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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1925, p. 8

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fto CWtalwlM- Want Ad eoliimn it-"Hit * get the quickest and ffiiv. 11..,.' . I."k There's nothing: like the quick intense heat of tht broiler in our reag That is just onA feature of these splendid ranges Yhat burn clean KM, and Make a qwl kitchen. Westeri^ United Gas and Eledtric Company C. E. Collias, Dist. Mgr., Elgin, III. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) RBPUUT OF TIIK CONDITION OF ADDITIONAL John Drymiller spent Tuesday al Woodstock. Mrs. M. J. Kent mi t Chicago visitor Friday. Miss Pearl Claxton was a Woodstock visitor Tuesday. Miss Kate King is spending a few days in Chicago. Miss Lillian E. Freund spent Wednesday at Lake Geneva. Mrs. J. Hickey of Chicago is Spending the week in her cottage here. John R. Thompson and E. Bolger of Chicago visited McHenry Wednesday. Miss Catherine Area of Chicago is spending the summer with Mrs. Homer. Mrs. gL. Kent, daughter, Ruth, and Miss Mildred Welsh passed Tuesday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brefeld ofWaukegan spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Misses Winifred. Riley and Marian Miller of Chicago spent the week end in the former's cottage on Broad street. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen and the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. M, Rothermel and family of Springfield, 111., motored to Elgin to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dake. Mrs. Lillian Kirby of Los Angeles. Calif., spent Monday and Tuesday with her sister-in-law, Mrs. L. R. MacDoiyald of this city. Mrs. MacDonald accompanied her to Chicago on her return to California. b - 'J V A located at McHenry. State of Illinois, at tbe clone of bnsUn Jane, IMS. aa made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of note, pursuant to law. ^tESOU£CES Loans on Real Estate .. ... Loans on Collateral Security../ Other Loans Overdrafts Other Bonds and Stocks Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures. DM from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources... Total Resources., LIABILITIES Capital Stock..a Undivided Profits" Time Deposits. Demand Deposita Bills Payable Total Liabilities. on the 10th day the State of IM> ...f «S,W4.fl 2,«13.«t .. 7S.44C.M .. 24.7S8.M 2i.7M.47 27,266.1r , I, D. 8, Wells, Presldeut of •wear that the above statement aad that the items and amounts •Mount* Hhown In the report made . pursuant to law. 121. OHO. I.ISO.M 7S.Mt.ll . 12.68S.11 t River Valley State Bank, do solemnly e to the best of my knowledge and belief above correspond with the items and lie Auditor of Public Accounts, State of L) G. Wells, Preeldeat. Subscribed and sworn toMttore mjthta Oth day of July, 1MB. John A. Conrad, Notary Public. L's£< -* k,. Furniture Now is the time to erjbio yourself wit|i summer furniture. GttfSqje includes all the latest in mtf Lawn Swings and Lawn Bench) Porch Swings ^And the many other^lliiBgeUliet^jy, Jo |ummer pleasures and comforts. Goods delivered and set up. Jacob Justen & Son Furniture and Undertaking McHenry, lit -I S.¥., i i You SHOULD NEVER KNOW you're wearing eye- . glasses. If your glasses make you nervous and Irritable, see a mod optometrist today. My glasses "fed good to the eyek." Thai's because a man who know* lenses also knows and fits frames. Dr. Henry F reund, Optometrist Next to Brda's Hardware Store, McHenry, IU. iff .very Evening fiom 7 to 9 except Saturday. •ys (nun 9 a. m, to 9 p. m. Mots office. Wiuktm, tit. iHENRY OUTPLA1 ^ - QUIN mum GRAYS ARE UNABLE Id CONNBCT WITH "BAGGY* MORTONS DELIVERIES McHenry dropped another conteet to the fast stepping Algonquin Indians at Algonquin last Sunday afternoon. The score being 6 to 0. "Baggy" Morton of Elgin occupied the hill for the Indiana and that was enough. "Baggy" had everything that a good pitcher should possess and a natural consequence our boys were unable to solve his delivery to any great extent. As a matter of fact McHenry was able to connect for but five hits, two of these coming in the last round and proved of no avail so far as score making is concerned. Davison, who has been pitching such excellent ball for the home crew thru the past two seasons, was himself up to the seventh inning when he started to "slip." The game was marked by several plays which one does not witness in the ordinary conflict. For instance, in the very first inning with men on first and second, Tierney socked "a hot one down to Gross at third. Gross and the base runner came together just as the former had fielded the ball but in the excitement our third saeker forgot to tag the runner and played for the man at first. Jelinek, who had rounded third base, was nailed at the plate. The Indians scored the first run in the fifth inning. After two of the Red Skins had been put away, Morton connected for a double to center and then rode home of Schaefer'a single to the same field. Three more runs were scored by the Indians in the seventh inning. Singles by Linderman, Schilling, Morton and Ginners and a double by Schaefer doing the damage. Algonquin's last two runs cam* in the eighth and were produced as the result of errors by Gross and Kingsley and singles -by Michalek and Schilling. The tabulated score: ^ McHENRY R iw A B Rosier, If ....... ...