-** £X* ;* „v.- ^ f?.£V >*:.\$te JULY 29, 1926 *./&" ' UaM*Mi4 THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER e-> Henry J. Emma John H. %vf Wtytblfc A. a Wheeler, Joel E Wolf, Louis A. Wormley, imm Wor^deo. .. McHenry, Re nich. John J Stephen H. Anion M. Kill I ..... |J| Entrnd m ueond-clui Btttlr «t nh Hcflfluy, 111- gn 0«r the act of I17 «. M». &- • - >&- \i$ ; o«* T«» •*• •., J Six Months F Vafrefine Oil Co. Vosboargh, Jeue •*- - -«* -• Young, Geo. Young, Edw. ........fLOO wnriei Cs. Smith, A. H. MOSHMt, WHor and Manager V -1 Y.'S:Kl" fe ROLL FOB HENRY TOWNSHIP state of Illinois, bounty of McHenry, as... , 4 Public Notice is Heeeby CH*en, Tnat ...Ji|he following is a full and complete List of the changes in the Assessment - i>f Lands in Township of McHenry, YCounty of McHenry and State of II- • *|inois(" for the year 1926, as appears from the Assessment Books of said . • f ROY J. STEWART, Sunt at Assessments Towt* 45, Eango 8 T. Johnson, lot 2, Sec. 86, . . 26-100 acres ••••••» # German C. Perl, Lot 6, Sec 86 25rl00 acres Town 45, Range_i Ni»*tor C, Johnson, as per Doc. >S> No- 63,818, Sec. 5, 1 a County Clerk's Plat Town 45, Range ft Section 17 Theressa F. Pohlman, Bean. Cliff, Sec. 17, 2 acres-.-.. Barry W. Horn, as per D. R. 168, P 150, lot 2, 11-100 -- acres ............. Wallace Berger, as per D. R. 167, P. 396, Pt Lot 2, 26- 100 acres Fred A. Reeves, as per D. R. 164, P. 199, Pt, Lot 2 890 & W 410 SIS 806 Chas. Lindquist, as per D. R. .164, P. 339, Pt Lot S, - ' , 1 91-100 acres »» Section 18 Mary Horn, as per D. R. 147, P. 342, Pt. Lot 12, Sec. 18. 30-100 acres ; 880 Fred Miller, Rocky Beach, 4 f and E49% ft., Lot 6 and W& Lot 5, Lot 23 and 19 in rear, 1 13-100 acres 4£90 Alex N. Todd, E% Rocky Beach, Lots 2 and 21, 25- 100 acres 1,880 --^'Fr»nk P. Young, Rocky Beach, Lots 3 and 22, 60-100 acres 870 Section 20 - R. Wood and Mabel Wood Jack., Sub. Lot 1 of Lot 11 - of Spring Lake Sub., and Pt Lot 23 of Co. Clks. Plat, Sec. 20, 33-100 a....* .,M Cart Buehler, Pt Lot 21, 19 68-100 acres . Town 46, Range 8 . E. G. Peterson, Conway's Sub- Div., Lot 11, 12, 13, Sec. ~ r 26. Elam Four Mile Water Pt. Lot 28 Town 45, Range 9, Sec. 18 JOB. Ellison Brown, et al, Ett I*>t 1, Sec. 18, 10-100 a . A. Bock, Lot 13, 20-100 a. .... P. H. Anderson, Lot 16, --.... udolph Mauer, Ex. 8. Wly. ^ ^ 40 ft Lot 18, - ; .^Frank J. Yebanlk, Lot 17 and S. Wly. 40 ft, Lot 18 696 .;i.^Pteter Hansen, N. E. 82 ft of sivAi Lot 18 lit M "JR. S. Bergman, Lot 46 80 . Free ad's Nippenink Sebdiriaiea 1 • . * ,• ' Town 46, Range 9 §•]&, - IsMrs. James, Lot 4, Sec. 6, 226 " -jSeeoad Addition to Haeau'i Mk | 'c Town 45, Range 9 Section 8 % If ' ! ^red W. Hueman, incl. Lota 1 v " ^ to 6, Sec. 8 .i 800 •&* ' ri&obt. J. McMahon, Lota 7 and 8 600 |; V j^obt. P. McArthur, Lot 9 660 ^ sJFred W. Hueman, Lota 10-14 M<7t " incl 225 Victor Barsotti, Lot 16 100 John Mabrio, Lot 15 100 %-. . T h i r d A d d i t i o n t o H u e m a n ' s S u b . JfMV: Fred W. Hueman, Lots 9-12, incl 1T6 