4t . i: Of DatnMng' «t ^^J^WBfEHAN'S, ROUND LAM r- WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS ||| ASH aBBMORl and his RADIO SE&SNADKRt furnish the music Ctoathmn, 75c Ladies* 2SO Mo charge for parking at any time freeeeee »••»*# »»e»ooe»eM»ooooo»o»Me»fr»e»»M»efr»ii»ee' >v*•?"'-ta'}i.v • !:•: *,»Vv• , ; _>L * /'* . - .^.iv Jrermanent^p Waving--fcsi; r-J 1 t'Njr WAV1 WITHOUT A MB*. JUK AiHmPANTING rHOTO 1VA8 MADE FROM ONE OF JjWfB ORIGINAL WAVEflr; i;* For information, call at Phone 602-R-l Near Oak Park Hotel Pistakee Bay, McHenry TIm Calendar elub - «u, pleasantly entertained attheJoe.Vogi fe<ttna 9& Wedn*s<fcy afternoon of wtafc. Then ww» thirty-live praaettt. fli afternoon «u spent in from a dilt|Mi Mrs. Kiti Parker of CnjlMn, Mn. Frank White of LaQnuige, Mrs. Belle White of Round Lake, Miss Rachel Smith of West Fremont, Mrs. Arthur Banner, Mrs. Elsie Krettgw, Mrs. Leslie Turnbull and children of Wauconda. A delicious luncheon was served at the ciose of the afternoon. Lilah and Junior Bacon of McHenry are visiting at the Ed. Bacon home. Buy your gifts for future use at the bazaar TOrarsday, August 5, at K. of C. hall, McHenry. Dorothy Dillon spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Kautenberg of Waukegan. Helen and Jean Br inter ^>ent the past two weeks at the Lew Lack home returning to their home in Chicago on Sunday. Earl Town send motored to Canton, Ohio, Friday, returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and children spent Sunday at the Earl Davis home. Mrs. B. J. Wagner is having her buildings painted. George Pfcssfield J spent Thursday evening at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fassfield. Ploy and Fern Waite are visiting their aunt in Chicago. Lew and Edward Lusk and Howard Converse called on Johnny Convene at the Lake county hospital on Sunday evening. William Dillon of Champaign spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell and daughter visited at the home of his ika past walk. ^Blanche Con versa la visiting ta <JW* aagst y at "Tom YrngMNlPlll «t the PaaaAald Alico BraSr «MKt the waafeasd at tha Law Lusk hotne, retaining to her hoxaa to Chicago with her sister on Sunday. Mr. and Me*. Cessie Townsend spent Monday la Wiraco nda. Mrs. Stale Ifclair and Mrs. Leslie Davis and cfcfliggfa spent Thursday at the lUrhard Pawall home. Mrs. Henq*i} ft#«r and son called at the Bp** feme Monday. Mrs. Pet# Wagner, a. student at DeKaUb, spant the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Job Vasey and daughters, Olive ,and MUdred, of McHonry, spent Sunday afternoon at the Passfield hone, Mr. and daughter of I Vawy and son, «»" >da, Satttrdi •t the Q. A. VjstylteMae Monday ttorning. CVaakWfifton la having his bam paiflML: Ffcsjl Converse Is on a business trip in Wlacaaain. Mfaw Apia Seholts and son of Lake Forest visited at the Joe Vogt home Sunday. Dell Townsend and fam fly visited relatives in Antioch Sunday. . Mr. and MRS. "Lloyd Fisher spent Wednesday at the Will Lohman home at Libertyvflle, Mr. and Mrs. Job Vasey and daughters, Olive and Mldred, of McHenry, spent Sunday afternoon at the W{Ison home. Mrs. B. J. Geary is spending a few days at th® home of her daughter, Mrs. Fret* of Til Roy Pflmfield spent Friday after- Hobert SchaJta and I noon at the Vasey home. Forest spent Sun-! Mrs Charles Haas and Mrs. Frank Hironimous spent Wednesday at Pistakee Bay. Earl Potter and Matt. Roudeotehar are painting the buildings on the A. J. Vasey farm. Mrs. Essie Fisher spent Sunday afternoon at the Thomas Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Converse called on Johnny Converse at the Lake County hospital Sunday. day at the Joe Voft home. Miss Vfamie Bacon and mother had Monday evening at the Ed. Bacon home, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mickey and daughter were Sunday visitors at the Sidney Russell hoase. Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Fishar speat Thursday injLlbertyville. Harvey WfliiaKa of Grayslake is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Dell Town send. Mrs. Charlea Haas sprat Monday in Chicagot Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Geary were Saturday morning callers at McHenry. Mr. and Mm. Clarence Martin and a ^rr>ftfMV)<viJv>iviLnAAiuuuc K; , " "" *•-> '• • •'ft * $ £ • < • ' - • %'* v* . OwS 44 * I: % ' ~ I • ysjr - ......... ISSy""* if' ' f V' ' I ' L'i!