TBI M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, JTTN1 3, 1986 vn: •'*# $r& ipTHE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER i' Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charleh F. Renich. r Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at M( #r the act of May 8, 1879. lenry, HI., un- One Year .. Six Months Subscript km Rates • •»»...«.•.• «* »* 4.* »* •*»•»»»*•••««•• .§a.oo .......... <«•>•>• ».# •.••• •»»•# §*>.» * • A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager A model home is one that has a happy family In It ^ Suggested pseudonym for an Ipfor- BSatton clerk: Data boy. "Beds" who can't get along Is America should get along out of It None of jthe men who would make perfect husbands are married. It is hardly fair to judge a family by the kind of ashes their coal makes. It isnt really your conscience If ita •aly warning Is, "What will people *yr • We never will have to worry about the supply If the world ever finds a use for static. By the time father eets the vacation bills paid it will be time t< Christmas presents. to think about Being broke In a strange city isn't pleasant, but all cities are strange when you are broke. Making the nations all one family won't help. It's even harder to collect debts from relatives. There has been Invented a 12-Inch phonograph record that will play 100 minutes. That is a record. S The fellow who used to do word puzzles is now trying to figure out the French debt plan. Overcoats and snow shovels may be forecast, but a man can't shovel snow expeditiously in his overcoat Garage Man Couldn't Patg Up That Chance •Three gallons of gas, please." "Yes, sir. Want some cylinder oil, too?" MNo, just gas." "Do yon want some paint? Your car needs it and we've got some dandy paint--heat-proof, dirt-proof, guaranteed to wear long." MNo, I want only gas today." "Then you want your car washed?" "I said I wanted only gas." "You want a tire then. We've got some good nonsklds. Only $40 apiece. Want one? Yours--" "I tell you I want only gas today!" "Yes--sir; but--say, your rear lights are all shot to pieces. You need new ones. We Just got In some dandy new crack-proof celluloid lights. Shall I pat some In?" "No! I want only gas, do yon understand?" "Your magneto needs aojustlng-- dldja hear that funny noise In the lnotor when you stop? It needs adjusting. ril fix It, what?" "No! I want only gas, gas! Do yon hear J" 'Tee, sir!" And with the gas obtained, the exasperated motorist drove angrily away. But for once the garage man had got even with his barber.-- W. Peter Schramm, In the New Yorker. ' HOME TOWN OPPORTUNITIES UNCWTAINTV-- NO ft CG INN ens ANTED-- LACK or ACQUAINTANCES IlkOMCU' iMusMt* ««»»»« ftAYi* dfreenwrnei Locarno may go down in history as the place where Europe delivered the kiss heard round the world. An autolst In Ceylon was chased by an elephant. A pursuing motorcycle officer looms up bigger than that Anyway, the man the policeman arrested while.pushing his car along the street can't be accused of speeding.. By what process of telepathy do pups and small boys know when schemes are afoot to give them baths? Old Yfdetide Cut torn Passing in England An old custom, now almost extinct, existing only in certain portions of rural England, was that of the Christmas "waits" who went from house to house, singing carols, or discoursing music from various instruments, not always harmonious, and yet under the' holy Impression of the season the wild minstrelsy rang out upon the frosty midnight air and fell upon the listening ear with pleasure. Not more than forty years ago In Great Britain, it was a common thing for these singers of the holy night to pass along the streets, pausing here and there to render some song appropriate to the season. The origin of this custom may. undoubtedly be traced to the Gloria in Excelsis, the song which the angels sang at the birth of the near Bethlehem. Those living In the vicinity of It declare there will be a noiseless airplane long before there Is a noiseless Investigation. The distant city with its towering buildings and promises of gay lifeis often an irresistible lure in the eyes of youth, seeking opportunity and excitment. True, the big city has its charm and magnificence, but these are not to be found readily by the young man or woman who goes there in search of a job. Better opportunities are to be found here in McHenry, where there is a greater and increasing demand for those who have vision and ability. The big city is full of fortune hunters, yet only a limited number can win out in the great struggle. Those who fall often lose heavily. The best advice that can be given the young people ft to stick to the home town and reap the rewards of faithful service to it They should remember that success is not a matter of geography. To be successful in McHenry, is to be accepted as a success everywhere. It is true they were from the same town. But this was their last morning dip together at the Florida resort. Tomorrow they would return home. And as he gazed at her charming figure, which was accentuated rather than hidden by her snugly fitting bathing suit, he sighed regretfully. "I suppose I'll not be seeing much of you during the summer." he said. "Oh, I don't know," she answered saucily. "I'mi getting some perfectly ducky dresses' from Paris next week." Fable: "Once upon a time a family moved, and Its furniture, when piled on a truck, looked very costly and at* tractive." What this country needs Is a temporary filling that becomes permanent If the patient neglects to go back to the dentist' Fairy Story: "I am only In my flrst year at college," said the young man, "so, after all, my