry Sunday evening Myrtle Darrell was a Crystal Lake caller Sunday morping and was accompanied home by Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews who spent the day with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Ray Dowell and two children were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis at the Davis-Fisher home neai Volo. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Rowley and daughter, Adelle, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Steneck of Crystal Lake were Sunday afternoon callers at the Darrell- Matthews home. Willard Darrell and daughters, Myrtle and Mrs. Harry Matthews, enjoyed the senior class play, "Mrs. Temple's Telegram" at the high school gym at Wauconda last Friday night. 1 '• I VOLO , Joe Wiser spent Saturday £1 Chicago. Harvest hats -'at Erickso&V Dept. store. J. Wagner sprat Monday at Oak Grove. Wm. Duesing spent Sunday in Wisconsin. Clifford *Bemr«|} fe driving a aew Ford sedan. Alice Russell and Howard Hironlmus are ill with mumps. Herman Dowe who has been on the sick list is better at present. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy were business callers at Elgin Saturday. Rev. Lordahl spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wait. Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner entertained relatives from Chicago Sunday. Ben Blasin's children, who have been on the sick list, are better at present. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and family. Roseville sehool will 'close May 21 with a picnic at Gage's lake. M. E Smith is the teacher. Vasey and Volo schools are planning a school picnic at O'Borney's woods. They anticipate a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strotcer of Gilmer spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Wait. Fred Converse, Frank Ehredt and Wm. Deusing received shipments of cattle from Wisconsin this week. Mrs. Passfield and little granddaughter spent Saturday afternoon at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wilson. Several families from here attended the senior class play at the Wauconda community high school Friday evening. Supt. Simpson wiil give examinations for the eighth grade pupils at Wauconda grade school on Thursday, May 21. George and Jos. Passfield of Ridgefield and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and daughter, Marjorie, spent Sunday at the home of their parents here. Have you taken advantage of the selling out sale at M. M. Niesen's? If not, don't lose this opportunity of purchasing high grade groceries at cost and below. George Benwell and sister, Minnie, and Mrs. L. V. Lusk attended the funeral of Miss Agnes Payne at Ivanhot on Wednesday. They also visited St. Mary's seminary at Mundeleln. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and Vera Vasey attended an all day meeting for leaders of sewing clubs at the farm bureau office at Libertyville Friday. They report a very interesting meeting. Rev. L. B. Niles of Grayslake will conduct Sunday evening services at the Volo M. E. church on May 24. He will admiaister the sacrament of'holy communion. Rev. Lordahl will preside at Grayslake on that evening. Clarence Duesing entertained several friends Friday evening at a party in honor of his fifteenth birthday Games we're played, after which delicious refreshments were served. Al! left wishing Clarence many more such delightful birthdays. \/ CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Frank Schoel at Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of McHenry friends. S. J. FOWLER, D. C. F&LMER GRADUATE , CHIROPRACTOR Monday, Wednesday and Friday Hrs., 2:30 to 8:00 p. m. Phone 168 Brefeld BMg. W. McHENRY, ILL. McHenry Dpholstering Shop P. 1. LANDT Furniture repairing and made to order Refinishing and Antique Work a Specialty. Phone McHenry 57-J FOR SALE--An electric washer and wringer. Price, $15.00. Phone 646-W-1 FOR SALE--One 2-ton truck, good as new. East Side (jSarage, McHenry, m. " 47-tf FOR SALE--A commode and baby buggy. Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 60-lt FOR RENT--Summer cottage at Mc- Collum's lake. Inquire of Mrs. M. Bohr, McHenry, 111. 