• t - * Wfy* "Y:": """ "jef£ >' , • .' - i:- ; .L ;' 'RV'L:1»-*/' S•*" " '" *"*>•" ^V**: ?: .:'•?'>»"• ">t; ;x^> j».. -ft.: ^.s^vfeVHtg. " *"" • T, JULY 1, 1926 wk-iw, - •:. <; • ** M .¥•» Mtariiib) of the Eye, •ad doing -"OAee Horn*--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and >£l 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment t^fjOfiea at Resident*--Kent Home-- %•••• -,'<i Sooth rf City Hall, Waukegan St. :|VkW* 181 - HcHenry, m VK M. OAEBOL&,,fl.. Lawyer u*. '?.•;' wHIi Kent & Compear i'v'S'- ^ ®*er7 Wednesday :'V^S ^>WMI ^ McHenry, IML Telephone No. 108-R. Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of | property in the beat companies. fWB8T McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS -."j XUNZBR0THZR8 £' | Lfccal and Long Diituoa *&•"** TffnnHwy 204-J McHenry, 111 rm; J. W.WORTH ,~ PUBLIC ACCOUNTANf ^ Audits Systems Income aai Inheritance Tax Matter* '••&'* Member of hibtte Accountants Association t of Illinois jl^-vPielii ttt-J McHenry, m. I-".. '* . K AOM ISS-W. Reasonable Rater A. B. 9CHAEFER asSS'--- - ^'-"T Dnyteff la Sare-Isssrsfice -- WITH -- r? iWm.G.Schreiner Auctioneering ocncs AT RESIDENCE iPkoM n-K ^ MCHENRY, ILL '•%'Y Chicken Wt jwny a full lint of chicken feeds for Mp ffhiflift sail laying hOML manufacture some of our scratch foods and mashes, and MB aave . yon money, - ^ v*•:* 1# - Ki% * ' Manufactured %y* Melon Mr Mb ft Brawn Dr. LWi «HM , " ^fntCtesa Dentistry at Moderate Prieea. Ask your MigUiMi and friends 8. S. Oor. CQark ft Randolph ft 146 V. Clark St., Chicago DaHy_8 to 11 666 : '.!•*•• ""11* Preeeriptien far COLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DHNGUH, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA, it Idla the garma. Diamond Tires TBS TIES WS HAYS SOU! FOR 11 YSAR8 sfetu Slxl 82x4 38x4 82x4% SSx4H $ w: 16.60 1SX0 17.60 20.54 21.40 < Diamond Balloon Tires 89x4.40 111.60 80x4.96 " ........ 16.66 80x&25 17.66 81x6.85 18S6 80*6.77 21J0 88x6.00 26,66 Mail us your order with check c draft, aad Ik wiD he ceived. the day r«- Robinson*! •T7TO SUPPLY m Window envelopes aad StetaMnts save a great deal rflalw aad atis takes. Ask Plaindealer offic*. at the DR. BBMST 0. MAUD Btaff of PhyihsUnt oe over Bolger's Drag Store ' •' Honrs: 10 to 2 every iy and Saturday McHENRY, ILL. Lower fte* tfao juiiat «ato of OaUfteala. bf gnniawlB da OtUatra la 1681 la ion tbt JeMlts fbraod estabUA. •MMa la It Ihi aaetlaa «m •any «allat "Old GaUfbrata," later waa chaaflad »a Lowar «a dlaWasal* H ftaa tha •tata. JTaoi Uplift •\. Tha only wjgy in which helng can properly attempt to influ ance another la tha aacoaraglng him to think tor hlaiself. Instead of endeavoring to Insttll ready-made opinion" Into his head.--Sir Leslie Stephens. ! MILLER'S STORE 1 "i1 I' . T~*<i *c- A <good place to Trad%^ v ^ ? In all kinds of weathcs^ Cv- • ^ . . . '4 ftBHEKAL MXRCHAKD1BX T*. • *- Jfof j. mugr Pron. T* ; "Ma&'tH-H " ^isahe^'in. m t.:*J OTi fvi' •i-jr®* 1926 ,, (_..., r:... .. -«••. tr . % • * ISO Tears of • -- Our Independence If \ :sr'°'"Life, Liberty and the pnrstiit of Happiness" ' ; -today those "unalienable rights" are guide* ! posts for the world, as they werfc' guideposts for ^ ^the Colonies on July 4 1776. As we mark this Sesqui-Centennial Anniversary ; of the Declaration's signing, let us bear in mind %' 4 that in America are the greatest rewards for the seekers of happiness in its fullest meaning, ^«and that a growing money reserve makes for "Jpersonal security and contentment* j, - / This institution will not be open Monday, 5th, in observance of Independence Day. iw The Pfw,r that ht^ps yon got ahoad .^LLIirOIS ••e-- v§f ® si • • v.: • , PROTSOTION, THAT'S WHY ^ Yon carry a "spare/' Yon should have this same feeling of protection about your eyes. An extra pair of our gjsiifw is "insurance" against loss or breakage. I give tht simplest the most difficult. Dr. Henry Freund, Optometrist PRIES BUILDING OVER NATIONAL TEA JTO|| Every Evening from 7 to 9, except Saturday * All day Wednesday tram 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phooa US RTHSHO LINE m-'-te K-- . <S To CHICAGO From RRcHoniy--Grmym Lmkm Convenient, dependaUe service by North Shore Hetnr Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." Lv. McHenry •:50 am 11:45 sm StOOpm 7:10pm Lv. QraysLaka 7:31 mb IStSOpm Stdlpa 7<Stpm Arr.Wankasaa 8:11am It 10 pas 4tSSpm St3Spm Air.Chfcago 0:90 am StSOpm S^Opes lOtOSpm Arr.