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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1925, p. 4

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fLEft.TK-Cf fffsduste p.. Monday, W Hrs., 2:30 to 8: •ad Friday Phone 19S Brefeld BM*. NRY, ILL The Womrs Greatest Mid We Are Direct Factory A| First Showing of the 1926-26 • ; l|ne of . Iww Bud impmmea fttilKIU Five-Tube Tuneii fta- HeiTving Sets or Storage Battafjr Tubes The Greatest Buy In Radio--in a massive rabinet of striking lines and proportions, with sloping panel. Accurate and careful con struction \assurea distance pos abilities, simplicity of operation and tone I qualities unfound in sets coatiag many times $39.50 CONCERT ODEL Exquisite FurnitJre--made o: the finest genui/e solid mahogany in a two tope effect of soft and alluring throated loud part of the act box of which manufacturer foremost talk tfiendoua uty. A fulleaker built as 1 set, the soUnd ; made by the the world's g machine. A at Published every Thursday at Mc- Henry, III., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. wintf&g 1 Subscription Rate# One year .......... . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 . 0 0 Six months 1.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager MODEL 5-F-5 The Sensation of the the new! improved Masterpiece with buijt-in loud speaker m a heavy genuine mahogany cabinet. Ma|e of only the finest low loss materials, its performance more thsti fulfils the demands of the moat exacting radio fan. Truly a sensation at $60 A complete line of the world's most beaotiful radio receiving sets, ranging from the improved 6 Tube Tuned Radio Frequency Receiver lifting at $39.50 up to the handsoqxe, genuine mahogany Fran k$n Console, of vigorous lines Aid fine proportions at $115.00. "7""" * -- Every Set guaranteed to be Mechanically Perfect by Both the Manufacturer and Ourselves Convenient Terms arranged for jthose who prefer. Small down payment and the balance in reasonable weekly or monthly installments. Ask our aaleamen fori tlML ' SOLON MILLS / Mrs. Georgia Brennan is visiting relatives in Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs. WaHfer Cropley were McHenry shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Smart of Waukegan spent Saturday visiting George Vogle. Virginia Overton of Milwaukee is spending her vacation on the Gardner farm. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gabe of Woodstock were calling on friends here Saturday. Clay Hardy was a business caller in the Art Cornue home at Hebron Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aubert are the happy parents of a baby girl born on July 13. Mr. and Mrs. W. Berrg of Chicago spent the week end in their summer home here. Maude Spaulding of Chicago was out over Sunday visiting in the home of Fannie Johonnott. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Thayer and son of Woodstock were in town calling on friends Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sullivan of Marengo were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Brennan. Mr. ard Mrs. Charles Westlake and Mrs. George Westlake and Mrs. Victor Aim drove into the city Monday. ,, Emily Cole left. Thursday for Brooklyn, Mich., to spend the we^k with her uncle and family, Walter Reading. Owing to the increased business Mrs. C. S. Osborn is obliged to install another gas pump at her road house. Phoebe Gibbs, Mrs. Chet Osbourn, Flora A. Osbourn attended the band concert at Hebron Wednesday night. Mesdames J. Kuhn, V. Aim, E. E. Cropley attended the June-Bug club meeting held at Lake Delavan Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sievert of Chicago and Mrs. Albert Bennett of Fox Lake were Sunday guests in the home of Jack Pester. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner attended the funeral of Fred Turner, Jr., of Hebron Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fillweber and granddaughter, Helen Van Patten, were over Sunday guests in the George Vogle home. Twelve of the camp fire girls of Round Lake are camping in the Gardner woods and Mrs. Will Rousin w their chaperone. Mrs. Mabel Johonnott and son, Sheldon of Terra Haute, Ind., is spending a few days in the home of her sister, Mrs. Wade Sanbourn. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cowen of Harvard and R. Robbins and Mr. Elkhart of Oakfield, N. Y., spent Sunday in the Mrs. Fannie Overton home. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gardner and daughters, Eunice and Ruth, drove to Rockford and attended the Holstein- Friesian meeting Saturday. Miss Annabell Osborn and friend, Mr. Rass, of Elgin spent the week end in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Osborn. Mr. an J Mrs. M.,J. Towne and their tcianddaughter, Wihnifred Ketchen, of West Chicago were visiting in Nthe Cropley and Osbourn homes. Mrs. E. E. Cropley and Mrs. V. Aim were Chicago visitors last week for a couple of days and took in the "Lady Next Door" at the Court theatre. Mrs. Nellie Hodge and daughter Mrs. D. S. Thompson of Lake Geneva and Miss Vern Gross of Orlando, Fla., were week end guests in the E. E. Cropley home. