•Ah tsp *• kairf *." B. Aw£^SSd.V "45 Dm Johnson returned Wednndif of last week from a visit at N a m g * . . . . . Mr. and Mr*. Henry Matthias of Unien were callers it «e hd«e of F. J. Witkins Saturday of last wedu Walter Bowl, wife and children spent Sunday at the home of Frank Reed in Woodstock Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Johnson of Beivtfere •|>ent Sunday with relativea in Ibllfr8? Fred Abbott of Car* called on friends in Ridgefiekl Thursday of last Mrs Andrew Peterson and Mrs. Ruben' Hesselgrave of Woodstock went Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Gus Persson. _ „ , u Mr. and Mrs. R. Walkup and Mr. and Mrs. Pace motored to Starved Rock Saturday and spent Sunday there. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hollander, aten and daughter, John Wecker and William Pamrath. all of Chicago, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. 0$o. R. B. Abbot made a business trip and Mrs. toJr< Thursday of last week. home ef her daughter at Round Lake from Sunday night until Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were Crystal Lake callers last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were business callers at McHenry last Friday afternoon. Henry Winkler, Sr., and Jt. McGill were Monday business callers in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer and son of McHenry called at the W. E. Brooks home last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Liturler of Round Lake spent last Saturday eve- George PassfleU _-- - . v Misa Minnie BeaweH is spending a few days at Mrs. C. Dillons. Margaret LaferlunA, is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk's Vera Vasey spelt the week end at Mrs. L. C. Benwell's of Gurnee. Frank Easter of Rogers Park called at William Dillon's Thursday. M. E. Smith it painting Blomgren Brothers' new barn. Mrs. J. D. Fink and daughter, Margaret, of Lake Zurich? called at G. A. Vasey's Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bacon are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Sunday, July 19. Harold Jepson a nephew of Lee Huson, is now employed on his' uncle's rang with Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett.' farm. Forrest Geary of Fremont township j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lordahl were enspent last Wednesday with his grand-; tertained at the Converse home Sunparents here. day. ^ Harold Brooks attended the Sells- James and Evelyn Nush attended a Floto circus at Waukegan last Thurs- Nush family reunion at Lake Geneva day night. Sunday. * Mr, and Mrs. Earl Davis and chil-j Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and famdren of near Wauconda spent Sunday ily attended the circus at Waukegan with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Friday afternoon. Thomas Goggin, Richard Liston and Mr. and Mrs. George Croker SLOCUM'S LAKE Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston spent last Friday at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and children were business callers at McHenry Monday morning. Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent last Thursday at the Will Wright home near Barreville. Mrs. George Schaid, Jr., of near Wauconda spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Robert Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of near Volo spent Sunday afternoon at the Blomgren home. Mrs Charles Rossman of Elgin and Mrs. Will Wright of Barreville spent last Sunday at the G. J. Burnett home. Mr and Mrs. Bristol and Russel Kirk of Aurora were Sunday guests •t the Robert Kirk home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were garsts of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schreck at a picnic at Gage's Lake Sunday. George Eatinger of Wauconda called at the Joe and Ray DoweU home last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Zimmer at McHenry last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Toynton and ' daughter, Neva, of Wauconda, spent Saturday afternoon at the W. E. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray DeiwelL Willard Darrell Went on the Fann Bureau tour last Wednesday, which was arranged by the Lake County t Forrest Geary spent Monday with the letter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. George Grabbe and son of Libertyville spent last Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Johnston. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Waiter, of Chicago, spent Saturday evening and Sunday at the G. J. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests of Miss Matilda Sandman at the Heidermen home at Lake Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son' to be a nurse, will and Henry Geary were business call-; month's vacation, ers at Crystal Lake last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and two children spent last Wednesday evening with the former's parents at Grayslake. Mrs. Henry Winkler, Sr., and daughter, Lillian, spent last Thursday visiting at the homes of the former's j njnif. daughters, Mrs. George Eisner and Mrs. Dan Gille at Barrington. Mrs. Harry Matthews accompanied Mildred Hoffman to Lake Zurich and Mrs. Robert Cooper of Austin were Sunday guests at L. A. Huson's. Dr. J. Hastie Rodgers of Evanston will preach a Sunday evening sermon at the Volo M. E. church Aug. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duesing and family and Georgia Vasey motored to Elkhorn, Wis., Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rosendeutscher on Sunday, July 19, a baby girl. „ - „ The Church School pupils of the Volo M. E, church will give a program Thursday evening; July 23. Miss Zelma Russell, who is training " soon enjoy a Mrs. L. C. Benweil and daughters of Gumee spent Thursday and Friday at her parents' home. Mr. and Rolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Willims were cllers t W. J. Grovers Sunday. Flovd Fisher and lady friend attnded'a show at McHenry Sunday eve- Miss Adeline Rosendeutcher is spending a two weeks' vacation before starting work at Long Lake. Tuesday evening, where she attendedj W0™e Were Jcaflt?sTt L^^Lusk's aS the latter s third annual piano recital; L A Huson.g Sunday. tt the Bsptist church. • ir » «* o*•• n ir n-r tf „ ^ w-i11. ,L, e 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stroker ina Thu£.y"&r"£»1£d guest i of her sUr, Mm. LaDoyt Matthews,, ' Howard Converse Mr*. Baoo * Chicago visitor Tuesday Kemiae Bd. Aytward of Hebron was a business caller in tore Tuesday. flat Beading. Jr., of Roekford, was calling on relaltves here Sunday. Clyde Hyde * De nver, Colo., is visiting Ma auntv Mrs. Adelaide Coats. Lyle Richard and Flora Weidrich motored to Belvidere Sunday. Ed Colnan of Woostock is visiting his niece, Bint Hodge. Wade 3anborn and wife entertained friends from Harvard last week. Mrs. W. T. Brennan spent Monday evening with her brother, Edwin, and wife, of Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rowson of Round Lake were visiting W. H. Sunday. _ Mrs. Mabel Johonott and Sheldon drove to Harvard and Woodstock on business Monday \<g Bay Monday Mrs. Lula Herman of Antioch, Wis., visited her sister, Mrs. Overton, one day last week. # Mrs, George Turner of Aurora was calling on relatives and friends here last Sunday. John Krumpen and his force of men of Richmond are busy building a garage for Charles West'ake. Mr, and Mrs. R. R. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Osborn toured to Elgin Tuesday. Clay Hardy and son, Gerald, went to Fort Atkinson on business one day last w«ek. Mrs. George Vogel and Mrs. Brennan were Friday evening callers with Mrs. Botay at Twin Lakes. H. H. Newell of Burlington was a Monday evening caller at George Vogel s. Jack Pester and Charlie Westlake were business callers at Great Lakes the first of the week. A. C. Merril is greatly improving the looks of his home by building a large screened porch. \ Mrs. Ben Johonnott and son, Lyman, of Chicago, were Sunday guests of the former's mother. Mrs. Art Aubert and daughter, Elaine, spent Saturday night with her mother, Mrs. Phoebe Gibbs. Mrs. Clarice Botay of Twin Lakes and the Misses Vermett of Chicago spent Tuesday with Mrs. Geo. Vogel. Georgia Brennan returned home Tuesday evening after spending the week in Chicago. Annabelle Osborn of Elgin is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson were week end guests in the Earl Monear home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay of at Crystal Lake. While there -- called on Mrs. Emil Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Mr.. J. N. Zimmer, Mrs. H. Shrfer > spent Saturtay ^ f™1*? £ A"' and Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry ««J""J*'M. ? spent last Friday afternoon and eve-^18*^ ^ . /? . y' q„_ P"MltS' ""•id.^ftrrn'cL we?e Mr X. Sri lD K°bert . ' Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and | ^ahl Mr. «nd Mre. W^fred C^OVBT , Sutton and son. Roy, and j Mildred Hoffman spent Sunday after- H M ' Timothv Ba 1 daughter, Florence, were business ! with Mr «T*H Mrs ajd daughtes and Mrs. Timothy i„ Woodstock Monday. wa^a ^St^^Ssf^sSSSg SS; the farmers had just begun harvest-1 „ Thu"^®y- . The tour, which consisted of' Mrs. Peter Freund of Johnsburg and " ' Mrs. Edwin Vogel of Libertyville spent Friday afternoon in the George Vogel home teooapanied 'IMbr CM* home fror Brooklyn, Midi.. JrMay. Mrs. C. Steiiger and family and Martlia Johnston of McHenry were llonday night callers in A. E. Crop- Myfchome. Mesdames E. E. Cr«Bi*f attd^^tfter ABen Were callers at McHenry atMl at Mrs. Boy Smith's, Pistakee Bay, ttMiday afternoon. I^ester and Harold Aim, Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson and Ed. Jackson attended the baseball game at McHenry Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Aaron Olson and son, Jerome, and granddaughter, Annie, from Chieago, called at the H G. Hardy home Gardner 0n their way to the Dells of Wisconsin River. Mr. and Mrs. William Cowen of Harvard and their niece, argaret , Overton, of McHenry, spent Monday Clay Hardy "and Charlie Osborn night at Mrs. Cowen's mother's home, were callers at McHenry and Pistakee Fannie Overton. The June Bug club held its picnic at Twin Lakes on Friday afternoon. Mesdames George Vogel Wm. Brennan, Vic Reno and Ida Westlake attended. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fillweber and son, Harold, of Antioch, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smart of Waukegan spent the week end with the George Vogel family. Mr?. Herman Rapp, son, James, and daughter, Ruth, and Miss Dorothy By- 1 car of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with her brother, Will Brennan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kity and children of Chicago drove out from the city and spent the week fend in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary Aubert. Mrs. Nellie Hodge and daughter* Edith Thompson, accompanied by Miss Vera Gross, were calling in the home of Mrs. Clyde Bell Tuesday. Mrs. Bell joined them and they spent the day at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hardy, daughter, Emily, and son, Gerald, accompanied by Effie Reading and Mrs. Lee Taylor, of Brooklyn. Mich., attended the dance at Channel Lake Saturday evening. Clay Hardy and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Reading, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley and their guest, Mrs. Lee Taylor and daughter, Margaret, and Erne Reading, of Brooklyn, Mich., held a family picnic at the home of Mrs. Nellie Hodge at Lake Geneva Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Overton gave a party to her nieces and nephews, Eunice Gardner, Ruth Gardner and Virginia Overton of North Milwaukee, Gerald Hardy, Donald Yanke, William, Bertha, Lillian and Evelyn Overton, Friday afternoon at 2 o clock. Refresh- Convwtltnt, dependable servic* by Shore Motor North Shore Motor Coaches connect At Waukegan with fast North Shore Line train taking you to the heart ofChicago--the'io^? Lv. McHenry &55 am 11:45 am Lv. Grays Lake &08 am 12&9 pm Arr. Waukegan ftSOam lilO pa Arr. Chicago 1022 am 2*17 pm Arr: Milwaukee 1035 am 2:19-pat SsOOpm SASpm 4&M pat •s27 pm 907 pm TiMpa •illpa 10£2 pai 10*0 pa ChScago Morth jShtre & Nflwaskee R.E.0* i'-i MoHeary tfioase McHenry M TICKET OFFICES Northwesters Hotel McHearv «Ml . TT . twelve cars, when it reached Volo, vis-, ttrti? Prank Herommus is tmflertte, ited ^ L v Lusk and j Rossell care of a doctor. ^ | farms Qf this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. B. Geary entertained Sunday callers at the Passfield home , , relatives from Maywood Sunday. | were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eddy and Chet Osborn and Harold and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bednor have aughter, Marjorie, Mrs. S. J. Russell, ter, Annabelle, drove to Harvard Moncompany from Chicago this week. j Esther an Alice Russell, Mr. Mickey, day. John Walton is building a small ad-' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Vogel of Libdition on Mrs William Clark's house. I daughters and rs Timothy Bacon, Mr.' ertyville and Lillian Freund of Mc- Mrs. Essie Fisher spent last week and Mrs. Carl Fordahl, Mrs. Howard * Henry were Sunday visitors at George at her daughter's, Mrs. W. J. Grover. i Converse and daughter, Blanche, Mr.1 Vogel's. uDn.yTV.sfwK 5 "i? c^sSr'uk™: Mr. and Mr*. H. L. Brooks were business callers at McHenry Saturday afternoon, also called at the G. W. TlWn linn home near Burton's Bridge. Willard Darrell was a Friday morning and dinner guest at his daughter, Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews, at Crystal Lake. Mr and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were Bfftday afternoon and evening guests ef Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rohman at BarrinsiJm. day ments were served. AU the young sters returned home feeling happy for having been there. ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Turner. Mrs. Likablm Girl Everybody likes h certain ydtmg woman of Atchison. Sbe's homely, she knows sbe's homely, and sbe doesnt werry about It.--Atchison Glob*. dea- Safety First Prayer li ciusint; his petition the old coa said: "And may we have common sense enongh to steer clear of the raHrond crossing when the limited train Is coming."--Exchange. ||v rr>'>3 Vw* iVr 'j • t": •• - DO YOUR CUSSES WORRY YOU? r YOU SHOULD NEVER KNOW you're wearing eye- * glasses. If your glasses make you nervous and irritable, see a good optometrist loday. My glasses "feel good to the eyes." That's because a man who knows lense* also knows and fits fraines. Dir. Henry Freund, Optoillfettlst g-VNext to Brda's Hardware Store, McHenry, 111. Every Evening>front'7 to 9 except Saturday. AH day) Wednesday* from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Main office. Waakesaa. III. Going July 25 If you have not procured your share of the bargains offered at this Clearance Sale, now is the time to do it while the selection is complete* A few of the bargains and special values are listed below. S ^ All with two pair of knickers ;ss • Men's Suits •45 $19.50 Ladies and Men's Cotton Bathing1 Suits *9c x Men's All Wool Bathing Suits Special at $2.65 7 Children's Men's Outing: Shoes, $1.89 Men's Golf Knickers $3.6* Work Straw Hats k9C " •rmmm Children's Play Suits Oolf Balls 79c Burke "Gotfrite'" $9.00 value, S6.65 per 'Thirty" $6.00 value, S4.65 P««" ddzen McGee^s Clothing Store Illinois •*« Jl . II p||ll - fv * • s-i-' :A4'. ,:.J