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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jun 1926, p. 6

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THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER » „ - 4 4 ^ ' ' W1 36JK« '* •<% J %\ < vv £ f _ " , * - < /. - '*•-: % 1 \<^ • " % „r^ '- -.4/ *» * *«•' * ih v ' ,v-4 '- •-**- >v^ *N •' #v,p> •;/ ; V ^ nix H'dijmTVuiHniuak, TtftriiXAf, jtos 17. me <- ' "f^ Published every Thursday at McHenry, EL, by Charles F. Kenich. • ; ' " ' ' Entered as second-class matter at the poetoffice at McHenry, OL, a®- iter the act of May 8, 1879. Sabecriptiaa Rata* O&e Ye#!^ • ••.*«>•«»•'* •* V* Six Months ,...$LW A. H. MOSHEft, Editor and Manager ILLINOIS News Notes nilillllllllSllllllllllllllIllilllltMIMHUI ft' '••" ^ The Marlon-Carterville locals of the typographical union voted to go on i ;^v • *trlke. The printers demanded an ia- ? */Z <treese of from $5 to $10 a week, v . Mrs. Jennie Stone of Loxa, Colea „ ' f - ^bounty, was burned to death when ^ " ^ ;• • the attempted to revive the kitchen •' ,'f ^^lre by pouring kerosene on the 4-'imoldering fuel. A German war cannon, weighing 20,- % - #00 pounds, has been promised to the City of Freeport by the federal gov- C •rnment and Is to be mounted In one *V #f the city parks. John Walton Winn, who waa to be - tanged in Chicago for his participation in the murder of Albert (Grandma) Nusbaum, was granted a stay of Execution until July 9. _ Unable to reach shore after their , canoe capsized, two Peoria high school youths, Robert Pettett and Ford Bflller, both sixteen years old, were "lirowned In the Illinois river near the Illinois Valley Yacht and Canoe club. uraio Hurpluses, the crux of the present agricultural relief problem, "Were dealt with quite prominently at "the second annual short course in » grain elevator management at the college of agriculture. University of 1111- /'. • aois. Presentation of diplomas to 200 noncommissioned officers of the Illinois * Jsatlonal Guard, who are having a v two Weeks' course of Intensive training at Camp Grant, Rockford, will be made by Maj.-Gen. Milton J. Fore- ; tnan, commanding the Thirty-third di- '• Vision, Saturday, June 19, Lteut.-Col. W. F. Heiuenway, school commander, . lias announced. A temporary marker has been placed on the site of Chicago's first -hostelry, the tavern erected in 1829 , l)y Mark Beaubien at the .southeast Corner of Market and Lake streets, . by Kaskaskia chapter of the D. A. R. V When first erected this white frame 5 building was the pride of the town. It was there, when Chicago was in- ; corporated as a town In 1833, that the first election of trustees was held. Another "mad dog" warning was '^Issued by Dr. Isaac D. Rawllngs, (ttate health director, advising county and municipal officials throughout the state to adopt and rigidly enforce -local muzzling ordinances. The prevalence of hydrophobia among dogs and live stock has reached an almost alarming degree in this state, he declared, and the danger to human beings, and particularly te children, Is #rave. A well-equipped tourist camp is to be built on the old St. Alban's school campus In Knoxville, according to SOVIET MONEY SENT TO BRITISH MINERS sot. Official Maktl Di- Assertion in Housm of " Commons. Londbn.--The Russian government has been sending money to Great Brltr ain both for the purpose of financing the general strike and of supporting the miners in order to prolong (the coal stoppage. Documents attesting these facts, recently seized at Communist headquai4* ters, will be published soon. Sir William Joynson-Hicks, home secretary, said the government Is perfectly certain that not only the Third Internationale but also the official Russian government A* responsible foi* the sending Of a large part of the, £400,000 (about $2,000,000) so far received by the Trades Union congress and the miners. . Ramsay MacDonald took up the cudgel for the Laborites, challenging Sir William to prove definitely that the money came from the government and was not workers' contributions. Sir VplMain replied It is a wellknown fact that the Russian government made repeated declarations of its desire to Interfere with the economic affairs of Great Britain. The government has sent a sharp note to Moscow protesting against the endeavors o? the Soviet to send money to Great Britain during the recent general strike. The note sets forth the belief that this money was intended to foster • ; movement to bring about a change of government In Great Britain. Dollar Spent it Home Comes Back WHAT BROUGHT* Treasury Decides to A Omit June Financing Washington.