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Johonnott of Chicago drove out in their new Dodge car Saturday afterpoon and are visiting in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Fannie Johonnott. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of McHenry were Sunday callers in the latter's parents home and attended the baseball game at the State Line park in the afternoon. Mrs. Elias Wilson, an old resident of these parts, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Grace Bird of Three Oaks, Mich., on Tuesday morning, July 7. The remains were brought here Wednesday to her old home, now occupied by her son, F. N. Wilson, where the funeral services were held. Friday afternoon. Interment was in Richmond cemetery. Joe Passfiet Armor at Mfenan Mr. ana 1 for the D< Tom Va caller at H, Mrs. M McHenry call Arthur VOLO w „ is driving a new Ford n called on his folks way. Peter P. Wegener Wft londay. " as a Monday evenng 'assflehi's. Weber and son were wmi caller at the , The Equal Jf Not The Superior of Any Set? on the Market Regardless oflPrice Abe Zenith and RadioU Represtentative. ' If you «ai a«t a poettarJ will bring tou all particulars* NYE linsic, Jewelry & Radio Shop Pfcene I2S~J West McHenry, II! SLOCUM LAKE Wallace Howely of Chicago is visiting Tarrell McGill thi s week. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were business callers at Libertyville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and children were McHenry callers Saturday night Miss Ruth Anderson of Algonquin is spending this week at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and children were Grayslake callers last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son and Mrs. Clara Smith visited Tower Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were business callers at Waukegan Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and children were Thursday morning callers at Lake Zurick. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of near Vo!o were Sunday dinner guests of the Blomgren family. Gus Nelson and friend of Geneva were Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk. Mrs. Newhouser of Chicago is spending a month visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill. George Passfield of near Crystal Lake was a Monday evening caller at the Darrell-Matthews home. Mr. and Mrs. Mort Baseley of Fremont township spent Sunday afternoon vith Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell. Mr. and Mr3. Joe Dowell and daughter, Stella, were business callers at McHenry last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rohman of Bar rington were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Earl Davis near Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kirk and daughter of Wauconda spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirk. Mrs. S. J. Russell and daughter, Esther, and gentleman friend of Volo called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. O., L. Peck and son, Arthur, of Kansasville, Wis., spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Robert Kirk. Mrs. Harry Matthews was a supper and evening guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Rowley at Crystal Lake last Tuesday evening. Miss Margaret Lagerland of Chicago, who has spent the past two weeks at the Blomgren home, is'now spending a week with Mrs. Raymond Lusk near Volo. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Grantham of Cary were Sunday supper guests ot their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham. Miss Myrtle Darrell went to Crystal Lake Sunday where she will spend a few weeks assisting her sister, Mrs. La Doyt Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Misses Mamie Dowell and Frances Davis were Waukegan business callers last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pfannenstill and daughter, Mae, and son, Arthur spent Sunday afternoon at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Ed PfannenstiH at Area. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gillis and children of Barrington and Herman and Ed Hoelscher of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Sr. Mrs. Page Smith and son, Claire, and Clara Smith were guests of the Volo Ladies' Auxiliary entertained at the home of Mrs. Esse Fisher at Volo Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter spent last Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Allen Hayford of Crystal Lake was a supper and evening guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews last Thursday. She was accompanied home by her husband and mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riegal of Rockford and Mrs. Arthur Van Dorn of San Pedro, Calif., spent Sunday with Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and laughter, Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mildred Hoffman and Rollie Hayes called on Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews Sunday, who arrived home early that evening from the west side hospital. Chesney Brooks left last Wednesday for Park Ridge where in company with Mrs. Ella Parks and Mrs. Thompson, left Thursday morning for Yellowstone National Park. They will also visit Denver and Salt Lake City before their eturn. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston, Miss Esther Lamb of Gurnee, Miss Margaret Hughes of Wauconda and Myron Hughes, Jr., enjoyed a lake trip on the boat, Christopher Columbus, from Chicago to Milwaukee, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Milired Hoffman, Myrtle Darrell and Mrs. Alien Hayford of Crystal Lake motored to Jefferson Park, Thursday and were accompanied by Mrs. Will Stafford and Miss Kennedy to the west side hospital where they spent the afternoon visiting Mrs. La Doyt Matthews. Miss Myrtle Darrell remained until evening and returned to Crystal Lake with Mrs. Emil Pearson, who as also an afternoon guest there, and - isited at her home until Friday night. While there she took care of the household duties of her sister. *-• OSTEND „ Mrs. P. W. Freund was a McHenry visitor Friday. • ' Will Cameron visited relatives in Chicago Sunday. ' . Henry Ilobart spent Friday of last week at McHenry. ' * , Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser and children called on friends at Woodstock Sun- ^Several truck loads of pressed hay were hauied to market from the Wallis farm last week. The weather has been quite favoiable for the crops, and the barley harvest is now at hand. The high price offered has induced many people in this locality to try their luck at raising cucumbers. Joseph Harrer is having his stock well lowered. The well is now twenty feet. (\i;ep but must be drilled deeper. Many farmers of this section fear a shortage of hay. The crop is many tors short of last year's gathering but is of very good quality. Milk producers of this section have had much of their milk returned to them because it spoils so easily on ac- \ reau of McHenry, at the home of Mrs. count of the warm weather. j Jack Welsh, H. Pasafleld hom^rSunday. Lloyd Eddy wenVsto Round Lake on business for John Molidor Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Froelich and daughter, Adele called at the H. Passfield home Sunday. . . Mrs. Perkins at Yorkville visited her daughter, Mrs. Jay Vasey, over the wggIc end. Ira Perkins and lady friend of Yorkville visited his sister, Mrs. Jay Vasey over the week end. . , , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and daughter, Marjorie, were McHenry callers Monday evening. _ Essie Fisher and Leslie Davis and Bertha, Arthur and Marion Davis were McHenry callers Monday. Mrs. Loretta Seymour spent a few days last week with Mrs. Essie Fisher and attended the Ladies' Aid. Mr and Mrs. Tom Vasey and Bon and Miss Georgia Vasey called at the G. A. Vasey home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vasey and daughters, Olive. Cailie and Mildred, called at the home of H. Passfield Sunday. Mrs. Jay Vasey and children, Mrs. Tom Vasev and son and Mr?. Perkins called at the H. Passfield home Saturday. , George and Joe Passfield of near Crystal Lake called at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pass-; field.- Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson will be glad to know that they are now visiting in North Dakota and report a very pleasant trip. * Mrs. Clara Smith and Mrs. Page Smith of the Wauconda Ladies' Aid were guests of the Volo Ladies' Aid which met with Mrs. Essie Fisher. The Vo'o Ladies' Aid met at th^ home of Mrs. Essie Fisher last Thursday where about fifty gathered and after the business meeting a very nice lunch was served. RIDGEFIELD J. B. Lynch was in Chicago on.e day l&st week Sidney Reed and family spent Saturday evening in Woostock. Mrs. Bell Duffield was shopping in Woodstock-Saturday evening. R. H. Abbott made a business trip to Elgin Thursday of last week. Miss Benwell was shopping in Chicago Wednesday of last week. R H. Abbott and wife and son spent Sunday in Cary with relatives. Jas. Bennett was shopping in Woodstock Wednesday of last week. ( Mrs. Field was shopping in Woodstock Wednesday of last week. Mrs. A. H. Richardson spent Wednesday of last week in Chicago. Miss Sylvia Richardson was in Woodstock Wednesday of last week. Mrs. A. Allbee and daughter motored to Woodstock Saturday evening. Robert Knilans made a business trip to Woodstock Thursday of last week. 4 Mrs. Herbert* Otto made a businesi trip to Woodstock Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Ralph Walkup visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page at Mc- Hem y last v/eek. