FOR •t tlfArt.-:--"!'- ^ % " • 1 f.?: ^ . ,•»>*;' + * • :,-. . ,i > •/• it •••'•% -\r ,, •"(*' • / MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is especially pre* J^ared to relieve Infants in •rms and Children all ages Of Constipation, Flatulency, JWind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the Assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. '.f3to avoid imitations, always look (or the signature t>( Absolutely Harmless - No Orates. Physicians everywhere recommend it. VOGUE FOR LACE GARNITURE; * CAPE COATS ARE IMPOfctANf A good mind will always find some- Haughtiness lives under the Same thing to do. . - roof with solitude.--Plato. Words once spoken can rtevefbefleralled.-- Dillon. ; ; Haste trips on Its own heels, tetters and stops Itself.--Seneca. The less experience a man has the more easily he falls In love. * The man that blushes Is not . quite a brute.--Young. NEURITIS Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Pain Headache Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART 2iW>lrin i* th« trade mark ct Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. Ifanafactur* of Honaaceticacldester of "Why,Uncle Jim! *You look ten years youngerV* "When I saw you a couple of months ago, I made up my mind you were getting old. At least ^oCi looked it." •Tes, Billie, and I felt old. No appetite, couldn't sleep nights -- one day just like another, and none of them any good. I knew constipation was at the bottom of it, but it seemed the more laxatives I took the worse I got. Then one day I saw Nell giving Nujol to my little grandson. The doctor had prescribed it for the baby, but I found out it's just the thing for old fellows like me, too. "I tell you, Billie, it keeps me feeling fine all the If I look any younger,Nujol gets the credit." Nujol helps Nature in Nature's own way Middle age brings on a decrease in the naturallubricating secretions ill the i ntestine. Then you need N'ujoL It supplies the deficiency of the natural lubricant. Medical authorities approve Nujol because it is gentle, safe and natural in its action. Constipation is dangerous for any" body. Nujol is safe for everybody. Nujol simply softens the waste matter and thus permits thorough and regular elimination without overtaxing the intestinal muscles. It is not a medicine. You can take Nujol for any length of time without ill effects. It should betaken regularlyin accordance with the directions on each bottle. Unlike laxatives, it does not form a habit and can be discontinued at any time. Ask your druggist for Nujol today and begin to enjoy the «4«-o'o r timsJ possible only when efimtites back and 1 m intmnal lubricant i nation is normal ml sleep like a child. for Constipation PILKS NIFI--A sure relief for PILES without doctor, sanitarium or knife. Harmless If afflicted. NIPI CO.. Hohman Street. Hammond. Indiana. Fop Sale--125,000 Acres cut-over Pine Land. Mobile, Washington Counties, Alabama. tS to flS per acre. Young plnea. Best Gov Bond Investment. 60% Agricultural. Information, write Jos. R. Yerinn. C'ulvprt, Ala. Weak Lungs--Bronchial Asthma - Thousunds sutler and allow these troubles to become de^p-seated. Ocean-Weed, nature's own remedy, is your greatest hop^ Contains no opiates or narcotics. A miraculous tonic and system builder. A real blessing to suffering humanity. Delays are dangerous and often fatal. Don't wait longer. Ocean-Weed Is put up in 12 ox. bottles. Price $2.00. Three bottles, $5.SO. " Six bottles, 110 00. Order direct. OCEAN-WEED MEDICAL CO . 1603 North Alexandria Avenue. I.os Angeles, California. PBOISPKKOl S EASTERN COLORADO: A legitimate boom started, good crops, farmers making money, lard advancing, send for free maps. etc. W. S. Pershlnir. Llmon, Colo. GOING TO FLORIDA--Will buy home. lots, land or business property there; send priceand location to Helndel, 2311 Market Street, Youngstown. Ohio. Must sell my business property Immediately. Two store rooms, two-family fiat above, four Ciragea. Income fl.800 yearly. Price $16,000. r. O'DeU. 1821 N. Sarah. Bt. Loola^ Mo. FOR SAKE: OWNER OFFERS IMPROVED productive farms in N. W. Ohio. Good roads, churches. schools, markets, condensorlea, cream stations, sugar factories. Attractive term* Write Box 27!. Defiance. Ohio. Elderly or Krml-Invalid Person Can Enjoy privacy of doctor's home for life; California; few thousand dollars required; write Dr. H. Brurkmann, 923 Hayes St., San Francisco. Illinois Morning Repnblican Newspaper for Sale. City 17.000. Millions soon to be spent. Price $35,000. $20,000 rash. Great opportunity for experienced men. Box 61, West Plains, Mo. The Season's Greatest Hit. The Mitten Duster fits the hand like a glove. Cleans and polishes. 