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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1925, p. 7

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Drayiflf •>/:.'ii "••• , '. * "I? McHENRY, ILLINOIS oat wleatlLM. fete- I Read thePiainfr alsr «*d keep po«ted on The IWodailit Want Ad column is the way to |«t tti quk^est and best results. / • • £ "WSSS3B3C3BCSBSi3B5a3BWCKSJBK53BB555BBC ^il Remem^rance !• • T«wlin from wfcich MM M| «M eh A Vs*?* J ~'1 *-Vt, •MM nhw, «N«i |will|» A L«ik Star* la MMR T«K » Or«v« •mMot*. itl W. A*rara, >1 Iilu4 Drnkoqa*. ST* Mate FrM»«rt. S *[. Mate Wtteho, III IihuMi B«Mt, 411 fourth ImMet. tit J«C«noa _ JSMSTUK Ml MUnukN saksfr.ssr'i"^ ICS S. Adams A. LEATH & CO. We Live From What We Eat! ; Not Eat Good Things While Life Lasts?-"-"" " Sliced S. B. Pineapple __ $. B. Loganberries.. --• > o, * * x 35c S2c N. S. Strawberries *« ***.. 42c N. S. Red Raspberries.--. ^Wilsco Red Raspberries. .... ^.,^_.36c V iS. R Bartlett Pears -45c ,Vv. ' 3? '* .. _ V1" Only a lew pennies more than you pay for tHi ordinary kind, buy real good things here From McHenry-- Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by . North Shore Motor Coadl North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." Lv. McHenry 7:35 a.m* 11:35 a.m., 2:35 paik, 7:00 p.m. Lv. Grays Lake 8:18 a.m., 12:18 pom., 3:18 pjib, 7*43 pJk An«Waukegtn 9.00 a.txk» 1:00 p.m., 4H)0 pan.. 8:25 pan. Art. Chicago 10:22 aoiu» 2:17 p.m., 5:17 p.m., 10:17 Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee S.R.C* McHenry BHH J TICKBT J N«rtkwesten Blld McHenry It OFFICES McHenrv M-R Wbaa Batter Autoasobilee Are Built* Buiek Will Build Th--a No. 13 MM»-4 % you find better'work* manship in Buich motor cant • • . nswer: Buick's precision methods are possible because of Buick's great volume. It would be impossible to put such fine workmanship * into Bukk cars for their price if Buick buik but a few thousand can a year. OVERTON & CO WEN ' McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, II I , . : •«. . %*-•• l." w.*' ; brtttf wrtiniinobfles ere bulk, Hoick wfll bdld diem SLOCUMLAKE W. E. B*ooks ««• « business ceBer in Chicago last Keadiiy. H. M. Hoehcher of Chicago spent last Friday at his farm here. Miss Orpah Morlock spent the weak end with her parents at Rosecrans. Harold Brooks of Waukegan spent the week end with home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren spent last Thursday afternoon at Woodstock. Willard Darrell attended a Masonic meeting at Lake Zurick Monday night. Wonderful values for a dime in our ten cent section. Erickson's Dept. store. My entire line of groceries being closed out at cost and below. M. M. Niesen. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell were business callers at McHenry Tuesday morning. Mrs. Robt. Kirk attended the Griswold Lake school picnic last Thursday afternoon. Willard Darrell and daughter. Myrtle, spent last Friday afternoon at Crystal Lake. x Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were business callers at McHenry last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell were business callers at Waukegan last Thurs* Jay afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Volo called at the Blomgren home last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children were business callers at Barrington last Saturday. Wm. Johnston and son, Earl, and Oatis Phillips were business callers at Huntley last Saturday. Mrs. F. B. Carr of Spring Grove arrived at Oak Glen Farm Sunday where she will visit relatives. Mrs. G. J. Burnett, who has been ill with intestinal "flu" is confined to her bed at the present time. Miss Fern Krapel and friends of Elgin called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children were business callers at Crystal Lake last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Harold Blomgren and Mrs. E. Anderson visited at the Darrell-Matthews home Saturday afternoon, Miss Fern Grantham, who has been ill with diphtheria, is spending this week with her grandparents at Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Kirk's grandparents at Grayslake. M. H. Haffey and son, LaVerne, of West Chicago spent the week end with relatives at the Darrell-Matthews home. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rohman at Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer of McHenry for Sunday dinner and supper JOHNSBURG The finest coffee obtainable. Erickson's Dept. store. % George Oeffling molored to Chicago last week Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thelen were McHenry visitors last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers spent last week Tuesday in Chicago. Quite a number from here attended the K. C. meeting at Halyard Sunday. . Great bargains await yon at M. M. Niesen's. All goods will be sold out at cost. More miles and more smiles if you use Mohawk fires. Walter Freund, West McHenry. More miles and more smiles it you use Mohawk tires. Walter Freund, West McHenry. Herbert Becker from Sublette, Hi., was a Sunday visitor in the home of Stephen F. Schmitt. Mrs. John King of McHenry spent last Wednesday with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith an<t Mrs. Jos. B. Hettermann were Elgin visitors one day last week. J Mr. and Mrs. Will Lowe of Chicago were out to spend Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Keller of Burlington, Wis., were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Hettermanp. Mat. Adams, Anthony Freund, Dorothy Bauers and Agnes Hettermann motored to Lake Geneva and Pell Lake last Thursday. Frank Mathieu returned home Monday from San Francisco. Calif., where he has been filling theatrical engagements for some time past. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmitt and sons, Bernard and Joseph, motored to Beloit, Wis., to visit with relative* there last week Thursday. Mr. artd Mrs. Fred Schmitt and family and Miss Hildegart Freund were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmitt at Beloit, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller, son and daughters, Martha and Marie, and £heir friend, Elizabeth Kempfner, mo to red to Lake Geneva last week Thursday. The men Foresters of St. J ohn's court, No. 96. initiated three new members last Thursday evening. They were Vincent Feltes and Leo Lay of TERRA COTTA Harvest hats at Erickson's Dept. store. J. S. Lynott spent Sunday at the home of Henry McMillan. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago visited at her home here Sunday. Mark and Miss Neva McMillan were Chicago visitors Saturday. Miss Jennie Hagan of Elgin was a guest at the home of B. J. Shine Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox spent Sunday with relatives and friends in Aurora. Thomas Bernston of Elgin visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Shine Sunday.; Eugene Leisner of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of his sister, Miss Alice Leisner. Going out of business. Help yourself to anything in the store at cost and below. M. M. Niesen. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughters called on relatives in Woodstock last Thursday evening. Edward J. Knox and Miss Lofetta Kirby of Aurora called at the former's home here last Wednesday evening. The Terra Cotta school closed last Thursday with a picnic which wa* greatly enjoyed by the pupils and the visitors. Miss Genevieve Knox, who has taught the school very successfully the past two years, will not return next year/much to the regret of alt. r~RIDGEFIELD~ Miss Irish was shopping in Crystal Lake Saturday. You save when you trade at Erickson's Dept. store. Howard Nelson motored rfo Woodstock last Wednesday. A. G. Levey and wife were shopping in Woodstock Saturday. Jas. Bennett spent Wednesday of last week in Woodstock. Mrs. H. Radke was shopping in Crystal Lake Wednesday. F. J. Wilkins and family visited relatives at Harmony Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Osman of Crystal Lake were in Ridgefield Saturday on business. A. H. Skinner and wife of Chicago spent SundAy with relatives in Ridgefield. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ormsby of St. Louis spent Sunday at the home of | William Ormsby. Big selling out sale now on. My Spring Grove and Henry Weber from; entire stock now going at cost and here. | below. M. M. Niesen. Stephen F. Schmitt and son, Joseph j Miss Jewel Conerty and friend. Bob Schmitt, and Miss Agnes Schmitt and j Barrett, of Chicago spent Sunday at their sister, Mrs. Mat Lay of Spring i the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. Grove, were to Beloit, Wis., to visit FOR RENT--Two Call phone 143-M. furnished rooms 51-lt FOR SALE--An electric washer and wringer. Price, $15.00. Phone 646-W-l FOR SALE--Two sows with nineteen pigs. Michael Justen, phone 63&-W-1. FOR SALE--One 2-ton truck, good as new. Bast Side Garage, McHenry, 111. 