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Foweibaugh, Mr W. B. Poison and William of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. The Ridgefield sheep feeding yards received enroute to Chicago stock yards Friday of last week fifteen cars of sheep for feeding and rest from the following points: 11 cars from Omak, Wash., and 4 from Entiat. Total number of sheep in the two shipments were thirty-eight hundred and seventy. GAME, AND FISH NEWS STREAM POLLUTION PROBLEM FOR NEW DEPARTMENT Louis Cernocky's resort at Fox' Grove was raided again last F| IBorning, but this tiraej thieves. They carrU register with more than i CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Lyon & llealy with bench to California. West Mc- 6-lt pro WEST McH Player 50 ro!ls. See it at Henry, 111. FOR SALE--One Fairbanks-Morse 3 h. p. gas engine and one double unit Empire nfilking machine. A. P. Freund McHenry. 4-3t* FOR SAH^---Seeburg orchestra electric piano ordinary pianos and one player pianW Edison phonograph. Kaping & Son, Ingleside, 111. 4-tf FOR SAltfj^--Sevefc room house, bath, all mod'rrViimprovements, one-half acre of grounok All kinds of fruit. Inquire of M. J. widish, West McHenry, 111. . 4-tf o. 108-R. Jleihaiisperger for all classes of v best companies. ' ILLINOIS Read the Plaindealer and keep posted on local happ nings. FOR SALE--Upright piano. Has always been cared for and tuned up to international pitch. Will sell for cash or terms. Price $95.00. Ray's Furniture Store, Libertyville, 111. 6-lt* FOR SALE--Pedigreed Dachshund ^uppieS^ijjauire Dr. Henry Freund, tometrist^hainj St., McHenry. 6-2t FOIW SALE--1924* Ford touring car, with garter; run less than 1,000 miles. Best condition. Bargain. Henry Degen, McH^iry, 111. 8-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--Seven-room hous^with gas, electricity, bath and runnin^Vvater. Wm. H. Althoff, McHenry. Phone 65-f. * 6-tf FAYtROW CHIX, WORLD'S GREATEST SELLERS--Postpaid June to .i^Vg. 10th in 100 lots BARRED fROCKB, SINGLE REDS, ANCONAS, $9.50; WHITE ROCKS, ROSE REDS, $10.50; H|JFF ORP., WYANDOTTES, MINORCAS, $11.50; LEGHORNS, $8.50; ASSORTED $6.50. D. T. FARROW CHICKERIES, PEORIA, ILL. 4-tf RELIABLE USED CARS FOR SALE 1924 HUDSON COACH in very good condition. 1924 FORM COUPE, like new, with balloon tire^many other extras. 1924 FORD mJDOR, many extras. STUDEBAKOI SPECIAL SIX SEDAN. STUDEBAKEIiVlGHT SIX TOURJNG. . Reasonable pricJL Small down payment, balance monthly. GOODROW'S GARAGE, phone 64, Woodstock, 111. 6rlt JKAPING & SON Dre?h|ing Contractors «Channels arhLShorebuilders Ingleside/IU. PhonKFox Lake 126-M |A.n Effective Control for (rop lMroyiii$ BOL Ground Hogs (woodchu or Rats can be exterminated, dorstd by state and filers! authori Prairi# Dogs remedy eci- Also used ior Aphis, Thrip and References--G^o. J. Saver or. Geo. J. Sayer>f Farm No. h atsng Greenhou ieuly Bugs. White Fly, Pkon* 48 ~ McHenry McHenry, IIL Kfci; } '"3 is a Visit JT UST al good as a viat is a three minute suu tion-t<Vstation telephone call. Evening, land you arA away. You picture mother anl father in thk living room at home. the light snines on mother's soft father's glasses. Mother is darning sijpckings. Father is .The glow gray hair the Phone 126-« Reasonable Rates , Draj McHENRY, ILLINOIS Y//i Illinois _ X Telephone Co Party employs evt proved method obtaining econo 1* operation wit the Qua ity of its service, more telephones an added, operating cost, mcc^rUy inurt 11 RINGWOOD A. R. Brsdlev was a Chicago fMU^ senger on Monday. H. W. Allen of Woodstock was a Monday caller in Ringwood. i John Kottner of Spring firove was a Monday caller in Ringwod. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young spent Sunday evening at McHenry. Edith McCannon, of Woodstock was a Monday caller in Ringwood. Miss Jack McLaughlin entertained friends at her home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and family spent Sunday at Channel Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt of Woodstock visited Ringwood friends Friday. Miss Helen Peet entertained a friend from Winnebago over the week end. Mrs. Clay Rogers is recovering from an operation at the Woodstock hospital. The home bureau met with Mrs. Raymond Harrison on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller spent Sunday evening with friends at Spring Grove. Mrs. George Nell ' of Johnsburg was a Ringwood caller on Monday afternoon. M. L. Welter and daughters, Frances and Virginia, were Sunday evening callers at McHenry. