1 * i *•?*' t.n * ' • - " * ~. *" ' "* • , •* *' 3»i M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THTXItSi>AY, APRIL 22, 1920 r*F*7^ . e V" '*F? MCHENRY'S HOWE OF AMUSEMENT "WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" THURSDAY - FRIDAY^ April 22-23 "The Limited Nail" A thundering melodrama that roars through a storm of sizzling thrills, with Monte jpiue and a real cast. /^ v'^Crowniiig, the Count*' SATURDAY - SUNDAY • With Special Sunday Matsnee at 2:30 Memhd 25c Night. 20c and 35c BIG TIME "VAUDEVILLE" WITH FEATURE PICTURES AND COMEDIES £A rJr T O TURDAY April 24 TOM MIX in "Riders of the Purple Sage" "It's a Zane Grey Story" With VAUDEVILLE and the Comedies "Absent Minded" and "Aesops Fables SUNDAY * APRl' 25 4<Toa Many Kisses" Starring RICHARD DIX ^Story of color and smashing action, with VAUDEVILLE and the Comedy "Junior Partner" Tuesday and Wednesday APRIL 27-28 HOUSE, PETERS "The Storm Breaker" From the great sea story "THE TITANS" And Comedy THURSDAY AND FRIDAY APRIL 29-30 EDITH THORNTON Virtue's Revolt Waterproof Sandpaper Waterproof sandpaper, now on the market, permits use of tlie abrasive Under damp or even wet conditions, and prevents raising dust when cleaning painted, varnished or ornamented surfaces. Both sides have been treated and tiit gritty material does not BOXING WINS BY ? MAJORITY OF 140 Frett and Thennes Will New Aldermen Be bill Alderman was re-elected and two new members of the city council elected at the polls in McHenry on Tuesday, April 20. 9 j In the first ward, R. J. Overton i received 44 votes for tfe-election, U. S. GOVERNMENT » ^ UFE INSURANCE _„< v:t- > A. Buckner, vice-president of the New York Life Insurance Company, has sent out the following letter to all their representatives: '*The New York Life strongly advocates the reinstatement and conversion of all War Risk Insurance on the Term Insurance plan to the permanent forms of United States Government Life Insurance. July 2, 1926. there being no contest in this ward is the last day on which to reinstate Peter J. Heimer received 34 votes for j an(j convert this war time insurance, police magistrate. The vote on the , Qgj. jn touch with all veterans of the | boxing permits carried in the First j \\r0rld War who are carrying their by 24 for and 21 against. j temporary insurance, who have al- A spirited contest took place in j |OWed it to lapse, and advise them to the second ward between Peter Wm, j reinstate if lapsed and convert their Frett and Math. B. Laures, Mr. Frett i insurance now. winning by a majority of 30 votes, j est jnsurance. CLASSIFIES DEPARTMENT WANTED--Summer home sites, lot#, lands and acres on or near river or lakes. We have customers. Chas. Bauman & Co., 3065 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 46-10 WANTED--A second hand power corn shelter. Also small corn crusher, or fedd grinder. E. J. Fellows, West McHenry. 46* LIMITED MAIL" IS FILM THRILLER FOR SALE--Early yellow seed corn. Phone 636-J-2. John Blake. 46' FOR RENT--Eight-room flat. Very practical for an office. Inquire of B, Popp, West McHenry. 46-tf. the count being 122 to 92. Mr. Heimer received 164 votes in this ward. One hundred twenty-six voters cast their ballots for boxing in the secon-i and 58 against. In the Third Ward the voters were asked to choose betweeen John Thennes and Fred Ferwertia for their alderman, Mr. Thennes winning by a majority "of 11. He received 71 votes to Ferwerda' 60, Mr. Heimer received 95 in this ward for police magistrate. One vote was : cast for Joseph J. Miller, two for John J. Buch and one f&r Wm. Althoff for the Magistrate's office. The boxing ballot resulted in 96 for and 27 against. j~~~~ FOR SALE--Goose eggs, duck eggs, also Plymouth Rock and White Leg- It is the world's saf- j horns from penned stock. A. Vales, No private company j rives road at Emerald Park. Phone 605-M-2. 