WIWWHUW* > t5». v -Fjj, - w,v Y ,* V* * '**'">'*" * * ,> , " ' » *J*» *»A •* *•' * •?>>- * ' TBI M'HENBT PLAINDKALllt, TBtTRSDAT, JULY 1, 1891 "i- J'Tf • *"* *•' * l Folks and theirneighbors formiles around are deeplyinterested in this . ^--- 1 ITC*- •> y- * 'V'1- ^ 4®^ r '4s t . ( • Prior's Mr. Prior has operated this store for Several years, to the complete satisfaction ol his fnany friends and customers. He is leaving Wauconda and will be greatly missed. We bought his stock at very low figures and are offering it at such low prices that you will also reijaember for a long time the wonderful baigains that; yo^ gQt at this sale. ll. i; ..- %• Sale fi"r •• ."l irtwaists Ladies' Georgette and Voile Shirtwaists values that were up to $4.50, now 29c Men's and Boys' Men's Sheeplined Duck Goats, $8 and $10 values, each • $4.98 Men's Blanket lined Coats, $5.50 values, each """ $2.98 Men' Summer-weight Knit Union Suits, each -- ; 69c -Mens' Leather Belts, 50c and 75c values, each " 25c Men's Felt Hats, suitable! as work hats, 2 Values to $3, each,,. 98c Men's Shop Caps, 35cValue, each 19c Men's Shop Caps, 25c value, each 11c Men's Cloth Caps, values to $2, each 98c Men's Cloth Caps, 2 lots, each; 59c, 29c 'Men's Hip Boots, $8 values, pair $4.98 Men's Short Boots, $5 values, pair $3.59 Men'4s Dress Shirts, $1.50 values, 79c Boys Shirts and Blouses, $1 values, 59c 'Men's Overalls and Jackets, large sizes, £ values to $2; our price, each, 89c Dishes Some good, some not so good, priced extremely low; think of itr servicfable dishes at ' 1c per and Up y;ijiiWiiij,Kjj>tiniini. iiinfiMiij '• Fixtures All of the store fixtures are for sale, including a Ford delivery truck, three counters, large refrigerator, scales, showcases, electric coffee mill, hand power coffee mill, barrel truck ancfm&ny other email items. ~ • i -+*1 Corsets and Brassieres Brassieres, values to 85c, each -- -- 39c Warner Bros. Corsets and other high grade corsets, values up to $5.00. We have placed them in four lots, priced each 28e, 48c, 98c and $1.49 MM •ataMi Some Bargains Linit Starch 5c K. C. Baking Powder, 2 15c cans 21c K. C. Baking Powder, 2 25c cans 35c Calumet Baking Powder, 2 cans 49c 7 bars Toilet Soap 25c 4 bars Bark's Hardwater Castile Soap I. 25c Lamp Chimneys and Lantern Globes 9c JSwift's Pride Washing, Powder, 4 packages 15c Bulk Starch, 4 lbs. - 5 ' •• 25c Cocoa, 2 lbs. 15c M+MM POST CARDS Wauconda Views, some at 10c doi. Balance at 5c per dozen ^ t; Hosiery Infants' mixed wool and cotton Hose, 35c values, per pair 22c Infants' worsted Hose, 50c value, 33c Ladies', Misses 50c hose, paif 33c Ladies', Misses' 75c, $1 hose, pair, 39c SUITING; Indian Head Suiting, white and colors, White Duck and cotton Suiting, 50c values, per yard 25c RICRAC and FINISHING BRAID; Colored Ricrac and Finishing Braid, 15c and 25c values, each -- 7c SILK RIBBONS; Wide Taffeta Silk Ribbons, splendid variety of ^colors, values to 80c yd., on sale aJL~~---19c Dry Goods Itervti 18-in. Velvet, $1.50 values, yd, 89c Blue Denim, 40c value, yard -- 22c Mosquito Netting, per yard 12c Cotton Suiting, 98c value, yard 39c Ginghams, 30c, 35c values, yard, 19c Print Voiles, 50c, 75c value, yd. 39c Curtain Scrims, yard _--• - 22c Eiderdown, $1.40 value, per yd. 89c Note These Prices Kotex, per pkg. 39c Baby Blankets, per pair -39c House Dresses, values to $3, $1.29,79c Cotton Batts, 20c values, each, 14o Children's Box Writing Paper, 25c values^ 15c Fiber Matting, 36-ln., 85c value 49c 10c Sewing Needles 5c Sewing Machine Needles, tube, 5c Thousands of other items not listed here ^ are to be found at bargain prices ,V Shoes Nearly 2,000 pair of shoes at ridiculous prices. The choicest, the cream of the stock of Ladies' and Men's Shoes and Oxfords. Values up to $8.00. OUR PRICE, PER PAIR, $3.49 Sensible Work Shoes and Dress Shoes for Ladies, Men and Children* Wonderful values, per pair v * « r Ladies' Comfort Shoes, Men's Dress and Work Shoes and Sturdy Shoes for Boys and Girls comprise this assortment at $1.89 per pair Honest to Goodness Shoes Shoes with many months ^t service built into them. A lot of these are Ladies' White Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers and Ladies' Hi-cut Shoes with sensible heels made to sell from $5 to $8 per pair. We have placed them in four lots priced per pair at ^ 29c 49c 89c $1,49 Bathing Shoes, per pair r ..*JE9c Misses' and Children's Bedroom Slippers, values to $1.50, per pair_ 79c «**• Be sure to attend this big closing out Sale of General Merchandise stock at Wauconda, 111 Louis A. Erickson