opinion does not especially matter." Paris, It Is reported. Is weary of tourists. Which Is the sam« as saying that a shopkeeper hatee to see a customer come in. Not Quite Sure The demure young woman signed her name in the hotel register "Mrs. T. Brown," and asked the clerk whether there were any letters for her. 1 don't suppose," he said, taking one from the rack, "that this could be mesnt for you." And he handed her a letter addressed "Mrs. T. Browne." "Oh, yes," said the young woman, eagerly, "that's mine I I recognise the writing!" "But you spell your name differently," said the clerk. "You spell it 'B-r-o-w-n,' while the name on the letter has a final 'e.'" "That's all right," she replied. Tm never quite sure how he spells It" "Who?" "My husband, of course. You see, we've been married only two days 1" Hard and Soft Solders Soldering operations are classified, according to the composition of the alloy used, as either soft soldering or hard soldering. Solders of low melting points, composed mainly of lead and tin In varying amounts, are known as soft solders, while those of high melting points, compoted of varying amounts of copper, brass, sine, silver and gold, are known as hard solders. The soft polder commonly used is made up of half lead and half tin, and melts at a temperature of 870 degrees Fahrenheit. The more lead there is in this alloy, the higher Is Its melting point, and an alloy composed of one part tin and two parts lead melts at Ml degrees Fahrenheit Ball Game Sunday Between the McHenry Grays and Johnsburg. Either before or after the game, we will be ready to either a lunch or a refreshing drink. _K A R L S Riverside Drive „ McHenry "Hi \ -- Wm. M. Carroll, Atty.. . Administrator's Notice Estate of Frank, J. Freund, deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Frank J. Freund, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the July Term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same ad justed. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 17th day of May, A. D. 1926. ^ , R. C. FREUND, " ' Administrator * 60-3 Wm. M. Carroll, Atty. Administrator's Notice Estate of Mary K. Schaefer, deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of Mary K. Schaefer, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the July Term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time'all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 17th day of May, A. D 1926. GERTRUDE STILLING,- Administratrix. 50-8 eedjour CHICKS EXfcO ",EfP from the sixth* week fa the fifth month Raise the finest flock of market broilers *and heavy laying pullets in all your experience. This great oatmeal feed also contains • vitamin-charged Cod Liver Meal which promotes healthy, rapid growth and brings chicks to proper maturity. Be sure you get Ful-O-Pep Gfowing Mash. '( Made by Quaker Oats Company McHenry Farmers Co operative Association McHENBY, ILLINOIS f' Our counterfeiters have got down\to |20 bills. If they keep on in their reduction the situation eventually will become alarming. When a doctor tells his patient te stop smoking for a week, the patient is mighty apt to learn that tfc* Jest six days are the hardeet Little Jack Horner may not be entirely to blame for the Idea of turning corners into filling stations, but he bad a finger in the pie. The fes has been discarded for the hat by the Turks. Evidently it was too much of a task, that of trying to make the fez look like a hat Indian Romance you see a little Indian boy on the Glacier National Park reservation sitting by a stream ruminating he Is not playing hookey from school. No, he's in love with a Black foot maiden and he Is there by the stream romantically vowing his troth so that the rushing waters will carry to his sweetheart the fervor of his soul's desire. She, of course, lives a few miles down the .course of the rivulet and, he hopes, Is at this very moment seated somewhere on the bank thinking the same thoughts that absorb him. Love making is Just as queer among the Indians as it is when it takes possession of the pale-face youth. A stranger was walking along country road and happened to pass an orchard. The farmer had pastured his hogs in the orchard and the stranger was attracted by their very peculiar actions. They were running crazily about and looking up in the trees. The stranger thought the farmer should know about it, and so he stopped at the house and told him. The farmer laughed and said: "Well, sir, there is something funny about that. Last spring I broke my leg and when I was able to get about I had to use a crutch, and when I fed the pigs I used to rap on the trough with the crutch to call them, and now those woodpeckers nearly drive them mad." There is such a thing as overdoing this looking on the bright side of business. The other evening, I was at Jones' and Jones, you know how absent-minded he is. He put the lighted end of a cigar in his mouth He jumped three feet, rolled on the floor, and was a little noisy about it. In the middle of it all, Mrs. Jones smiling sweetly, said: "How fortunate you were, dear, to discover it so very soon-" According to a titled gentleman quoted by Punch, "aviation Is as safe as walking acroas the street" It might well be safer than that Darned If we don't believe the fashionable big-legged pants that the Jellybeans are wearing now will make It necessary for them to wear hoops. Educator says that children are learning the alphabet nowadays by an entirely different system. We've noticed that--KTHS and WDAF for Instance. Professional Humorist: One who listens to your joke with a faraway look, due to the fact that he Is wondering whether It can't be dressed up a Uttle and sold. Women, says one of them, are not as bitter political partisans as men. It has been noted that some of those who drive cars Incline toward a middle-of-the-road policy. A Soar Note In a certain mldwestern university letter grades are used, A, B, C, D and E, the latter standing for complete failure. A student recently appended the following brief note to his poorly written paper: "Dear Professor: I know this is pretty bad; but I have been awfully busy leading the campus sings and have had little time for study." When the paper was returned, It bore a short annotation. The professor had drawn a musical clef and Inserted a single note--K flat Beneath It he had written, "Sing this!"