46-3t. \ BAND MEETING A" business meeting of the McHenry j i[i,graj' offer of band will be held tonight (Thursday) in the grade school building. JOHNSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Math J. Miller, Mrs. John T. Shaefer and daughter Edfi, and little Francis Schmitt motored to Harvard Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton M. Schmidt. Mr. and tylrs. John P. Schaefer and daughter, Anita, Alex Adams and Alvina Schmidt spent Sunday afternoon in the Anton M. Schmidt home. Mrs. Caroline Miller was a Monday visitor jn the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schmidt. Mrs. John J. Schmidt and daugh- ' ters, Florence and Mae, were Friday evening visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton M. Schmidt. Mr. Howe and family and Mr. Schneider spent Saturday night in the Anton Schn\idt home. Mr. and MVs. Cooke passed Sunday the hom^of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schmidt. Raven Not Altogether Deserving of Bad Nam• Two ravens, one which has taken our continental name, American, and the other which has taken the more specific geographic name of the northern raven, are both Interesting, croaky and not altogether unbeautlful, for In certain lights their plumage Is lustrous. The American raven is smaller than Its more northern cousin. It Is a resident of the far western United States. It is a mountain dweller, although It disdains not to descend to the valleys If man Is absent therefrom. The raven does not like man and the rea» son Is not far to seek. Man does not Mike the raven, holding it with the1 crow its cousin once or twice removed, as being a bird that Js better dead. The diet of the American raven, according to Florence Merrlam Bailey, who knows the western bird well, consists "principally of carrion, dead flsh and frogs, varied •frith "rodents, mussels, grasshoppers, large black crickets and worms." This collection of food Is not altogether a delectable one from the human appetite standpoint, but the raven deserves well of man for making -Its diet what It is. could offer the same policy at such rates. Those who are entitled to it should have it. The reinstatement and conversion privileges are very lib eral. Evidence of good health and the payment of two months' premiums are all that are required to reinstate. Application blanks for reinstatement and conoversion may be obtained from the nearest Regional Office of the U. S. Veterans' Bureau, or from the Veterans' Bureau, Insurance Division, Washington, D. C. "Over 4,000,000 veterans permitted their Term Insurance to lapse for more than thirty billion dollars. Huge sums will be lost forever to the dependents of these men, or to the men themselves, unless they take advantage of the government's splendidly reinstatement and conversion. It cannot be that the veterans will let thU final opportunity pa^s, except that they do not know about it, or that they fail to appreciate the good fortune right at hand. There are neither occupational restrictions, nor age limit in the reinstating and conversion of Term policies. • To reinstate, it is simply necessary to pay on£ months' premium at the Wartime rate and one future premium on the form of insurance selected. The permanent policies are FOR SALE--Rhubarb roots and Dunlap strawberry plants. Call or phone Wm. Staines, McHenry,' 111. Phone Richmond 842. - 46. FOR RENT--Centrally located home of 10 rooms, suitable for two families, or one family that would wish to take one summer roomers or tenants. Furnace and bath. Address "L", care Plaindealer. , 46 FOR SALE--Timothy seed, free of foul seed. Ben J. Kennebeck, route 3, McHenry, 111., tel. 637-W-2. 46-2t FOR SALE OR RENT--The Frazer cottage. In the Edgewater subdivision south of the McHenry Bridge. Inquire of W. D. Wentworth, West McHenry. 46-tf FOR SALE--Choice lots on Center street in West McHenry, 2 blocks from depot. Sidewalks, gas, • water, electric lights. $500 per lot. F. H. Wattles, West McHenry. 45-tf. FOR SALE--Modern 8-room house. Inquire Raymond Powers, McHenry. 