il" -Fred W. Hueman, Lots 13-16.. •• incl 140 - Mrs. Anna Mean, Lots 1, 2, 8 106 & . - ^iiiie urtni, Lota 4, 6, 6 106 .Alfred P. Raymond, Lots 7, 8 70 King's Fainriew Sub-Diriska Town 45. Range 8 Section 18 Lots 2 to 7, fad. P: - 6,760 1^00 880 270 276 24* Scfcaefor'a Ind M-Dif. Town 46, Bun 9, Sec. 18 Geo. Drawert Lot 18, 20-100 a SafinyaUe pe^di Snb-Dtr. Town 46, Range 9, Sec* 18 Geo. H. Hat&ger, Lot 2 Peter H. Cleven, Lot 6 .... Joseph P. Schaefer, Lot 8 ...... Smmyaide Town 46, Range 8, See. 86 Clyde Z. and l^iura Kent, Lots 11 and 12, 40-100 acres .... Carl H, Wagner, Lots 14 and 16, 44-100 acres Jno. A. S&ndgem, Lot 26 Christine Belle Miller, as per D. ^ 134, P. 342 and 3. E. cor.. t 44, 2 6-100 acres Sunset View Sub-Div. Town 45, Range 8, Sec. 24 Nettnin and Schaefer, Lots 1 to 5 incl Nettnin and Schaefer, Lots 6 to 10 incl ... Nettnin and Schaefer, Lots 11 to 15 incl ......... Nettnin and Schaefer, Lot 16.... C. N. Jacobson, Lot 17 Mrs. Schaefer, Lot 18 Town 45, Range 9, Sec. 18 Mrs. Ella Wheeler, Wheeler's 1st addition to McHenry Co. Club, Lot 6 ... Cfty of M'Henry, West Side Fax River Block 16 Jno. E. Sloan, Lot 2 Mathias Weber, Lot 4 .... Jno. P. Weber. Lots 5, 8 . Jno. E. Sloan, Lots 3, 6, 7, City of McHenry, Inside Corporation Patrick J. JTleary, sub-lot 2, Lot 2, Block 1 N. J. Justen, Sub-lot 1, Lot 16, v Block 3 N. J. Justen, Sub-lot 1 and 2, Lot 15, 16, Block 8 465 865 870 860 1,200 400 260 260 800 460 90 825 625 860 800 1,300 160 800 PERSONAL PROPERTY State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY1 GIVEN, That the following is a full and complete List of the Assessed Value of Personal Property in the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1926, as taken from the Assessment Books of said year. ROY J.. STEWART Sap. of Assessments. I ?• Joseph Sec. 13' (Joseph King', Lota 8-12, incl ^Joseph Kingy^Ldte 13 18 incl. {Frank KozlowskiA Lot 19 Anton M. SchmiM Lot 1 May's Sob-Div. of Pt. Nfc, NEW n Town 45, Range 9 Section 18 *5Geo. R. John, Lot 1, ; E. G. Hentzel, Lot 2 . , • w . - j . ; J a c o b S c h a e f e r , L o t s 6 , 7 *?«<•'. $<A\ W. C. Koester, Lot 8 Herbert H. Bgfch, Lot 8. J* C. and Louise Nettnin, Lots v 12 and 13 Jno. G. Jacobson, Lot 14 4, -f " Owen G. Coltmim, Lot 16, ex. S. 83 ft ^uv/ ^A. F. Coltman, Lot 17 ..... |§V 4 Silver Foxes Benevolent Club, Lot 21 676 Anna J. Smith, Lots 22-28.... 720 'Vf*-- Olaf H. Johnson, Lot 24 466 t »; J"®- A. Miliar Sob-division No. 1 * ALj t Town 46> Range 9, Sec. 18 ^$57^ Clarence Parker, Lot 7 620 ;; Jno. A. Miller Sub-diviaioa No. 2 ; . Jno. A. Miller, ex. W. 46 ft of t^ Lot 6 21 • • Conrad Heller, Lot 28 SQL »;C. L. Voiera, Lot 22 76 ^ Oris Glen St*-div^ S% NWV4 Town 46, Range 8, Sec. 22 m m 126 160 286 186 416 600 1010 410 706 705 486 470 470 '&? Uuaj G. Rand, Lot 21 Oak Grove Club Grounds Town 45, Range 9, Sec. 17 >;$i- liSfis^'vMM'y and Anton Immekus, Let 4 and E% Lot 6, 76-100 Fred H. Hart7'w' 30 ft." of"N^ i'\ , 67.5 ft. Lot 10, 18-100 a 196 ' ",V* ~ ~ -- ' - - - • if* i 