47-tf FOR RENT--Summer cottage at Mc- Collum's lake. Inquire of Mrs. M. Bohr, McHenry, 111. 50-tf LOST--In or near McHenry, a 30x5-25 Fisk balloon tire and rim. Reward to finder. Call phone 138-R. 51-lt WANTED--One or two girls for general housework. Apply at the McHenry House, McHenry, IU. 51-lt FOR SALE--About ten tons of extra choice timothy hay. Robert Knox, one mile south of McHenry, 111. R. F. D. No. 2. 45-tf FOR SALE--One-half h. p; Century electric motor in good condition; large iron oil tank. A. J. Schneider, West McHenry, 111. Phone 53-R. 51-lt FOR SALE--Seven room house, bath, all modern improvements, one-half acre of ground. All kinds of fruit. Inquire of M. J. Walsh, West McHenry, 111. 48-tf BABY CHICKS--20,000 per week. Standard breeds. Write or call us for our special May prices and free catalogue. Fox River Hatchery, Elgin HI. Phone 1537. 48-4t FOR RENT--Several dandy sumifier cottages by the week or season. Modern conveniences and good locations Inquire of us.- Kent A Green, opp. city hall, McHenry, 111. 61-tf 5 PER CENT MONEY--To loan on good farms; first mortgages only Write or telephone A. A. Crissey. room 203, Community Bldg., phones 23-M and 993, Marengo, 111. 25-tf WANTED--Ten young ladies of refinement to work in Marlboro Hotel, Manor and Gardens dining room, Fri day, Saturday and Sunday. Permanent employment later in seas< Phone Crystal Lake 19. 51-lt FARROW CIIIX, WORLD'S GREATEST SELLERS--Postpaid Juno lf»th to Aug. 10th in 100 lots BARRED ROCKS, SINGLE REDS, ANCONAS, $9.50; WHITE ROOKS: ROSEJTEDS, $10.50; BUFF OttP„ WYAI MINORCAS, $11.50; LI $8.50; ASSORTED $6.50. D. f. FARROW CEfCKERIES, PEORIA, ILL- 61-tf IN APPRECIATION OF WORK OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Whereas, on Sunday, May 24, A. D. 1925, the homes of Frank Edehnan and Harry Wilson at Pistakee Lake, Illinois, were totally destroyed by fire and Whereas, on account of the high winds prevailing all the surrounding homes on Pistakee Bay were also threatened with destruction by fire, and had no adequate fire facilities or fire department to protect them, and Whereas, the VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT of McHenry, Illinois, although the fire occurred outside the corporate limits of McHenry, volun- , tarily responded to a call for help, and 4 covered the distance from McHenry to = Pistakee Lake within eleven minutes : of the time that the call was sent in, ~ and Whereas, the effective work of the VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT of McHenry, Illinois, consisting of Peter W. Frett, Earl Gorman, Walter Gorman, Sam Frazer, Larry Hucfc and James Perkins, prevented the spread of the fire and a general conflagration, Now, Therefore, the undersigned owning homes in the immediate vicinity of said fire, desire to express in writing our appreciation of the gallant work of the men composing the VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT of McHenry, Illinois, and to extend to the City of McHenry our congratulations on the work of those men and our thanks for the use of the fire apparatus owned % the City of Me^' Henry. In testimony of that appreciation we have each hereunto set our hands this twenty-fifth day of May, A. D. 1925, A H. Severinghailti' * / ^Andrew McAnsh|, Joseph F. Haas, Harry Wilson, Frank B. Edelmaifc;fc Henry G. Saal. Plaindealer ads bring results. ^ If you reside in McHenry township your legals belong in The Plaindealer. Dont' let anyone tell you any different Our prices for legals are the same as any other paper published In Me* Henry county. with the former's brother, Joseph Schmitt and family. , Mrs. Louis Althoff and daughter, Esther, of McHenry, Misses Barbara Althoff and Gertrude Tonyan motored to New Munster, Wis., this week Wed- McHENRY FIRE DEPARTMENT VERY HIGHLY COMPLIMENTED 'Hie McHenry volunteer fire department and the new fire truck has come in for some very fine compliments u- l * , s»nce last Sunday's fire at Pistakee nesday to attend a wed mg w ic oo j j|QS^ Qf these compliments came place at St. Alfonsus churc a ^mnei fr0m Chicago people who own summer The quarantine which was placed on j o'clock. j homes or estates around Pistakee. the O. W. Grantham home about three Mrs. Stephen P. Schmitt sut- fhat ihe prompt response to ^ie call weeks ago for diphtheria was lifted prised on her sixty-sixth birthday last i for help saved much valuable property Saturday. J Sunday when all her children, grand- j aroun(j Pistakee, is the declaration of Gordon Kirk, a student of Griswold • children and near friends came to cele- those who own property adjacent to Lake school, entertained that school at last Friday afternoon's radio program from WLS. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis and two children enjoyed Sunday dinner and afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pfannenstill of Area were Sunday supper and evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pfannenstill. William Brooks, who has been employed in one of Ford's valve plants near Plymouth, Mich., returned home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children of Crystal Lake were Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks attended the "Anna Mueller" night, observed by McHenry Chapter, O. E. S., at McHenry Monday night. Willard Darrell attended a stockholders' meeting of the Wauconda bank and also a banquet served at the Broncheon at Wauconda Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended a Euchre party given by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Banks at the W. R. C. hall at Wauconda Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell of Grayslake, who have spent several weeks with their granddaughter, Mrs. Kirk, returned to their home last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. McGill and son, Farrell, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Converse and daughter, Frances, visited the Elgin Radio stati<m WTAS at Elgin Sunday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Grantham accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Jr., of Waukegan spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Alverson in Chicago. Willard Darrell and his daughter, Myrtle, attended the championship ball game between Arlington Heights and Wauconda at DesPlaines Monday. Wauconda won the game. Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake visited her mother, Mrs. G. J. Burnett, from Friday until Sunday and was then accompanied home by her husband who spent the day here. Mr. and Mrs. P.VAnderson and chil dren of Algonquin were Sunday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Volo were also supper guests, Leo Thelen was a business visitor in Chicago one day last week. B. J. Brefeld and son, Paul, spent one day recently with Waukegan relatives. John Walsh and son, Bay, of Fox were guests of relatives here last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samlow and daughter, Dorothy Jean, of Chicago spent several days in the fcome «f N. C. Klein and daughter. brate the day with her. Those from far were her two daughters, Miss Mary Schmitt from Sublette, 111., and Mrs. Christina Miller from Evanston, her friends, Mrs. Laurent Ghant from West Brooklyn, III., Mrs. Joseph Schweiger and son, Joseph, from Compton, 111- SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION TO BE HELD AT PARIS FROM MJNE 16 TO IS The state Sunday school convention in Paris, 111., June 16 to 19, offers an exceptionally fine program. Every Sunday school will do well to send at least one, better five or six delegates. It will be the best of investments if the schools plan to pay the expenses of at least one of their delegates. The time, effort and expenses will be fully repaid in the inspiration gained, and. those able to attend will be privileged indeed Roger W. Babson says, "The need of the hour is not more legislation. The need of the hour is more religion." More than five hundred of the finest men and women are serving as teachers and officers in the thirty-eight Sunday schools of McHenry county and five thousand three hundred are included in the membership. If any child, youth or adult is without the privilege of Sunday school membership it seems apparent that the opportunity is not lacking. No one Is too old oi too young to be a member of some Sunday school. The workers will be glad to welcome you in the church of your choice. You will find there, inter esting groups of every age. The com ing