McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Nov 1925, p. 5

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SfcOfOH'8 Saturday supper and evening Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary of Mr and Mr and Mrs- Krkc^! ers at MM»y afternoon. Mrs. Albert Grander who haa been pn the sick list for the oast week is on the road to recovery nda pests lobert l SmmP-, SsWj4B«W»t - ^wnahip spent Tast Monday afternoon at the home of his parents here. Arthur Wackerow^ spent a few days |Mt week with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Jf». <fcorg* Milton Doweli and Lloyd Fisher of AUCTION f HAS LEONARD, Auctioneer C. W. Stenger, Clerk. Having rented my farm Tor a^erra of years and being fully decided to quit farming t will sell at Public Auction on the farm known as the Frisby ros. farm situated two mjles south of McHenry and six miles north of Crys. is1 Lake 'dn the Terra Cotta ro" ad. • , 8.] FQVSHBSR 24, 49*5 beginning at Ten o'clock a. m. sharp the following described property ?6--HIAD OJ LiyKSTOOK-36 Consisting of 24 high grade Holstein Cows, new milkers and dose springers. These cows are all home grown and ranging in age from 3 to 8 years. 6 spring calves, I pvx*<bre(l llolatein bull, sited by Tomah King of the. River, side No. 257601. < ,6--1£EAD OF HQ|fc$SS--6 pray gelding 10 years old weight 1500, bay gelding 9 years old weight 1550 bay gelding 8 years old weight 1300, black mare 7 years old weightl400 |>ay mare 14 ^$ars old weight 1400, roar, mare 18 years eld weight 1200. IUY OBA^l A#D BiACHINIlEY 28 acres hill corn in shock, io tons timothy and clover hay, 18 tons timotfiy hay, 6 tons upland hay, 800 bushels Swedish selected oats, guaranteed free from foul seeds, 400 bushels barley. John Deere sulky plow, 2 John Deere walking plows, McCormick grain binder, 2 McCormick mowers, 2 Deering corn harvesters, 1 nearly new, 8 ft. disc drill, 1 prairie City Broadcast seeder, 1 three section drag, 1 two section drag, 1 two section steel drag, 1 Dane aide delivering hay rake, John Deere hay loader, McCormick hay rake, 2 Jchn Deere 6 shovel cultivators, diamond tooth single cultivator, potato digger, potato hiller# John Deere corn planter, 80 rods wire, milk wagon, 3 truck wagons, 2 hay racks, 2 hog racks, 14 ft wagon box, milk cart, manure spreader, 1 12-disc pulverizer, 1 16-disc pulverizer, land roller, fanning mill, Fairbanks platform scales 800 lbs., corn shelter Cow Boy tank heaterf ggig^lstone, 2 top baggies, single buggy *nd r0*d Pari cutter and sleigh bells. HARNESS 2 sets heavy breeching harness, 2 sets light work harness, 2 single harness, 3 sets flynets, 1 single f^ynet, fWfill ba^r^ls and cart, 6 galvanized chicken coops, 2 five gallon galvanized water founts, 240 feet hay rope, double harpoon fork,8 milk cans, pails and strainers, Stewart clipping machine new, 2, 20-gallon stone jars, 20x30 canvas cover, 3-gallon spray pump, caldr9n l»ttle, 2 50-gallon gas tanks, 50 grain bags, chains, a^ovfls^forks and ipany other articles. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 2 iron beds springs and mattress, 2 wooden beds springs $nd mattress, : single bad springs and mattress, 1 Penisular base burner coal stove, 2 dress ers, 1 commode, 1 16-ft. dinjtag room table, ft l^it^hen chairs, 6 cane seated chairs. T^iis bein^ a large sale .jgjgj^flgpr jgPJIP ,«Wi ft®* lunch at noon.) |£RMS OF SALE--All sunw of $10.00 and under cash; oyer that amount a ^redit of six months will be given- on good bankable notes bearing 7 per cent interest. No property to be removed until settled for with clerk. - = ^ JAMES FRISBY jtowrilie .called Mfi &>tajfd -Poi^U at the Robert Kirk hotae Sunday Scorning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonnin spent Sunday at Elgin and visited their daughter, Helen, »{ Mt. .Morris College who was visiting at Rev. Qaljnan's home. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hughes Jr., Of Gurnee spent Sunday at the hotne of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston. Emmett Geary of Fremont town ship spent Saturday at the hotae of his parents here. Mrs. H. J. Shaffer, Mrs. J. N. Zimmer and Mrs. John R. Knox of Mc Henry visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and children and Lloyd Dowell spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Miss Myrtle Darrell and Miss Pearl Lawrence visited relatives at Crystal Lake |>unday afternoon. Mrs. Jane Vasey and Mrs. MoCandles and two children of Ro^nd Lake were last Friday afternoon guests at the home pf Mrs- Vasey"s