896 946 'W, m %-x V\' JohnM Bb erg, S. 67.5 ft. of N. ft, Lot 10, 12-100 a. .... Orchard BcmIi i ^ _ Town 45, Range 8 M. Rohm, Lot 11, Sec. 24,' 2&-100 acres ttg John A. Arado, Lot 17, Sec. 24. _ 25-100 acres §16 A \ Samael C. Klein, Lot 26, Sec. 24. V 26-100 acres 1,U6 .i*p' Orchard Beach Plat <*. A W jRapp, Lot 40, Sec. 86, 26-100 acres 1 .lltf. Town 46, Range 9, Sec. 19 Cart Buehler, Lot 9, 50-100 a. 206 "f*tatakee Cottage Grounds Town 46, Range 9, Sec. 17 Aaaa Monson, as per D. R. 128. P. 688, 27-100 seres 800 Rirordale Town 46, Range 9, Sec. 8 Mrs. N. E. Taylor, 970 M John Renar'a Pistakee Bay Sab-Div. Town 46, Range 9, Sec. 20 Lots 1-4 incl...... ~ iwgl^ 800 m Abbott, T. A. Adams, Geo. E. Adams, JOB. H. Adams Peter Adams, Jacob H. ..... ..... Adams Casper Adams, B. J Adams, Otto Anderson, Alex. Anderson, John Ander, Cleas Ahrens, Henry Agatha Shop Alexander Lumber Co. Alexander Lumbar Co. Allen, H. W Althoff, Louis ..... Althoff, Wm. A. and P. Tea Co. Arado, John . Aicher, Dr. I , Basset, E. E. -- Barbian, Albert -- T_rr.„ Bildner, Adam -- Bauer, M. J Basidow, F Bacon, Wm 1 -TT,..„ Bacon, C. D Baron, Harvey - Banks, Edw ........ Barnkhol, Carl Bauer, J. J. and Catherine ...... Bauer, Ed. V. Bauer, Michael Bauer, Bernhard Barbian, N. E n Barbian, John J. T1^,. Both, Wm Beller, Frederick Beatty, S. H. Bell, Edw. C fell, James Berner, C. G. ...... «. Biggers, J. B. Bickler, J. C. Bishop and Olson Blake, Peter Blake, Wm. Blake, Joseph " Blake, Anton "** Blake, Chris r- Blake, John ......A.. Blake, Math M Bonslett, J. W. ,.1 Bowman Dairy Co. .......4..^..!.. Borden's Farm Prod. Co Bcftir, Geo ..... Bohr, Magdalena Bqfter, F. E. Bos, ios. H Bolger, Mrs. EUw Bolger, John Brown, S. W Brda, John F Brefeld, B. J Broecher, H. J. ,.M^ Blake, Mathias Blomgren, Chas. iL Busch, E. A Burke, Wm Buehler, Carl ; Buckland, J. V Beller, Frederick Brady, James Bolger Thos. P BoS> k. C. Est. .... Bradley, Carl Buck, John J. Buch, H. E. .... Boyle, John Conrad, John, agt. for Citizm Insurance Co. of Missiuri* Carey, Mrs. Mary Carey, Evelyn Carey, Walter Carey Electric Carey, Mrs. Maty Carson, C. E Cavanaugh, John Carr, C. H Churchhill, Chas. F. Chamberlin, R. G. ... Cristy, J. W Cristy, K. E Cooney, Herb Chase, Elf Conway, M. A Claxton, John F. Colby, Geo. W. ...... ... Colby, Newell Cosaman, Wm. Coates, Wm. C. ...., Craver, John A.'......, Cox, Albert J. Cooper, John C Cope, Jas. A Conway, R. F Cleary, P. J Christenson Bros. .. Covalt, Floyd E. Daimer, Anna Degen, Henry Dittrich, Jog. •15' H. 56 648 186 460 610 1,866 663 100 406 662 125 80 210 1<M86 8,000 106 *66 60 480 135 625 160 165 75 127 866 125 >100 60 60 867 669 490 677 670 160 800 810 800 876 100 760 •40 100 1,176 676 662 186 125 770 492 160 4£00 4*246 76 .... 96 ' -75 |76 .f. 62 60 M05 ...» 702 760 ^-^18 50 126 v 186 ^126 . 160 ^660 276 126 1,820 145 76 140 1£86 166 30 . 168 ,600 125 $26 J$17 250 160 $78 18 «67 186 IS M ^ 60 42! 