--Revenues have been coming into the treasury In such volume as to make unnecessary the June financing, Secretary of the Treasury Mellon announced. It had been expected, that announcement -of an offering of some form of treasury securities would be made on June 15. . Secretary Mellon explained in £ brief formal statement that there had been increases in mbst Items of receipts, especially in Income taxes, and the treasury thereby was enabled to do away with a quarterly fiscal operation for the first time in more than eight years. The treasury will be able to go through to the middle of September without issuing new securities. plans made by the local Exchange club. The site of the camp will be laid In a beautiful grove of trees on the abandoned campus. Water is to be piped to the camp and facilities for cooking arranged. The campus has not been In use since St. Alban's Episcopal boys' school was moved to Sycamore several years ago. Preparations are under way to entertain the delegates to the annual encampment of the Unlte<U3panlsh War Veterans, department M Illinois, to open In Jacksonville June 28, and conue three days. It is expected that there will be a thousand representatives of the various camps and affiliated patriotic organizations. There*- will be reports on legislation and a Jubilee meeting over the recent adoption by congress of the pension bill which increases the allowance for disabled veterans of the Spanish-American war. The right of a city to limit the minimum height of buildings in certain zones will be judged by the Supreme court when W. B. Sampson, city attorney of Springfield, appeals from the decision of Circuit Judge E. S. Smith, who declared the city minimum height ordinance unconstitutional. The court will be called upon to decide whether a city has the right to limit the minimum height of buildings. Building ordinances of a number of cities in Illinois are expected to be affected If the high court declares the Springfield ordinance unconstitutional. Calhoun county, the only one In the state of Illinois without a railroad, la soon to be bereft of that distinction. It is announced that plans have been perfected for a new electric road which will be constructed from Quincy to East St. Louis, traversing Adams, Pike, Calhoun and Madison coUntlee. The road is to be known as the Alton, Quincy & Northern. Articles of incorporation have been lstiued to C. H. Petsch of New York city, C. H. Wood, J. R. Williams, E. B. Porter and C. H, Hunter, all of Quincy. The same promoters are planning a similar line from Quincy to Moumouth, tapping territory not at present served by k railroad. Betty Duncan, young Bloomtngton woman convicted of stealing a valuable fur coat, was sentenced in Danville to the Jollet penitentiary. Officers are Investigating the death ®f Martin Brosnahany thirty-five, produce dealer of Gllman, found dead In Ms store there. His pockets were rifled. A pistol lay by his side, but relatives say it Is not his. Bronnahaa v.-aa single, had no financial trouble and no love affairs, officers aay. He had been shot in the right temple. The wound waa not powder Iranvd, tt is said. _ . Experts Are Expecting Dawes Plan Revision Berlin.--The impending visit to Berlin of the undersecretary of the United States treasury, MaJ. Garrard B. Winston, and Gov. Benjamin Strong of the federal reserve bank Is Interpreted here as the first step toward Every dollar spent in McHenry' Comes back to the spender with interest, figuratively speaking. There is no wiser use of money. In the first place, we are assured of getting the best goods and service, and in the second and next place, we are making an investment with the same cash. By patronizing our local merchants, we are helping to build up Mc- Henry's business section. This means larger stores, bigger assortments of stock and better service to the community. Visitors usually judge a town by the size and appearance of its business district. The storekeepers' ability to make a good showing in this respect depends entirely upon the local patronage they receive. Bigger stores pay bigger taxes and the public improvements and other benefits that come from higher revenues are enjoyed by all. moved into the circle of his arms, her trusting eyes lifted to his, the perfume of her hair smothering him. Suddenly, she found herself swept into a passionate embrace. She heard his measured breathing and lifted her face to his, There in the darkness he groped fervently for her soft little mouth and a moan of ecstacy escaped him as he dropped his lips to it. Again and again they kissed, warm, delicious kisses they were. She, passive at first, became tremenduously responsive. He held her away and gazed at her a moment, devouring her loveliness. ' I love you," he whispered. She closed her arms about his neck, placing her golden head in the hollQW of his shoulder. "And I love yott, too," she murmured. "Love like ours," he said, gazing off to the distant hills, "knows no time, no place, no convention. Such a love can only be dreamed of--no man, however great, can describe it in words. My love, my life, you are mine! Kiss me again, dearest. Let me feel your sweet mouth--" "Hector!" ' The author laid down his pencil. "HECTOR!" This time a shriek. In the gathering twilight, she came to him, arms outstretched, lips halfparted and hungry for kisses. His glittering eyes, narrowed to faint slits, drank in her ravishing beauty. The jet-black eyes, the rose-bud mouth, the milky-white shoulders, the creamy tint of her skin, her finely chisled features, her full throat sweeping into semi-hidden curves, the inviting contour of her swaying body, the delicately molded ankles shimmering in silk. As she reached him, his hands covered hers. His head swam as Bhe responded tile author the Put 'Well?" wearily. "For land's sake," resumed voice, "stop your fool writing, out the cat and come to bed-" The author sighed. "Yes. m'dear." was the reply, and rising, he turned out the lights. Cy Kology's Philosophy: They say Solcman wuz de wisest man, but «f so it wuz, how come he wuz so much married ? What's de use in wastin' yo' time growlm' at de world an' all what's in it, when it's jes ez easy ter make believe you's happy an*- hollar hallelula? r You ax de good Lord ter make yo' thankful fer what vo' receive, but arter' yo' receive it, jfb' would think to yo'self dat it's mighty small pertaters and few in a hill. ; 'J motor tourist in the Pea RMg® Region, "but what is the name of the next town!