THOTSDAY, JUNE 17,1998 AND GO«»S Of A IN OUR CITY l*en By Plaindealer Re >ort«rB and Handed la - By Our Friends i Clara Stoffel spent Friday in • .Chicago. > John Mack of Joliet spent Monday .in McHenry. . Miss Loretta Steffes spent Saturday in Chicago. " -j Miss Florence Conway spent Saturday in Chicago. " Xfr onil tfT. Thursday, in Chicago. j,i Bernard Bowman of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. 5' Mrs. Aim of Solon Mills spent Wednesday with friends here. . ^ Mrs, E. E. Crojjiley of Solon Mills SJ-, spent Wednesday in McHenry. fp__•/ Mrs. Clay Hardy of Solon Mills v"^ * spent Wednesday in McHenry. J°hn Bonslett find son, Louis, spent j|t" Y Thursday and FHday in Chicago. Miss Blanche Meyers of the i6cal telephone office is on her vacation*. pari Stenger of Waukegnn spent • a few days last week in McHenry. Clifford Buss of Chicago spent the week-end with McHenry relatives. Robert Montgomery of Chicago spent Sunday with McHenry friends. Vernon Knox of Terra Cotta was a Saturday night caller in McHenry. Miss Edna Schoel of Chicago spent Ed. J. Heimer of eek-end at the hi The Hetxel family of Chicago spent the week-end in their cottage on the river. Miss Greta Chamberlain of the local telephone offiee, is on her vacation. Miss Lena Stoffel spent aeveral days last Week with her sister in ijntcago. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bethke of Dundee spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Nick P. Steiten of Chicago spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Fnand of Woodstock st>ent Standby with McHenry relatives. Miss Helen Heimer of Chicago is spending the week with her father, Steve Heiroer. Howard Phplin of Notre Dame yniveroity spent 'the week-end with his parents, George Steilea of Chicago spent the week-end at the hdtte oi Mrs. Helena Heimer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rich of Lombard visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisby Sund ^ . V ! * YOU'LL LIKB mrm Ice Cre^m m A GONE Ptire as the purest, better than' the best, McHenry Ice Cream is made from pure dairy cream, properly flavored and frozen in a sanitary factory. TRY A CONE OF IT McHenry lee Cream Company Green and Sim Streets McHENRY . f QUALITY PLUS SAVING Shinner's Packing Plant OPPOSITE 0. A H. W. DEPOT aioBMOND, ninrois Buy Direct • • • Save Half All Next HEREAFTER WE WILL REMAIN OPEN ON SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK WE mfcLA SUPPLY OPtAHOY MILK PXD - BROILERS STTrOOAA R CURED PICNIC HAMS, per lb. PORK SHOULDER ROASTS, per lb. 24^ 21# FANCY PORK BUTTS, per lb. 27# FRANKFURTS, per lb. 3% # LITTLE PIG PORK SAUSAGE, per lb. 22# 22# DRY SUGAR CURED BACON, per Ifc 32# SMALL LEAN PORK LOINS, per lb. 29# BONELESS SIRLOIN BUTTS, per lb. 21# BOILED HAMS, square and skinless, per Bk 40# AMERICAN LOAF CHEESE, 5 lb. box, per lb. * 33# FULL CREAM BRICK CHEESE, per lb. T 24# :; CHOICE NATIVE\STEER CHUCKS, per lb. 16# ii FAHCY STEER HIND QUARTERS BEST, lb. 21^ " i: RPTlfn VOTO POULTRY EQQB AMP VIAL TO m U * WE PAY CASH * PHOHX MS , E. G. Shinner Incorporated m • i . . . . . . . I»M |J I MUM MMMM I II 1 . 111M MMMMi • './W. «H Harry Binks and family of Chicago spent the week-end in their summer home on the river Mr. and Mrs. F. M. PhilHps of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Roy Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns and son of Oak Pfcrk spent the week-end with McHenry relatives. Misses Catherine and Elizabeth Mc- Cabe are spending the week visiting at Delavan, Wis. Miss Catherine Walsh is spending several days visiting her sister, Ellen, in South Bend, Ind. Mr Shaies ud family of Woodstock visited in the N. BarMan home on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Whiting of Chicago spent Sunday in McHenry. Anthony and Alfred' ftonslett of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of John Bonslett. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pauley and their daughter, Helen, of Elgin, visited Ernest Barbian Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Keller and daughter, Helen, of Ehnhnrst, visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conway of Chicago spent the week-end visiting McHenry friends and relatives. ; Mrs. Jack Schneider and children of Chicago spent the week-end as guests of McHenry relatives. Gladys Rietsel of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rietsel. Miss Ethel Bell spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Bell, of Ringwood. Miss Julia King of Wilmette spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. King. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Barker and. children of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of John Bonslett. Miss Mayme Keg of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Keg. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rasmussen of Chicago visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Ward on Sunday. Dollar Sale coming soon at Erickson's Dept. Stem. Arthur and Donald Desmond of Woodstock visited in the Nick Bar hian home on Saturday of last week. Mrs. John H. Miller and daughters, and Henry Miller and family visited relatives in Kenosha, Wis., Sunday. Miss Rosina Freund of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wrede of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Wrede. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and children of Elgin are spending several days with relatives in McHenry. Miss Florence Rothermel of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rothermel. , x Mr. and Mrs. Cap Bickler of Chicago are spending a few days of this week visiting with friends and relatives ,in this city. Mri and Mrs. George Garrity of Chicago visited in the home of the letters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schoefwer, over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schunemann sad daughter, Audrey, of Chicago, visited in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schuenemann. £and Mrs. Walter Schaefer and ter, and Mrs. Jake Hetei of jo visited in theh ome of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schneider, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Hart and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart' and daughter of Chicago spent the weekend in their country home in Idyll D4L Mrs. William Hoeft of it the week-end at their in this sub-division. Misses Margaret, Anna and Peggy Lyons of Chicago spent the week-end in Janwa Haxton of Chicago spent the week-end in this sub-division. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bellam and Mrs. Mame Wakefield visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hoeft over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. William Blum and family of Chiesgy spent the week-end in their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cohen and son, Charles, Jr., of Chicago spent the week-end in their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Cline and daughter, Winnie, and son, Preston, of Maywood spent 'Sunday in the collage of James Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Huglb Kirk, daughter, Isatalle, and son, Hugh, Jr., of Chicago spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs Frank Cartheiser, daughter, Catherine, and son, Ralph, spent the week-end in Emerald Park. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carlson and fam<* ily of Melrose Park spent the weekend in their new home. PROCEDINGS Council Room, June 7, The city aldermen met in regular sssion with Mayor Wattles presiding. Aldermen present: Doherty, Frett, Frisby, Hughes, Overton and Perkins. . The minutes of the annual meeting and the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read,and approved by the finance committee: Public Service Co., traffic lights $ 21.60 Public Service Co., street lights ~ 1*4.08 Mr. and Mrs. A. I^zzard. ^1U _G- E- Sti". docket fee for Grange spent Saturday and Sunday in this sub-division. Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith of Melrose Park spent the foreek-end 'here, in their new sumer home. Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Johnson of Chicago were here over the weekend. Miss Anna MaMt is spending a few days in her summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Johnson and family and Richard Betts of Evanston spent Saturday and Sunday in, their country home here. OSTEND Mrs. Kaiser recently " enjoyed a visit from her brother, John Harrer, and lady friend, of Chicago. Dollar Sale coming soon at Erickson's Dept. Store. Carl Mead, a former resident of this neighborhood, now, of / Crystal neigh- Public Service Co., power at sewer lift ......... 78.85 Public Service Co., power for electric pump ....--w,»........... 57.00 McHenry Lumber Co., supplies .. $.84 Raymond Lead Works, coils 43.39 John R. Smith, labor .13.80 McHenry Plaindealer, printing, 87.80 John Mulsh,v cleaning pavement 75.00 Geo. Meyers, labor on. streets, 88.75 John Walsh, services at sewer lift for May 16.00 John Walsh, marshftll services for May 116.00 Ambrose Schaefer, express and drayage ..... 10.56 til. Bell Tel. Co., service and calls 4.30 H. O. Anderson, buiMjing sidewalks .\... John Brda, supplies 800.00 1.05 Plaindealers at Bolgers Lake, was a brief caller bors here last week. The new residence on the fox ranch is progressing fine, also the fox pens Many truck loads of heavy wire fencing for enclosure of fox pens have been taken to the ranch. A promascuoiss shower for Miss Florence Eppel was planned to take place last week, Friday, at the Clark home here, but instead we were all treated to a heavy shower of rain, thunder and lightning. Miss Eppel is soon to become the bride of Sherman Brown and go to farming near her parents. \ Henry Hobajt, wife and son^Ray, were Saturdf^y evening callers on Woodstock - and there heard of the c6llapsing of the bed factory. L. S. Lincoln of Beloit was calling on relatives here Sunday afternoon. W. H. Brott and wife of Woodstock were calling on old neighbors here Sunday afternoon. Warren Francisco and sister were business callers at the county seat Saturday last. There are five fanners 4ast of Ostend school house in this school district that ship cream and six that patronize bottling plants. Mark Huston, who for many years lfved on the farm now owned by Henry Degan, had his dairy of twenty-eight cows tested last week, and lost all but two. These two were the poorest cows in the dairy. He shoved them in with those that did not pass the test. Mark is nearly wild with excitement; a family ten to live, and no income. Going to be married? SWT lis about printing invitations or announcements. The Plaindealer. special assmt. „.. S0.00 Herman Rapp, labor on w. w. 20.25 Chas. S. Ensign, lbr. on w. W.....83.50 Valvoline Oil Co., oil 6.00 Mueller Co., supplies for w. w 89.37 Weil McLain Co., supplies 24.96 Weil McLain Co.v supplies 24.96 Vanhoozen Brothers, labor on supply tank 612.56 Rockford Brass Works, w. w. supplies 128.80 R. F. Conway, postage, telephone calls and supplies .2.50 Raymond Lead Works, w. w. supplies 881.81 Walter J. Donavin, labor as city plumber 221.75 Western United Gas and Elee. Co., May gas bill ./ .65 Motion by Hughes, seconded by Overton, that the reports \of the treasurer, clerk and collector be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Thennes, that the city purchase eight stop signs. Motion carried. Motion by Hughes, seconded by Frisby, that the city purchase a fire siren from the Carey Electric company at a price of $495, Federal 5- lurso motor, with a guarantee that same can be heard for a distance of one and one*half miles. MotiAj) carried. f Motion \ by Thennes, seconded by Hughes, 0iat the city purchase 8,000 gallons of road oil from the American Mexican Refining company, at a price of .001 per gallon. ' Motion carried. \. Motion) by Hughes, seconded by Thennes, that the city pay John Mulsh $20 per week for cleaning the streets. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Hughes, to adjourn. Motion carried. F. H. WATTLES, Mayor R. P. C^ONWAY, Clerk. 