Z wyjwrf •c •jWT" II 'I ill' infiiil iV*' • •' a tfV "-•' IM ICBimtT PLAIMSKALSK, THVR8DAT, KOtf 26, USB :S®!' "> . v - ; R "s' HiF*"*' '• /¥C.r- -.V %'^t Sgbi;r um SFECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE „ Special AwMMt Mo. 11 Vw Special Wvrut N*. II _,fUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th« Coimty Court has jflhdered judgment lor a special assessment upon property benefited by the following improvement: In the mat *r of the petition of the City of McHeary, for levying a special collection of said special assessment is in the hands of the undersigned. All persons interested sr? herebv no'ificd to call ami jmy the amount assessed at the collector's office in West McHenry, Illinois, within thirty days from the date hereof; the first - , , , . installment of such assessment assessment to pay the costs of laying amounts to the sum of four thousand and constructing a system of paving nine hundred ninety-nine and 48-100 In a portion of Main Street and other! ($4,999.48) dollars and each succeed, streets in said city, | Jng nine installments are in the sum as will more ful'y appear from a cer. of $4,969.29 each with interest at the tified copy of the judgment on file in 1 rate of six per cent from April 17th, my office; that the warrant for the' ^^26. £t-Econ»mica! TrantfortmHon I ( HK VP. 01. FT National Sales Contest Week TW»w<*k iMib du dbse of the pcgtcut tale* cenlK MM esadbctad by aay automobile muuifactutcr. Our mImomm* as «*ll so tbuosands of ochar Gfcevrah* taiw am Mtivingto win? The first installment Is due and payable on the 2nd day of January, A. D. 1926, with interest atoeix per cent due and uavauie uii that day from April 17th, 1925, on all installments. Dated this 24th day of November, A. D. IMS. -n?"! . \ •£? MAYME BUSS, • -- City Collector. QUARTER OF A CENTURY ltd One of oar men has probably wphhwd to van why ©*sr IfOOOyOOO bayws have chosca Chevrolet*, and has Aumi yxm CWnnta fcatuie alter feature found only osi the finest MiaHry cars. Give him youi order this weak and hal^ata Win a valued prise. fTmnoll girss jnn finr prrfnr msiiin. fumiilftil nm--i anca and long Uh. Hete is a quality car at a price yon can well afford. Let us show you how easy it is to ho> oocae the owner of a new .Chevrolet. TMf*«525 Cm*. *675 SZi11.'". *425 tm*mS2S Mn . 775 fS3"cw* 550 ALL nidi F. (XB. FLINT. MICHIOAN SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Special Assessment No. 12 Special Warrant No. 12 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County Court has rendered judgment for a special assessment upon property benefited by the following improvement: In the matter of the petition of the City of McHenry for levying a special assessment to pay the costs of paving a portion of Green Street and other streets in said city, as will more fully appear from a cer. tified copy of the judgment on file in my office; that the warrant for the collection of said special assessment is in the hands of the undersigned. All persons interested are hereby notified to call and pay the amount assessed at the collector's office in Wea* McHenry, Illinois, within thirty days from the date hereof; the first installment of such assessment amqpnts to the sum of $2,178.02, and each of the Succeeding nine installments is in the sum of $2,178.02, with interest at the rate of six per cent from September 15th, 1926. The first installment is due and payable on the 2nd day of January, A. D. 1926, with interest at six per cent due arid payable on that day from September 15th, 1925, on all installments. Dated this 24th day of November, A. D. 1826. MAYME BUSS, City Collector. The $695 Coach Pill, Mlr»t»i '•*, <r: ' • *°* Paul B. Bonslett PHONE ltir WEST McHENRY, ILL. ( j U A L 1 1 V A T L O W C O S T n OiiJyBujck has ib 3 sealed chassis and irlpJe sealed em©to je f. Qf» Better' Bulclc op«iHn| Sei&l arc very low. This car ia thrfftf --both in purchase price and In ownership. lukk design protects d oper> parts from dust and wear harrirsrln them with iron or eteel housings in the famous •nick -Sealed Chassis" and "Triple Sealed Engine**, 1)m Buiclt Valve-in-Hesd en* fine develops more power quantity of And now, the Bukk oil filw •takes it necessary to change crankcase oil only at rare interval*. Even smaller, less powerful cars do not match the Better Buick in low cost ofoperation and maintenance. You add to your power to economize when you buy a Better Buiclt! •UMpK MOTOR COMPANY. FLINT, mOJJ^AN Plslslsa W Otmmml Mirtn CnHnriw Overton & Cowett McHenry « y Harvard SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Special Assessment No. 13 Special Warrant No. 13 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County Court has rendered judgment for a special i sessment upon property benefited by the following improvement: In the matter of the petition of the City of McHenry for