* y*3* .y* rfw&*f?r THTJESDAY, JOTI 3, 19* C. W. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating mil diseases of the Eyi, Bar, Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) Office Hours--8 to 9 ft. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence--Kent Home-- South of City Hall, Waukegan St. Phone 181 Mc?enry, lit WM. M. CARROLL . •si... ;• £ Lawyer Office ^*itk Kent & Company Every Wednesday Phone 34 McHenry, Dl. ffelenhone No. 108-R. Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS Classified ads are - winners DR: HENRY DL RAND and Staff of Physicians Office over Bolger'g Drag Store Horn: 10 to 2 erery Thursday and Saturday McHENRY, ILL. amowooD Mrs. Maxwell Betli and Ion, William Henry, of Chicago, are Visiting relatives in Ringwood. Mrs. Lewis Adams of Harrington called in Ringwood on Monday morning. Mrs. Matt Shaid spent Monday Afternoon in Ringwood. Miss Frances Helms and sister, Virginia, spent Monday with friends in Elgin and visited at the Ellis college. Mrs. Steve Ingalls of Spring Grove Was a Ringwood caller on Saturday. KUNZ BROTHERS and Long Distance Hauling Phone 204- J McHenry, 111 f: W. WORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Audits Systems Income and Inheritance Tax Matters Member of Public Accountants Association of Illinois Phone 206-J McHenry, I1L Phone 126-W. Reasonable Rates A. H. SCHAEFER Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS Insure- In Sare-ksBrance WITH Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone M-R McHENRY, ILL Feeds We carry a full line of chicken feeds for baby<r chicks and laying hent. We manufacture some of our scratch feeds and mashes, and can save you money. * Manufactured by Nclleif) flour Mills We.' McHenry, III. f With Nature in her kindest mood; with the progpeet of Summer just ahead; with happy couples mingling marriage vows with the chine of tuneful bells. June is here again. To the Bride, it brings a special message Hers is the influence that should guide a regular^ portion of each week's income to a savings fund, against the day when the family's chance to get ahead may call for a cash reserve. Brides, and grooms and all other folks as well, will find a real helpfulness by coming in and getting acquainted with the officers at this firmly-established institution. The Bank that halps you get ahead McHlNRY * ILLINOIS 3 DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU! , Smith's automobile was equipped with the best 'skid' chains money could buy, and he was driving slowly. No traffic law was broken, still there was an accident. There was someone killed! Smith was 'farsighted.' Do your eye glasses meet driving requirements? Make sure, tomorrow. Phone for an appointment. Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist PRIES BUILDING OVER NATIONAL TEA STORB Every Evening from 7 to 9, except Saturday All day Wednesday from *10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone US Drs. McGhesney & Brown (INCORPORATED) DENTISTS Dr. I. W. Brown Dr. R. M. Walker Established over 45 years anfd still doing business at the old stand. Pioneers in First Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices. Afek your neighbors and friends about us. S. E. Cor. Clark A Randolph St. 145 N Clark St., Chicago Daily 8 to 5, Sundays 9 to II Phone Central 2047 666 ]* a Prescription for / COLDS, tSRIPPE, FLU, DKNGtHfc BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA. It kills the germs. Diamond , Tires THE TIRE WE HAVE SOLD FOR 11 YEARS 30x3% $ 7.95 31x4 15.60 32x4 ..-.v.... ... 16.50 33x4 - 17.50 32x4% -0-54 33x4% 21.40 , Diamond Balloon Tires 29x4.40 * $11.60 30x4.95 16.65 30x5.25 ... 17.65 31x5.25 18.95 30x5.77 21.80 ttx6.00 25.65 Mail us your order with check or draft, fnd It win be sent the day received. Robinson's i AUTO SUPPLYS N. State Street Elgin, DL IPDTo CHICAGO From McMeiify-firayt Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach * North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." lv McHenry 6:56 am 11:45 am 3:00 pas MSps Lv Grays Lake 8:24 am ltiMpa 3:44 6:24 pa Air Waukegan 9:04 am li09pa 4:24 pa •KM pas Arr. Chicago 10:22 am 2x17 pa 6:10 ps 10:22 |MH Arr. Milwaukee 10:35 am • StlSpas 6:30 P«» 10:30 pa Ckicaif North Shore & Milwaukee H.K.C*. WEBER & SCHIESSLE, Local Agents West McHenry, Illinois Why Not You? A nunitier of young couples who are to marry real soon have selected their llome Out lit a already at Leath'a. Most young people come here for tli«Hr furniture,--they say It U a bit different and yet not expeoatva. • LSATH ITOltl IS NBAS 1WI kluin KOLUhUfiD. AURORA OUliUQUE. .. FREEPORT. . WATKHUMi. BELOIT JOLIKT ...7t Uiwe Am ... 602 W. State ...SI UUuid Ave. ...67« Main St. «... . .5 W Main ... &00 Lafayette ,.. 42* E Crvad 21t> JeffarMMi m JANESVII.I.K >02 Milwaukee KAU CLAIKC 403 S Barstow OSHKOSH II Main St. "FORI A tU S Adam* DECATUR .4M N Water MADISON ...117 State St. • *R>"KN . »*» W W,!.