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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Aug 1925, p. 7

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Hi.: IIP lb*. L t. Randall of •pent Sunday evening at Georfjw Vog«I returned home day after several days spent wHfa Biiee, Mrs. Don Swart at Waoke- Mra. William Brennan was a, Son' day visitor with tier aunt, Mis. Fill idw at Antioch. George Vogel and daughter, Mrs. Brennaa, were Thursday callers at Burlington and Elkhorn. Mr. !and Mrs. Hennan Bapp of Crystal Lake were Sunday callers at the home of the latter's brother, William Brennan. Georgia Brennan is spending several days at Antioch, Waukegan and Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogal and fnaily were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lm Ayhwd at Hebron. Stanly feaU and family were Sunday evatfag callers at Will Brenaan's. Dean Thoaspaon of Lake Geneva was a guest in the Clyde Bell hone Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cowen of Harvard spent Friday evening in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Fannie Overton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pester and son are enjoying a week's auto tour through Iowa visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jackson attended the carntfal and b4pe ball game at the state Hne park Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley, Harold Osborn and Mrs. Will Osbom and daughter, Mary, of Menominee, Mick., were Sunday guests of Wilder Bartlett of Woodstock who is in training at Camp Grant. ^ -I'M h. ' ¥ • : L hi'; £ *k:' ' \t -• V\. l'">. V' • up mwmr To CHICAGO Wmm McHenry--Gray# Lmk^ : Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop.** L». McHenry 855 am 11:45 am Lv. Grays Lake &06am IttSSpa Air. Waukegan 8:50 am ltlOpa Arr. Chicago 10:22 am Sil7 vm Air. Milwaukee 1035 am 1:19 pm ItOOpn 343 pm 4:25 pn 6:27 pm 7*00] 8:13 | 8:58 | 10:22, 10:301 CUcage North MaHeary Hoase Mctfanry 11 TICKET \ Northwestern Hotel 0FFICB8 ( McHenrv 45-R £ 1D0 YOUR GLASSES WORRY YOD? YOU SHOULD NEVER KNOW you're wearing eyex glasses. If your glasses make you nervous an<| irritable, see a good optometrist today. My glasses Galea to the eyes." That's because a man who know! i also knows iuid fits frames. 1: , - Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist Next to Brda's Hardware Store, McHenry, 111. Every Evening from 7 to 9 cxccpt Saturday. Ail 4ay W«dB*«daya from 9 •. m. to 9 p. Main oftic*. Wnk*tM< W. i : ' Exibe BATTERY 'Vt ? . \ 4* [S new 13 plate Exide with full Exide power and dependability which sells at so low a price it within the reach of all. Don't take it for granted that Exide quality costs more-^-it doesn't, but motorists the world over will tell you it is worth more. There is no need to pay more than Exide prices and you cant get better quality. - BOW V w.t. & Co - o-?' V-*K Phone 101-K ipany tMeHaq^IH KXIDB PRICES ARB FROM S 12 50 UP :-.v" • r '• ed Mrs. her home in rnljgafln aval 8hi was accompanied her aunt who will this winter. Mra. E. E. Cropley gave a shower in honor of her niece, Mra. Wilder Bartlett, at the fcoii at her parenta, Mr. and Mra. C. T. Oaborn. She recieved many beautiful gifts. Bertha Overton waa the gueet Mra. Eowaea at Round Lake Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Walter went to Janesville one day bust wade to aee her aister, Mrs. Brown who ia a patient at the Mercy '"Srttd Mra. W. Gardner and family took la 4ft* Aurora fair thia week. Evelyn BIB and Mra. A. a Munell were in Chicago Friday and attended the Rodeo. Mp. ind Mra. Ben Bell were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra. A. C. Munell. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hardy and son, Gerald, were Wednesday evening callera at Thurman Flanders' at Crystal Lake. Mra. Lotus Overton and children were guests in the Frank Salvage home at Channel Lake Thursday. Leona Cropley spent a few day» last week with her grandmother, Mra. James McDonald at McHenry. Paul Gullickson and Mrs. G. L. GulKckson of DeKalb were weelc-eitd visitors in the C. G. Hardy home Emily Cole spent Thursday with Mrs. Glen Morrison at Hebron. Mr- and Mrs. Frank Piseh of Harvard were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra. Joe Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Will Klug and family accompanied by their daughter. Rose, Texas who has been visiting in the Joe Kuhn home, left Monday for Henick, South Diak. • Mr. and Mra. Frank Kilpatrick and children of Chicago were Sunday guesta in the Mrs. Ida Westlake home. Charles Westlake transacted business in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McComnon and family visited the latter's mother, Mra. Ida Westlake, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bell spent Sunday with the latter'a parenta, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hanson at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Osborn, Mra. Will Osborn and daughter, Mary, of Menominee, Mich., motored to Racine Friday to visit some relatives. Will Dilley of Harvard accompanied by Mrs. Tuey Beauman were callers at the Fannie Johonnott home Saturday. Mrs. Victor Alan was a Fox Lake caller Friday. Mrs. Charles Westlake spent a few days in the home of her mother, at Twin Lakes last week. Mrs. Ben Johonnott returned to her home at Chicago Sunday after spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Fannie Johonnott. Mr. and Mrs. George Roeaing of Ringwood were Sunday guests at Charles Osborn's. Virginia Parker ia viaiting friends La Grange this week. Mrs. DeHaan returned to her home in Chicago after spending a few days with bps ^lighter, Mra. Alfred Packer. VOLO ^ * Mr slid Mra. G. A. VlStf and daughter, Vera, motored to De Kalb Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Standfeldt entertained relatives from Sloughton, Wis over Sunday. This community was well representat the Farm Bureau Picnic at Diamond Lake Wednesday. Misses Lois and Beryl Gilbert of Wauconda and Grace Johnson of Slocum Lake visited friends here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huaon, Miss Marion Huson of Elgin, Mr. and Mra. Fred Croker and Mrs. Corrie Chambof Chicago were Sunday guests of L. A. Huson. Professor Guy Varner was a Friday caller in this vicinity. Mr. Varner has been spending the summer at Arbor University. Miss Agnes Laraen of Union Grove spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Staff el. Miss Larsen spent the summer in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mra. H. K. Ray and Httle daughter of Kewanee visited at Mr William Dillon's Monday. Miss Orpha Russell accompanied Mias Zelma to Chicago Thursday, re turning home Friday. Miss Vera Vaaey visited her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Benwell, at Guraee a few days this week. Miss Bloom of Chicago visited her sister over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Davis spent Sunday with their daughter, Mra. Lloyd Russell. Nicholas Smith of Chicago spent the week with hiB aister, Mra. Ann Stad feidt Miaa Mary Vogt entertained a cousin from Chicago the paat week. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith entertained relatives from Iowa Friday. The Volo Ladies' Aid will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Levi Waite Thursday, September 3 Mrs. Fred Converse and grandson Nelson, are spending the week in Chi CftgO. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Krause, Mrs. Mary Clanson and son and Mr. Walter Cook of Chicago were Sunday guests at Joe Vogt's. # Mi««M Bernice and Marjone Bnggs of Iowa were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Townsend this week. air. and Mrs. Earl Townsend and son spent the week-end at Madison, Wis., with the latter's parenta, Mr. aad Mra. Hanson. Master Frank Vogt is spending a few daya with his sister, Mrs. Clifford Brawell. Mrs. Clifford Benwell spent Saturday with her parenta. Mr. and Mra. Nicholas Frost spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Catherine Frost of Volo. Rev. and Mrs. Lordahl spent Sunday with tfce Stanford family. Miss Stanford gave a recital at her home Friday afternoon, the pro gram waa made up of vocal solos aad piano numbers, and was very in taresting. There ware guests from Grays Lake, Round Lake and Volo aixty Ave in all. Rev. aad Mra. Lordahl left Monday morning for a motor trip. They will drive all the way around Lake Michigan visiting friends ^ relatives at several. « and left ugh They will visit friends aad ipiattvos. Mrs. Levi Waite and children visited in Chicago several days laat week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbull spent Sunday at the home of A Paddock. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Waite \ ited in Wauconda Suaday. Mr. and Mrs. Mtttaw of Waukegan spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. A. Paddock. ROUND LAKE Mrs. Naomi McCutfess and Velma Fits motored to Waukegan Saturday morning. Mrs. Q. A. Howard and son, Herbert, spent a few days with Mends at Rockford. Gilbert Goff of Waukegan spent a few days in the Fits home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davia are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Aug. 21. Mrs. Zella Davis and son, Si, spent a few days with her aister, Mrs. Ray Paddock, of Wauconda. Martin Thelen ran a screw drivei into his hfend Wednesday. Jeannette Gaffga of Waukegan spent Friday and Saturday with Velma Fit*. Mrs. Jim Tlrigg and children spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. Gonyo of Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Howard of Danville, 111., spent one day last week with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Merrick were out-of-town callers a couple of days. Ella Mitchell and Charles Mitchell of Long Lake were Round Lake callers Friday. Martin Thelen wtil * Wauconda caller Thursday. Mrs. O. A. Howafd, Son, Howard, Elizabeth Davis and Velma Fitz motored to Grayalake Thursday evening. Mr. and Mra. Joe Amann and children motored to Milwaukee one day last week. . Mrs. Ralph Davis and son. Si, spent Monday at the Fit* home. Miss Frances Wise of Milwaukee is spending a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Lena Wagner. Misses Bernice and Marjorie Briggs and Mary Hughes of Southland, Ia., ind Hazel Townsend spent Friday evening at the Sumner Bauer home. Mrs. Frank Drummond and daughter, Ruth, were out-of-town callers one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Smith sp4nt Sunday afternoon and evening with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison, of Ringwood. Mrs. Jenny Letts and daughter. Laura, returned to their home in Lake Forest, after spending two weeks with relatives here. Mra. Willard Hoffman of Aurora visited her uncle, Will Huaon, Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Gunlock and family of Norwood Park and Mr. and Mrs. Vickery and son of Ivanhoe spent Sunday in the Mabel Litwiler home. Mrs. Tom Vasey and son, Victor, and Letta Vasey were Round Lake callers one day last week. Cyrus Cleveland was a Waukegan caller Sunday. Ruth Davis of Chicago saMit the week-end with her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Davis. Nick Smith of Chicago spent Wednesday evening with his niece, Mrs. Leo Hendee. Peter Stadtfteld of Volo waa a Round Lake caller Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Amann and children entertained company from Wisconsin Sunday. Mrs. Leo Hendee visited an old school friend, Mrs. Will Etten, of Mchenry, Thursday. Victor Doo of Wooster Lake was a Round Lake caller recently. Mrs. Cora Martin and daughter, Vivian, spent Wednesday afternoon with the former's sister, Mrs. Ray Paddock, of Wauconda. Henry Janssen has stuccoed his new house and leveled off his yard. Mr. and Mra. Joe Amann and children motored to Wisconsin Monday. Ester Bjerning returned to her home at Chicago, after spending a week at the Milford Smith home. Mrs. Clara Rosen and daughter, Lucile, were Chicago callers Monday Anna Erlandsen celebrated her thirteenth birthday anniversary Aug. 24 She entertained a few of. her girl friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cummings and children of Gardner, 111., spent the week at the Jim Curran home. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Smith, daughter, Valvise, and Mrs. B. K. Tucker wert Waukegan callers Friday. The Toledo Chautauqua was in Round Lake four days this week. Durley Curran is spending the week with relatives at Gardner, HI. Mr. and Mra. J: B. Lynch and granddaagfcter, Crystal Conerty were entertained by their daughter and sonin- ia|w. i • j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jura of Chicago. last week took an auto trip through Chicago, Lock Port, Harvard and Lake Geneva from Tuesday till Saturday taking pictures enroute. A most enjoyable time waa reported by all. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Levey and Miss Etta Irish motored to Waukegan Saturday. Gus Persson and son, Stanley, motored to Aurora Sunday and spent the day at the fair. M. Truby is spending a few days with his daughter Mrs. Jamea Kress, near Ridgefield. Pete Persson and sons, Melvin, Clarher sister, Mrs. Austin Sunday. H. Otto and wife took in the fair, at Aurora Sunday. Ralph Lippold and wife spent Sonday at Aurora. Mr. and Mra. Carlson and children of Rockford spent Sunday with Mrs. Gus Persson. Pete Persson and sons, Melvin, Clarence and Oscar, of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mrs. Gus Persson. Harry Weston underwent an operation, and it is reported that he is doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Reed spent Sunday with relatives in Woodstock. William Shelton of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch. FJ. Wilkins and family motored to Harmony Sunday. Eddie Caldewalder and Mrs. A. Jacobs spent part of Sunday with Howard Jacobs near Wauconda. Mrs. Foster of Dix»n spent the first of the week at the home of A. Jacobs. Herman Willie and wife took in the fair at Aurora Monday. J.B. Lynch made a business trip to Woodstock Saturday. Jamea Bennet who has been spending several weeks with relatives in Moline and Rock Island returned home Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby and children of Crystal Lake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynch Sunday evening. e Frugal "Bessie's fiance ia an fellow." "What's k« doner -He picked up an engagement (tag at a bargain somewhere, and when ha fleund It was too small for har, he told her she most diet until she a on."--Beaton Tranacrtpt. Farmers9 Income w: Increases Seven ^ one-half per cent S. Department of Agriculture reports a 7Y2 per ce# increase in the gross income of farmers for pie fiscal year ending in July over the previous year. " , ' GOOD FUTURE OUTLOOK The immediate future outlook, on the whole, is for good crops at good prices, whiteh should raise farm income still higher. J WILL YOU MAKE THE MOST OF XT? Afi Increase 111 income from farm products should a corresponding increase in capital. It will if you bank your money her^, . * McHenry Illinois "Service Worthy of a Strong State Bank" -We carry a line oi- Feeds AS FOLLOWS: GRAINS -- Corn, cracked corn, wheat, barley, kaffir corn and buckwheat. Ready mixed scratch grains --course, medium and fine. Laying mash, baby chick mash, grit, oyster shells, meat scraps, bran, middlings and Red Dog flour. We do not deliver and our prices are made accordingly. Nclleiry Flow Hills Wast IfcHMrr* IS* . NATIONAL TEA CO. 1 QUALITY GROCERS Gor. Green and Elm Sts., McHenry, 111. You May be Sup that at a national Tea Store you will always gel • > ' s . If Fresh-Clean Wholesome Groceries at reasonable money-saving prices Specials for Friday and Saturdays, Soap P a O White Naptha |l0 btft 38c Rice Fancy Bine Rose 2 lbs 17c Lifebuoy Soap 19c Pillsbury Health Bra& Pkg ^ 16c Pancake Flour Virginia Sweet Pkg 12c Apricots Extra Fancy Evaporated Preserves National Brand Pure Fruit 16 QZ. ;.\ Wesson Oil Baking Powder Rumford 12 ot Flavoring Extracts National Brand 10 ox. bottle . Swansdowti. Cake Flour 2 3-4 lb. pkg. Raisins Thompson Seedless per lb. ... w FULL LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES M' 4/.; 1« r ^ 1 ';t,4 ' >, , '<4 ,1V* i - v'kJ -'V| 4. V ' \ l mm Nvoi -m I $ vt - 4 1 - < ^ ji ^ r: I a; • • ••• -'3 I"*, ^ H 1 I 'J ' V':l . f* f. 'M - A, - .'?v* 11..,.

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