100 80 DiedriA, Peter Diedridv Joel. DetttMT, Wm. . SSRfe::: Do^^r. A Thoa. i. y, Peter J. D9&D-, *MrFanmr G. - Dawe, Christiana ...... Duker, C. H ~ _ Dr., et al Donavin, Walter J. . Dreymiller, John Degen, Miehael Erickson, L. A. Ensign, Chas. ^4.. Elliott Fred C ... Eppel, Fred En^eln, Barbara Engeln, Jolua A. Fay, Frank Ferwerda, Fred Francisco, Warren ... Freund, Joe L. Freund, John N. ... Freund, Martin H. Freund, Peter R. , Freund, Peter F. ... Freund, Joseph J. Freund, Anton H. Freund, Jacob ....... Fretuidj John V. . Freund Peter Jr. ... Freund, Ben ......... Freund, Peter W. , Freund, John Freund, Hubert ..... Freund, John H. . Freund, John J. ... Freund, Anton P. , Freund, Peter M. Freund, Wm. W. ... Freund, John S. Freund, Peter 3. ... Freund, Nick B. ... Freund, John P. Freund, Math .................. Freund, Jos. W Freund, Jos. W. agent Aetna Ins. Co. Freund, Jos. W., agent iof Hartford Fire Ins. Co. ^ Freund, Jos. W. Freund, Jos.W Freund, John K Freund, Henry Freund, Emma K. Freund, Nich F. Freund, Geo. P. Freund, Fred P. .....MM* Freund, Car) J. Freund, Martin J Frett, Peter W. Frett, Jas. J Frett, Albert M Frett Bros. .......... Freund, Stephan Frisby, Robt. J. Friestedt, A. A. ................... Fleming, R. M Fingle, Chas. E. Feltz, F. C ......................... Feltz, Wm. C. Fellows, E. J. Flanders, E. P. .................. Froelich, Dr. A. L Fong, J. H. .................... Foss, Mrs. Rilla Frett, Ferdinand .... Freund, Herbert Gast, Adolph Galpin, Frank Galitz, W. J. Glaeser, Chas. Goodell, C. W Goodman, Chester M. ..... Googlinski, Jas Gorman, Mrs. Jennie Granger, D. I Gritzmacher, Adam Greener, Joe ............. Grasser, Frank ........ Glassen, Math .... Guyser. Richard Giddings, W. R ... Haas, Jas. J Hallstram, Carl J. ........... Hancock, H. S Harring, Ida M Haverin, Jas. A Harmesan, Chas. B. ......... Hawley, Louis Hawley E. C. and Son Hawley, E. E Harrison, S. H Hantzinger, Stephen Harrison, Clayton C. ......... Harrison, W. B Harrison, Raymond ........ Harrison, C. W. and Son .. Harrison, C. L Harrison, Chas. W Hetterman, H. W Hetterman, J. B Hetterman Bros. ...... Herrick, P. F. ........... Herdrick, Frank ........... Herdrick, Chas. . Heimer, Peter J. . Heimer, Henry ... Heimer, Wm. ...... Heimer, Math Herman, Louisa . Hepburn, Dr. W. Hiller, W. J Hischings, F. A. Heimer, Mrs. John Howe, Fred P Howe, Floyd E. ...... Hopper, Elmer F. .. Hodge, Mrs. Edson .. Hobart, Henry C. .. Hopper, E. J. ........ Hopper, Milton E. .! Houenbach, Chas. ., Hoefer, Mrs. Wm. ., Homer, John ........... Huff, Walter Huff, John Hueman, Jacob ..... Hoffman, Frank Hueman, Joseph Howell, W. L Huch, John Huch, L ] Howard, R. S. .....! Hueman, Fred W. Hughes, Frank -- Harrison, Edw. G. 7 . Halleman, C. M 7JZZZZ1 Harris Bros Hueman, Miss Rote .... Hoppe, Mrs. Herman Ibsh, Adam Janicke, Dr. C. P. Jecks, C. E ] Jepson, C. J. ** Justen, John R Justen, Mrs. Joe. H Justen, Wm. ................. Justen, Ben .... Justen, Jo© H .?..... Justen, Michael M Jung, Nick Jung, Mike Jung, Mrs. Martin .1...... Justen, Fred Justen, Jacob and Son .. Justen, Peter M. Justen, N. J. Justen, Jacob Jungen, Math ................ Johnson, Geo. H. Johnson, Otto P. ......... Johnson, Rudolph Klappemch, Henry J. ... Karl*, John J Kaiser, Frank ... Rent M. J Kent, Clyde est. Kereher, Lee Kempher, Frank and Alice "Martin and Sophie. H. 91 " 275 843 5 162 280 136 185 60 189 532 < 75 557 172 ^ 132 1,180 50 r 76 92 : 120 > 250 135 72 " 648 , 772 430 125 1,850 60 60 , 50 60 60 •« 100 " 180 293 100 187 185 90 505 485 642 310 237 50 812 ' 280 75 60 103 188 -i- 175 8,103 4,678 447 613 1,046 , 463 483 130 152 85 112 1,100 72 •i 257 i 701 / 180 100 155 • 102 75 < 615 : 470 100 ' 590 482 902 75 50 464 430 125 605 100 100 540 475 2,590 360 534 275 210 125 805 "1,162 207 50 75 580 6,615 160 2,250 100 . 595 836 610 50 1,055 913 1,275 660 403 125 669 360 3,100 260 100 579 402 125 300 285 426 144 606 72 Michels, Mickels, Mickels, Mickels, Meshke, Michels, ich, Frank J. C. Larson, Claua ...... LawM«io%_ A. L. .. h ..MU« Um ®aail Lederer, Adelph -- Lindanntj Chas. F. Luckie, F. W Lundahl, A. H May, Mathems ....... May, Jos May, Jacob Est. May, George A May, Stephan Masqneiet. Frank -- Mathien, Prank' .......... Matthew»-Tonyan Co. Martin Bros Martin Bros. Martin, C. E Martin, Loren Martin, Abbie L. McAndrews, Earl ....... McGee, Ray McDonald, Louis McCannon, Wm McHenry Artificial Stone Co... McLaughlin, J. F McDrought, J. C. McRoberts, Minnie McAush, Andrew Mcintee, Mrs. Jennie .............. McHenry Pkaeure Club ........... Mclnnes. Wra Mertea, John Merchant, Fzed ..................... Meersman, Peter Merchant, Ray Merchant Elba J. ............... Meyers, Wm. J. ... Meyers, Geo, Meyers, Paul G. --- Meyers, Phil. ^ Meyers, Frank C. . Meyers, Mrs. John Michels, Herbert Geo .u. Simon ............. Leonard ........ Jas. J Ed . Chas. ........... Miller, Jacob A. Miller, Math J. Miller, Math J Miller, Jacob P. ................ Miller, Peter Miller, Anton J. ............... Miller, John P. Miller, John A. Miller, John H Miller, Jos. J Miller, Frank Miller, Oscar and Ed .......... Miller, Caroline Miller, Joe N. ..................... Moore, A. Mant, Ritt ......... ......... Mrats, Bessie Mosher, A. H.~ Mueller, N. G. Mueller, Rose McLaughlin, Ttoe. McGary, Jane McHenry Co. Farmer's Co-op. Miller, John Mertes, Jos. J. McHenry Lumber Co. Millet, Fred C Nett, Joseph ............... Nett, Mrs. Math Neal, Ray Nell, Henry ....... Newman, Mabel Newfeld, Rebecca Nielson, August ...... Nielson, Anna .... ... Nickels, Fred J Nickels, Ed Nickolls, Belle Miller Niess, Peter J ^ Nieson, Mrs. John ... Niesenx M. M. Niesen, Clarence .. Noonen, Allen ...... Nye, Dr. N. J Nye, A. E Nobby Style Shop National Tea Co. Oeffling, John..... Oeffling: George .......... Oeffling, Wm. ............ Oeffling, Peter Olson, Benj. T. Olson, Jennie Olson, O. C. S. .......... Olson, Chas. F Overton, R. I. ...wv^..., Overton and Cowen ...