> mm >*'%/.ip" '•msm: M&t.j' *<£•' t &>« • -A:,- •,v- •mu. % .Vm l)fr "a *r" •%. ' -ir ~ ' Dodge Brothers, Inc., achieved third place in world production this Spring because they have been able--WITHOUT SACRIFICING FUNDAMENTALS--steadily to improve the smartness, comfort and smoothpe^l i^jwct 3 mechanically the car is sturdier than ever r-cost of upkeep lower*--and performance More dependable. Refinements and lower prices have made possible by spectacular increases in sales. Not by violating the basic tenet of Dodge Brothers success: NEVER LOWER QUALITY IN A SINGLE DETAIL. , , t r i : 1^; * *1t -• m:v:m %• i*?:, t"1& r* , Mary, urday afterwlwre Frank is Tha flhwllt .dub is planning a tt^to^w^l^jkteds by boat from . Maarice^aild'SSirt Townsend attandsd the circus In Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Wilt-- and Mrs. Beck of Grayslake spient Amday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Thonss Vaaey. A.. J Vasey has installed a Kohler- Kohler elactric plant. Joe Ffcasflrid spent Monday evening at the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Passfield. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Benwell and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey spent Sunday evening in McHenry. Many from this vicinity attended the circus at Volo Sunday evening. There was rather a serious accident when part of the seats gave way. Two fainted, while a number were hurt. Letah and Dorothy Vasey returned hotn«=> with their cousin, Adele Pedkins of Yorkville, 111., where they are now visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey were Sunday morning callers at G. A. Vasey's. Miss Pauline Barabey, George Barbec and W. Cook of Oak Grove were Sunday callers at the Russell home. Mrs. Sid Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Stanford and brother, Arthur, Converse Thursday at the Lake county hospital. Lloyd Russell called on Johnny called at the Russell home Friday. OAK PAIS 0* TO BAY Mr. a«rf Hit. R. H. Walstrom «f ^ Mr. aad Mi*. wffiiag Bogning at o i r U k c v i s i t - Mr. WMnTaaE^ JLlfcllee* of M^wood were Oak Park an tha- Bay visitors on Sunday. Willis G. Meyers of Dj^r^t, MiA., spent the week-end at Pbtakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Horman at Dundee spent Sunday visiting at Pto» takee Lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Edwards of Tampa, Florida, were week-end meats at Oak Park-on-the-Bay. Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Lewenmann af Forest Park were Saturday and Su»» day visitors at Platalcaa Bay. Mrs. Westenharg of Oak Park hetwl spent a few days last week at her home in Oak Park. Among the many guests at Ode Park Hotel over the week-end the following are included: Mr. and Mrs. A. Leptun, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Minor, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hansel m Kansas, Mrs. William J. Q*|m* of May wood and Oliver DeValk «f Chicago. Window envelopes and Statements save a great deal of labor and iwfatakes. Ask about titan ' iMF Ha Plaindealer office. .. Classified ads. are winners WirZZr ^ r£* Touring Oar -• Ctoupe 795 Sedan ?f. 0. B. DETROIT ^ j?s f: -/ %x> * rrl v;ia\ "0 • JAMES MORROW & SONS and W^tJ^ctory w ~ Y""<- . . . , K..., si/ . './?i . . :: ' . ... ^ . • • • i p v i " •; . J- •?S ^ t'C Aiu 'ii'H' - Jifcw" . :r^ •'4e hIT£ tfSiiiiti&z&'&fc. HitHHiKijliTili Hp Pif" ¥m-^m l • jit THE HEW ;i"' <P"-^ ' ' ' -'t ->'< T ' 1 Pj j'TfJ . * - ' ' ' ' : •$ -'V V*** The^MSst Beautiful Ballroonii ..,^7 H^a jK ii jtfiii^i' .- "X*}.- .. gl_. nA' Outside of Chicago •: •». itilnssiow ase, nroLvnmo ORB BIIAS , •#: w' »• • - • '• * •' % SEVEN PIE0E8 m BETTER THAN EVER v **. 'yk • if ii ^ •!>. -J*'. • •- , ,1* v^!l. Dancing Wefaesday, Satnrday aid Saafay Evesiags ytm -. . . . - J ;Jj WI APPKSOIATB TOUR PATSOHAOIT . >: I";;' ^ ' ; 1 - ' ' ^ •Tr " ' i V JIMMIE and DUCK, Managers ..S-ifc.-. (•aisiMita imrn+mm .. '• • •••V' - J;?,.' " It" •»<V -- • <£*"• ' '• v* +>&?>••' • - . .. *- • , -t/v/'V-' / > r-~^ w '.35». trA >%•• £» 5»t " 5if "• ' '•> i&'Wjjl f S3 F " iFMH '?%•% • _ Aofftut is the montii whan evMrymaasboald se« to it that his winter'* {"supply of Ooal is in. W* aro in a position to make delivnies now much ^ 1 better than later apd yen are ready for the first oold when it ar- , ^ wJKves, S:~*'i>7 v£$-i-1t4"j '•K 3 ; Z, PhnnP Af* C$: A •T ' Phone 46 ENRY H'-' .v' v'. • CMui -Serrrtoe r-: fe-,s^;.1v>rt.1'.«We8t McHenry 5^-^^ J ^ Viil * #?***• •MB ji"