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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jul 1926, p. 8

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•* .--. <* **. , *• <J*•'% .\vV-V'T?- , i vT'" -i**-**?!?•,v-',1«?>.- J\ *"*••• * "' 'J ' "~"'r ' "' 1 mmbims&itiS&is "" ' •-•' "*" plaiwdeai.ii, THOTUKBA*, iwr m,w» ppfi <"•"/<&!.;-«, t & -^KcHBNItT^*" !' •o Jfiiflr AMPgrttilT "WI CANT PLAT THSM ALL 80 WE PLAT THE BEST" THURSDAY - FRIDAY k^-.v Jaly 2*-M "fttCokus tal tin '1 A - Pietart of the Tctr With GEORGE SIDNEY, CHARLES MURRAY and VERA GORDON and the Comedy "WISE OR OTHERWISE" SATURDAY - SUNDAY . WMi Special Sunday Matiaee at 2:M if Vattaee Pricee l#e, Oe jSp. . ' BK TDK "VAUDEVILLE" WITH FEATURE PICTURES AND COMEDIES SATURDAY _ * July 31 « mw Gf the Carottae , Mountata§ j With VAUDEVILLE And the ComediealMr'^ "A COUPLE OF SKATES" •ad "AESOPS' FABLES" SUNDAY .y August 1 &.>.'• MONTA BELL'S /•'Pretty Ladies** * Ann Pennington and hundreds «f ether American beauties VAUDEVILLE , MM) and the Comedy M 1 - • * TOOZY-WOOSY" ^ Tuesday - Wednesday . , Angus* 14 _ "!«• Ouwey's Biggest ttt Ike Unholy Three" The greatest character actor of all time in an amazing underworld romance Aad a two-reel Western THURSDAY - FRIDAY August 14 D. W. GRIFFITH PRESENTS "Silly of the Siwtost" CAROL DEMPSTER and ,W. C. FIELDS aad the Comedy "LOVE'S LABOR LOST" 1» PERSONALS Miss Juanita Keg is visiting relatives i# Indianapolis. Matthew tfhelen of Elgin ms a McHinry visitor on Sunday. Edward Harrington of Chicago is visiting In the M. J. Walsh home this week. Editor Charles F. Esnich of Woodstock was a McHenry visitor on Wednesday. Mrs. Henry Heiraer spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Butler, of Chicago. Miss Villa Rothermel spent several days of the past week visiting vt&h friends at Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuenemann were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schuenemann on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller of Zends, Wis., were Sunday callers in the home of Misses Catherine audi Gertrude Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stenger and family and Joe Stenger of Waukegan all were McHenry visitors on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Butsen and sons of Cary were visitors in the home of Misses Catherine and Gertrude Weber on Thursday. Mrs. Josephine Heimer, Mr. and Mrs. John Schuenemann, Mrs. Harry Durland and Miss Margaret Wirfs were visitors in Waukegan, Wednesday. « J Elmer Freund, Floyd Cooley and the Misses Tnex Thoringham, Lenore, Flora and Rita Freund were Libertyville and Channel Lake visitors on Tuesday evening. Miss Inez Thoringham, who has spent a two weeks' vacation* visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Freund, returned to her home in Michigan one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Kenney of Chicago are making an extended visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. Mr. Kenney's friends will be glad to know that he is greatly improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Freund left Sunday for an extended western trip via rail. Enroute, they will visit the Yellowstone National Park, Salt Lake City, Utah and points of interest in Idaho, Washington and Wyoming. Classiited Column rOK SALS JL. FOR SALE--Ford runabout, truck box, good running order. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, R-3, McHenry. 62-tf FOR SALE--140 acres, all mm buildings. Every foot can be plowed if wanted. Will sell reasonable and Ml easy terms. Mrs. Joe H Justen, McHenry, 111. 27-tf COOPER* SAPONIFIED For disinfecting haras after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. R. Wheeler, West McHenry. 