44-tf. FOR SALE--Incubator Chicks. Leave your order with Mrs. Peter A .Freund. participating and provide for liberal j Phone 614-R-l. 39-tf cash, loan and paid-up values. The low net cost of this protection and the great security behind it this Government insurance in way the most desirable. FOR SALE--140 acres, all new buildmake i 'n£s* Every foot can be plowed if "See as many of these boys as possible. Urge them to act at once. It is a chance that they will never get again after the second of Next July." (Signed) The*. A .Buckner, Vice-president. Veterans of the World War are urged to see J: W. Worth of the local ! Post of the American Legion who will assist them in preparing their applications for Government Insurance. wanted. Will sell reasonable and on every 'easy terms. Mrs. Joe H. Jus ten, McHenry, 111. 27-tf PERSONALS r Mrs. Gus Schweighfer of Chicago visited McHenry relatives on Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Laurence of Ringwood spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagener. Card of Thanks I desire in this way to thank the voters of the Second Ward for their support in my candidacy for their alderman at the election Tuesday, April 20. PETER WM. FRETT, FOR SALE--A work horse. Also seed potatoes. Robert Vogt, Ingleside, 111. Phone 632-W-l, McHenry. 45-2t. FARROW CHIX--April delivery 100 lots Leghorns, $11; Barred Rocks, Single Reds, Anconas, $13; White Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Rose Reds, $14; Wyandottes, Minorcas, $15; heavy assorted, $10; light assorted, $9. Other matings slightly higher. D. T. Farrow Chickeries, Peoria, III *39-20 COOPER'STSAPONIFIED CRESOL-- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West McHenry. 38-tf tf Surveys and Subdivisions GEO. E. THORMB Land Surveyor ALGONQUIN, ILL Phone 83-J TO THE VOTERS OF McHENRY AND THE ENTIRE COUNTY I thank all that worked so earnestly and faithfully for my renomination and I cheerfully abide by the decision rendered by the voters on Primary Day. Very sincerely yours, CHARLES P. BARNES. readily pme off, so that the paper Is !!,,i t0 luSt t.en .tline3 as ,ong U8 the recognized by "the law o7 most coun Odd Collection One of the most unusual hobbies Is the collecting of torture Instruments. A certain American surgeon has assembled the most complete private assortment of them extant--Including such machines as the rack, the squeezers, and the Iron virgin, which the perverted Ingenuity of man devised chiefly for use In inducing wit nesses to give evidence in legal pro ceedlngs. These instruments were em ployed In legal proceedings by ancient and modern Europe. Their use was ordinary product. ish-Brushia liaLLL fed*! tries (to which England, Aragon aud Sweden were exceptions) op to comparatively recent times. CARD OF THANKS The Woman's Improvement Assn. wishes to thank the boys and girls of the high school, the teachers and the board of directors for their assistance in giving the recent benefit show. Ydur taxes are now due and Can be paid at tlj£-Eox River Valley State bank.^^^ \ 43-4 RENT--34-acre form, two miles of Fox river bridge. Address in care of The Plaindealer. 45-3t V Your taxes are now due and can be aid at the Fox River Valley. State bank. 43-4 "Tihe Limited Mail," the Warner Bros, classic of the screen which will be shown at the Empire tonight and Friday nights, is a picturization of Elmer Vanve's thrilling melodrama of the West, directed by George Hill. The story concerns the fortunes of Bob Snobson (Monte Blue) a ne'erdo- well Easterner who turns tramp and joins forces with Spike (Edward Gribbon) and Potts (Willard Louis) two others of the care-free brotherhood. When the three save the Limited Mail from destruction by a mountain landslide, Jim Fowler (Tom Gallery) the mail clerk, strikes up a friendship with Bob. Together the two men bring up Bob's motherless little son Bobbie (Jackie Huff) and together they fall in love wth Caroline Dale (Vera Reynolds,) an attractive little waitress. Bob's past in the form of a