60-tf FOR SALE--Gas stove, $5.00. Heating stove, with oil burner, $15.00. Inquire at The Agatha Shop. 49-2t of OSTEND v {Last week's delayed lottNPjr Everything going, regardless cost M. M. Niesen. Mrs. Nina Sherman and children were Sunday dinner guests of her parents. Wonderful values for a dime in our ten cent section. Erickson's Dept. store. The baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Thomas is reported the latest victim of the measles. The school children are all about over the measles. No new cases are reported among them. Several from here were at Spring Grove fishing on a day recently. All took their fishing license with them Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, were Sunday afternoon callers in the home of their nephew, Elmer Francisco, at Woodstock. Pupils of our school expected to be at work again Monday morning but the news came Sunday that teacher, Miss Eppel, was ill. Mr. Gharity has taken the job of lowering the hill between the farms of Warren Francisco and Frank Kaiser The farm at the south of this hill is the one owned at one time by George Thomas, but is now the Property of John Donavin of Woodstock. Mr. Donavin was over from Woodstock last week Thursday looking after his farm. Ralph Wallis is the renter this year. We have been informed the farm is for sale. ": • " R. M. Galvin, assistant cashier of the Harvard State bank, was elected president of the McHenry County Bankers' Federation at the annual meeting of that body as held at Woodstock on May 8. Other officers elected were: A. H. Henderson, cashier of the Home State Bank at Crystal Lake, vice president; W. F. Bartelt, cashier at the State Bank at Huntley, secretorytreasurer. FOR RENT--Geo. Rothermel house on Riverside Drive. Inquire of Mrs. M. M. Niesen, McHenry. 60-lt FOR SALE--About ten tons of extra choice timothy hay. Robert Knox, one mile south of McHenry, 111. R. F. D. No. 2. 45-tf FOR SALE--Seven room house, bath, all modern improvements, one-half acre of ground. All kinds of fruit. Inquire of M. J. Walsh, West McHenry, 111. 48-tf FOR RENT--Store room, located in business section of Green street, McHenry. Excellent location for any kind of business. M. M. Niesen, McHenry. 49-tf BABY CHICKS--20,000 per week. Standard breeds. Write or call u* for our special May prices and free cata logue. Fox River Hatchery, Elgin, 111. Phone 1537. 48-4t 5 PER CENT MONEY--To loan on good farms; first mortgages only Write or telephone A. A. Crissey, room 203, Community Bldg., phones 23-M and 993, Marengo, 111. 25-tf FOR SALE--Empire Milker, complete; 2 <4 h. p. and 6 h. p. engines, 1 single and i two-row cultivator, two hole corn sheller, alfalfa disc, milk wagon, 12-inch gang*plow, good team, Thor electric washer and 1 electric table lamp. John Kuhn, Richmond, 111. Phone Richmond 425. 49-2t FARROW CHIX, WORLD'S GREATEST SELLING CHIX--For May in 100 lots White or Brown Leghorns, $10.50; Barred Rocks, single Reds, $11.50; White Rocks, Rose Reds, $12.50; Buff Orp., Minorcas, Wyam dottes, $13.50; Postpaid in Illinois only. Free catalog. D. T. FARROW CHICKERIES, Peoria, 111. 46-TF BANK DIRECTORS MET MONDAY The directors of the West McHenry State Bank held their regular meeting in the directors' room of that institution on Monday afternoon of this week. All of the board members were present. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. MiijilC Mrs. Loola McDonald were Stjgl itors Tuesday. ^ MIS am DM 1OBIS~PAVIU0N . rex ma move, u.*. Every Saturday Right Music by BANKERS' 8-fIECE ORCRSTEA NeW|Res<alirant Now Open GENTS, SIM LAKES, 2SC lactedtaff war tax - SATURDAY )L 10-quart Milk Pails. 12-quart Milk Pails. White Enamel Dish Pans ... Angel Food Tins 9 inch Tin Pie Plates Tin Water Dipper ..... White Enamel Water Paili Fancy Waste Paper Baskets^... Good Spades 30c 40c 75c «5c 5c 15c 98c 50c wm r, "8 SPARKLING WOMEN who wear my glasses neveg know that "played out" feeling of fatigue. Alertness and perfect ease is the immediate effect ot correctly fitted ? lenses. Let me prove it. Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist Next to Brda's Hardware StoreV McHenry, IN. Every KvmIbi froai 1 tolwcptSMwitT. liPdsjr*p. a. Mtiaoffio*,WuktaM,BL Pi mm. fh 3hf SUM a»ondrrful Simt Sa htr Mfir. Commencement Suggestions r Wrist Watches, $8.00 and up Diamond Rings, $15.00 and up Eastman Kodaks, $2.00 and up Mesfi Bags, Whiting & Davis Navarre Pearls, Chokers, Etc. % Fancy Bracelets Musical Instruments Ivory Goods / pen and Pencil Sets Gents Traveling Sets, ets. ^ iflknr ttMre ieat your service, ready to care lot :f*T needs in our Mae. Nye Jewelry, Music & Radio West McHenry, Illinois •vi# ? '«v mK '•M ' >s 4t, $£*?•' •* Ml:* . v: -JEf- X*. -- ."-'*4'. MS

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