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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1925, p. 10

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s&m*"- „ KiiJKs iJKSts ^'mm *&£*• %o ; PERSONALS was a Chicago visitor Hiek. Mrs. Simon Stoffel, daughters, Lena and Esther, Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger and children and their guest, Mrs. Mary Meyers, were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Frett at Aurora one day last week. Miss Clara Miller passed the litter part of last and the first of this week as the guest of relatives at Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Win. H. Mead of Raymondsville, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. LeOrr W. Mead of Houston, Texas, arrived here last Thursday for a visit in the Mrs. Barbara Schiessle home. ; i 4 j M ou Wilt Like Our Service THE spirit of this Bank is one of genuut* helpfulness. Here you will find, in every department, courtesy and efficiency that reflects the ideals of this institution. And we will appreciate your patronage enough to take a really personal interest in your transactions. Our service is your service whenever you wish it. : Mchenry ILLINOIS 'The Bank That Helpa You Get Ahead' tm Be Prepared for Hot Weather Step in and let us show you our line kerosene, gasoline and gas stoves. r WM.H.ALTHOFF HARDWARE ---Phone 65-J -- WEST McHENRY, ILL. For the Home Our line of Fibre Furniture consisting of settees, chairs and tables was never more complete than at the present time. In case we haven't in stock just what you want, we'll get it for you without delay. Would also be pleased to show you our line of Linoleums aad Rugs. Jacob Justen & Son Furniture and Undertaking McHenry, 111. FOR Cream yourself of getting the best. Made in McHenry under perfect sanitary conditions. None better. " J m. m:.. ICE CREAM COMPANY WHOLESAl|$ PHONE 79-11 WfJPHT AS PICKED UP BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS DURING WEEK WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING IN THIS CITY AND IMMEDIATE VICINITY Everything going, regardless of coat. M. M. Niesen. The bargain center of McHenry. Erickson's Dept. store. Have you property for Sale or rent? If so list same with N. H. Petesch, realtor. Phone 121-R. Only one more week in which to take advantage of the special closing out sale conducted by M. M. Niesen. Insure--in sure--insurance with Wm. G. Schreiner. Office at residence. Phone 98-R, McHenry, HI. Auctioneering. The dust on our streets has become almost unbearable and it is the hope of our citizens that the street oil will soon arrive and be applied. The next meeting of the Social Wheel will take place at the home of Mrs. A. J. Schneider on Mill street on the afternoon of Thursday, June 4. The McHenry public school re-opened on Tuesday morning after having been closed for more than a week on account of the measle epidemic. The school will close for the summer vacation next week. The remains of Henry Stanton, who passed away at his late home near Fox Lake on Tuesday of last week, were brought to this city last Thursday for burial. Services were conducted at St. Patrick's church with interment in St. Patrick's cemetery. The grading along Elm street is being pushed with all possible haste. It is the desire of the contractor to have this stretch in readiness for the pouring of cement just as soon as the Riverside Drive and Pearl street stretches have been completed. The Main street paving job is now completed as far as the Simon Stoffel block and unless more trouble sets in or jrain interferes, the West Side job should be completed by the first of next week after which the big mixer will be moved over to Riverside Drive. Complaint has beenc registered by Henry Ahrens against the practice of some children who have been walking on newly constructed walks along Green street. Parents should warn their children against this practice and point out to them the damage that results from such a misdemeanor. The members of the McHenry council, Knights of Columbus, will attend a memorial mass in a body at St. Patrick's church at 8:30 next Saturday morning. Father Hackett, chaplain of the council, will read the mass. The Knights- will meet at the hall at eight o'clock and march to the church in a body. Decoration Day coming on Saturday an unusually large week end crowd is expected by hotel men and resort owners in this city and along the river and lakes. Many of the summer home owners have already opened their cottages for the summer and before the end of next month all of the .cottages will again be occupied. A new loader-and clam were unloaded here by the McGucken & Vander Heyden Construction company last Friday to replace the old outfit which had been giving the workmen more than a little trouble. It was not until Monday morning, however, that