38-tf FOR SALE Round Oak kitchen range. Reasonable price. Call McHenry 66-J. ftl-tf f**t •* "" FOR RENT See AD Progressive farmers keep an eye on both domestic and foreign market conditions so as to measure competition in marketing staple crops. Save Calves Calf diseases result mainly from filth and carelessness. Cleanliness is necessary in feed, pens, bedding and pails or other utensils. The Plaindealer now carries adding machine rolls for sale. 20 foot ^ Motor Launch «fj&£anopj - Equipped with 4-horse Cushman Motor Wlffl nat a it 12 WILL SlLL OHXAF Xr TAKEN AT am- Plaindealer Office Phone 170 DRUCE & SHELDON Fhone 100 rs« Grayslake, IH We are distributors for the following lines of machinery: Hart-Parr Tractors, Wood Bros. Threshers, E-B Plows aad Discs, Oehi Silo Fillers, U. ft. Goodhue Huskers. We also have the following in used machinery: JJl [ f «-• * i ) ' \ i I; 1 "I* I i. •: l ti % w m i V' 22-32 Rnmeley Thresher, 28-44 Rnmeley Thresher 32-52 Red River Special 42-72 J. L Case Thresher 22-34 Minneapolis Thresher , J 36-56 Aultman-Taylor Thresher 8-1# I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tractor 9 . ; , 2 10-20 Titian Tractors / . '-jf ' 'Jf- Fordson Tractor, New j 20 in. Case Silo Filler 3 Bottom P and O Tractor Flew , 3 Bottom Oliver Tractor Plow i • , % Bottom John Deere Fordson Plow THCSZ XAOHHtXS ARE IN OO0D AID TBI I I mt. FOR SALE--9-room house, modern throughout, sun porch, fireplace, block and half from business district of McHenry. About one acre of ground. 132 feet borders on lake. Priced right, reasonable terms, Harry H. Fay, 816 Walnut street, Elgin, Illinois. Phone Elgin 95S-M. 7-tf FOR SALE--Two pedigreed German police puppies, excellent breeding. R. Rechsteiner, phone McHenry 632-JI. 7-tf FOR RENT--Nine room house. L. N. Baer, McHenry. Tel. 68-M. 8-tf FOR RENT--6-room flat, modern; will decorate to suit renter. Inquire of William Pries, Phone 80-M or 80-W. 7-tf FOR RENT--8-room flat. Best place for office. Inquire of B. Popp, West McHenry. 2-tf FOR RENT--Modern flat In West McHenry. All modern convenience*. Phone 147-W. 47tf ALMdrti.OfcAMOIB FOR 8ALE--On account of old age will sell my summer resort next to Pistakee Yacht Club. Good business place, furnished house, boats to rent, etc. $15,000.00; one half cash and balance on time. Mrs. Anna Henning. Phone 646-M-2. 7-4 FOR RENT--West side service station. See M. L. Worts, McHenry. 47tf MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--"Monarch" coal range, price reasonable. Inquire of Henry Henrys, West McHenry. Phone 89- M. 8-2* PIANO TUNING--Regulating and repairing. C. J. H. Diehl, 219% Benton st., phone 191-J, Woodstock, 111., or leave order at A. E. Nye's music shop. 62-tf. FOR SALE--Pedigreed Police pops, at reasonable price. Call at John Stampanato, 817 Blakeley Avenue, Woodstock. Illinois. 8-8* FOR SALE--Hunter special built gasoline launch, 21 feet long, 4 cylinders, 4 cycle, all complete. Can be seen at Mrs. Hugh Armstrong's at Emerald Park. Price reasonable. Phone 648-W-2. 8 TRUCK HAULING--We haul gravel, crushed rock and dirt. Prices reasonable. Inquire of R. B. McGill, Wauconda. Tel. 46-W-2. 7-8 WANTED--Men to work in gravel pit at Lily Lake. See Mr. Krell at Lily Lake. $* TRUCK HAULING--We haul gravel, crushed rock and dirt. Prices reasonable. Inquire of R. V. McVill, Wauconda. Tel. 46-W-2. 7-2 FOR SALE--20-foot launch equipped with 4-horsepower Cushman motor and canopy top. Just the thing for family picnic outings on the river. Inquire at the Plaindealer office, telephone 170. -tf WANTED TO RENT-- Furnished room near Centerville. Inquire at Plaindealer. 8 FOR SALE--Choice lots on Center street in West McHenry, 2 blocks from depots Sidewalks, gas, water, electric lights. $500 per lot. F. H. Wattles, West McHenry. 46-tf. WANTED TO BUY--5 or 0-room house under $5,000; need not have all conveniences. Have cash ready for a real bargain. Kent A Co., McHenry. 8 LOST FOR SALE--*Gedd" electric washer, almost new. Inquire of Mrs. Hugh Armstrong at Emerald Park, or phone McHenry 648-W-2. 8 LOST--In Volo, Monday, Jufy 26, a brown Spaniel dog, wearing round leather collar bearing 1925-26 Michigan dog tag. Finder please notify D. I. Granger at McHenry and receive reward. Name, "Sport." 8* FOR SALE--A pile of nice red and gray granite rock, over 300 cubic feet. P. J. Cleary, West MeHenry, 111. 8 LOST--A child's peach colored voile dress and silk socks. Finder return to Plaindealer office. Reward. 8 TERRA COTTA "Miss Ellen Frisby of Elgin Is now spending her vacation at her home here. Mr. Irving Lawrenz of Chicago visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Flanagan and daughter of Chicago are visiting at the home of B. J. Shine. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughter were recent Elgin visitors. Glenn McMillan spent Sunday in Wheaton. Mr. and Mrs. James Green and children of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hill and son returned Saturday from a week's visit in Michigan. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Ed. Moran and family of Chicago called at the home of B. J. Shine Sunday. Mrs. Henry McMillan spent Friday in Carpentersville. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lignott of Wheaton called on relatives here on Sunday evening. T^OHNSBVRO ;fi,. J-*..1 itMiL»£l William Nickoff, Davis Jonsen, Elvira Amone and Emma Hansen of Chicago were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer on Sunday. Louis Steffens and Matthew Schaefer started on a motor trip to Canada on Tuesday morning. Miss Rosa Miller is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Miller. Hie Happy Medium Forty years of sound agricultural planning and progress have revolutionized the economic and social life of the Danish people. From a depressed state of peasant agriculture, which threatened the welfare and the prosperity of the whole nation, Denmark stands today as the world's foremost agricultural country in the scientific organization of her production and marketing. Her people, rural as well as urban, appear contented and prosperous. Neither extreme wealth nor extreme poverty exists. OAME AND FISH NEWS • By C. F. Mansfield Secretary More than half a million - hunting and fishing licenses were sold in this state the past year, according to the figures made public here today by William J. Stratton, Director of the State Department of Conservation. Of the total of 618,552 licenses sold between July 1, 1925, and June 80, 1926, 321,062 were for fishing, and 297,490 for huntong. Illinois' record in Conservation during the past four years has attracted many hunters and fishermen from outside the State, 16,534 non-residents having bought hunting and fishing licenses during the past year. The shipment of fishing, hunting, trapping and seine and net licenses for 1926-1927 to the county, city and village clerks will be completed this week. Judging from the original requisitions and repeat orders that are already coming in to the Department of Conservation, mora licenses will be sold this year than in any previous twelve month period. This increase in the sale of licenses is due in part to the active and intensive enforcement of the law by the wardens in Director Stratton's Department. There is also a greatly revived Interest in both hunting and fishing as a direct result of the constructive game and fish restoration work that is being carried on. In addition to the purchase and establishment of eight fish hatcheries and two game farms, great quantities of both game and fish have been distributed throughout thj state. During the past four yeears, more than five hundred car-loads of fish, almost two hundred thousand pheasant eggs and more than fifteen thousand quail have been distributed in this state. It is only natural that sportsmen should willingly buy hunting and fishing licenses as our laws wisely provide that all of this revenue be spent for conservation of ear game and fish. Some Seed It in Summer Late summer seeding of red clover is successful in much of the southern and eastern part of the clover area. The use of high-quality American grown seed is strongly advised. A great deal of the imported seed is unfit for use in the United States. Buyer TkMs Profit--»This Wheat Doee Not False stories of the origin Of Polish and poulard wheats usually have accompanied offers of the seed for sale at from $20 to $60 per bushel. The United States Department of Agriculture advises farmers against buying and growing these wheats, as they are not only unsuitable for making bread flour and macaroni, but their yields are considerably lower than those of standard varieties of wheat grown in the same places, Wedding invitations and announcements beautifully and correctly print- *t the Plaindealer office. Hay Killers In growing a crop of the worst animal pests are gophers, ground squirrels, prairie dogs and mice. This is particularly so in the western half of the United States, u i 8' means of holding them in check are poisoning and trapping. • * v Salt i ' , Ordinary cows in milk require about 1 ounce of salt a day, while heavy producers need more. Many dairymen mix it with the grain, adding from 1 to 2 pounds to each 100 pounds of concentrates. In addition, salt is kept accessible so the cows CM take more if they desire. Albert E. Granger, well known plolaraer of Late aad McHfcr y . passsd away at his fcene Wauconda on Saturday, Jul? 24, Mr. Granger had