* * '. ' I am not sure," replied the eastbound tourist, "but as far as I could make out from the signs on the trees and so forth, it is either Saint Jacob's Oi! or Ho3tetter's Bitters, and I don't know which." EAT AND DRINK-* - You can satisfy your appetite and Located on the bank of the beautiful Fox river. Rf nn| Riverside Driv 1 •1 Ittttttt % ft t t t t t t f t t tfrt+tt I tt I > I»I »•»»»»»»»»»»»« M "You used to tell me I was birdlike,* complains the McHenry fond wife. ^ The brutal husband continues to bury his nose/in the paper. "You used- to tell me I was birdlike," repeats the fond wife, "but now yoiy never act as if you thought so." J "You're still birdlike," growls the brutal husband. 'One wouldn't tfiink y)0U thought so, to judge by--" "Isn't a parrot birdjr ft Some things are funny, and some things are not. There are certain misguided mortals who think that it's extremely comical for a man to slip on a banana peeling, or to stub his toe or step on a tack in the dark. But not I. I can see that auch things are tragic. The victim always gets my sympathy. Of course I wasn't always that way. I used to get a good laugh every time I witnessed a minor accident. But not any more. No, sir! Last night I stepped oh a. tack myself. mm, m m A well-balanced brain lis a stopsignal that tells a woman to pause when she is about to make a fool of herself. Their boat was drifting idly, the sun shone above, anfi the sea was serene; while she was sitting snugly. Then he proposed. From the opposite end of the crpft she gazed at him calmly. Then she said: "As a matter of Tvnunon sense, realizing that we are in this boat, on water more than fifty feet deep, and if you were'/ going to act as you should act, if I accepted you, we woulld be capsized. I will decline the proposal at this moment. But, George, row as fast as you can to the shore and ask me again." llie monkey glands some of them already had may be the reason they act that way. fJtro nsHraa TTRRODlIiHSlE I^ i10*a i free from loose buckles; Uf-ftHng knee bands; exshrinkage; and For sneer comfort wear knickeri If perfectly designed, of the tight fabrics, "K'N-I-C» K-E-R-S" certainly **& •olid comfort. And if thty are Dutches* Knickers, half your prob> Ifcm of correct sport dreatit •Dived. tor they are sure to tatit ^|fou there--bring you tack jM-and keep their good looks in the meantime I $4 to $8 a preparatory conference fop the revision of the Dawes plan. Though the government says the question will not become acute until 1928, when the big cash payments come Into effect, lt 'Js preparing for the biggest economic Investigation ever held In any country to gather data to describe Germany's economical and financial situation when the <foeatlons on the revision will be brought up. Better Communication With the PhilippiheB Washington.--In order to bring the Philippine Islands "closer" to America and afTord better communication throughout the archipelago, army air officers are making plans to establish landing fields at advantageous points in order to make It possible to visit even the most remote Islands within a short time. Germany and Denmark Have Arbitration Pact Copenhagen.--The Locarno treaties und Germany's prospective entry into the League of Nations have resulted In the negotiation of a treaty between Denmark and Germany under which they will arbitrate before declaring war on^one another. The treaty Is the result of the socialistic government's plan for disarmament. Tennessee Democrats • \ Would Change Rules Nashville, Tenn.--By a vote of 12 to 9 the Democratic state committee adopted a resolution in favor of abolishing the two:thlrds rule in the nomination of candidates for President and vice president in the national conventions and favoring majority rule ia such conventions on all questions. Borah Will Oppose Varm Pittsburgh. -- Senator William E. Borah, Republican, of Idaho, will take a leading part In the fight which dry forces will wage against the candidacy of William S. Vare, wet Republican aspirant for the senate, at the November election. «• * - • Farm Product Favored Washington.--Under the terms of a bill passed by the senate, rates on all farm products mailed directly from producers have been fixed at one-half the regular rates charged fo- the same routes. Canadian Governor Gsnmral London.--The king approved appointment of Viscount Wllllngdon of Ratton to succeed Baron Byng of Vimy as the governor general of Can- 1 ad'a '• . 'f * ' ail-- Where to Buy--When to Bay-- TKe advertisements in each issue t>f the flstatfcatef bring news of shopping economies fresh from the merchants of McHenrye Read them, and you wUi Shop Economically and Well m

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