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and their daughter, Adele, were callers at Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. G. A. Steneus attended a party at the home of Mrss. H. Vinton at Richmond on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Adele, were McHenry cal lers on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hopper and baby of Huntley were callers with his father, E. I. Hopper. Mrs. K. M. Bradley and two daughters, Elaine and Alyce, spent several days this week at McHenry. Margaret and William Thompson, who have been visiting at Fort Recovery, Ohio, have returned home. Miss Violet Webster of Woodstock spent the week end with her granamother, Mrs. Emma Merchant. Mrs. Minnie Miller and daughter of McHenry spent Wednesday afternoon in the Henry Stephensen home. Mr. and Mrs. William Beth and daughter, Cora, were among the Woodstock visitors on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gilbert formerly of Ringwood announces the arrival of a daughter on the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens and Mrs. Adah Farnum and son, Herbert, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and daughter, Shirley, and Mildred Weteher, spent Sunday at Channel Lrke. Mrs. C. J. Jepson, Mrs. A. W. Smith, Mrs. C. L. Harrison and Mrs. Clarence Whiting attended a shower for Misa Nellie Clemens, given by the home ba Springfield, 111., July 14--Control of stream pollution insofar as it affects the conservation of fish and game is one of the most important and difficult problems that the Department of Conservation will be called upon to solve. William J. Stratton, former chief game and fish warden who was appointed director of the new Department of Conservation by Governor Small on July 1, stated today that, at the earliest possible moment, he will start an active campaign to discover and eliminate the many sources of pollution that have killed alrfish life in so many of the streams of our state and in others made the few fish that remain. absolutely unfit for food. Pennsylvania is conceded, by many leading sanitary engineers, first rank among all the states in the work done in correcting stream pollution. There, according to one^well known authority, the entire problem is handled by a board composed of heads of the following departments interested in stream control. Public health, which is interested in purity of water for public bathing beaches and water supplies: Agriculture, which is interested in the effect on livestock and dairy products: Waterways, which is interested in the effect on shipping due to mechanical pollution and obnoxious odors: Conservation, which is interested in the effect on the fish and game both from a sporting and commercial angle: and the attorney general to - handle the legal problems incident to the work. A bill was introduced in the last session o£ the Illinois legislature by Senator Jewell and Representative Thon, which not only provided for a r.iniilar board, but gave the proposed board authority to prevent, objectionable pollution as' well as to compel the removal of that already existing. Various interests were successful in their opposition to this bill, one of the arguments being that there is now sufficient legal authority to accomplish the desired results. It is the hope of every citizen of the! state that this is true and that real accomplishments in cleaning up our streams will be achieved during the n-axt two years. But if as many students of this important question believe our authority is too limited then Senator Jewell stated that he would introduce his bill ewty in the next session and make every effort to secure its passage. V - Phono 102 _ The Best Service Always' POP* toemaker West McHenry, read in At inte] bit of mother! be with' minute Youcan Go to th LongDis telephone1 minutes y er's voice ing. Let "Longtoistance** you home f<|r a visit. evening paper, als he repeats some ews or a joke to If you could only [them for just a few nd for a small sum. telephone and ask nee for your home umber. In a few u will hear mothd father's greettake HJ-INOIS B! TELEPHOI ELL SYSTI System» COMPANY STAKE BODf ONE TON TRUClfc i.a&dbtkoit % splay 3th to July 18th Special Show* ing and Dem onstrations of the Full line of JFprd'built All- Steel Bodies Goto the his displa Ford except bring a tiona of will be Authorized Ford Dealer «*»»• week sad see f FoM Trucking Equipment and the full H«m» of Ail-SteA bodies on die Ford chassis. This is an opportunity to learn how Ford equipment w econonw into your business. Special demonstra. ord Truck^pnd their application to your ranged cks and Light Delivery Cars are tat today. Chassis ahd body alike possess those built-in of strength and durability that are identified with all roducts. Over a on the g and valuable display. Itwfllpay ile the complete line is on display. fail to visit this intei cs go now--this week AT ALL AUTH FORD DEALERS T R U CKS / A N D E L I V E R Y 5 C A R S •i. KNOX MOTOR SA McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 45P

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