tean safaris* for the past six days &Nft a very sevare stroke of paralysis * he was afflicted the Sunday Albert Granger was the son of Betsey and Charles Granger of Wanconda. He was born on April 8, IttO, at his parents' farm near the McHenry and Lake county division line. Hie entire life was lived in this community Although he made his ho«a in Lake county, he was fifjr well known in McHenry's comaut«il|r. He was mited in marriage to Mary A. Root en December 11, 1878. Se was mfUfra known to be an honorable and res|Mctable citizen and a loving husband and father. He leaves to mourn his departure a loving wife, four sons, Charles, of Roosevelt, Ariz., Guy, of Crystal Lake, D. I. Granger, of McHenry, and Norman of Iron Mountain, Mich; and one daughter, Alpha Bethei Norton, of Dunn Center, N. D. He aiso leaves two sisters, EUa Parker of Southart, N. D., and Carrie Francisco, of Wauconda. Mr. Granger also leaves twenty-one grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The funeral services were held on Tuesday, July 27, at 2 o'clock from the Methodist church of Wauconda. Interment was made in the Wauconda cemetery. Card of Thanks We desire in this public manner to thank our many friends and neighbors for the many floral offerings and other kindnesses shown us in our recent bereavement. Mrs. Albert E. Granger and family. 8* i '• ^ V v • fl What. : --V ;* ^ •• " - Or, a-V ' ' ~$4,* 4 •*«, Tovl buy drugs or anything die, for tlflU matter yon "Visit the bazaar at the K. of C. hall on Thursday afternoon, August 5, at McHenry. Wedding invitations and annoaHeements beautifully and correctly printed at the Plaindealer office. William M. Carroll, Atty. -Civ Guardian's Sale . ^ ^ State of Illinois, .'/'J County of McHenry aa. By virtue of a decretal order offfee County Court of said County, entered at the July Term of said Court, A, D, 1926, on the application of Elizabeth Rothermel, Guardian of Alvan Rothermel and Carl Rothermel, Minors, to sell the following described real estate, belonging to said Minors, situate in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, to-wit: An undivided one-twelfth interest in and to the following: Lots Number Five (5), Two (2) and Three (3) in Block Number Five (5); Lot Number Three (3) in Block Number Six (6), all of said described lots being in the Original Plat of the Village (now city) of McHenry, on the West side of Fox Riv£r, situated in the City of McHenry. I shall, on the 14th day of August, A. D. 1926, at the hour of 10:00 a. m., sell all the interest of said Minors, in and to the said real estate, at the East door of the Court House in the City of Woodstock. Terms of Bale as follows: Cash. ELIZABETH ROTHERMEL, Guardian for Alvan Rothermel and Carl Rothermel. 7-4 want the best your money will buy. ' * pKlumer comes into W^ypwant that oustom - --i^lll^tisfied, em de- Wf p v l ighted, with the goods he gets " f r:- " sjfe and the manner in which he T ,< v v * MrV0d- - Want A kisinew oolKdto^ 1 -- • business. As we rwlin thii ^ p ~ - v '. fact, you may rest we'll spare nc paix . w w h t 0 b e W e a a k toi the chance. m - " tv 4 l * * * ' y *f. % ** r fe a.. R4STMAN FILM AMD KOI WHITMAN'S CANDY DEVELOPING and PRINTING. 24-Hour Service i\ 'J** - %' :>•' -,v:; '.V K-V J**-' *,A. VX Thomas R.Bolger fThe Drag Store That's AlwaysBnsy"^ Mi vsr-t; 0^ Electrical Repairs We^epair all motors np to 10 horsepower, vaeunm sweepers, or any small electrical appliano«, > > •• •:••• V-ifn DO NOT DO HOUSI WIEUte : Radio lUpairln# ||1 radio work guaranteed Imp one Phone 191 Green Street MeHenry, IE rn:- COMPLETE LINE BATTERIES and TUBES in STOCK o«'M0»»eeM»eMeM»»e»e»e»M0»»»»»»e»»»+0e000»0e0e»0e»eeM0e000SM0M»0M0e'M»» :: 'WW Loom and Flattery Almost any woman can marry an man If she only maters him enough. In four cases out of Ave the Woman who does this tactfully Is sure to get the man she wants. George BUot wrote: "That's what a man wants la a wife mostly. He wants to -- •ore of «ae fool t» tett mm fee's wise."M > l' 15"- ^ -7 rmsji Pay Home Bilk « iby Check Q Paying home bills by check is a most sensible plafc. It assures you a, receipt which guards against paying the same bill more than onge. Furthermore, the greater convenience is especially worth whil^T % Interest on 8a' **The Bank>That Service Built" r# ii ittb m * ' « H . ^ ^ 'V •' iCT1 *r'."

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