76c. Agenta wanted. Satisfactory Products Co.. 1455 S. Springfield. Chicago. 280 Acres--Good 7-room house, barn, chicken hou»e. garage, fine apple orchard, lots of small fruit, stock, tools: crops. G. A. Burria, Reft It v Co. 412 E. Market St., Elmira N. Y. PARTNERS WANTED Assist in buying 250-aere farm, for nursery, truck business, etc., Joining big oil field on two sides, other side. Corsicana. Navarro county seat, Texas. Water, ample market, good title, all mineral rights, fifteen acres woodland. Price $60,000. Need $40,000. buy In fee. Oil rights alone worth the money. Look this over. Investigate; the best bujr Is lands In Texas. Am single man. A. w. Brerett, 420 Fidelity. Dallas, Texas. : Y3ARTS frocks confirm the prophecy of a coming lace vogue. While French evening modes continue to assert the prestige of metallic insertions, wide borderings and all-overs for the present midwinter social sea- Ron, advance spring models bespeak a future of every imaginable type of lace. Chantllly, heavy venise an,d guipure, filet, Valenciennes edgings, all and more are on the program, especially featuring laces dyed to match costume fabrics. For spring trimmings the ochre tinted laces will lead. Among lace novelties which will add a "touch that tells" to dresses for and the shallow berthalike collar which features the {rock pictured at the rt^ht. "The mode travels capeward. On the tip of the tongue of fashlonists far and near are such expressions as cape-coats, capelet-frock. cape-collared blouse, cape-sleeved wrap and like-minded phrases until one is almost warranted in concluding' that capes are the chief concern of the style world. According to present Indications coats sans capes will be in the minority this spring. It may, at least, be said without exaggeration that the K# * £ friw»ivs& "WEEDS" IN WHEAT BOOK TO FARMER SIMPLE CIRCULAR ! APE the coming months, are capelets of either heavy or filmy patterning, these same falling from the neckline at the back like n deep collar. Detachable sleevelets of lace will also enhance many a clothe or silk frock fop spring. Many of the leading Paris couturiers are creating afternoon frocks of crepe or georgette to which inset godets of lace dyed to match the fabric and lace-trinuned scarfs contribute the trimming feature. The latest lace fashion, and one which bids fair to develop into a pronounced vogue, is that of the blouse or tunic of heavy guipure or chantllly, colored In exact match to the costume suit with which it is worn. From the best French ateliers comes a striking evening mode under the caption "llobe de Style." Often cape-coat Is a matter of supreme importance. - The mode especially Indorses the simple circular capo such as .'the picture shows. The charm of this cape Is that it Is detachable. For the useful cape-coat solid^colored fine twills, kasha cloth Slid wool reps are favored. However, there is considerable interest in fancy basket weaves in plaided effects, also colorful tweeds. Large plaids In pastel colorings are featured, also bold black and white plaided patterns. Sometimes cape-sleeves are substituted for the cape entire. A military look is given to the cape by attaching a high close-fitting collar. Many of the new cape-coats are very striking in design. For-instance a bold black and white plaid with flowing cupel»»t-sleeve effect, reveals 11 «». 5 TWO PARIS EVENING FROCKS quaint wide lace flounces or flat borderings finish the hemline of the bouffant skirt of this frock. < Unique lace treatments distinguish the models In the picture. An outstanding feature of the newer gowns is elaborate treatment of the back as well as the front. This point is strongly accented |in the gown to the left, through meiins of a narrow gold lace panel. Note also there is just the hint of a bustle effect In the tie-back of the novelty blouse portion. Silver lace of cobweblike delicacy was selected for the apron-front panel linibg of league red which, by the way. is one of the popular shades of .thQ hour. ' Another handsome travel and general utility coat Is of rough brown and multi-colored wool. The cape part rim ties across the back and low on the hips a wide belt of the cloth Is posed, which buckles at the front with an imposing colonial brass buckle, j Not only is the cape-Coat in fashion 1 but full-length circular cloth capes are included among fashionable wraps lor spring. . ' f JULIA BOTTOMLEY. <©, 1®24, Western Newspaper Union.) Plaids and Checks I Plaids and checks have not been ignored. They do not, however, seem , to be preferred to stripes, and the j reason offered