1 built that evefy inch of space is utilized, and constructed^ to economize on Ice. The saving you will effect in your Ice Bills may be fltore than the cost of a new refrigerator. Mrs. John Brown and children ofT Wauconda spent Thursday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling." Dollar Sale coining soon at Erickson's Dept. Store. Mr. and Mrs. Joe LareRetaoin and children of Chicago vere guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bildne ed to Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Anthony .Starck of Wis., visited at the home of Mr Mrs. Nick Schaefer a few days last week. Mrs. Ford Jackson and children of Spring Grove visited with relatives here one day last week. J. B. Hettermann and Joe H. Adams motored to Waukegan Friday. Miss Lauretta Stilling and Miss Isabella Schmitt are visiting in the city of Milwaukee. Mr. a<rid Mrs. Martin: H, Freund, Mrs. Henry Nell, and daughters, Ethel and Henrietta^ motored to Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regner and children, Betty Jane and James, of Chicago, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Freund and children, Mr. arid Mrs. Peter Freund and Mrs. Hubert Freund of McHenry, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M»rtin H. Freund on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping and children of Spring Grove were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schaefer of McHenry were visitors here Wednesday evening. Mr*. Emil Debrecht and her moth- , jMrs. Frett, of Chicago, visited wi<P relatives and friends, here for a few days. Master Frank Kempfer returned from Milwaukee Monday where hQ was going to college. Mr. and Mrs. S? H. Smith and daughters, Helen and Florence, J. B. Hettermann and daughter, ' Oliva, motored to Woodstock Friday. / Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frett are "the proud parents of a baby boy. Miss Agnes Schmitt and'Mrs. Joe H. Adams were McHenry jailers on Monday. A S. H. Smith boarded the Chicago train Tuesday. J Weddings bells wiu soon be ring ing. < Mr. and Mrs. John Jerak and children of McHenry, Rose and Joe Pitzen of Violo spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer. , Mesdames Joe J. Michels, George Michels and son, Donald, and Mrs. Margaret Freund visited with relatives in McHenry Tuesday; Henry Henun of Chicago his place here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards Chicago spent the week-end in here. Mr. and Mrs. Archie son visited in the hosse of the psr> - ents of the fc Casistent ; bring results. Plaindealers Bolgers CLEMENT SUBDIVISION Mr. and Mrs. Morey Ackerman and family of Chicago spent the weekend in their summer home in this subdivision. Dollar Sale coming soon at Erickson's Dept. Store. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Rogers and son, Gilbert, Jr., spent the week-end in their cottage here. Gus Sweaterberg of Chicago was here over Saturday ami Sunday. When any» one telUgpl you his motor car is "as good as jBuick," ask him if it has: A "sealed chas* sis"; torqueixibe- drive; £ mechanical 4r * wheel brakesj ^ 10-plate mul tiple-disc ^ clutch; Fisher rbody; Nationwide service facilities; % And mortf " than a million enthusiastic owners, x ' _• h ft.J , *tnCK MOTOR COlkPAMfl DMiIm of Gnurnl Motors C»r| FLINT ."MICHIGAN Overton Harvard. Co went 0 A complete variety of quality groceries (just a few are - advertised here) always at money saving prices NATIONAL TEA CO W I • \i i i V GROC *"US Foodstuffs You. Know at Substantial Savings :-W $ pkgs. 25 c Double Thick P & G Soap 5 bars The White Naptha Large Bot. 19c Sutter's Milk National Brand 3 cans 25^ BIOS, Blue Rose 2 lbs., 17# SALMON, Sailor Queen, red Tall, 27# ;; 3 b&rs Soap Lifebuoy 19# Noodles --* "Q" Brand 2l>k£s. 11# Green and Elm Streets PRESERVES, National 10 varieties, 16 o*. PICKLES. American Home Dills, quart, GRAPEFRUIT. Ready to serve. No. 2 PAROWAX. for preserving, per package TAPIOCA, Minute Dessert. 8 oz. " JELLY TUMBLERS 1-3 Pint, squat, per dos. • T 38# 1-2 Pint, tall, pa dot. f.. . . ^ M 40^ McHenry, VBL « WARM WEATHER MENUS A compters assortment of ready to serve and easily cooked foods are part of the complete variety of quality foodstuffs always at money saving prices in National Tea Stores, the quality grocers.. ' Fanritare and underUktag •••HI* Ml I IIM.MIMM MM# »»#tt MIHIMIMIM MM M.I tl »,M I #11 >MI IMIMI l i » * * * • *1 *