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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1926, p. 8

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PERSONALS '". _• * 1- :V. :j_ . : : , - J ; : i \ ./' r •;. :;^x -_. ;• .,.,; *ifc tfssifef ttiMto, nttc'tir' ^^PiPPPfspiliWF ? ^ " Kt Qr ," •&!r.J A. ...Jy.^,,,, .. PP^fPPffPP^ h".' ' \ . _ *> ?rcl ' 7- *" i* ' " " .' ^ " HOME Of AMUSEMENT "WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" THURSDAY-FRIDAY FEB. 11-12 MILTON SILLS in 'THERNOCKODT^ A Thrilling Dj^ma staged irt ^e ; Wilds of; (^nadat. iu^ the Comedy ; ,• . MA WILD NIGHT" •' •"' i ,, *-----r~; -- -- . ; • .' -• SATURDAY - SUNDAY W ith Special Sunday Matinee . at 2:30 • BIG TIME "VAUDEVILLE" WITH FEATURE PICTURE AND COMEDY SATURDAY FEB. 13 HOOT GIBSON in "SPOOK RANCH" With a real bunch of Western actors 1 making a whirlwind play and oh, what a climax? with Vaudeville and the Comedy "HIS NEW SUIT" SUNDAY FEB. 14 "CONTRABAND" A Breezy, Swift-moving and Amusing Romance with Vaudeville and the Comedy "OUR GANG'S ADVENTURE" THURSDAY AND FRIDAY FEB. 18-19 First National Presents "The Marriage Whirl" With a Star Cast and the Comedy "WESTWARD HO" Mr. tad Mrs. A1 Purvey ed son, Jack, spent Monday at DesPlaines. Miss Irma Smallfeldt of Silver Lake spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Tesch. Mrs. Lizzie Rotherrael, who has been very ill the last month, is now slowly improving. Mrs. Heuser_and daughter of Chicago spent last week with the former's father. Matt Weber. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel and children spent the week-end with friends in the metropolitan city. Miss Verona Niesen and Clarence Niesen returned to McHenry Wednesday night after a month's visit in Florida. Miss Eleanor Phalin of Dekalb spent the week-end in the home of^her par- CLASSIFIED APARTMENT FOR RENT--Fivt//e\ rooms, npnai»rft of aU double house on Waukegan road. Gas, electricity and bath. Phone 102--W. 36-2* " FOR SALE--Seed oats, "Swedish Select"; seed wheat, "Marcus"; timothy hay; timothy and clover mixed. Also three work horses. Inquire of Williliam Buchert, West McHenry. 36-3* NOTICE--Beginning April 1, I will raise and sell on the Mrs. Henry Kennebeck farm on Volo Road, incubator- hatched baby chicks.* Have had considerable experience along that line. Phone your order now by calling McHenry 614-R-l. Following April 1, inquire of 630-J-2, McHenry. Mrs»~Peter A. Freund. 36 FOR SALE--Block wood, by the ton. Phone for deliveries. L. 0. Martin, McHenry. Phone 638-M-l 36-2* MANUFACTURER desires lady to introduce its goods. No canvassing. Position pays about $18 per week. Prefer lady who belongs to church or club organization. Write Sales Manager, 505 Sloan Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 36*3 FOR SALE -- Six-room bungalow. Modern conveniences, and in a good location. Kent & Company, McHenry, 111. 36 cnts, Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin, in this city. Mrs. P. B. Compton and Mrs. H. Plumb of Woodstock were recent guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Purvey. \ Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Miss Marjorie Whiting of Ringwood were Tuesday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Purvey. Miss Angela Petesch, who attends school at Urbana, spent a few days last week as i^guest of Miss Elizabeth Vogt in the W. F. Vogt home. Mrs. F. O. Gans and daughter, Mildred, and Mrs. A1 Krause and daughter, Marian, spent Monday in Chicago where they visited in the home of Mrs. Gans' daughter. Mrs. Anton Schneider underwent a successful operation last Wednesday at the Mercy hospital, Chicago. Mrs. Schneider is at her home at this time and is getting along very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt are visiting in Chicago today and will attend the dinner and daxice at the Edgewater Beach hotel this evening, given, by the Lumbermen's association^ . Civic Music Association McHenry musicians and others who enjoy good music are requested to save Thursday evening, Feb. 25, for the third concert of the series given by the Woodstock Civic Music Association. ^ The artists who will give the program on this evening are Catherine Wade Smith, violinist, and William Beller, pianist. Miss Smith and Mr. Beller won first prizes in the 1925 National Federation of Musicians' contest held at Portland, Ore. RESOLUTION FOR SALE--Five-room and enclosed sun porch home with furnace, bathroom, electric lights, etc., situated on the east side of the river, about onequarter mile south of bridge at McHenry. Address "Y," care Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. 35-2* The following resolution was passed by the Kiwanis dub at its. meeting oil Saturday, Feb. 6, 1926: "Be It Resolved, That this club express its deepest sympathies to Mr. and Mrs. John McEvoy and family in the loss of their beloved son and brother, Father McEvoy. The qlub feels that the community has lost one of its most valued citizens. • "Be It Further Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be mailed Mr. and Mrs. John McEvoy, and that it be published in the local newspaper. "Signed, "F. E. COVALT, "E. E. BASSETT, "C. H. DUKER, "Committee." For the Better Gasoline call 54-J, McHenry. V. E. McAndrews, Agt., Orient Pet. Co. 35-2 * FOR SALE--One Guernsey and one Jersey cow, both springers from a T B accredited herd. Also a nearly new anti.tip bob sleigh and gang plow. Earl Paddock, Round Lake, Illinois. 34-3t tf Surveys and Subdivisions GEO. E. THORN E Land Surveyor ALGONQUIN, ILL. Phone 83-J FOR SALE--140 acres, all new buildings. Every foot can be plowed if wanted. Will sell reasonable and on easy terms. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, Mc Henry, 111. 27.-tf Mrs. Wirtz Entertains Mrs. George Wirtz entertained the Progressive Twelve at "500" Wednesday afternoon. Prizes went to Mrs. J. W. Rothermel and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess at 5 o'clock in the evening. All present report a most enjoyable time. SISTER M. VICTRICIA Sister M. Victricia, O. S. F., was born March 23, 1910, at Johnsburg, 111., and passed away at St. Mary's hospital in Milwaukee, Wis., on Feb. 1, 1926. Funferal services were held in St. John's Catholic church at Johnsburg on Thursday morning of last week at 10 a. m. Solemn Requiem High Mass was celebrated, Rev. William Weber, parish pastor, acting as celebrate Rev. Nick Schmitt of Oklahoma as deacon, and Rev. Robert Freund of McHenry as sub-deacon. The funeral was one of the largest ever held in the parish. Five priests and sivteen sisters were present. Rev. Father Weber delivered a most impressive and beautiful sermon. Interment was made in St. John's cemetery in Johnsburg. Deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Schaefer. About six months previous to her death, on August 25, 1925, she entered St. Joseph's convent in Milwaukee in answer to a call from God and remained in the convent until two and a half weeks before her death. . On January 12, 1926, she was taken to the hospital where t,wo of the best specialists of Milwaukee performed operations on mastoids which were caused diseased tonsils. During that time of suffering Sr. Victricia was given the best possible care both in a medical and spiritual way. She was received and professed &s a sister on the 25th of January, after being in the convent for five months to the day. The whole family was prest?ff£ at the reception which took place while she was very ill, but still possessed full consciousness. Deceased is survived by her parents, three sisters, Dorothy, Hildegard and Catherine; and two broth- POLITICAL ADVERTISING ers, Stephen and Michael, and also the two grandmothers, Mrs. Stephen Mary Freund, and Mrs. Math Catherine Schaefer. J. Scott Matthews, president the McHenry Kiwanis club, has been very ill during the past week at his home in Chicago and was unable to attend the regular meeting* of the Kiwanians last Saturday evening. Reports from the sick room as the Plaindealer goes to press are'that the patient is recovering and expects to be back on the job as head of the local clob in the near future. Hi* Dilemma A beaten candidate In politics never knowtf whether he has a defeat to live down or a moral victory to live up to. POLITICAL ADVERTISING C. W. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon {Also treating all diseases of the^ Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and doing Refraetion) Office Hours--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence--Kent Home-- South of City Hall, Waukegan St. VOTE FOR Phone 181 McHenry, 111. Joseph H. Feffer Republican Candidate for Sheriff of McHenry County -Will Appreciate Your Support Primaries, Tuesday, April 13 • 4» James F. CASEY Republican Candidate For | County Judge At the Primaries on April 13th, A. D. 19M In this issue of our paper appears a photograph of J. F. Casey, candidate for County Judge at the primaries on April 13th, A. D. 1926. Mr. Casey has practiced law in Woodstock for more than thirty (30) years and during that period has been one of the leading lawyers of McHenry County Bar. As a lawyer Mr. Casey's Ijonesty and sense of justice and right have never been questioned by the people of McHenry County, also his record as a man and citizen is clean, therefore his many friends in ali parts of McHenry County feel that Mr. Casey will make a first rate County Judge, andvjf elected to that office every man, woman and child in our County will get a square deal under the law. Single copies of The Plaindealer can be'secured at Bolger's Prog Stores - -' A Drug Store ision1 Drttg stores exist as a public convenience and for the promo? tiori of public health and safety. Their right to exist depends on . how well they fuifill theee fua* tionfl. We endeavor to conduct a store that Will thrive and grow be- : cause of its real value to the community. We solicit your trade on ^ the basis of our ability to serve you well and to protect and promote your interests in every way. "THE STORE THAT'S ALWAYS BUSY" ma % THIS is the STORE THAT SELLS the SAMPLER Is a Sales Agency for the sale of all the Whitman's Chooo* lates and Confections--the Quality Qroup. Every Whitmapl package sold in this store is received direct from Whitman1# --not through a middleman. This is one reason why we can guarantee entire satisfaction with every package bearing the name Whitman's--doubly guaranteed, by us and by Whitman's. BUY CHOCOLATES IN SAFETY, Thomas P. Bolger "The McHenry Druggist" Phone 40 McHenty, HI. v V :r < • 'if i. * THE UNIVERSAL CAR Price Reduction on closed cars effective today l Fordor reduced $9S Tudor reduced . 60 Coupe reduced . 20 Largest reduction in Ford closed cars since 1920 Place your order now to insure delivery Knox Motor Sales Authorized Ford Dealers Phone 30 and 31 t McHenry, Illinois Lincoln Was Thrifty See where Thrift pl\is determination landed him~in the President's Chair, , A leader among men, yet never did he forget his Thriftiness. What better way to celebrate his birthday than to start a Thrift Account of your own in this strong Bank, * c 3% Interest on Savings West McHenry State Bank /^"The Bank That Service Built" \

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