niece, Mrs. Robert Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gffry and son sira. T. M. Pulasha jetarnad J>om|n ejsgkpi&D from Chicago where she attended the] funeral of a niece. j EWn, Sfc «• an A son. Kirk, and daughter, Jennie, Lynch made a business Mrs. J. Trow and son, Paul, of Hebron were entertained in the A. C. Merrell home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt of Hebron spent one day last week With Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson Andrew Peterson of Woodstock Was Lynch made a business trip to Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Carry Johnson spent the weak* end with relatives at Belvidere. Mrs. Alfred Allbee and daughter were shopping in Woodstock Friday. Ali>in Carlson of Crystal Lake viscalled at the H. J. Shaffer home at er in the Jack Pester home Sunday Joseph Kitz of Chicago toured out ited with relatives in Ridgefield Frifrom the city Sunday and spent the day in the Mary Aubert home . Joe and Art Aubert of Chicago spent the week-end visiting relatives here. Mrs. Kashnanick and daughter, Angie, of St. Paul, Minn., after spending three weeks in the George Vogel home returned home Tuesday. Charles West'.ake our contractor, is assisted H.ope of Chicago doing some brick work down at Fox Lake. H. G. Reading left Monday for Brooklin, to spend a week with his son, Walter Reading and family. Stanley Alms, who is attending school in Chicago spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. V. Alms. Mr. Keith of Fox Lake was a call McHenry last Tuesday evening. .Mrs Geary and son visited (here until Wednesday evening. H. L. Brooks was a business culler at McHenry last Friday evening. Mrs. William Johnston spent a few days the first of the week at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnston at Arlington Heights. H. L. Brooks was a bminess ®*V*r at Waukegan last Tuesday. >\.l Staples of Evanston arrived at the G. J. Burnett home last Friday where he will visit during the Pheasanf QOOQAn Mr. and Mrs. Burkett of Sfeell Lake, Wis., who have been visiting at the W. E. Brooks home spent the vgfftkend at the H. L. Brooks home. John Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson, Sigrid Blomgren and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Volo motored to Chicago last Thursday ftftd fMpt the day at the hgpie of !®r. Mrs. George Bagley. Grace Walles of FfMpogt ty&nship spent the week-end ft fhe ^W- E. Brooks home. Mrs. Louis Ro^i«»n of l|a«jpgton spent Sunday at tj^e JH. L- iJBrooks home. William Daipftll of W*WW»4* spent Sunday with his parents at Oak Glen farm. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis and children of $9ar Wa^conda and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, The Ladies' Aid will give a chicken dinner and bazaar in the ehurch par. lors Thursday, Nftvejnher Every body invited. • /(Tea Worth Monty A dllvlng of *300 n day to a facturer of a wooden part for auto* mobiles Is said to Imve resnlted front three days' attendance by one of the The Home Bureau are giving an en\ company's tecbnionl tertainment and social in the Wood-jBpon tj,e forest products man hall this Friday evening, every, course in gluing woq<1 at th* Unlvgr Wisconsin, . represent a tl laboratory one welcome. •tty of Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Barlett of Woodstock .spent Saturday and Sunday in ihe E. E. Cropley home. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund of Jftfensburg spent Monday with their daughter, Mrs, Edwin Vogel. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cowan of Harvard spent the week-end with the tatter's mother, Mrs, Fannie Overton, and all attended the Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Merrell's 25th wedding anniversary. D. Overton accompanied by Pester and Harold Aim, attended the show at Genoa City Thursday night. Miss Anabel Osborn of Elgin and Dwight Osborn of Chicago spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Osborn. Georgia Brennan accompanied by her cousin Georgia Welcome, of Woodstock spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Brennan. Mrs. Nick Justen, who has been a patient at the Sacred Heart Sanitarium, Milwaukee, Wis., for some time has returned home much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. William Staines were McHenry callers Thursday. Mrs. Nick Justen spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. Ben Kennebeck. Mrs. Robert Sutton spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. George Lind. say at McHenry. Mrs. Walter Cropley accompanied by