chorus girl returns to disturb his romanca and further complications result at the time Jim is killed in a wreck, due to Bob's carelessness in missing a danger signal. Bobbie falls into a stream when he follows Bob in hs grief-stricken waderings and the man sacrifices the boy to rescue the Mail Train from a landslide. How Spike rescues little Bobbie, how Caroline's faith is restored and she and Bob find happiness togethe forms the climax to the drama story. Lorenz Bruzzer Mrs. Lorenz Bruzzer, sister of George Meyers, of this city, died at her home on Vine street, Woodstock, last Thursday morning. Funeral ser. vices were held in St. Mary's church in that city Saturday morning. Thos« attending from here were George Meyers, Miss Blanche Meyers, Mrs. John Montgomery, Mrs. William Marshall and Paul Meyers. The Agatha Gift Shop will have on sale on Saturday and Monday, April 24 and 26, stamped and hemstitched pillow cases at $1 the pair. 4§ i T ±Y f ? Y T fY T ? ft T T Y Y T Y Y T t f Y T 7 T 7 7 7 Y 7 J 7 T 7 T J 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 if F. O. Gans, Auctioneer. Henry 87-M. Phone Mc- 33-tf Card of Thanks To the voters who supported my capdidacy for alderman of the second ward at the polls on Tuesday, I desire to express my thanks. MATH B. LAURES Public Sale! CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer your walls ciean.jy. Wash away finger prints end disfigurements as they appear. Velumina Wasi.abk.Wall Paint permits easy washing to take the place of redecorating-- gives walls beautiful soft tones that harmonize with furnishings and show no laps or brush marks. Stop in at the star* for color card. Vycital's Treating the Thermometer In a certain village the squire gave a thermometer to every cottager, and carefully explained Its use. Soon after their arrival a district visitor entered one house, where a new thermometer hung !n the middle of the room. The visitor complimented the owner, and inquired If she remembered the instructions. "Ay, that I do," was the reply. "I 'angs 'un there, and I watches 'un utW» til he gets above 60." "Quite right, Mrs. Brown," said the visitor. "And what do you do when it goes above 60?" "Why, I takes 'un down an< puts 'un out In the garden and cools 'un down a bit!"--Weekly Scotsman. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ' Report of the condition of Fox River Valley State Bank at McHenry, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 12th day of April, 1926, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law: RESOURCES 1. Loans on Real Estate (la) ! 2. Loans on Collateral Security (lb) 3. Other Loans (lc) 4. Overdrafts (2) 6. Other Bonds and Securities, (4) 24,750.00 7. Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5). 8. Other Real Estate (6) 9. Due from Banks, Cash / and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9) 35,316.39 641.00 73,110.27 353.08 21,720.47 30,120.71 13,085.62 Total . Resources $199,097.54 LIABILITIES 1. Capital Stock (1) $ 5(^000.00 3. Undivided Profits (Net) (3) 38.20 4. Time Deposits (4a) 60,322.80 5. Demand Deposits (4b) . 76,036.54 9. Bills Payable (7a) 12,700.00 North and South on Maps In geographical drawing, the north Is always drawn as being up and the south down. It la a practice established merely by long custom. No scientific principle or orientation makes this arrangement essential. The majority pf early geographers adopted this scheme and It was found convenient for those who came later to follow It. A few old maps have the east at the top of the imKe and west at the bottom, but such are rare. By virtue of an order of the County Court of McHenry County, and in order to settle the estate of Lynn D. Hall, deceased, the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the Clark Hall farm located 3 miles southwest of Ringwood, 2% miles east of Green wood, hVi miles northwest of McHenry, on THURSDAY, APRIL 29 Beginning at 1:00 o'clock sharp, the following described property, tp-wit: 18 HEAD LIVESTOCK Consisting of , 3 MILK COWS--4 2-year-old Heifers; 4 Calves; Pure Bred Registered Guernsey Bull. All cattle sold subject to 60 day retest. Cows and heifers graded Guernseys. 