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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Oct 1925, p. 6

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••mm • . ttn: M-ftMmr ftjUiffiEAtesf^^AYjocToBlSfe M'ms 1 • •" • SOUND LAK1 Miss Marjorie Cleveland was a. Chicago caller Saturday. A. J. Smith was a Grayslake caller Sunday. Mr. arid Mrs. Davie Erlandson are driving k Dort sedan. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hendee motored to Antioch Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pitzen and children, Mr. and Mrs. Luby and daughter, Elinore, spent Sunday evening at the Jim Curran home. Ed Luby and daughters, Helen and Marie, Mike Luby and" daughter, VOLO ^ - • * i f e Mr. anrf'Mw: Frank ttosiffit aa* the proud parents of a baby boy, born Friday, October 9. Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner are the proud parents of a daughter. Round Oak stoves and repairs at Althoff's Hardware, West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield and sons, John and George, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy. The T. B. tester is busy working in Evelyn, attended the funeral of their • the neighborhod. . » x \ it T 1 1 Mi n Lr \f i 11 cr U' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brainard, Mr. aiul Mrs. Ben Peterkorjt, daughter, Julie, Mr. and Mrs .Jack Daley, daughter, Jeane, and son, Arthur, attended a show in Waukegan Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dietz motored to Waukegan Saturday evening. Mrs. 0. A. Howard, Sarah, little Howard and Velma Fitz motored to Grayslake Monday. Miss Florence Wagner spent a mcijn, -- -- -- 1 VT. . t . l few days last week with friends in mother and grandmother, Mrs. Luby: Nick Miller was seriously hurt by J at Kankakee last week. [a cutter on the old Rought farm ten- William Frost spent the week-end anted by P. Wagner. at Chicago with his wife and children.1 Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith were week- Leo Richardson was a McHenry call- end guests of Frank Hironimus. er Friday >^Mr. and Mrs. Dusing went to Elk- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larkin, daugh- horn Sunday. ter Lillian, of Long Lake were Round Mr. and Mrs. Job Vasey and family Lake callers one day last week. V j of McHenry were Sunday visitors at Martin Thelen spent Sunday, at Mc-(the Jay Vasey home. jjgnry i Harry Nichols was a week-end I Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Fitz attended; guest of his daughter at McHenry. • gan spent the week-end at the home of; the show at Grayslake Saturday even- Cecilia Murry was a guest of the latter* sister, Mrs. Emma Huson.1 ing. Emma Vogt Thursday night Leo Hendee and son, LeRoy, Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Smith, Mrs. B. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and Saturday afternoon at North K/ Tucker of Round Lake, Mrs. Will sons and Eddy Waukegan Miss Maliel Hironimus of Chicago called at ttadtfcCandless home Saturday. Alfred Meade is very ill with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Jasney (nee Sadie Nchring) and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday at the Supiner Bauer home. * _ Mr. and Mrs. Budd Ford of Waukespcat, Smilh attended the funeral of their uncle, C. Smith, of Grcysiake, Saturday. Rossdentscher were Chicago with relatives. '. SmitTand Mrs"."Florence 'Schulander Round^ Lake callers Saturday evening. Purley Curran was a ^bertyville Gf Grayslake motored to Waukegan Esthei Lusk and Dorothy DiHon caller "Monday evening. ~ ! Thursday. , . attended the^ football game at Mc- Frank Drummond. was a Liberty- Joe Fitz and Bill Wickersheim were .Henry Saturday. _ Vi>le caller Monday. . j Fremont callers Saturday. .. j Mrs.Ros.e Duni11 and Mr- and Mrs. Jim Curran and s6n, Durley, Sim, Misses Evelyn and Lucile Rosingj Wijl Hironimus and son were Sunday Luby. George Thompson, motored to, were Grayslake callers Monday. i visitors a Mrs. Bohne a Waukegan Thursday to attend the ! Mrs. Merrick was a Fox Lake caller Elgin. match between McMillan and Martin-j Saturday. I Ms: Jenme Cushman called on her ton at the Armory. Mrs. Naomi McCandless was an El sister, Mrs. Kirwm Sunday. • • Mr. and Mrs. Dell Smith, Mrs. B. | gin business caller Saturday. r Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur spent fche Week- K Tucker and Mr. and Mrs. Milford George Richardson was 'a Chicago, end at Tom Vasey s home. " " " ' business caller one day last week. I 'The Volo Ladies Aid will have their Mrs. C. G. Brainard. Mrs. Ed Brown,,; bazaar November 20. Mrs. Gifford and Chester Hironimus | Evelyn Neish visited her grandpar- Mr. and Mrs. Dell Richardson spent j mototfed to Waukegan one day last ents last week. Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. I ,vefck. L Mra; Jo*n Brimer spent last week Haves* at,the Great Lakes. I Mrs. John Ki'lley returned home | in Chicago^ Mr. and Mrs. Hermaiv Molidor at- j after spending a few days out of town. | Mrs. Charies Haas was a Libertytended a show at Waukegan Sunday j Mr. and Mrs. Clause Junge return-j ville caller Saturday morning. evening ed heme this week, after a motor trip! ' Emma Bacon was a Wednesday- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Barnstable of i through Indiana and to Dayt<)n, Ohio, j morning caller at McHenry Lake Villa called at the Ada White Mr. and Mrs. Gifford White, daugh- j Miss Ruth Davis visited her sister, home Sunday. , ter, Merle, son Walter, were out-of-Mrs. Lloyd Russell Sunday. Jack Cashmore is driving'» WBIfHtown callers Saturday forenoon. j Mrs. Frost was a visitos at T. Overland Sedan. \ Mrs. O. A. Howard, Mrs. Ray Ripp- j Fishers Sunday. _ . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown and berger, son, Howard, Misses Eliza-j Arthui Monahan was a McHenry daughter, Lilr-h, attended the show at beth and Elinore Davis motored to; caller Sunday morning. ^ the Majestic theatre Saturday even- • Waukegan Saturday. | Mildred Zeulsdorf spent two dkys ing. j Mrs. Naomi McCandless and Velma ! last week at the home of Frank Hi- Mr. and Mrs. David Erlandson and; Fitz motored to Waukegan Thurs-1 ronimus. children motored tc Chicago over the < day. I ^r- anc^ Mrs. Frank Dunker and week-end. . | Mr. and Mrs. William Hironimus of: son, Robert, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Gilbert Burnett of Wauconda, Round Lake and Mrs. Rose Dunnill of the homo of G. A. Vasey. is spending a few days with her daugh-; Volo motored to Eljrin Saturday, ter, Mrs. Gertrude Litwiler. : Miss Irene Billings entertained a Mrs. Frank Drummond and daugh-1 few of her friends to her thirteenth ter, Ruthie. and Mr. and Mrs.- Harry1 birthday party, Thursday. Drummond motored to Waukegan Mrs. Mike Luby was a Waukegan Thursday. . , • callerd Thursday. Mrs. Jack Cashmore of Round Lake i Mrs. Sophie Wortz sp-nt Monday Mr. and Mrs. John Cashmore of Wau-i afternoon at the Sunmen Bauer home. kegan returned home this week after spending a week or so with friends and relatives at Chetelc, Wis. ' Slilford Smith and Dell Smith were business capers at the Diedrich farrfi one day last week. Miss Florence Wagner was home from business college for a few days this week on account of sickness. ; Henry Janssen was put-of>-town business caller Monday.- Martin Thelen was a Chicago caller Monray. Miss . Ruth: Davis of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Davis. Mr. and Mrs^Tlause Junge motored to Chicago Momhayv^ There was n.i school at Round Lake because of visiting day Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Smith spent Sunday with the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison, at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. ' J. J. Barnstable of Lake Villa called at the E. A. Brown home Sunday. was a business caller at the Bacon Mr. and Mrs, Karl Fay of Chicago Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. home Friday morning. .pent Sunday with his mother, Mrs.] J. B. Lynch. Lloyd Fisher spent the week-end at j Jennie Spauldiiig. ( Mrs. F. S. Morse was shopping in'Buffield. the home of his sister, Mrs. Richard j Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Harrison and Woodstock Saturday. ^ Do well. | Mr. and Mrs. Elonzo Smith and fam- Mrs. S. A. Mavis WM shoppuig in Miss Helen Kaiser returned home ] ily's spent Sunday in the C. W. Har- Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Anna Hunt of Elgin spent "j:- y of last week at the home of Mrs. b11 J from the Victory Memorial hospital, j rison home, where she underwent an operation for! Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Hawley of appendicitis. ; Chicago spent Sunday in the E. C. Mrs. M. E'. Smith and Mrs. Alvm I Hawley home. Case were callers at T. Brown's Thurs-j Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen were Sunday evening. ' j day afternoon callers in Ringwood. Frank Wragg and daughter, Ruth, | Mr. and Mrs. George Shepherd and of Chicago spent the week-end with! family spent Sunday at McHenry. William Nichols and family. | Nick Young spent Sunday morning There will be a Hallowe'en party atj in the Joseph Young home. Volo M. E. church. October 31. Every; Mr. and Mrs. Jake Ranen and fambody welcome. Young people especi-; ily of Kenosha spent Sunday with his ally look fdr a good time. | sister, Mrs. James Be|I. JUr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and I Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Satdaughter,, Marian, were Sunday after- j urday evening at Woodstock. noon callers at the Howard Davis | Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, home. | Stanley, were Sunday callers at Nick Mr. Kaiser had the misfortune to j Young's. have a horse cut badly in .a barbed; Mike Dosson and Miss Stockings of wire fence Thursday. ' {Greenwood were recent callers at the Frank Bacon returned home Friday: home of Mrs. William Walker. from a two weeks' fishing trip in Mrs. Edward Thompson and Mrs. Northern Wisconsin. Clause Larsen and Mrs. Nick Young Mr. and Mrs. William Nichol and spent Wednesday with Mrs. Steve Infamily attended a pigeon shoot at galls of Spring Grove. Griswold Lake Sunday. ! Mrs. Chancey Smith has been num- Sunday guests at T. Bacon's were! bered among the sick. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fairweather and Mrs. Hazel Thompson, who has been the latter's two sisters from Chicago visiting her son, who has been ill has Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon of Round Lake returned to her home in Chicago, and Mrs. Mary Clark of Roseville, Miss Gladys and Sylvia Larsen of Mrs. Bell Buffield was shopping in Woodstock Saturday. j-' James Bennett was in Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jacobs of Wauconda visited with Mr. and Mrlk Albert Jacobs Sunday. jroor shopping from the in the Plaindealer. Sunday evening services at the Vole E. church ^ill begin at 7:30 begim jng October 25. Everybody come out "and help welcome the. new,, minister, Mr. Tompkins. v Mrs. E. Fisher and Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughter, Marion, were Round Lake callers Wednesday . Woodstock were Ringwood callers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McCuriy spent the week-end M Pecatonica* with, .relatives." JO HNS BURG RINGWOOD A small investment in a classified ad in the Plaindealer will pay you unexpected dividends. Mrs. Jay Vasey was a caller at T. Fisher's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hionimus and daughter, Mrs. Charles Hass and Len Lusk were in Waukegan Thursday. Miss Mary Vogt and the Brick school teacher spent the week-end at Madison, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cronin were Saturday afternoon guests at F. Hironimus'. John Walton celebrated his seventyseventh birthday Sunday, October 18. There were twenty-six present. Wm. Bacon is under the doctor's care at the present time. Mr. and Mrs., Alvin Case were iti Waukegan last Wednesday. - Mrs. Richard Dowell and daughter, Ada, were dinner and supper guests at E. Fisher's home recently. Vera Vasey of DeKalb spent the week-end at her home her. William Brooks of Slocum's Lake i Mr. and Mrs, Henry W. Hettermann and family and "Mrs. Catherine Tonyan motored to Burington, Wis., Sunday to visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis HaWley and Frank N. Pitzen has had his teledaughter, Shirley; and Mrs. Frank phone number changed to 600-M-2. Hitchens spent Thursday at the coun- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wingart and ty seat. " children and Mrs. Elizabeth Laures Mrs. Clark Huson of Elgin is spend-1 were guests at the home of Mr. and ing a few days with her daughter, Mrs. ] Mrs. J. B. Hettermann. Chancey Jepson. Fancy hand-decorated senring trays, A new lirJ^of the beautiful Satina I Prices' aH slzes» at West glassware, buffet sets, bonbons, can-1 ^,nr^' . „ T . * **-ii j dlesticlSfcr etc., at Nye's West Mc ' .