weeks are especially favorable, come and enjoy these Sundays in the church school. It is the ideal place. Secy. County Sunday School Assn. STANDARD OIL ERECT NEW GASOLINE FILLING STATIONS that of the Edelmann home which was destroyed by fire last Sunday after noon. According to a resolution as sent to the local department by Chicago residents at Pistakee, the run from McHenry to the Bay was made in eleven minutes. McHenry, we believe, has as good au^quipment as will be found in many cities much larger than ours and the manner that the members performed last Sunday is very commendable, to say the least. In a manner of showing their appreciation, three owners of summer homes donated $100 each to the local department immediately after the fire. The donators are A. H. Severinghaus, Byron A. McAnsh and Joe. F. Haas It is our understanding that there are other summer home owners residing in this summer resort territory who have expressed a desire to lend financial aid to the department. Needless to say that the members of the McHenry fire department feel highly grateful for the contributions received this week. NOTICE OF AWARD OF PAVING CONTRACT See Whole "Show" Since Yoo've "Bought t Ticket" ONCE under the "big tent" we all like to stay till the "windup." Take a good look at the "show of life." See it as it really is-- you won't get a "rain check." Good eye glasses go a long way toward giving yon •the right "view" on life. Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist Next to Brda's Hardware Store, McHenry, 111. Every Evening from 7 to 9 except Saturday. All day Wednesdays too* *a-m. to* p. m.: Mate office. Wauk««raa. UL Two new gasoline filling stations and refreshments stands have been erected on route 20 between this city and Lily Lake. The first of these occupies a site on one of the M. A. Conway lots, just east of the Polly Prim, and is owned and conducted by Nick N. Freund, local agent for the Standard Oil Co. The second of these stations is located on an acre of ground recently purchased from John S. Freund by Henry Nell. The location of this station is the corner where the Johnsburg and Pistakee road enter onto Route 20. Mr. Nell will conduct this station. Adding the station at Lily Lake hotel, this makes t^ree gasoline supply stations now in operation between this city and Volo. Your news items always appre- j hopes to be able to start operations ciated. Phone 88-W. j before the end of next week. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, held on the 25th day of May, A. D. 1925, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. a contract was awarded for the construction of: 1. Special Assessment No. 10, County Court of McHenry County, Docket Number 2797, for curbing, grading, draining, and paving with reinforced Portland Cement concrete pavement as provided in the Ordinance providing for such improvement, Elm street from the Easterly line of Riverside Drive to the Westerly street line of Ringwood Road to McGucke^i & Vender Heyden Company, Contractor, at its bid price of Twenty-five thousand one hundred sixty-five and one onehundredth Dollars ($25,165.01.) Dated at McHenry, Illinois this 26th day of May, A. D. 1925. R. I. OVERTON. Secretary of the Board of Local Improvements of the City at McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. 51-lt BARBIAN BUILDING RENTED ' Earl J. Knecht has rented the John J. Barbian building on Green stree; and the place is now being put in readiness for his occupancy. Mr. Knecht will deal in egg products and will use the Barbian building as a receiving station. The business will be con ducted under the name of Earl L. Knecht company. Mr. Knecht has had many years experience in this line and picked the McHenry territory as a good field in which to operate. He ghf Must (IDoMlnful Sitae 3a Mr We Commencement Suggestions^ Wrist Watches, $8.00 and up Diamond Rings, $15.00 and up Eastman Kodaks, $2.00 and up Mesh Bags, Whiting & Davis Navarre Pearls, Chokers, Etc... _ ^ Fancy Bracelets Musical InstruiH&nts Ivory Goods Pen and Pencil Sets ^ Gents Traveling Sets, ets. Am# iaai your service, ready to care lor needs in our line. Nye Jewelry, Music & Radio Shop West McHenry, Illinois * - -J Sii : M ..... l;V;. ' ' • T i." ' J- " ^ . ««*i.*.i .A. . . . . * ... .r':,* pP'

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