3 HEAD HORSES--Bay Horse; Brown Mare; -Gray Horse. 3 BROOD SOWS. Hay, Grain, Machinery 2 sets Work Harness; -lVi H. P. International Gas Engine; quantity of Alfalfa and Clover Hay in Barn; 2 Stacks Hay; 300 bu. Oats; 100 bu. Barley; 15 tons Corn in Crib; quantity of Silo Feed; 6 sacks Seed Corn; Deering Grain Binder; Deering Com Binder; set Drags; Disc Harrow; Hay | Rake; Hay Tedder; Bob Sleigh; Corn Sheller; Cowboy Tank Heater; 3 Unit Victory Milking Machine; 5- Tooth Cultivator; Milk Wagon; Manure Spreader; Chathen Fanning Mill; McCormick Mower; Narrow Tire Wagon; 3 Wide Tire Wagons; Double Wagon Box; Hay Rack, new; Hog Rack, new; Grapple Fork; Cutter; Grindstone; Seeder; 7 ft. broadcast; Gang Plow; Sulky Plow; 2 Walking Plows; Corn Planter; 2 Riding Cultivators; 3 Chicken Coops; 3 Individual Hog Houses; Hog Feeder and Total Liabilities $199,097.54 I, D. G. Wells, President of the Fox River Valley State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true - . to the best of my knowledge and be-j Troughs; Iron Clad Brooder; Broodlief, and that the items and amountsjer House, 8x12; Brooder Coops; some shown above correspond with the j Household Furniture; Forks; Shovels items and amounts shown in the re-! and other small articles used on the "There'* the Rub" Lots of men would make money If It weren't for "the trouble they might tamp up against in trying to it port made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Ilinois, pursuant to law. D. G. WELLS, ^President. State of Illinois, County of McHenry. ss. Subscribed and sworn to Ifefore me this twenty-first day of April, 1926. N. H. PETESCH (Seal) Notary Public. My commission expires March 11, 1928. farm TERMS--All sums of $25.00 and under, cash; over that amount, a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes satisfactory to the clerk bearing 7 per cent interest. No property to be removed until settled for with clerk. BERTHA HALL Administratrix of Lynn Hall Estate W. R. GIDDINGS A C. C. HARRISON Clerk* The Day of Days on which Mother should be first in onr thoughts. Through press of business or pleasure, you may have forgotten this important date. Stop in today and select a gift for Her. Caijdy for Mother's Day WHITMAN'S *LOVELL and COVELL A Large Assortment • umiiiun\uuumn\m\M\\\Mw CBOCOUL Thomas P. Bolger Phone 40 McHenry, HI. "THE STORE THAT'S ALWAYS BUSY" (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the "Condition of West McHenry State Bank Located at West MeHenrv, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 12th day of April, 1926, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to RESOURCES 1. 2. 3, 4 6. •7; 9. Loans on Real Estate (la)-- Loans on Collateral Security Other Loans (lc) ' Overdrafts (2) -- - (lb). Other Bonds and Securities (4) ' V ^ Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures (5) : Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash Resources (7, 8, 9) .$158,700.00 „ 32,922.00 . #21,619.78 . 1,717.35 . 21,755.00 . 26,250.00 _ 140,020.61 TOTAL RESOURCES .$802,984.74 h 2. 3. 4w 5. m • • 8. Capital Stock (1), Surplus (2) LIABILITIES Undivided Profits (Net) (3) Time Deposits (4a). ______ Demand Deposits (4b) • Dividends Unpaid (5) Reserve Accounts (6) ' 4 50,000.00 . 30,000.00 . 20,511.75 . 365,923.68' . 337,539.31 10.00 . 1,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES 4802,984.74 I, Verona J. Niesen, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above cor- 4®pspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made'to«th« Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. VERONA J. NIESEN, Cashier. % STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF M 'HENRY, ss. | Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of April, 1926. (SEAL) ROBERT L. WEBER, Notary Public.