&filwaukee S-JOam St 10 pas StSOpm 10:10 pm 6S0HXS88LS, Local Agents ftli W Firm WMim* at aatttaa la them without dls- DQUti liwItgattMW ef -- -- oUwuu, tha tepata Tahitt if. walktag cret pt a tha lataai «C Tha cssamsay wai 0*m m this laland recently mr fha first time ia many yaaif aai aala|l«rs were not excluded tram wtfinsrtiif any stage of tha pt^aratlon of the fire frit Whaa tha proper time comes and the celebraata paaa throngh the ire. any bystander go throagh comfort Qntaldsrs iAo have passed throagh the Are tax thay telt no swsatlon of anssfT oa the face, althoagh, standing oatslda, the radlatioa tha pit dWI «alt to approach. Thaaa trying to solve the mystery have polled out a large ston» from tha pit While the ceremony was In prog, rear aai thrown It into t pall of water. The water would go op la steam Soma also have tried crawling to the edge of the pit and touching one of the white •toner with the finger. They were rewarded wtth Rg!y boras. Srlenttets who have seen the flr«- waiking have propounded a number of theories, but practical tests always failed to establish such explanations. The ceremony, harking back to heathen times and the worship of old gods, Is frowned on by the missionaries and the Christians among tha natives. Hence it Is seldom performed, even in Raiatea, the place of its origin. 00TT# Ht. ind Mrs. Paul Bertram called at the Henry McMillan home on San- Una of sport and dress skirts for aan at Erlckaon's Dept. Store. Mr. aad lira. David Powers and family spent Sunday at Mundelein. Mrs. B. J. Shine and son, Raymond, Q|b visitors Monday. is Eva McMillan of Chicago sprat tha week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox attended the Guchariatic Congress in Chicago part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Green and children of Woodstock spent Sunday Unabl* to Ovplioflf* * Paper MmAm Long Ago Who ever thought when some of tha bulky old volumes were published that in time the few blank pages In front and in back would be the most valuable part of the whole bookf That time seems to have arrived, for tt Is told that a distinguished British etcher spends many of his spare hours searching through old book stores ani waste paper depositories for the massive and wholly unread volume of other days. For years be has been tearing out the clean leaves to get paper that is paper, and Is not an assembly of all sorts of modern makeshifts, which will disintegrate after a few years. The books, maay of which are so dry and ponderous that some of tha leaves remain uncut, can be bought for a few cents. The paper, it Is said. Is not duplicated I'day, and, If It were, the price would be prohibitive. Animal* Gef Good Food Old and worfiout horses In Loadot are bought by the managers of the soo, made fat and sleek, then slaughtered and fed to the animals, the nans* ber of horses thus disposed of last }ear being 440. And the walrus colony must have codflsh, so nearly five tons were fed to them, besides 40 tons of herring, while other articles of food for tha animals included 14,000 tins of mttk, US pounds of honey, 208 pounds of safes' eggs, 77 .pounds of meal wonait 1Q0 bunches of onions, 218,000 bananas^ 848 gallons of fresh milk, the feed MU for the year reachlag jBQlOOOi --Adventure Msgs sine. ^ •Wi relatives here. Mrs. Groan and children remained for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Latener of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of the former's sistar, Miss Alice Leisner. Mrs. M. Knox aad daughters, Mabel and Marie, spont Thursday at Mundelein. Raymond J. Riley a Chicago visitor last weak. Harold and Robert KaeX spent Thursday at Mundelein. Window envelopes and Statements save a great deal of labor and mistakes. Ask about tha at tha Plaindealer office. ' M VansM do MStm *» the modern orthotic «y% 4 serves a critic, the Vems de Xfla t Psars to be overweight We'i» aat'-1- esthetic and make no claim to belag a critic, bat that was the lmprasaleBg wo got, too. To as Vtpus looks sal though she could da. a fell day's wash If some one with two arms would hang! ^ °P the dothee.--Philadelphia Inquirer." ' ------------ . ^ ^ ,r ^ f Solid Pudding Holpg ^ •a other author has taken tha leoitl notice of me, so that, did not my writ- ! - Ings produce me some solid pudding, - the great deficiency of praise would. have quite discouraged me.