thing that none of iM0SLMtcm nt b« m *** *** • «w*fttat aad tisftfctt* IM bids •fiNft Jast. howiwA Htm wfll be p«t flaws caa aotbe «4 aatu ' Iks Mds km short! be of mm Mina&Uuu Wtb by tfeevres*efjl» Dot how ou Mr «***•* • new »Bbw eehow Ilearasd to nm (•anttr ter -will ke Pis "stor* H until you letter "g" i « * •*« WNWl ".§&•*+ «*** put into is nyttiptal costs but •' trifle " P*k of tfeebfefe Were pvter U» JMMMM %hen €fcapfl«fl l>y film DwAAuM « T. M. C. A. ef CMcasft^ -/ • Why Bin Gumf o OiM of the asd ffceta about any . bt our homes is that web ' bf titie family has hiis orber iwacwttoii Outside the home with others, father ^vfcoes to lodge or Kiwanis *>pl©tlwr goes to the women's dd> aad - matinees, brother goes to football jgantes and other sports with - Jfellow», and sister goes to parties fund the movies with other girls or Jfellows. Every one of these activi- >•* ties may be all right in its place, •&' '/frat instead of drawing the family C g ^rijtogether, it tends to draw them from v^bn* • another. ; ^ One of the finest ways to build up ' ?|b wholesome and helpful, loyal fam- ' |ly life is for the family so far as .V^^ossible to have their recreation tojyether. One of the pleasantest mem- ?~V' .joriea of your home on the part of / ; you older ones is doubtless the different simple recreations that you had together with mother and family. agree that OM of to haw a life with ate--f' ftaafty feiopttHar la to have a mutaal ^artfetpatisaof «wy of ftanfly la the tab. Prist for Bast Gum Now to d--cribe a few simple games that we can all play at home. I will appreciate it very much if you will write in to me a short description of games that you are now using or have used in your home, which you all enjopad. Just to encourage you in this, we will give a good book of games to the one who sends in the best story of such games. Moreover, your games can bo shared with others later and you be given credit for sending them in. Here is a simple game aroaad the evening meal, which creates a lot of interest over a considerable period of time in seme families. It can be called, "Something Nw", In other words, every member of tin family tries to tell the other members some- 6M, Bat It's Hot! That's what they say before entering our plaee. With any of the cooling drinks from our fountain, the temperature drops rapidly. Try it. K A Riverside Drive R L 8 R S YOU NAME FLAVOR McHenry lee Oreafll Does the Bed vs^ho Ice Cream A most delightful surprise awaits each one has not tried an Soda made with good McHenry Ice Cream. And there is one way to find out boir good it is, ask for it. Cream Company . r? Now sssaa taftHislloa taken mm mm rsadfar** tearing with sobm «ae elee,or teka obeervatkm. For instaaee, father miffht tell about the KsMpean situation of, his busi- (that ought to bo an interesting subject for him always) or what he hoard some prominent man say at a luncheon. Mother could tell about new child labor laws that have been passed or how to make a new kind of candy at home. Florence could give a fine suggestion of something she saw in a shop window that Would be fun to make for Grandmother, ana Junior might tell you that your town or community had bought a new fire engine and describe it or tell what phone number to call to get the police quickly. Some of the simplest bits of information that could be told by the youngest members of the family might be the least known and yet more interesting and helpful. Of course, you will have to have some kind of understanding in the family as to what "news" will be admissible and be square with each other end not claim to have known it beforehand unless you actually did. Have any of you tried this! I'd like,, to h««r how it' woiffed. Hfcproglyplucs Can (you read Hieroglyphics ? Your partner goes out of the room and the rest of those present tell you a word that you are to tell him or else something that you are to tell him to do. You have a walking stick or cane in your hand with which you make all kinds of weird motions on the floor, you can claim that yoa are writing Egyptian or Assyrian heiroglyphics. You spell out the word to your partner and the rest try to guess how you tell him. The first letter of the second word in your sentence can be the first letter of the word you are spelling out. For instance you are instructed by the group to tell your partner to sing. When he comes in the room, you say something like this, "Florence seems to want . to show you up tonight." Your partner knows that your second word is the word "seems" and begins with Ms" and knows that "s" is the first letter of his word. Translating Heiroglyphics Meanwhile you are all the time making motions with the stick which he and the crowd are watching very closely to see if you are telling him the word by spelling it out in some way on the floor. Your partner is apparantly trying to decipher or to translate your weird hieroglyphics. As a matter of fact, all your motions and hieroglyphics are simply to fool the onlookers. Now the second letter of the word "sing," which you want to give your partner is a vowel, "i. you tell him this by taps with your cane as you draw on. the floor. You know the vowels, "a, e, i, o, u." "1" is the third vowel, so that you makf three taps on the floor with your stick and he counts the,vowels as you tap and knows that the second letter of the word is "s." You then say something like this, "How near do that the ftmrth let* and that •as* he is. clue to tha way. T«fe jBtve Towel* In other WMWls, you tap oat the number of tts vowels on the 'floor following tbehreorrect