™r- a"d John A. Miller and Henrv 1 family motored to Elgin Saturday. Miss Arlyne l£rrison. spent the , Ml; ^nd M/s-J- B- Hettermann and wW her mother, MrS. M.yme Harrison, of McHenry. 'Spring Grove. Ward Baine of Beloit spent Friday Round Oak stoves and repairs at at E. C. Hawley's store. j Althoff's Hardware, West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenseif; Miss Mary and Katie Althoff from spent Thursday at Hickory, Hlinois. ' Elgin were guests at the home of their Round Oak stoves and repairs "at > parents, tyr. and Mrs. William Alth- Althoff's Hardware, West McHenry. I off over the week-end. . Bert Sutton of Solon spent Friday; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer and in Ringwood. | sons, Gerald and Leroy, spent Sunday- Mrs. Delbert Bacon of Crystal Lake! with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bauer, spent Friday with her father, E. C. | Mrs. Catherine Tonyan spent Thurs- ^ F Take the time to seeour dii- i; play of dining room furniture The new designs developed in a variety of finishes and woods places at your disposal for selection an ample range at reasonable prices. Sold either singly o? «nsuite. „ -r Jacob Justeft & Son Furniture and Undertaking McHENRY, ILLINOIS Hawley. Julian Butler of Chicago spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. Frank Hitch- Miss Agnes Bigdon is visiting at Brodhead, Wis. ^ The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. Maxwell Beth the second Wednesday j her daughter, Mr, and Mrs in November. [Freund Tuesday. Mrs. Lottie Harrison and son were| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matherin and Friday afternoon callers in the George; Mrs. William J. Meyers motored to day with her son, and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonyan. A new line of the beautiful Satina glassware, buffet sets, bonbons, candlesticks, etc., at Nye's West McHenry; Mrs. Henry Stilling Sr., visited with Fred P. The New and Improved Models of the FRESHMAN MASTERPIECE Five tube Radios will do what any 5 tube, set will at a cost one-third to one-half less For Dry or Storage Battery Tubes Enclosed in fine Mahogany Cabinet O MODEL S-F-4 This 'massive five-ply mahogany sloping panel cabinet is deserving of your inspection. Equal in appearance and performance of ANY 5- tube set on the market regardless of cost. THE perfect set. $20.00 Freshman **B" Battery Eliminator Throw away your "B" Batteries Connect this marvelous instrument to your light socket, right from your radio set. Get noiseless, constant, uniform power. Costs less than one-tenth of a cent per hour to operate. Money back guarantee. Complete with FreshmaA rectifying tube. Harrison home. Fancy hand-decorated serving trays, all prices, all sizes, at Nye's, West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James Ladd were recent callers at Woodstock. Mrs. Maxwell Beth was recently made president of the Home Circle. Frances Helms called at McHenry one morning this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and family spent Saturday evening at Woodstock. Miss Ethel Bell of McHenry spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. James Bell. Mr. Reidel of Wodstock was a Ringwood caller on Saturday morning. Mrs. Walter Cropley spent Saturday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Laura Brown. Elgin on Monday of last week. Mrs. William Althoff and daughter, Barbara, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lcuis Althoff Friday. Mrs. Joe Adams and Mrs. Otto Adams visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adams Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund of McHenry spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin K Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huff and son visited with Math J. Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freund spent Sunday wi'h the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Miller. RIDGEFIELD | The Ladies' Cemetery Aid last | Thursday cleared about $100 at their ! dinner. • lrS-^U ,a oT uspent Wednesday, A G. L^ey a business trip m the Charles Stephensen home. ; Vo Woodstock Saturday. Mr Rowbottom of Bristol, Wis.,! Mr and Mrs Walter Reed t spent Wednesday morning in Ring-; Saturday and Sunday in Chicago. Wm' J n-r A i. wr li. » Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson spent ixT j *ai\ i^rs i Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Woodstock were Wednesday afternoon | William Shelto of Chicago spent callers in Ringwood. | Mrs. William Duesing and son, Ray- REGISTERED HOLSTEIN SALE To be held at Libertyvllle, Illinois 50 COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 HEAD 50 Consigned by 15 Holsteiu HolsteinMilk breeders who are members of the Lake County Holstein Association. All animals are guaranteed to be breeders. Tuberculin tested and sold subject Vitality I to a 60 day retest. 40 FEMALES Most of them are fresh or heavy springers. The kind that will make you a profit. Good indivi- 10 BULLS duals from heavy producing 'dams. Get one of these bulls and increase the production x>f your future herd. SALE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 10:30 Auctioneer J. E. Mack Pedigree expert 060. White Sale Managed by SUJNOIS HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN ASSOCIATION E. M. Clark, Executive Sec. 608 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. t •f ? »?• Don't fail to visit us and se<> all these beautiful models bofore vou buv a Radio . ' • ' " Tubes Tested and Rejuvenated Nye Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop Change in Milk Delivery Starting Monday, October 26 milk will be delivered later in the day. Order extra milk or cream Sunday morning if it is wanted for Monday breakfast. Beginning Sunday, October 25 the sales depot will be closed on Sundays at 12, noon, during the winter months. Riverside Dairy T Ti \I Phone 123-J West McHenry, 111. 41 George Harrison home. mond, of Volo spent Wednesday after-'«%» <%» <%» »? • < ? » » ? • < % » « % > < % » < % > < ! »* >^< <$» ^ noon in Ringwood. Mrs. Hazel Thompson of Chicago was called to the bedside of her son, who is ill. The Home Circle was well attended at the home of Mrs. George Shepherd^, V October 14. The next meeting will be, with Mrs. Max Beth. ' ^ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley-and $ daughter, Shirley, spent Wednesday! evening at Crystal Lake. { $> Wedding bells rang on Wednesday; afternoon, October 14, when Miss; i Susan Speaker became the wife of j V* Leslie Olsen, a very popular young j ^ man of Ringwood. She was born and j & raised in Ringwood, and for the past i five years has worked in S. W. Brown's f drug store of this village, where she has won a host of friends. The people j & in Ringwood and Richmond wish them: £ a happy voyage through life. j • Charles Carr and sons spent. Wed-j^ nesday in Chicago. Mrs. Clark Huson of Elgin is vis-1 1 iting her daughter, Mrs. Chancey Jep- j • son. J !*• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weidrich called ^ at McHenry on Wednesday afternoon.' % Miss Bonnie Hermance of Richmond! V spent Thursday it. the Ringwood i school. ^ Mrs. Max Beth, Mrs. Florence Smith ^ and Mrs. Emma Brown were Thurs- V day morning callers at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Butler of Chi- ^ cago spent a few days last w6ek in1 $ Ringwood. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster and !*• family of Greenwood spent Sunday : afternoon in thelrving Merchant home, j ^ Mrs. Jennie Cushman entertained . V her daughter and husband from Volo1!** on Sunday. , A. R. Bradley spent Sunday with) $ his mother. ; V Mrs. Nell Evans of Woodstock spent Sunday with her sifcter, Mrs. Lewis JL Schroeder. j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heinz of Crys- V tal Lake spent the week-end in . the! ELM STREET McHENRY --"6^- •laiiinuu UUiXIt;. /Ta \ ^Vand Mrs- Jack McLaughlin and t ltao.w?£nh t€c_ar,l\l ers. were recent out-of- • *4 k. ; V"

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