by several manufactur-1 ers is that interest is not manifested j as strongly in these particular designs, due to their not being adaptable to all , figures. The stout woman wishing to appear slim desires stripes and the slim girl does likewise, as it makes her appear even slimmer and more graceful, whereas, plaids are apt to result In the opposite effects. Bowknota Favored The bowknot has lost none of its popularity with the arrival of the new season. It^is favored as a motif on evening dresses. An attractive dance frock of chiffon has two , rows of rhinestones embroidered over the shoulders and down the front to a point at. the low waistline antj is finished off there with a large bowknot embroidered in the rhinestones. Sometimes there Is a combination of rhinestones and pearls that Is very effective 1 Discovery Expected to Bt'of Immense Value. Down on a Missouri river bottom a bit husky farmer was plowing his wheat stubble one fall day. William H. Wood of Logan, Iowa, "W. H„" as the folks around there call him, runs a 700-acre farm just as other people run factories. His good valley land Is really a great chemical laboratory on which he4s continually experimenting with staple crops and trying out new ones, a writer In Everybody's Magazine reports. But this particular patch of land he was plowing that day had always been a puzzle to him. Year after year, without fertilization or change, a good yield had been maintained. And for seven years the parcel of land had been planted to wheat which la exceptionally hard on soil. He was the particular man to stumble upon a discovery which" may revolutionize certain kinds of farming. While stopping to clean the dirt from a plow 6hovel he noticed tiny knots on the roots of a" weed which Crew in great profusion in this field. Knowing that nodules on the roi>ts of alfalfa mean nitrogen deposits for the sell and being of an inquiring nature as well as a hard-headed business man who keeps careful ledgers, Mr. Wood heaved his 260 pounds off the groaning plow seat and proceeded to gather some sample plants. Going over the field charts that night he discovered that this field had always had a heavy growth of the curious fern-like weed. It was brought in, he believed, by the Missouri river whlcli .used to overflow the bottoms and cover his land before the installation of the dikes that now hold it In check. He also remembered that the weed always pame up after the grain had been cut. Apparently It did not injure the crops. On the contrary a Survey of his records showed that the yield in this field was greater than It had been seven years previous. And don't forget it had been planted every year to wheat. He went ahead and later furnished samples of the seed, a very hard tiny grain, shaped almost like a boxing glove, to the experiment Station at Ames. Several acres were also planted to this Dalea along with bis spring grain. Now another one of these so-called obnoxious weeds has been added to the farmer's list of valuable plants as the much-talked-of Dalea clover. This plant, practically unrecognized before it was unearthed by the labor and experiments of Mr. Wood, now promises to become more popular than its famous predecessor alfalfa. Already it Is conceded to be superior in several respects. It produces more seed per acre, is cheaper to handle and It can be grown on soils unfavorable to alfalfa. QuaW ^ for^y -0 Years COFTM Iti Specialty •*1 Suppose your car is a good hill climber, eh?" "Not especially,, but you ought to see how it can run up a garage bilL" --Boston Transcript. Eyestrain ( \ r a \' ' Mai^y--"that's the matter tntlf Frank? Betty--Eyestrain. He fell In love with a chorus girl and couldn't affof* anything better than a gallery seat. EAT YEAST FOAM for Boils and Pimples Don't endure an unsightly skin with ' this simple, effective remedy available! Yeast Foam not only clears the skin but it overcomes constipation, relieves indigestion and most astonishingly builds up weight, strength and energy in run-down sickly people. Drop a cake of Yeast Foam in a glass of water; let stand for five minutes; Mir; let settle and drink die milky water, including the white precipitate. Or, if you prefer, eat the yeast with a cracker or a piece of butter. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. J 1750 N. Aahland Ave., Chicago, IB. | Send me FREE and POSTPAID yonrbook I TJry Ycaii as an Aid to Health," also a I of Ys Mml AddNML. 