the new outfit was operated and since then better progress is being made. The eighth grade commencement exercises of St. Mary's parochial school will be held at the McHenry community high school auditorium on Thursday evening, June 11, at which time the largest class in, the history of the school will receive their diplomas. The program will be published in next week's issue of The Plaindealer. The regular meeting of the McHenry council, Knights of Columbus, will be held at their hall this (Thursday) evening. It is expected that most of the new members who were initiated into the order at Harvard last Sunday will be present. Musical numbers will be furnished by M. A. Conway and Wm. Quinn, old time fiddlers. Robert J. Frisby, who is employed by the state to patrol route 20 between Volo and Woodstock, wishes The Plaindealer to state that his telephone number is 148-M. Anyone wishing to reach him may do so by calling that number. Mr. Frisby has been the patrolman of this stretch for some time past and has been doing some very creditable work. The McHenry baseball club will travel to Crystal Lake next Saturday afternoon where they will hook up with the Algonquin Indians. This will be the first meeting of these two teams this season and a close and hotly contested struggle may be ex pected. A large number of fans from this city are planning on seeing the contest. Carpenter work on one of the two homes to be erected by Patrick Cleary, on Waukegan and Main streets, is progressing very favorably as is also the work on the new home under construction for Mrs. Laura Kent on Main street. The latter place is being erected by Stephen H. Freund and his men while the owner, with the assistance of M. S. Freund, will erect the" Cleary houses. Kent & Green, local realtors, report that they are in receipt of inquiries for summer homaa from two distant states. One of the inquiries came from Den ver, Colo., while the other came from a city down in Florida. That our beautiful river and chain of lakes are known practically the country over is quite evident. McHenry has, no one can deny, the best summer resort proposition in the country. MCHENRY'S •QUE OF AMUSEMENT "WE CAN T PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" " >;? THURS.. MAY s-r-:*%--Qne Night Only^ ' '• The Tie That Binds The story of the gay white way, with la big star cast AND A PATHE COMEDY ' F R I D A Y . M A Y 2 9 MILDRED DAVIS --IN "CONBEMNED" $?'. , . It's a Real Picturf ANi> PATHE COMEDY •AT. A SUN.. MAY. 30 * 31 *•" WITH-""--- .. « ' : » s p e c i a l ; " ; tJJNDAY MATINEE 2t30f ' BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE •ITil FEATURE PICTURE AND COMEDY -;^-%ATURDAY. MAY 30 HOOT GIBSON hurricane Kid" AND; UNIVERSAL COMEDY NOTE--A mistake WM made in billing this feature for laat week II , SUNDAY, MAY 31 Secrets of the Night --WITH-- James Kirkwood, Madge Bellamy and a host of others. The cast belongs Ja "electric . lights" " * • AND-- ^ ; ^fjUR GANG COMEDY TUES.a WED.. JUNEt fca Wesley Barry IN-- "The Country Kid" It has et"4ry element to please pur patrons. Story la funny and appealing. AND . UNIVERSAL COMEDY. ILJFL ML'1 I' THUR. & FRI . JUNE 4 4 5 INEZ FROM HOLLYWOOD (Continued Fox river and it is for thi« reason that the more farsighted and public spirited men of the valley have set out to prepare for this condition. The Fox river valley has already showed signs of a healthy and substantial growth. More and more are the people in Chicago beginning to realize and appreciate this beautiful section, one of the most beautiful in the state of Illinois, and it is only natural that Chicago's overflow will find its way to the Fox river valley henceforth in greater numbers than ever before. The stream, according to an estimate as worked out by the Fox Valley Federation, will witness a population of no less than a million people within the course of the next twenty years. !J"he down river cities and towns are already making a determined bid for this increased population and McHenry will get her proportionate quota, however, not so soon as other sections unless the citizens here go after it, according to the statement of Mr. Brandon. The speaker appeared quite familiar with Fox river in this particular section and opened his address by saying that "you have sold Fox river to me and I am here tonigbt to sell it tMMMd apoB niaey the Fox which were probably new to most of his listeners. Up«n the close of his very excellent talk the club voted to take out a membership in the Fox Valley federation and in this manner expressed itself as willing and ready to assist in this great work. Mrs. Ward of Batavia, affiliated with the woman's branch of the federation, was also called upon for a few remarks and in a very pleasing manner, told of the part that the women thruout their section of the valley were taking. The work laid out for