ce and P the cirsssn SSS THK M'HZHRT PLAISDEAUBt, THURSDAY, JULY IS, IMS iPi H*as last Bolin of Elgin Dutmif Friday. Mrs. and jh(*d Daaall accoaim^ m for a visit and Sunday after visiting the wwk-4nd in Elgin. Mr. ttd Mrs. Otto Ltrica and sons of Crystal Lake were Monday evening caller* at the Fisher and Davis Hisses Margaret Wagner and Vivian Basse spent Tuesday • at the Joe Wagner home. Wed* st John Vasey was a Volo 1 nesday evening* Frank Henkel spent Meodaj Diamoad Lata. G. A. Vdbey aad SOB, Wallar, tm daughter, Vera, motored to McHenry Tuesday. Bsa Walkington of Blade fever Falls Wis., is vMtfefft-tendakere. Mr. and Mrs. Fnudt Rosin* and family motorfd to Waukegan ^Hfednesday e*sp>$)|g^' Mr. laiikfc ef Chicago spent * few days at the DoweU brothers home. Mr. an* Mrs. Hesatan Danker and son, Robert, sgMKt Sunday evening with the latter's parents, Mr. aid Mrs. G. A. Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis, soh, Arthur, and daughters, Bertha and Marion, spent Tuesday evening at the William Davis home. r : •*&?... -V i J'! ' • Large Pried #4 RW.-' i- F J FAMOUS GUM DIPPED I t Friday caller Mrs. Herman Danker, were visiters at the William DUlo* and Built by Firestone Tires and Note These New low Price* on Oldflelil C «»pd Ca^ngs StaSK K«g. Card 30x3H O S. Oord 29x4.40 Balloon w ••• i « Its# Knox Motor Sales Excluaive Ford and Atwater-Kont Deale|« Phonos SO and Si : •* HcHtnry, HI vitt ef day, after the Deunrfl to Ghkag<| Thursday. Mr. Wagner "*s*ed Mr. Owea Paddock to CMeag* Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher ware Tfcamday knahf visitors at tks E. H. Meyer home. Mr. and Mrs. Say DoweU and family and Mr. and Mrs. John DoweU were Friday callers at the Fisher and Davis homes. Mrs. Robert Oaks, and family, spent the part week with her sister, Mm. Joe Tensen. Miss Vara Vessy entertained a few girt friends Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher motored to McHenry Wednesday evening. Mrs. Foss, sou, Buddie, and daugfcter, Pearl, were Wednesday callers aft the DoweU brother Leslie Davis and Esse Saturday callers at Waucenda. Miss Neva DoweU and friends attended the dance at the Fox Pavilion at Mcilenry Wednesday evening. G. A. Vasey made a business trip to McHenry Saturday. Frank Henkel made a business trip to Grayslake Friday. Mrs. Ben Rosing was a Friday evening visitor at the Frank Rosing home. Frank Henkel and Lloyd Fisher are employed at Grayslake with their truck. Mrs. Joe Wagner la entertaining company this week. ltors. P. Srocyzreski ami son, Roman, of Chicago, spent the week-end with Mr. Sreysuski. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson and sons of Chicago sprat Saturday afternopn at the Dowdl brothers home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray DoweU, son, Haroia, daughter, Dorothy, were Sunday dinner guests at Esse Fisher's. iHll Frost of Round Lake was 0 Volo caller Sunday. A number from this locality attended the dance at the Fox Pavilion on Sunday evening. Joe Lenzen of Volo opened fafa ttw stand at Lily Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Worts spent Sunday at McHenry, Henry DoweU spent Monday at Volo. Irving Molidor spent Batuidsji evening in Waukegan Mrs. John Wagner entertained relatives from Chicago Sunday. Miss Adeline Rossdentseher at Long Lake spent Sunday with her Dr. and Mrs. Roeedentecher Miss Helen Kaiier of Waukegan spent the wssk-eittd with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser, John Wirtz is building a dition to his home. Irving MoUdor and Miss Eras* Vogt spent Sunday to Wanconda. Carlson of at Thomas to Chi- Mrs. John Wagner intertaiaede number of relatives ttom Chicago fhanday. Ms. Montgomery entertained her son and sdCa from Chicago Sunday. Miasse Yvenne and Whiifrsd BenweU spsttt the week-end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey. Mr. and In. Tssman Aaas at Guraee spent mm day last week with Gserge Pnmty, thistle commissioner, was a caller in this locality Monday. Mr. and lbs. Thomas Fisher spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Sroaryneski. Several from Veto attended the street parade of Orange Bros, circus Saturday Afternoon at McHenry, Robert Oaks a£, Chicago spent Sonday at Joe Lessee's home. Mrs. Pete Stadtfield wae employed at Joe Leaven's stand *t Lily Lake 8unday. Father Sharks of St. Peter's church of Volo is gone en a two weeks' retreat. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lensen motored to Chicago Friday. John Effinger of Lake Villa was a Volo caller Sunday evening. Wilfred Fitzgerald was a policeman at Lily Lake Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Thomas motored to McHenry Saturday. Frank Rossdentcher was a Mwhy caller at the Harry Passfield home. Mrs. WilHam Dillon and daughter, Haiel, and Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell motored to Champaign Saturday and spent that day and Sunday with W. Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Nelles of Chicago were dinner guests et the Kinnin hegne Sunday. Mrs. Grant Gunderaon Junior, spent Friday in and Kenosha. Useful Information "Carrots will make you beautiful" is indirectly true, because carrots are an excellent source of mineral matter which is used in regulating body processes and building tissues. They are especially rich in calcium and a good source of at least three vitamins. Have you ever used horseradish in sauce for<$beetsT Try a little next time you serve this vegetable. A bit of ginger also combines weU with beets in vinegar. There is no basis for the widespread notion that fish is particularly valuable as a brain food. One of the easiest ways of pre paring eggplant is to bake it in its lengthwise halves with strips of bacon laid over the top. Gash the flesh so that the flavor will be well distributed. 19*7 U08MBI PLATES Oojoni Void Yoar Will. Bo Orango and Blade ia the aad Mack will be the lit? automobile of Stats Loads L. has announced in awarding the contract for the manufacture at the plates t* C. H. Hanson Company at Chicago. The mmarals wUl be black and the background orange. 11M letters atad numerals "ILL 27" will be in orange in a small black map of the state at the right end ef the plate. The contract price is thirteen and one-qmutar cents per pair of plates For tus sum, the manufacturer makes the plates, separates them with wax paper aad endoaes thsm, together with copies of the Illinois vehicle laws and safety first lations, in a patented envelope and delivers them to the basement of the state house in such numbers as requested by th* secretary of state. When an application for an automobile license number comes in, a clerk in the automobile department of the secretary's oAee merely addresses a card bearing the address of the applicant and description of his car, dips this card into a small envelope attached to ihfi larger one holding the plates, seals the flap and the plates are on their way to the automobile owner whose car they will decorate for a year. Bidding for the contract for the plates, which are expected to run over 1,500,000 in number in 1927, brought out several bidders, aU of whom were present in Secretary Emit) enum's office when the bids were opened. These men were experts on automobile license plates and declared the Illinois 1927 plates will have a high visibility, meaning it will be easy for police officers to read. The registering of motor vehicles in Illinois costs less than in any comparable state," Secretary Emmerson declared in discussing the bids received. Based upon the number of motor vehicles, the total gross receipts and the cost of collection and administration as compiled by the United States Bureau of Agriculture, costs of providing plates, issuing the licenses aad keeping the records, irsnge as high as $S.01 per registration. The cost per registration in Illinois is only 35 cents on this basis, Secretary Emmerson declared. This includes the making of the plates, their mailing, the overhead of the antomobile department and the administration of the automobile laws. In five states having more than a million registration, the costs per registration range from 35 cents in Illinois to $1.92 in Pennsylvania. On the basis of the percentage of fees collected, the cost of administration of the automobile department in this state is among the lowest in the country, amounting to approximately 4 per cent. PZB80NAXJ \ spent &e J. W. Chicago. Johnjfchorof Chkagowasa Men. day visiter in McHenry. WeefcoH tamp of Elgin weekWJtr ;lftHenry. Leo Hwfesa*'of Grayslake Was a Tiittor in McHmy. J. B. KeRer of Chicago spent the week-end at his home in McHenry. Miss Sunny BeU of Chicago visited Miss Ruth Kent over the week-end. Mr. and Mfrs. Ben Heitoes were Chicago visitors over the week-end. Misses Eleanor and Lucille Larkin of Elgin were McHenry visitors on Sunday. Leo Cooney of Cleveland, Ohio, is spending several weeks at Defiance. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kinnyv of Chicago. spent the week-end in the M. J. Walsh home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holle of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and - Mrs. Martin Conway. Mrs. Etta Cooney and grandson, Billie, of Cleveland, Ohio, are spending the summer months at Lake Defiance. Mrs. Park spexA Oik Park Mr. and Mrs. Lake Fen* *• friends at the Oak Mr. and Mrs. Ismail Pttttr Rockfard spant the week-end visftfag at Plstekee Bay. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaw of Chicago spent the week-end at the bay. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Erfckson of Oak Park were Sunday visitors at Oak Park hotel and Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. James €%inn sf River Forest were week-end visiters here. Mrs. J. Weetenberg, of Oak Park hotel, entertained a party of members and friends of tlte Pistakee Yacht club at a chicken «Hmw on Sunday evening. Among the guests were: Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Warner aad son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Dwyre, Dr. and Mrs. A. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Ai 1CT«v&ar and Miss Anna Ryan, of Chicago. i» wa If your proooot wooooo to you. Write, color partfculift ttaol St -V ENRY LUMBER Quality ami Service Iwtt . XO&NSBUB0 ^ • \ •' ' 'M Jtoe Mtsen and sister, Rost, ef Volo visited at the home of Mr. and Mra. Ben J. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Frsund and children visited with Mr. aad Mrs. Joe M. Schaefer Sunday. Raymond and Marie Miller of Volo ace spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping and children of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. J. B. Hatter- Miss Anna Knox of Elgin and I Elmer Winlcleman of Oak Park spent 'the week-end as the guests of lbs. Anna Knox of West McHenry. W eather Ton surely will onjoy the rammer days if yon bare ono or two piooet of this delightfully oool Boed Furniture in whioh to lonng* and rest YOUB CHOICE OF SEVERAL DESIGNS IN VPHOLSTIKY • ' »~"r .*« ^ Jacob ]u$t«i $$on Fnrnitnre and Ulukitakiiif/ , ^ RJY. attended rt week/ Rev. William Weber the < retreat at Rockford last Miss Margaret Huemann visi* with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Huemann Sunday. A number of friends celebrated the fourteenth birthday anniversary ef Walter Freund last Thursday. Those present were: Arthur StUling, George Jus ten, Vincent and Kenneth Tonyan, Elmer Hettermann and Alvin Brefdd. The afternoon was enjoyed by att. In the evening a delicious suppar was served. Mrs. Charles Michaels was a McHenry caller Thursday, Adam Beldner nMtwed ta Chicago Friday. Miss Mildred Schaefer spent the week-end with relatives at Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Freund and Mrs. John M. Pitzen motored to Elgin Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock spent Friday evening at the of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling spent a few days last week at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jus ten. Mrs. Peter Miller and children and Mrs. Fred Freund and children visited at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry 8tUllng Friday. Mrs. George Michaels and son, Donald, spent a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oentel, at Sheboygan, Wis. J. B. Hettermann motored to Chicago Thursday to attend to business matters. Mrs. Christina Brefeld and son, Alvin, of Chicago, visited with relatives here last week. Mrs. Joseph Laurita and children of Chicago spent Thursday at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer. Mrs. Jacob Adams, entf son, Nick, and Mrs. Joe H. Adams motored to Chicago Friday, where they visited Mrs. Otto Adams, who is a patient at the Post Graduate Uespltal. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hike and j children of McHenry spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | H. W. Hettermann. Miss Helen Schaefer visited with: relatives at Volo last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Lay and their j daughter of Denver, Colo., are visiting with relatives aad friends here. Miss Rosi&a Thelen ef Chicago visited at the home at her mother e few days last week. Wedding invitations and announce- j sets beautifully aad correctly printed at the Phbtahr N ; A oompleto varioty of woll known quality frooerioi, alwayi aft s&vinf prioes NATIONAL TEA CD on \i.n \ <;r<xtii- Ann aad Elm Streets EELLOOOS Rinso' MoHenry, IB. 20<S Soak* Clothe* OImb i nuHoo " 1 * Metti c I . jS> : M r A ||>a -g Rice ^ 17c 1. ranoy Blue Boso " • ' ' f •" ':'Ti M -27c v ' Ohoice Vedtam Bod Sardines **15c Kiif 0m*c Imparted It 2 174 Whito N«pth» Pickles American Home Sweet Ohorkina Ginger Ale " - • « « ,17c American Home. 5o refond for empty bottkf 18^ BEECH NUT Olives . "-35c •' Staffed Manianilla Cookies k18c Our own, Coooanvt, 1MM < Noodles •Q" brand, Pineapple I „.J American Koae, alload \ 1L_ MAKE THE RATIONAL TEA 8T0BB YOUB HANDT PANTBY Quality Oroooi Effective Friday and Saturday, July 16th aad 17th witt real e«ga No. 2Yi 25c j