79CtT. j SAMPLE CAKE FREE! Correct Teacher--What Is the principal part of speech? Apt Pupil--The tongue. DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Aspirin Marked With "Bayer Cross" Has Been Proved Safe by Millions. . Shortest Way Home Philip Sousa, famous bandsman, said at a banquet in New York: "To succeed in grund opera here at home American girls first go abroad and succeed in Paris, London, Milan and Naples. The longest way round In their case Is the shortest way home, you see. "It's like Smith. " 'So your beautiful young wife refused to marry you when you first proposed?' I said to Smi^h in the course of a confidential chat. 'Did you keep on pursuing her till she consented?' ' '"Not much!' said Smith. *1 went out and made a fortune. After that It was she who did the pursuing.'" Warning! Unless you see fhe name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer •Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous.--Adv. It's a great misfortune not to have judgment enough to keep silent at the j proper time. Make a Fortune Quick and Make It Honest* * Selling Hair Tonic which you can m*ltt for fifteen cents a gallon. Sell for Sixteen Dollars, guaranteeing to eliminate any case of dandruff. Itching scalp, falling hair, scalp eczema. Formula with full instructions for ma kia* and selling mailed to any address la U. S. for a One Dollar Bill. If not satisfied we will gladly return your money. Save this ad., it may not appear again, and when this offer expire* this opportunity to make a fortune quick will he gone forever. Addreaa Thomas Chemical Co., 1321 Washington Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. NOTE--Thomas Chemical Co. Is a hundred thousand dollar organization and thoroughly reliable. Your Piles c»k Overcome quickly, safely and cleanly with PYLOX. Even the most obstinate lonir standing ca*M respond. Not a salve; a wen tried, rell&bte remedy and guaranteed to satisfy, or monty refunded. Priced to b« within reach of everyone. Send $1 today for full treatment* Pylox Laboratories. Box 177. Troy. N. T. U" a » ' New Yellowstone Planned Plans for developing the system of parks In Denver, Colo., are so ambitious that If they are carried out, the city maintains, It will have something on^ii par with the Yellowstone National park. The board has at Its dls-1 posal 470,000 acres of parks extending from the foothills of the continental divide and between the Platte river and jClear creek to work with. The tract Js 30 miles long and 25 miles wide, and Includes mountains, game reserves, lakes and highways. The federal government will be asked to aid in "lome respects. Herds of wild animals and large fish hatcheries will be [included. IS i Zpbzvc been Proper Fur Treatment Beginners lose thousands of dollars every year through wrong methods of taking care of animal pelts, says Capper's Weekly. To bring top market prices* skinning, -stretching and drying must be done Just right, and It pays to learn how before mutilating a valuable skin. Skins of animals like mink,, weasel, possum, skunk, clvlt, muskrat and wolf should be cased, that is, taken off whole. With raccoon, badger, beaver, bear and cougar open skinning Is best--ripping the «kin down the belly before taking it off. Every bit of flesh and fat should be cut from the skins, being careful to avoid cutting the pelt. i!r j^/ii fiarjr, fr th»'8bt c'*Uy Radium Found in Siberia Rich veins of radium and other rare metals have been discovered in the Eklmchansky region of the Amur province, Siberia. A telephone line has already been constructed, co-operatives 'organized, and general signs of life are present In this formerly desolate region. New deposits of phosphates were recently found In 14 different localities of the government of Voronesh. The total area of these localises covers about 140 .square miles and the deposits are estimated at 125,000 tons. *rhy c^se ofTL^Ore V ^at(L 0p *br J6°.00n a '££er, Ctdd j? Better *«Cre, '*g 'P for °ver ^-000 * c, On; °PPOi *0rid .CaQ be f«rther ijjJ* WOat£13.-°00, °ther aA. an* boi Of tiagyh-t Go£C.atest/i ?**>r fifths '^Las yet- -- ful] ptent deta, ft5'*C*O ^W. ttlfor Just So Mother--rm afraid you are a very vain little girl. Tou are always looking at yourself in the mirror. Doris--Well, I haven't your advantage. You can see me without looking in the mirror. Jua* Use the ' f°r { Co******.. Honest "Yesterday, Max and I found a purse containing 100 marks." "I hope you were honest about It." "On, yes. We had half each!"-- Meggendorfar Blaetter. Qi&er Crops Lower , ^CQSt, Clip thi* h « 1 \ h u i I alotiK nilh a l«-tu-r <l<-»«'ribiii|c t of farm >ou would UWe to get nda, to tKp nrarest ranailu «if»t Aiceut Hated kelow. C. J. Broatktoa, iW-2), 113 W. St- ChlNKO. 111. R. A. (iarrrlt. (W-2>, Ut M< Circle. Indianapolis, ln4. V. E. IMIMr. < W-21, am W. Stk Moines, low*.