levying a special assessment to pay the costs of paving a portion of Pearl Street and Green Street in said city, as will more fully appear from a cer. tified copy of the judgment on file in my office; that the warrant for the collection of said special assessment is in the hands of the undersigned. All persons interested are hereby notified to call and pay the amount assesred at the collector's office in West McHenry, Illinois, within thirty days from the date hereof; the first installment of such assessment amounts to the sum of $4,365.13, and leach succeeding nine installments is in 'the sum of $3,700.00, with interest at •the rate of six per cent from September 15th, 1925. j The first installments due and payable on the 2nd day of January, A. D. 1926, with interest at six per cent due and payable on that day from September 15th, 1925, on all installments. Dated this 24th day of November, A. D. 1925. MAYME BUSS, City Collector. Stirrup Not Old Idea Stirrups, parts of a saddle, were nilknown to the ancients. Gracchus, the reformer and. radical leader In the early years of the Roman republic, fitted the highways with atones from which horsemen were able to mount. Stirrups were used In the Fifth century, hot were not common even ia the Twelfth. Whimsical Whi»tlmr "Many things Whistler did," Sir Ed mund Goose told Walter Tittle, the portraitist, "he did for effect only, laughing in his sleeve If he succeeded In hoodwinking his auditors. One day in his studio he languidly approached his easel, drew a single line on a canvas, with a movement of exquisite grace, put down the brush, and said: That is enough work for one day.'"-- Boston Transcript. A Gift That Appeals to the Young Fellows yilcl al8<$ to the older fellows who enjoy outdoors life. and Sweater floats are beta 111 a plentiful array to aid you in chooifng the weave, the color and the pattern that you know your boy will like best. All %|yl^ ure madfy£f<*m soft wool yarns. ^,,7 _ $4.50 W) #12. Clothing Store The Home of the Famous Jantsen Goat flickers, too, Make f a Good Gift practical garment for ' all sorts of bad weather. They give complete protection from both wind and rain. , '« • . $7.50 r Taken From The Plaindealer November 22, 1900 Lon B. Howard, a former McHenry uOjT, sfaa iiiaiiittu mat wetts at Gk?!^v» 111., to Miss Florence Matthews. The groom is the son of Rolland A. How ard, for many years the leading meat market proprietor in this village. The Elgin News says, "About forty guests assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs Robert R. Howard Monday evening in response to an invitation to meet Mr and Mrs. Lon H. Howard. Throughout the entire evening Smith's orches tra of seven pieces discoursed popular airs. It was a social success and the evening passed only too quickly. Mr. and Mrs. Howard have many friends in McHenry who join with the Plain, dealer in wishing them a life of prosperity and happiness. v If you wish to have a good time; if you want to hear the best of music; if you wish to dance on a perfect floor attend the dance at Stoffel's hall, West McHenry, Thursday evening November 29. Music by Barenstein's orchestra of Chicago. Is it necessary to say more ? A prize waltz promises to be an interesting feature of the ball and should interest all lovers of the mazy waits. An elegant prize will be given to the best lady and gentleman waltzer. Impartial judges will make the decision. Every one cordially invited. A good time guaranteed. Jacob Schenck, an aged resident of Wo-Klstock, was struck and instantly killed by a fast Northwestern freight tra'n at Woodstock Saturday night November 10, while on his way home. He was about 80 years of age. It was about 12 o'clock on Saturday night when on his way home that Mr. Schenck attempted to cross the Northwestern tracks. He passed a box car which was close to the crossing and which cancealed the"rapidly moving west Lound train. He stepped onto the main track directly in front of it. His body was crushed and horribly mangled, and was not discovered until several hours later. Mr. Schenck was rather deaf and probably could not hoar any warning of the noise of the fast approaching train. He was one of the earliest settlers in this vicinity. The first dance of the series, given by the Foresters team of Valley Camp No. 97, M. W. A., some time ago was a success and everybody reported a-good time. The Foresters proved to be good entertainers. The second dance will be given in the Riverside hall McHenry, on Thursday evening November 29. Music by Hardin's five piece orchestra of Clinton, Wis. Mr. Welch, familiarly known as Old Man Welch, will act as prompter. A good time is promised. Mary J. Osborne, wife of William Osborne died at her home 6413 Lafhn street, Chicago Sunday, Novem ber 4. Service^ were held from her home to the place of interment, McHenry cemetery, Rev Frank C. Burner, pastor