her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown, spent one day last day, Mr. and Mrs. S. Warnock motored to Chicago Saturday and spent Sunday with relatives there. Miss Minnie Benwel was shopping in Chicago Friday. James Bennett was in^Crystal Lake Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Levey made a business trip to Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. Clarence Winters was shopping at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Levey and children of Crystal Lake visited at the home of A. G. Levey Sunday Mrs. Bell Duffield left for Chicago Monday morning where she will spend « few days with relatives. Mrs. Henry Radake visited with relatives in Crystal Lake Tuesday. Miss Minnie Benwell left Wednesday of this week for Zeffers Hill, Florida, where she will spend the winter. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Peterson an eight pound girl baby. Both *r? doing fine. TWO GOOD PLACES TO IAT HOME AND I A 1 L S RIVERSIDE DRIVE Try our light lunches if hungiy. One of those delicious malted milks from our fountain will also satisfy. J rr W »* '•< > QUALITY AND PCRIW come. JLcst , IB the manufacture of our oreain. «RVI0E .follows. «Xhese aca the reasons for- its popularity. ypgLt\y, Ifit orwn, dim't fotgst to "MeBENRT" McHenry Ice Cream Company McHenry, Illinois * Frances, spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne | week in Janesville. Bacon at Crystal Lake. | William Simes and Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks of Waukegan spent | George Lindsay of McHenry spent the week-end with his home folks here. J Sunday with the former's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and i Mrs. Robert Sutton. their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Birkett, Mr. Sell and Mrs. Bullock of Wauspent last Tuesday at Waukegan. kegan were entertained by Mr. and Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick of Chicago spent a few days the first part of the week at the G. J. Burnett home. Mrs. Jane Johnston spent a few days Mrs. Edwin Vogel Sunday. A pleasant birthday surprise given Mrs. Will Austin of Keystone Thursday afternoon sponsored by the Rich at the home of her grandson, Earl j mond and ,Solon Mills ladies was well Johnston. (attended and she received many nice Willard Darrell was a business call- presents. Cards and games were iner at Crystal Lake last Saturday dulged in after which light refreshmorning. , ments were served. Those present Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ritt of Crystal, were as follows: Mesdames A. C. Lake were Sunday guests at the G. J Burnett home. John Blomgren, Jack Howe, Mrs. E. Anderson, Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lusk of Volo spent Sunday evening at of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer. Russell and Melvin Kniggie of Griswald Lake spent Sunday evening with Gordon Kirk. Those from this community who attended the first number of the Lyceum Course held at the High School Audi- MerreJl, Charles Vogel, Will Brennan, Edwin Vogel, Matt Fneund, Victor Aim, Rose Reno, George Westlake, Charles Osborn, Robert Sutton, C. S. Hardy, Joe Kuhn, Will Aylward, all from Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell celebrated the 25th anniversary of their wedding at Solon Mills community Club hall Saturday evening, November 7. It was well attended considering the night. A program was rendered by some of the members of the club, torum last Thursday evening at Wau-! after which dancing was indulged in, conda were H. L. Brooks and son, J the music being furnished by Gard flettlag the Dining Room j&ea4y f or the Dinner Harold, and daughter, Lillian, Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Miss Pearl Lawrence, Charles Lundquist, Urs. Bpnnin apd daughter, a/id Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Birkett. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Miss Myrtle Darrell and Mies Pearl Lawrence attended the Wauconda Euchre Club , party entertainment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Fink, Monday evening. Mae and Arthur Pfannenstill spent last Sunday afternoon at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ivanrs. Page Smith spent Saturday afternoon with her sister, Mfi. B. C. Harris at Wauconda. SOLON MILI£ If-there is one time of the year when you ^ w&nt thp Dining, Boom to. look its biest, it Thanksgiving time. If you do not want to select a complete new set at this time, the addition of one or more pieces will bring & tQSUjh of newness worth mapy times their cost. Jaocfe Jnaten & 8m Funitttre and. Undertaking < MCHENHV, Paul Booslejtt of Ws^nry was Friday dinner guest of Mrs. Fani Overton. Mrs. Earl Monear of McHenry spent the first of the week with her parents, M|r. and Mrs. James Jackson. Mrs. Mary Nimsgren a&d Matt J May were Chicago shoppers W.