order. Yon use for the first letter' of your second .word the consonant yoa wish each time. It is possible of course to change your system and use the third or fifth word of your sentance to give your chie or yon can change each time he comes in. THE LATSST NEWS p!W:Uai DAYS or YORE V . . •; - PUJNDEALEB items twenty- FIVE YEARS AGO Sunday, July 31, was the hottest day of all. Thermometors in this section according to location registered from 98 to 110 in the shade. Chicago had the warmest weather of which there is any record, and many prostrations and deaths resulted. If you wish to be in style and at the same time win the approbation of all humane societies, buy your horse a hat or make one for it yourself. It Iwould be a trifling expense and also [might be the means of saving the life 'of a valuable animal. Horse owners in all neighboring towns are getting in line. The only offerings in the Elgin butter market were Alder»> 40 tubs. J. P. Younger, of Freeport, promptly purchased the lot at 21 cents. A. L. Howe expects to have his elegant new house on the river ready for occupancy by the first of August. George W. Conn, Jr., of Hebron, has sold his farm of 120 acres a few miles from that city to Mr. Tibbets. Land at and near Hebron is selling at top notch prices, Mr. Conn receivcoaKjnt about half •maw. Item* children who plsqrbi* fo tiM yard at the time a^al to captors two of them b they could get over their surprise and get their wings in motion. this! is the story as it came from Mr. Waite and all wishing to have it,verified should call on him. Sealed bids will be received uy to 6 o'clock p. m.t August 5, 1901, tor the construction of concrete sidewalks| in the village of McHenry. Flans and specifications or any other information can be obtained by calHng on the village clerk or any member of the sidewalk committee. Bids received after stated time cannot be conside. j<L It is the intention of the board to award contract to the lowest responsible bidder, but the right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Signsd, John Stoffel, Village Clerk. Boys, Beware! John Vsckers was found dead in bed at Elgin on Sunday, his death undoubtedly being due to cigarets. He had been unable to partake of food for several days, but smoked constantly. He went to Ins room about 1 o'clock on Sunday and at 3:30 he was dead. In two hoars after death, his face and neck the exact color of the cigarret stains on his fingers. The coroner's Jury verdict was that he died a natural death following dissipation. McHenry will some day possess more good sidewalks than any town of its size in the state, if the village If a* Ca*« M M When yw pun&am a pair of dm* or * svtt of doilies ind they do net fit, you eta exchange than. %***%* But in baying a stove *ore oart should be eaerdeed. After onoe installed and fire is put in, no ezshange eta be eanUon jg neoeesM^ Select the right kind and satfefaetioii is amnd. We have Hn+, •W Phone 161 I/## Telephone 1207-J-f^ - J ^.j^Thoreau said--"If a man makes a thing better than was known 5'* r" before, tho he live in the for- £ ests, the world will wear a beat* t. en path to his doer." ML i«t»R j|« M« MILLAR & GOv Manufacturers of WNINGSp QLA8S WORK GUABANTKKD Valaneee and flttp Covers, fcfaw, Oanvaa ^wdaWes, Flalm / White and OoffWfB ~ ' Onr MoUe: "Brtter Awning»" t, WI800M8I1I; Jmb iMtea & Sml Afat| ^ \ •fifor Economical Transportation ' NEW LOW PRICES i J. TIRES - • i ••.Xssg*rr lTju* Oar owners have never been able to buy tire mileage at so low a cotf pd^ ndie at buy Hrestone Guxn'Dipped Tires today. And never before have they We Also Sell OUMF1ELD TABS At These Reduced Prices been able to buy tire* so comfortable, j* safe and trouble free. This is possible because of the highly skilled research engineers who have developed special machinery and processes for twaw.ife^^ng Gum-Dipped Tires, combined with economi* cat national distribution through efficient Service Dealers, many equipped with the latest Firestone methods of repairing Hi^k Pressure, Full-Size Balloon, Bus Track Tires. , Firestone's long light against the British Rubber Restriction Act has saved our owners ,. millions of dollars. We can serve you better with these wooderand save you money. Come in today. MOST MILES PER DOLLAR, I ' . 4 A.. „rt^. Mei...^ss.90 tts 4.40 s^Nia.3ii»«e SOatH » •• 7J0 2# *4.71 - ...1440 SOnS .mMt.J.n I0S4.7B * isxsh » .. » ..ass tftaSH Eft.SfcaOLC«f«.aJI 2014.95 «• SO x 4.95 A. .iass .1S4S .17JI sis4 e.a.«Mtf ....ia7S so * t.2t / •» Stx4 « * .....17.2S «»4Vfe p ,. f "?*r- SI 15.2S t» St sS.SS 4 SSxSJS - .M.05* ...M.1S Mads <a The Great Economical Firestone Vaetmim m*d Garry the Standard Tire OwmnlM .. * ;; •. 'j. \ J0i r't*' ri\- ' • t;' v.. ] [ -7' > v:. •J-4', • • • • m u%f| MCHINRY, ILL raoMH JOHN8BUEO Central IBUBO, pftoO5H-I 2on0n0 JI- ., , .Vi r. """ V *• AMERICANS SHOULD PROPUC8 THRIl^ • W$305 tsagk$550 Smidl Down Payment Convenient Terms AB prteM f. o. k. mat. Mich. -Chevrolet is enjoying dbe most popularity ever won byjt gea»-«hift car- Over^'V^,: 360,000 people have already purchased the^^» Improved Chevrolet this year beeausa no other " r 4^ " x car offers such modern design, a performance ~ so smooth, so poumfal or so m|wy features at Chevrolet's low prices. itjE* & 'r :,-t- Come iiU See this truly modern cur--drive Get with its superior features learn the nuoMNNis advantages sf ChevttJ ownership. Then you wffl understand there hat been such a sensartgmal woald*widc^; iiy^^aA in the number of Chevrolet buyecs^ So Smooth ^-So •V' 4 I;! v ^ 'Jti* M. j Meter Phone I8S, MeHenry &