--» A. LEATH * COMPANY Mrs. Florence Smith is visiting: her daughter, Mrs. Breeno Butler, of Chicago. Mrs. Ben Josten and children, Miss Ellen Hall and Margaret Thompson spent Monday afternoon at Woodstock. Mrs. Viola Ingalls of Spring Grove is visiting Regina Rauen for a few days. Mrs. C. W. Goodell and little Warren Jones of McHenry called on his grandmother, Mrs. Rillah Foss, one evening this week. Jack McLaughlin has been serving on tile jury in Chicago this week. Charles Vogel of Solon shipped cattle from here on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Sanborn of Spring Grove were Saturday callers in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchert, and daughter, Betty „Jane, were recent callers in the Charles Bacon home. |Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer of Mc- Hfenry spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. K. M. Bradley. %rVinig Merchant spent the week-end with friends at Janesville. Wis. Misses Eva and Louisa Williams spent Wednesday evening "with Gus Pearsen's. Mrs. George (Wbrts of McHenry spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Edward Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell spent Sunday with Kenosha relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Tuesday evening at the Henry Williams home. Mr. Roubottom of Bristol, Wis., spent Friday in Ringwood. Fred Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Walker and children spent Sunday at Janesville, Wis. Kenneth Noble is visiting hi$ uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Frey, of Deerfield. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and daughters, Marion and Shirley, spent Monday evening at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Friday in Janesville, Wis., at the hospital. Miss Frances Helms was a Wednesday morning caller at McHenry. There was a dinner held in the M. W. A. hall on Wednesday. Quite a crowd was in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens spent Wednesday evening in Woodstock. Miss Agnes Biglow is entertaining company from Broadhead, Wis., for a few days. Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and daughter, Jessie, were McHenry callers on Thursday afternoon. Lewis Hawley spent Thursday iri Janesville, Wis. „ Mrs. Jessie Smith andfchildren were week-end guests of Harjvard relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Walker and two children and Fred Walker spent Saturday at the Janesville hispital. Mr. Miller, the stone cutter of McHenry, was a Saturday afternoon caller in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens entertained Mr. and Mrs. Otto and two children from LaGrange a few days this week. Little Dean Weter, of Hebron, visited her grandfather, William Giddings, at the Ringwood bank on Saturday. Mrs. James Ladd and Miss Agnes Bigelow and relatives spent Sunday at Lake county. Miss Agnes Thompson is working in the Ray Merchant home. Mrs. Florence Smith was a Harvard visitor on Saturday. Bert Sutton of Solon Mills was a Ringwood caller on Saturday afternoon. The Ringwood Circle will meet with Mrs. Lloyd Hoover of Greenwood the second Wednesday in June. Miss Ardis Whiting who is visiting here from Irving Park, was a caller at McHenry recently. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster and family of Greenwood (were Friday evening callers with her mother, Mrs. Emma Merchant. Miss Mina Laurence is visiting her uncle, Harold Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rahn of Elgin were Sunday callers in Ringwood. Mrs. Jack Wolfe and son, Jack, Jr., of Woodstock, spent Monday with her grandmother, Mrs. Charles Bacon. Dr. Rand of McHenry called in Ringwood on Monday morning. Mrs. Bert McCsnnon, of Woodstock, spent Sunday with relatives in Ringwood. Look out for the wedding bolls to ring in June at Ringwood. * Mr. Howard spent Sunday with friends in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison spent Sunday afternoon in Ringwood in the Harrison home. Miss Dorothy Carr of Chicago is spending a two weeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. Wayne Foss, who has been quite seriously ill, is improving at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling and baby spent Monday in Ringwood. Clinton Fi*y and lady friend of Kenosha spent Monday morning with relatives in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Allen of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the Frank Hitchens home. William Giddings spent the weekend with Hebron relatives. Miss Regina Rauen spent the weekend with Spring Grove relatives. Arthur Holt of Wilmot spent Maft« day in Ringwood. Dr. Spurling of McHenry was a Ringwood caller on Friday afternoon. Abie Miller of Elgin spent Friday afternoon with friends in Ringwood. Arthur Hitt of Elgin was a business caller in Ringwood Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent the week-end in the E. C. Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Brush and son, Richard, of Elgih spent Saturday with her grandfather, C. H. Stephensen. Mrs. Laura Brown spent Saturday afternoon at McHenry. William Beth and daughter, Cora, spent Saturday evening at Woodstock. Miss Mildred Gibbs spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibbs. Mrs. M. L. Welter and family spent Sunday morning it McHenry. Mrs. Cushman is visiting relatives at Boston, Mass., for two weeks. Have you tried the splendid coffee at Erickson's Dept. Store? It's great. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin and Mrs. Kit Harrison of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen, of Woodstock, spent Sunday with friends in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener and daughter, Marion, of McHenry spent Decoration Day in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Laurence. Mrs. William Gould and daughter, Jane, spent Sunday with her parents! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bacon. Joseph Miller of Fox Lake spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. ft. L. Laurence. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler of Chicago spent Sunday (4n jthe A. W. Smith home. Andrew Butler and lady friend, Adele Heimer, were Sunday callers in the Frank Hitchens home. Clarence May spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley. Mrs. jRobbins of Chicago spent Sunday with her uncle, Eli Chase. Miss Mildred Gibbs and Russell of Ringwood and Miss Alvina Miller of Johnsburg attended the show at Woodstock on Sunday. The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. Lloyd Hoover on June 9, at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibbs and family spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Minnie* Coats. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hawlef and two daughters, Shirley and Marion, spent Sunday evening at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schaer, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard and son, Leroy, of Chicago, spent Sunday morning in the Lewis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Brandt and daughter, Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. Covington and Fred Shaw, all of Chicago, spent Sunday afternoon in the Lewis Hawley home. Mrs. Jeritiie Cushman entertained her daughter from Elgin on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and their daughter attended the funeral of her niece, Mrs. Joseph Young, in Chicago on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephensen spent Sunday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and family and Miss Wynrie Kelley attended church services at Genoa City on Sunday and heard the Wheaton quartet sing some very beautiful selections. fifar Who Count* The mnn to whom an executive Is most grateful--the man whom he will work the hardest and value the most --la the man who accepts responsibility willingly.--Olfford Pinchot. Buy it In McHenry SEED CORN * :: IMPROVED LEAMINO FODDER CORN < f The kind that grows extra tall and is especially good for 1 • silage. Buy now. i * ^ I MILLER'S STORK ij '» J08. J. Miller, Prop. t Phone 114-R McHenry/HI. ii-3 | 4 *A ?! • .'1'^ City Conveniences For Every Suburban and Country Home There is no longer any need for women living in suburban and country homes to chop kindling, carry ashes and wood, shovel coal or swelter in an overheated kitchen. A Protane System installed in the home will banish all this labor. Protane Gas is natural gas in steel drums and can be used anywhere. Just turn it on and it lights instantly, close the valve and the flame is extinguished. Kitchens stay cool and pleasant, for no excess heat escapes into them. Utensils May clean and free from sooU mi *iP •'ii ..S s BOTTLED GAS Natural Gas in steel containers delivered to your, home ready for use, no matter where you live. Ask for a demonstration now,--at once--in your home. There's no obligation. lasted by the National Board of Fire Und«n*ri|> •ra at Standard • »M9 m HARDWARE West McHenry M ,-f BIX will be known as the fhe phenomenal success of die Ajai Six and the great size the business has attained in less than a year, with well over$27,000,OOO worth of cars already shipped, has made advisable a closer consolidation of Nash and Ajax manufacturing operations. With this in view the Ajax Motors Company,till now a subsidiary of The Nash Motors Company, has been entirely absorbed by the parent Company. And in accordance with this procedure name of the product* Ajax Six, it herewith changed to Nash Light Six. So that Nash models are now available in 3 Series--differing as to wheelbase but identical in their high standards of workmanship-- --the NEW Light Six series (formerly the Ajax Six)t the Special Six series; and Advanced Six series;--embracing 16 different models with a price range from $865 to $2090 £. Ot K factory. * 0* * This announcement of the change in name from Ajax Six td Nash Light Six also marks the greatest five month period of business in Nash history. The upward soaring demand during January, February, March, April and May drove total sales and production to a figure approximating 70% of the total sales for the whole of last year. George A. Stilling Garage Phone 28 - McHenry, 111. -'\Wu ii liitliliMffr