--Benjamin Franklin. T BOTTLED GAS l\U II IML Natural Cu ia Steel Caa tamers Dettvwred to Y Horn* ks*"- "• HE STOVE IS HOT- ' " With a Protane Stove or Raage la yoST kitchen you are assured of a hot, dean flame *' lrhen you want it--a flame concentrated en Sie cooking utensil and which does not heat #ie whole kiloheti. It is vuay to oper?**^--ae priming, now Sodimont Carried to Sit It Is generally believed that tha amount of sediment carried down by the Mississippi river is greater than that of any other river In the Unttad States. A vast amount of this sediment is brought Into the Mississippi by the Missouri, It is eatlmsted that a flood of 600,000 cubic feet |jhr second carries into the Mississippi about 146 cubic yards of sediment per second, ar more than 10,000,000 cubic yards per day. It is estimated that 400,000^000 cubic yards per annum are carried into the Mississippi from the Missouri and that approximately the amount passes out into the gali. RMmU in Palootmm Palestine Is essentially an agricultural country. Its rainfall sveragee 81 indies a year, which is about as much as California receives. Palestine haa mally only two seasons la Its year--a fry one, in the summer, and the rainy or winter season. The latter begins In October or November with the "early rain," and thereafter rain Is frequent, with occasional snow in the.moontalna, until February. In that month the planting takes place. Then. In March and April, the "later rains" eecat and start the crops along. Making It WOTBO A ladles' ready-to-wear shop la whUh I wss working was having Its spring opening. There were many wax models dressed up and standing around. Crowds had been coming all afternoon. I was standing In bark of a woman and all of a sudden saw ber bend forward. I thought it was one of the wax models falling, so made a sadden grab at her. My action was so abrupt, and I was so embarrassed, that I made It worse by saying, "Oh, excuse me, I thing*1* you were a dummy.'*--M.' L W. la Chicago Tribune BUmarckf* Intmrviow Ton recall that Bismarck lost Ids Job as chancellor because he called Wilbelm down for talking too much. I was in a beer garden in Berlin. Saw Bismarck seated ia solitary grandeur at another table, sipping a glass of beer. With Yankee temerity, r walked over aud asked him for aa Interview. The old man looked at me angrily, rose in majestic wrath, drew his military cloak around him aad biased as he stalked oat: "I do not give Interviews. AA the kal«r; Je tan**--William R. Oawford, •' Diplomatic Jack Miss Fayre--"Good evening; Jack I Wa were just talking about yon and your name was on my lips when yoa were announced P . Jack--"indeed I Then Iln sure my »""t could not have been more dellghtfaBy placed."-** Boston Transcript. CotwrnrBmiion't Voltto Shore Is a book of knowledge b#> pond the power of learning to bestow, and this Is to be had In coa versa tloa. Atoms thflrar other you've dreamed M a kitchen that is cool and comfortable at sB times--a lovely, enchanting place to work--4 friendly room--an enjoyable place to live, ani SPok, and bake. Why not make your dreafjt a^me true and eqjqy these comforts? * An Intense, Uniform Heat---Always Pratane Gas consists of the choicest gases taken from oil wells--a gas that science *'* has tanked among the hottest fuels. Coming from an inexhaustible source you are a|f^ •ured a constant supply. Protane Gas is dean snd has no odors. There is never as* toot to gather on cooking utensils. It bums with a clean, blue flame and does better work than the fud you are aa#< •stag: * Ooaw to oar show room md'Ste this woa^prful Aid dea»a*trated--or a phaal* gall will bring a demonstration in your home. •ftbd iy the WsOsnal Beard of Fire Usls oiilsw es fl % f A ^ -^y0\ .' ^ - * * ; 1 5 " i ^ i V ' -l? % ^ .V !; • : € l4-; William HdAlthoff Hardware West MeHenry I ^ £ I 4 -A:- ^^'41 i >#• ; - : I ADVANCED SIX $J<25 4-DOOR SEDAN , (.0. b.C»cto»Y MBtodoeed Ca«^ motor, JuU forco-fced lubricadon.alr cleaner filter, oil purifier--plus 4-wbitl brakes, fall bellooa M and 5 use wheels-Included at no axtn coat. 25% MORE power and 2335 pick'up--that's the kind performance you get in this Advanced Six 4'DOOR Sedans ,with its great "Enclosed |notor. DRIVE it today I v P^onem dM» TV McHenryt I1U t r ' i . Q ifiiKfeSi