®^ne8" day. Mrs. Wilder Barlett of Wo^stock spent Thursday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. L. Osborn. Mrs. Joe Klun was a Chicaga .shopper one day last week. Mrs. F. Nimsgren and family were in McHenry Sunday visiting her daughter, Mrs. Henry Kennebeck. Mrs. George Lindsay of McHenry was a Friday guest of her sister, Mrs. Robert Sutton. There will be a wedding dance, given at the community hall Wednesday evening, November 1$. Mrs. Edwin Vogel is ill at her home here and is under the care of a doctor. Mrs. William Staines received word that her sister, Mrs. Ralph Stuff ell in the Woodstock hospital with a n vous breakdown. Earl Monear of Jfrglenry was a Saturday evening caller in the James Jackson home. Joe Aubert of Chicago spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Mary Aubert. The Antioch orchestra will give a social dance here. at. the. community hall Saturday evening, November 4. Rev. R. A. Tate and Rev. P. T. Bohr of Evanston spent the week-end with Mrs. J. Pester. Harold Osborn spent 8nnday in Elgin. There is an Oven to Fit Your And right now, with big . lioli&iy dinners ahead, you will be glad to put a modem gas range into your kitchen, and prove its . powers on such particular WE RECOMMEND Roper stoves. They have p r o v e d t h e m s e l v e s v through years of service. See them in our shpw rpoms. TERMS 10 per cent with order, balance in easy monthly installments. „-yjw WESTERN UNITED fiAS & ELECTRIQ CO. C. E. Collins District Manager Amxmg New Treatneat for Headaches Ma Aimu*w« own *• 100 for fSok-D* Wto Tablets, and I do »o( Kaitato to iwnmmmd than to ptnoos wko luflar with nMdachat m I cud. Thej mUeved •vwvtbing cite Utied, Not oaly art ib«v good for headaches but w* alwtyao\acs Iroo ievw or paui in rwy put of tha body." Mra, Andrew*, TKcm marveloii. tablets work lilw • Th«p arc Katsnirss aixi briag tamd liei from backache*, colcia. im--lm nrnritis and ainular ailment*. SJAJCIBR'S PINK -N-WH1TF. 1 ,\BI_ETS alter a famoua Doctor't prMcriptaoa, have been u*ed and recommended bf thcuaands. You, too, can Hniih ,ov ache* apeedily with tbe*e, n«w, wondc** Workinc tablet*. Tn thi* a ma zinc tiiialamil lor your «chr» B« aura to take om» |-»k *•<! one white tablet,and yoo will findasi^Mia •nd iaatant rrliel. Get a J5c PacltM (odn. Sold and Recommended by Your Druggist THOMAS P. BOLGER The place of honor on the Thanksgiving dinner table is held by the Turkey and so you want the best to be had. But that is not all that is necessary to malte the dinner complete. You will also need new dishes and the proper utensils to prepare and serve it. We have just what you want. Let, us show you our line. Dinner Sets, Carving Sets, Glassware, Silverware, UUiminujnware, Pyrex, Roasters, Food Choppers. John J. Vydtal PHONE 98-M M'HENRY 7 ; ; ner's Harmony orchestrd. At a late, hour in the evening refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Merrell were! presented with a aet of silver wear. j Biggoat Auto Dump ! Thousands of Junked cars from New fork city are placed on the city damp •yery year. A large gang of junkmen m*ke a living by stripping them atf everything of any value. NOW Is the best time to select Christmas gilts Delight Mother with a ercolator Prit t d a low as Waffle Irons as low Electric Heaters $700 $g50 \ roU'LL find Christmas buying much easier if you do it now wihile stocks are complete and selections may be made at leisure. Th**e;ari typical the many splendid gift suggestions now on display in this store. Call in and sea them. FEDERAL Electric Cleaner $ 1 30 1"^ . and Well built with big copper reflector and guaranteed beating element A gift sure to be appreciate^ by every women because it saves time and strength. Federal $1.30 end , $2.00 dtws, : mbnthly. Just the kind for Mother i4M?fece Coffee Service flown MmmtMy Electric percolator, beautiful loving cup duign, six cups; serving i n r n d ^ ^ h v ? n * .Curling Irons for bowtwu uair, marcel g ^ wevsa and long carls; as low as An Electric Iron is always a welcome gift. This one, w£tb convenient all steel case is make ideal gifts. See our large selection. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN, ILLINOIS % 101 Williams St., Cryrt&l L«k» T J. A. Schal [ekf beoc, Dist

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