this body, according to her declarations, is for the beautification of the river's banks and the highways along its course. The present north- boundary of this club's activity is Algonquin but with proper encouragement their labors will eventually reach as far north as the lakes. The planting of trees and shrubbery along the banks of the stream and highways and the elimination of all advertising, out side of cities and towns, appear an their aim and according to Mrs. Ward the ladies are receiving a great deai of encouragement and have confidence that their program will at some future time be brought to a full and a ttt Mr*. Ward, left immediately after the meeting, they having driven to Me- '0% Henry via auto and were therefore £ ^ anxious to get backf to their hones. -V \. Light refreshnent? and community ^ singing closed a very delightful mad "f interesting meeting. r SUNDAY GAME CALLED OFF ON ACCOUNT OF COLO v The baseball game scheduled for last Sunday between the home clnb and Liberty ville was called off early last Sunday morning on account of the B% wintry-like weather. The management |r| of the McHenry club, we believe, acted wisely in their decision not to stage £« the game as it is very doubtful if evenfiff the dyed-in-the-wool fans would have braved the chilly breezes and attended *-;1 the game. The weather was more suit- *iP\ able for foot ball and indoor sports^ than for 6ur great national NOTICE Commencing June 1 the prices of: ^ our filtered and pasteurized milk will:;";; be as follows: Quart, 12c; pint, 7c; * . cream, one-half pint, 16c. ;; * Riverside Daley. ^ Big selling out sale wm m at H. M. Niesen'3 grocery. ANNA MUELLER NIGHT SPONSORED BY McHENRY CHAPTER O. E. S. HERE MONDAY McHenry chapter, No. 547, O. E. S., was highly honored by the visit of about sixty distinguished guests on Monday evening of this week, May 26. Among them were our honor guest, Anna Mueller, grand Electa; John Garner, grand sentinel; Sarah Daniels, secretary of board of grand examiners; Ida Belle Morgan and Louise Kipp, grand representatives; Gertrude Hallen, grand lecturer, all of Chicago. Other grand lecturers present were; Sallie Volz of Palatine? Jessie Dumser of Elgin, Fannie Lillibridge of Harvard, Emma Buell and Anna Graves, both of Woodstock. There were five worthy matrons and worthy patrons present and others holding high offices. A banquet was served at Rivjprside hotel at 6:30, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The tables were beautifully decorated with red tulips, candles, favors and place cards. After the banquet we proceeded to our hall which gave the appearance of a flower garden, such profusion of flowerB everywhere, banked and draped and contained in baskets and cornicopias suspended from ceiling an^f walls and trailing over lattices. The prevailing colors were red and white. Red in honor of our honor guest, Anna Mueller, grand Electa. -Offices for the evening ware filled by the following: Anna Mueller, W. M.; John Garner, W. P.; Jessie Dumser, A. M.; Fanny Lillibridge, Secy.; Eva Springer, Treas.; Sarah Daniels, Con.; Louis Kipp, A. C.; Emma Buell, Chaplain; Martha Page, marshal; Grace Bender, organist; Ida Weiss, soloist; Clara Alberty, Ada; Sallie Volz, Ruth; Emma Ehlert, Esther; Charlotte Eck, Martha; Ida Belle Morgan, Electa; Jeanie Morrill, warder; John Schuldt, sentinel. " One of the most enjoyable features of the evening was the good music, especially the vocal, solos rendered so beautifully by Ida Weiss of Chicago. There were many presentations of flowers and gifts and responses. All of the visitors who filled the offices for the evening made most interesting and cordial speeches. Three candidates were initiated into the order and one petition read. At the close of the meeting fruit punch was served. This event stands out prominently as one of the most interesting in the history of McHenry Chapter. Real quality butter at Erickson's. . WMac Business-like? Do you "hide" your valuable papers? Or do you do the business-like thing and put those papers in one of dur Safe Deposit Boxes? ^ ^ Safe Deposit protection costs only4 itfew cents a week. • • . .. ." • • ;.-:aii* Saturday and Monday Specials MAY 30 AND JUNE I . 8 3 BARS KIRK OLIVE TOILET^ SOAP for BARS JAP ROSE TOILET SOAP for S. O. S., the Magic Cleanser, 3 largv %' packages §ISH FLAKES, 9. * M. branch large can. PEACHES, Ferndel! brand, finest quality, V/2 can "... BAKER'S CHOCOLATE, % poui# cake BAKER'S COCOA, K pound ^ can 2 2 cans OLD DUTCH CLEANSER for 2#c cans K. C. BAKING POWDER for ..i-- cans Standard Sweet Wrinkled "™ PEAS for -- packages of Kellogg's CORN • FLAKES for.'.. intra 31C: packages POST JOASTIES 2 for . CREAM OF WHEAT? * package_ r -- t. Erickson Department Store West McHenry, Illinois W: \ XJBter • / mm •0- '*>1. - wi: Ufa*:

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