« f 2 0 0 Gross, 3rd h «... ...a 2 8 , I Tornquist, at ... ...a • < * - 0 1 0 Kern, 2nd b ..... ...0 9 2 2 0 Kingsley, e .... ...0 $ 4 0 I 1 Rogers, rf ...0 1 I 0 Repas, cf ...0 o I 0 0 Raasch, 1*1 b .... ...0 0 8 1 0 Daviaon, ...® #: f t . 5 0 0 5 24 14 2 ALGONQUIN R H PO A E Schaeffer, rf .... ...1 3 0 0 0 Ginners, as ..... •I ^ 0 8 0 Jelinek, 2ad b ... ...« t 1 1 0 Heyke, 1st b ...1 1 11 1 0 Tierney, cf ...a % 1 0 0 Michalek, 8rd b .. ...l i 1 1 0 Linderman, If ... ...^ l 8 0 0 Schilling, .C ... .. ...• €0 2 0 Morton, p ...* 2 0 8 0 •' ' '-V 6 12 2T 11 • Score by Innings McHenry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0--0 Algonquin 0000 1 032 --6 Left on bases: McHenry, 7; Algonquin, 5. Bases on balls: Off Morton, 2. Struck out by Davison, 4; By Morton, 12. Three base hit: Kern. Two base hits: Gross, Morton, Schaefer.Umpire, Naperstek. , . GRAYS DEFEAT BEARDED BOYS McHenry experienced very little trouble in disposing of the House of David baseball team on the home lot on Tuesday afternoon when the unshaven and long-haired gents were sent on their way, carrying home a 15 to 5 defeat. For five innings the contest wasn't a bad one to watch but the sixth witnessed the home gang mauling the ball all over the lot ana before the visitors were able to stop the rampaging Greys, the home crew had lambasted Crowds offerings for a total of seven hits and an equal number of runs, more than enough to put the contest on ice. McHenry started scoring right fromthe beginning, three hits, intermingled with a base on balls netting our athletes two runs. In the thrd a base on balls, stolen base and an infield hit gave us our tterd run of the day. • Three hits and a couple of stolen bases added two more tallies to our string in the fifth while the sixth inning bombardment gave us seven more. The assortment of base knocks as registered in this round consisted of a homer, two three-baggers and four singles. A couple of singles and two three ply smashes in the seventh counted the Greys their last three tallies. Crow gave way to Tally in the eighth, the latter setting down the home club with apparent ease in our last time at bat. Daviaon, after a hard game at Algonquin on Sunday, again graced the mound for McHenry, holding the visitors to five Mows. The tbulated score: HOUSE o: DA™ R H PO A E Faust, 2nd b ...... .0 0 8 4 0 Tally, If, p 0 0 S 0 0 Hipp, s8 .0 0 0 1 1 Sharrock, 1st b .... .1 0 11 2 0 Heckman, cf 2 2, 1 0 U Harrison, 3rd b 0 1 15 1 Kendall, • 0 15 0 0 Davis, rf' 1 1 0 0 0 Crow, p 1 0 0 8 0 Boone, If •». 0a 0 0 0 0 McHENRY'S wm or JMBSPIENT "WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL ^ SO WE PLAY THE BEST" Thursday--Friday, Jaly W--17 A Thief in Pandise -with-- M 'Ma Kenyc Ronald Colml Aileen Pringl AND CO! I rS * Saturday--Sunday, luljr 18--It -™-4 - SPECIAL CUttDAY MATIN! BIG TIME &30 YAUDEVttLE '='• FEATURE TUKL : fc*? • &M-. mmp: Saturday, July 18 William DeHmcfji; --with-- Attn For --infRidin' Pnjtty" -with-- '• COMEDYI m OWD VAUDEmtH "!(hr ;.»^.)e.F^a»day, Julp' If, t iv.^tT *Polo Negri" JhtWkDaicer )MEDY AUDEVIUJS Tnea^-W id., July 21--22 "ExAse Me" •with-- iNorma fearer Conrad Njgel .Kenee Adbrae * OWalter Hi4rs Every Minute r Thrill--Every Thrill A Delight AND CdMEDY Ii Thursday--Frida^, July • 23--24 HEK HUSBAND'S SECRET . . .;>x --with-*- jUltonlo M^reqa • AND COMEDY ITEMS OMNTEREST AS PICKED UP BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS DURING WEEK WHAT PEOPLE ARE DOING IN THIS CITY AND IMMEDIATE VICINITY McHENK#^ Koaier, ct .... Gross, 8rd b .. Ehnert, If Rogers, rf .. Raasch, 1st b Kingaley, c . Davison, p .. $ I * 0 8 . . . . . . . 