of the Second M. E. church, officiating. The deceased was born in Ei^'and May 17, 1851, came to this country in 1863, and was married to Dr. William Osborne in 1868. This union was blessed with nine children two of whom died in infancy. No mother ever had a greater love for her children, 'twas almose divine, and her lovliness of character from childhood won all hearts. Motherhood was a dominant element in her nature, reigning and ruling in the hearts of those of her household with tenderest affection. Her gentle, motherly dealings are as imperishable as the fragrance of the Rose of Sharon. The Itleal Entertainers amused a l^rge audience in Stoffel's hall last Thursday evening. The program con sisted of comedy specialities, vocal and instrumental music, ventriloquism magic, illustrated songs, moving pictures, etc. That those present were pleased with the entertainment was proven by the fact that nearly every one remained to see the fine picture. Attorney Smiley is building a residence which when completed will cost $6,000. Fred L. Renich, publisher of Das Volksblatt, Woodstock, was in our vil lage Wednesday and made us a friendly call. Fred is a hustler and is getting his share of business. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Special Assessment No. 14 Special Warrant No. 14 Pl'DLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the County Court has rendered judgment for a special assessment upon property benefited by the following improvement: In the matter of the petition of the City of McHenry for levying a special assessment to pay the costs of paving a portion of Waukegan Road and other streets in said city, v. as will more fully appear from a cer. tified copy of the judgment on file in my office; that the warrant for the collection of said special assessment is in the hands of the undersigned, All persons interested are hereby notified to call and pay the amount assessed at the collector's office in West McHenry, Illinois, within thirty days from the date hereof; the first installment of such assessment amounts to the sum of $3,000.00, and each succeeding nine installments is in the sum of $2,104.50 with interest at the rate of six per cent from October 1st, 1925. The first installment is due and payable on the 2nd day of January, A. D. 1926, with interest at six per cent due and payable on that day from October 1st, 1925, on all installments. Dated this 24th day of November, A. D. 1925. * , MAYME BUSS, || City Collector. ' What Count* U Is said that the original First" sign was pot over a gate at the Illinois Steel company's plant abont eighteen year* ago. But the Important thing la not so much when It was first put up as when It was laat MMAgttkAMAil < Extra Sacrmd In Fee, the Inland capital of rocco, there stands a mosque considered so sacred by the Mohammedans that no Christian has ever been p» mitted to approach It How to Paint Wicker a Wicker furniture should be washed In Strong soda water (one tablespoonful of ^washing soda to a quart of water). Ifcllow to dry, then paint any oninr with 9t£fidsrd enamel paint, bciug bimw ii uoea not settle in the openings of the wicker, as It will dry too thick If not brushed out. •ST Auto/roi In Medicine The roots of sassafras very early In American history became an Important article of medicine. It Is sometimes called the "ague tree" as a decoction of its bark was supposed to cure that disease. Sassafras tea, an Infusion of the young shoots and roots, has long been a favorite remedy *for colds and a tonic, being a sudorific and a stimulant. & e~ bills punted in tKe Plaindealef shop^are designed to attract attention of potential buyers and if]you live within a radius ol twenty miles from McHenry, an ad in this paper will pay you well--because we*COVer thli territory thoroughly* ; Reductions $300 up to i Now--at their acw low prices of $1215 and $1425, f. o. b. factory, the Special Six and Advanced Six Sedans offer STILL QREATER VALUE. Their features in* dude the new French-type roof design* mohair cloth upholstery, exceptionally broad doors, 4-wheel brakes of Nash design, full balloon tires and 5 disc wheels* George A. Stilling Garage Phone 28, McHenry, flJinois jjir Nfc:-.; I > TUDOR SEDAN 580 Tonriiqi • #290 RsMufcBia • 260 Coup* - • 520 Tudor Sedan 380 Fordor Sedan 660 Cloi»d can l« color. OtaoMMkU rim* im i Constructed of highest grade steel,. electrically welded and reinforced to give permanent rigidity and strength, every unit of the Tudor Sedan body-- from rivets to upholstery--is built to endure. The remarkable construction of this iceful Sedan is an example of die sting service built in Ford cars. Ask the nearest Authorized Ford Dealer to show you this good looking car. Detroit. Mich KNOX MOTOR SALES McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 31 •\ r"" ^ ^v. / • - i * -J . Sy, •-.frairh , t ijtntJf.eimif' fur