* Parks, A. I. Page, Mrs. Martha Page, Ray --...... Pearson, Gast Pearson, Grace, agt. for Northwestern Ins Pearson, Grace, agt. for Hamover Fire Ins Peet, Edw I'eet. Chas Peterson, E. G. ..................... Peterson, Caroline ......w.......... Peters, Chas. N. Petesch, N. H. Pint John Piteen, Nick 8. Pitzen, John - r-„ - Pitren, Math J Pitzen, John M Phalin, John Phannenstill, John ............i... Pries, Wm. .. Pouliot A. J. Polly Prim .... Popp. Bernard £26 .186 60 60 60 840 160 96 67 182 160 106 222 100 610 646 % 76 60 160 4,627 1,100 176 76 4,428 712 76 76 98 100 176 60 176 100 79 210 866 696 261 126 94 760 870 246 200 60 108 98 1,700 888 782 1,100 4801 60 226 200 106 100 60 428 428 60 897 870 77 106 200 200 60 126 66 66 162 60 60 76 100 146 106 116 466 1,230 876 626 1,246 850 1,325 890 200 260 290 440 76 £ 90 68 60 1,600 2,876 60 460 11,225 300 ..IMHH 260 276 206 96 60 • 60 100 76 26 110 66 160 112 186 1,600 106 640 1,795 1,000 600 160 60 801 416 226 100 160 421 104 146 60 102 612 67® .. n^M.. ........ 100 , 129 um Powers, R. V. Powers, Etta Puhfahl, J. E . Purvey, Albert .*... R*>ney, James and Callle ....... fcc'£.w Reed, Chas Reynolds, A. C. ... Reihansperger, C. J. .... Rietesel, Chas. Regner, John .. .^.Renich, Chas. F ^ Retahold, Tern 60 Rich, E. P mw, F. S Rossman. Fred 88 462 164 432 206 166 660 420 88 127 126 147 860 667 60 160 100 86 1,020 870 167 100 102 SO 260 106 206 89 690 1,046 400 806 160 60 W«t ... Smith Bros. ... Sasith, A. W. Smith, I. W. .. Smith, L. L. ... Smith, Ben N. Simith, Arthur Smith, J. W Stmtth, J. W. and Matde .... Smith, W. E. .... Sjasith, A. AV. .......i.1 Schmitt, Stephan P. Schmitt, Ben J. ...... Schmitt, Anton 3. Schmitt, John J. .. Schmitt, John ........ Schmitt, Math N. .... Schmitt, Stephan N. Schmitt, John N. Schmitt, Jacob Schmitt, John R. .................... Schmitt, John M. Schmitt, Math Schaid, John J Schead, Math N. Schroeder, Louis ............x. Schumaker, Jacob B Schiaeneman, John Schaltenberger, Thos. and EUn Schiessle, Mrs. Caroline Schneider, Anton Schreiber, Wm. C. .......... ... Smiley, D. T. Small, J. P. M. .... Skecman, Lester L. Steffes, Math. Steffes, Jake .......................... Stenger, C. W. .............. Stephenson, Chas. H. ...........I. Stephenson, Henry M. ........... Stevens, G. A Sterbenz, John Streetz, John Spencer, Wm. ............. Sutton, Edw. R Sampel, Henry V. -- Stonel, Simon Stock, Frank Stilling, Geo. A. StilHng, Geo. A Stilling, Ben ........................... Stilling, John H ... Stilling, Henry J. ................ Stilling, Ben H. Stilling, Jas. B. Stilling, Joseph Stilling, Henry ..... Stilling, Mrs. John ......... Stilling, Wm Shepard, Geo. Sherman, C. E. .............. Simes, Wm. Schreiber, Geo. ............... Schreiner, Frank G. ........ Schaefer, John P. ......... Schaefer, Joseph A Schaefer, Ambroee .......... Schaefer, Wm. ...r....™...,......^ Schaefer, H. B Shaffer, J. W ^ Schaefer, Phil, and Catherine Schaefer, Peter M Schaefer, Math and John ....... Schaefer, Joseph ....... Schaefer, Joseph M. - Schaefer, Nick M. , Schaefer, Mike B. Schaefer, Ben J. Shaffer, H. J ... Shurard, R. C. „f„ Soeffling, Otto H Sohm, Otto F Solomon, Mark L, Spurling, Frank .... Suerth, Jas. A SpMildin^, Mrs. Jennie .... Strune, Wm, A Stillson, John ... Strune, Herman Stoffel, Martin Steilen, N. F. ..