4 2 ...... ^.8 • •• ,jO% ±:::S I 24 16 2 iro A T PO 4 0 5 I 1 0 0 0 2 2 S 0 0 2 0 8 A quilt will be given away August 11 by the River View Camp in their halL The graas around the park has been mowed and adds greatly to its appearance. Mrs. Alta Frazer won the doily which River View Camp gave away the 14th of July. Mrs. Hickey was given a surprise party Monday night at her home by her children and several of the neighbors. New sidewalks are being laid on all sides of the P. J. Heimer store and the approach from the curb to the sidewalk is being cemented. River View Camp, R. N. A., are planning on a picnic to be held in August in the park. Members please watch for the date which will be decided at the meeting the 28th of July. J. T. Perkins and family attended the band concert at Woodstock last night and report that a very large Crowd was present, all of whom seemed well pleased with the music. The Centerville Business Men's association held an interesting meeting Tuesday evening in the rooms of the Pleasure club on Green street. Community matters of interest to the busi ness men were discussed. Frank Weingart underwent a serious operation Friday morning at the Oak Park hospital, Chicago. He is getting along nicely and will probably be able to return to McHenry in a few weeks. Kent A Green made a number of sales during the past week. One lot was sold in the Stenger subdivision and another at Hickory Grange. A building lot was also sold on Wauke gan street. Kant A Green have just sold another lot in the Oakhurst subdivision. The lot was sold Saturday morning to Mr Ricks of Chicago. The many sales made so far this summer are a fine proof of the value of the subdivision. A tent owned by H. A. Asmalsky, who lives across the river, was stolen Tuesday night. The tent, 10 by 8 feet - -- !5 18 w * ' Beets fcy Inning* HftMfe# David 00200201 0 6 McHenry 2 0102780 Left on bases: House of Datid, 8; McHenry, 9. Struck out by Crow 3* by Davidson, 1. Bases on balls: 'oft b*vl8onv.2- Hit b* Pitched ball: Harrison. Home run: Kern Three base hits: Tornqolst, RonmL Raasch. Two base hH^KendalKUn^ pire, Cusack. in (HhwmIoim Ii«J h* JpiiiLlsky s|m#»^Pise for draa. The not tent bot a*en IMpegs 'that ware us«t to supf^rt it. The Social Circle society of the Immaculate Conception church of Chicago motored to McHenry Sunday, after visiting several places near here. The party, consisting of seventy members together with the Reverend Fathers Borsky and Faber, was pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frett. A broken, >J woman, armctaa bottle of aabsa in her hand as she facad defceetl»es Monday and swore the ashes were those of her dead husband, relics which she kept with her constantly for man than ten years. Chemists, who ftrat believed the bottle contained the aahaa of opium, found upon examination that the contents were human ashes. Mrs. McConnell admitted, she had been addicted to' wv checked up against Lake year, despite the fact that the resort season has Just movement has been launched t» the lakes safer far batherm, so far a* possible. An agitation has been startk ed for lifeguards to be established a| the various resorts as it Is at thes| places that the majority qt the drown* ings occur. £* - • (OWICIAL PUBLICATION^ \ . REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF ?S4 . r'. v:, -J, 4 located at West McHenry, State of IlHnois, at the close of business on the 30th day of Jun4 1925, as made to the Auditor oi Public\ccounts of the State of Iilintris, pursuant to law. Loans on Real Estate RES^pURCE$^r 118°T n Collateral Security.^--.,. f.p. Other Loans f ^ Overdrafts "v " Other Bonds and Stocks. \ • Banking House, Furniture aBtf fixtures.... Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Reso4foes.„...;;. " rriim.n i i " ~~ 'IIABILITISS »jtal Stock ....V^, J S u r p l n ^ ^ -- M , ( Undivide\Pro!its (net);*.* ^rl4 J\. 8,3 Tine Dep^ils^-- .. A--S97.49S. 282, 2.5MJ 4 -- 1 , M M 4 Demand D< Dividends Unpaid , Reserve Accounts. - $772,225.74 I, Carl W. Stenger, Presidei^^of the West MeHenry State Epnk, do solemnly swear thaithe above statement is true to infe^eat of my knowledge and Ualiof, and that the items ao<| ^ , amounts shown aoove correspond the items and amount/shown in the report made t6, ' v ^ 1 the Auditor of Publie Accounts, Siat^^Illinois, pursuant Vwiaw, Carl W. Stenger, President. Subeoribed and sworn to before me this 8i fy, 1926. Verooft 4. EBB Ttiese Mctienry Placesi John J. %uk ^^on: J Jr^fliiiierl Mrs. John Niesen ~ I'M. L. Wort# f .:;iV Orchard Bead served with special orders v at th4se place! G. Unti M ' r7 Buch's Summer Resort iesen's Restaurant Polly IPrlm Tavern chfiotll ality is Alwiys Uppermost i M the minds of the manufacturers of IceCream. We use nothing but t ingredients. When you puy ice ere of the above places you cxm rest you are getting the finest' Ice Cream is a food, not I lad. It is ; pod for the children, as well as the grownups. They all like it, too. If yoil are not already a user of McHenry Ice Cre^m you should try it at once. We know yo« will become a satisfied customer. McHenry he best of 4m at any red that ( enry, Illinois ft " *' zW' • £ , ::4 / ..f /. J-v -V

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