-- Touth's Companion. Mr. Ginsberg, the Florida realtor, died and went to heaven, where he became a member of the Trans-Styx Country Club. He immediately began to tell the other members about the subdivision which he could have sold for ten million dollars instead of one million if he had held it for six months longer. A red complexioned member got up with a bored air and walked away. "Who is that man?' asked Mr. Ginsberg. "Oh," replied another member, "that is the Indian chief who sold Manhattan Island for twenty-four dollars." "Poetry," says Lafe Jabson of Still Valley, "poetry is a wonderful melange of harmonics by which a man fools you into thinking he has said somethin', whereas if he was to write it out you'd find it didn't mean nothin 'thout you had an (encyclopedy to disintegrate it with." A New York doctor says drivers of superior intelligence cause most of the accidents. This explains why the argument after the crash is carried on til such cultured language I The harnessing of the Bay of Ptmdy will put at Maine's disposal from 500,- 000 to 800,000 horse power. Old Neptune never dreamed that his horses were going to be used that way. Cake Makes Town Famous Nuremberg Is one of the best known towns In Germany so far as American readers are concerned, probably because of Wagner's opera, "The Melsterslnger of Nuremberg," but the fact remains that In Europe Nuremberg Is more famous for Its cake known as the Lubkuechen. The cake Is made from a remarkable old recipe, and furthermore Is made In animal shapes or, as Is the case of the more ambitious bakers, In human poses, one of the best known being that of a country squire out walking. The cakes are shipped to all parts of the world. The druggist who threatened to put on a sale of silk hosiery to get 'even with the drygoods stores for selling face creams may have to add a line of kitchen ranges to get even lyith the hardware dealelrs. A man went into a hardware store a few days ago to buy hardware, and before he got out the hardware merchant' had sold him a bottle of liniment lor rheumatism. An Ohio inventor has found a way to make glass houses cheaper than frame ones. But what will become of those desirable residences that are "just a stone's throw from th& station?" An American heiress fifty-one years old Ms married a Russian prince twenty-five years old, and yet they say Che Russians have quit bidding for commercial relations with other countrte*. Signifies Writer*! Slip The word "sic," Introduced Into a quotation, means that the words a those of the writer quoted and n those of the present writer. Suppose you were writing to a friend and quot-j lng a remark from a paper that "the boot should then be placed on the heud"--when "foot" is meant--you might add (etc) after the words to emphasize the fact that the slip Is not yours. The word actually means "so," Implying that It was so written.--Exchange. A motorists passing through sleepy village, stopped to ask young man if he knew where a cer tain road led to. The youth did not know, and seemed ill at ease at not being able to give the information. After riding for about three miles, the motorist stopped at an inn for refreshment, and presently was surprised to see the youth from the little village come panting up. "Are you the gent what axed where this road led to?" he gasped. "Yes," said the cycilist. "Well," was the reply, "I axed my brother, too, and he dont know, either." OtherHintsfor June Giving! Toaster Stoves They toast, fry, boil or steam; enable the bride to prepare delightful meala right mt the table. $10.50 Waffle Irons A number of styles, all attractively finished. $9.00 to $18.00 Turmit Toaster Turns the toast without burning the fingers. $8.00. Federal Cleaner With new moto - brush. rirat Electric Iron The Sunbeam in fire-proof case and gift package. $8.50 Others mt $4.50 up NOTE: Under new low rate* (or electric service effective May lat. 19M, the cost of oprr iiiiuf appliance* l» greatly reduced. iUI'rCNl w E POPE you'll come in to see the gift displays for June -- electrical gifts -- the finest gifts for the new home or the old -- for brides i of this season or brides of many Junes ago. at.i f Particularly, be sure to look at the new coffee sets which lonsist of tray, creamer and sugar and an electric percolator. There are several groups to choose from, as well *s some very beautiful urn sets. SPECIAL INDUCEMENT: Bring in your old percolator-- eloctric or not--and we will allow you $1 for it on the purchase of any of our electric percolators. This graceful set of ntekel-plated copper is called the "Buckingham" /"\SO end h*s « 7-cup percolator. $ I June Gift price - ercolator grouped $1975 • Also a Manning A Bowman aet, with S-cup Q peicolalor, nickel plated, with ebonixed Y handle, complete with cor^ - - w A 9-cup Federal p 1 with Universal creamer and sugar June price PUBLIC S OF NC ERVICE COMPANY ORTHERN ILLINOIS 101 Williams St, Crystal Lake Telephone 280 J. A. Schabeck, District Manager