^.... Strucklich, John....... Schoewer, Fred ......... Royal Ins. Co., Simon Bteffel, agent Hanover Fire Ins Co., ffiiiMB Stoffel, agent New York Underwriters In#. Co Franklin Fire Ins. Co. Penn. Fire Ins. Co. Phoenix Ins. Co Liverpool and Globe and London Ins. Co. National Fire Ins. Co Fidelity Phoenix Fire Ins. Co. Fire Association of Phil. ........ Great American Ins. Co Ins. Co. of North America ... Commercial Union Assurance Co. L, T. P. .................... Tabor, Oscar Thompson, Edw. --a_ Thompson, Robt E. A. ......... Thomas E. E Tonyan, Joseph ......... Tonyan, Geo. B. ........V.......... Tonyan, Henrv Tonyan, Wm. B. -- -r Tonyan. Ben ... .... Thurwell, Frank T rr, Thelen, Joseph r.,.T Thelen, Arthur Thelen, Henry J Thelen, John J. Thelen, Henry J -- Taylor, Mrs. N. E Tonyan, Mrs. Catherine Thennes, John ... , ,,,, Thies, J. C. * Co. Thompkins, A. P. ^ ,. Torcum, Ephram Todd, A. N ..^ Walsh, M. J., agent for Norths western Na't I|W Co. ..... Walsh, M. J Walsh, John Walsh, Thos. P Walkington, Thoa.* - Wait, William Walker, W. E. Eat ....... . Wattles, F. H. ~ Wattles, F. H. .... "... Wagner, John J. ... Wattles, Howard , Watson, A. H. Weber, Hubert Wegener, Joe G. .......... Wentworth, W. D. Weiagart, Frank Weber, John P. ............ Weber, Henry M. Weber, Henry G.... Weber, Jas. F. ...... Weber, Mathias .. Weber, Peter ..... Weber, Nich Welch, Wm. J. ... 1,817 818 iS Weingart. Nich Welter, Math. L. Weingart Mrs. Josephine Williams, Emma Williams, Peter J. Wirfs, Geo. Winkle. Theo. Wilk, P. G. .... Wlcke, Wm. .v... Whiting, C. D. * Wkhing, & S. The only rouge for bathing and motoring* Neither wave !; nor wind can mar that beautiful complexion. ^ For preserving Your Youthful' Complexion, Goddess o£ ='"VV-; v, L:t '/V -i .x-c vi > * e of finest and purest ingredients. Sold at McHenry's most prominent drug stove Thomas P. Bolger • • I i- , * |j j I I IMI H H I I I U H I P Wm'* We have a complete line of gas SIOTM F ^ 1 , >. . tad eomfoination stovs%HI^Wi^atot U, I •" W co&l or wood. ' V' -X " • t ••• v ~ ' : • 1J More buying that gas range, come in ; * v* . - - . and look over the line and get prices. ^ ^; " -'-si y:.f ;wXv. . . 'h' •'^3, Huns 9S-H % < • Ha?« (lowvrs in your ft doesn't cost muoh to brighten ap the home ilowerB. - Ve will deliver one doaen oarnations to your homo *r a mixed boiiigpl to ^our hdPfi (Wl Saturday for Me '•it* • We are ready to supply you -with vegetable and J* ;; Adding plants for the garden. &XT US HAVI YOUB ORBXB * "1. ' r , §5';f £f..1, ,'. f ^•; >'.< K :-4. t"-- ^ "» <breenh PU«M «53-W4 McHenry, JM. ;; decorator runx oa rAHor SIGH FAmrmo ;s;s DiOL Plays, B&saars CajriUTals and "/.all Kinds mUT, OUUf, ATTKAOTm SUMS AT aMSOKABU PUOSS Bbop oe Bwri StTMt, sou Eia(«bod Bead. riUMW T8-M UUVX OBDBB8 At JOHN BEDA"S HAROWAU "t.'