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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jul 1926, p. 7

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•find ^fifths of Woodstock -was a Saturday, aanarfpg-ealler ki |HfT»in1 ' Hittjfrhel MLff MoHeaur <4pent fn wlf sad-With Aer piwrti, Mr. and Mrs. Jums •Mr. and Mrs. Albert Aggers and son «f Chicago spent 8oaday with their so»4»-law, Joaepfc Y. family. U'T U Y' f . TBffiSbXZ, JUMT J29, 1926 ' % *JL'" Mitt Aiqm Bintea « West Ifc* Moods/ iftMpon caller - *..#>*.•' ;v ^Wf^00^X0.:p: 'H y:'& * ir# v*-i/ *r J ";-;i'; "• '"'•• •* Wtuiaa df Ghfestgo m| wMgd w#fa hit father, Jrai* iaa fteth, Sr. scaring *•*£&£ «whubNitUt> lag 111 Chicago, has returned to her "T^cd,^ Mitt Lor- Jsoeonand M1m %m Gould aU vsomom . •„ - mi ,*w "% PWndealer ** fartaa and Handed la By Our Mends ifsafcf"••"•• f and an. Andraar Butler of «W»nt JKooffer in -five fcme A. K. Nye was a business caTlertn k Hitchens ttd.Jfrs. Karl Chicago IMiy Louis EMdson was a Chkag6 yiattar on Ttasday _£*• ^ *&»• J®hn Fay jrsro JElsfri tBwrs on Tuesday. SfeMUKi was a visitor in CM- : .^r <1^ :. ". *r*; C|g*,over4*e weekend Park visitors Wednesday. John Fay iratt VjJla % .Sick: taAtit-Uaiy I'- ' '0~ V £ «** -' % !#- / " v*^L \i y " s ? t v * 1 « < f c « . < - " V ' V ttVNVi «< -#:i StutM ..* •• .. • '51' " "viL: •nf •!. $37.50, $40 and $42.50 ' •> ,V- V -> V- ^ .:, ::, .•« :.S *V.'^ That's certainly a great reduction, and Wb evert greater than it sounds--because tbe styles -are so line, the designs and patterns so new* ,/r S x- *• +J : ",'T . *v3l - > . '.'"w •.,-!". • • ?'-'f fui.'**"-4 « ^^5: *\ *'£-\,->x'- 'y<* ' " ^ '«V- w' *'j*; - • •' H^ -1. ; -1 • >.f.' >r 1 V-- „'"• "lJ* •* tV*1 i.***- " <^v **"••• ••-»* - *«• --4- ' -•• . '<• v* ; '* f':-' &'?*&•£ MIMIM »»»»»••»»»•••»»»•»»»»•••••»•••••»••»•• V S.Y,-. Haegele's 'Hickory Point | ; Subdivision T's;.•f*•f/ JfleiVron '•$¥?' ' • * ; > K : ' " V '"-v i :"va»iPA»- c? O of Beautiful Lake Elizabeth i be Putciiased as Lo^r as •?. \ J* LARGE -#0;-.jtJ; #r uy «ther day; tbere ii a nan on the groand At all time* who will cheerfully give yon full informaUm^ »'i Hiekwy Point it just 12 miles from Mo-Henryy Oimi fnctioa and Twin Lakva, Wisconsin^ /^'Tj Every Lot Has Privelege of a Beautiful Bathing ! Beach and Boat Landing if Mi Own tf Home on the Shore of Beautiful Lake Elizabeth i BATHING!-BOATING! - FISHING! milMMIIIIIIIUMIMMM •wMdJitt vlatbors y £ao Harbes of Grayslake m ^Wtor on Sumkiy. Or.^pd Mfi,. A. I. FroebJMh viaitora on Tuesday. Mitt Cor?nn« Petelle of Chicago >y with Mrs. E. J. Buss. Jmmpk ^Sfivr^t' of Chicago wait a MeHenry visitor one day last ww Attorney O. G. Treadway of Chicago visited MeHenry friends on Siuiday, Keaneth and Mike Ryan of Evanston ware Mcfienry visiters en Sonday. Miss Rath Whiting of Chicago spent several days of last week in Mc- Hjjnry. MB. Caroline Schiessle and son, Theodore, were Chicago visitors on Saturday. Miss Ludla Krompen of Genoa City was a MeHenry visitor over the week-end. Miss Eleanore Gould ofElgin spent the past several days visiting Miss Lois Bacon. Mrs. Fred Wille of Ridgefield spent the last several days visiting friends in MeHenry. John DreymJUer and Miss Pearl Claxton motored to Chicago on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Kuntsman were Western Springs visitors last Thursday evening:. Mr. iTiu Mrs. Henry Breger of Chicago spent the week-end visiting with friends in MeHenry. Miss Malvtaa Breger of Chicago spent the week-end as the guest of Miss Mame Buss. F. Gans was a visitor at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. J us ten at Wau kegan one day last week. Miss Luella Crumpen of Genoa City, Wis., spent the week-end in MeHenry visiting friends. Mrs. Gertrude Thelen of Elgin spent several days of this week as the guest of her son, Leo. Glen Wells of Loe Angeles, Calif., is enjoying a vacation in the home of his father. Dr. D. G. Wells. Miss Myrtle Cobb and M. J. Lonegan of Chicago sp«nt Saturday and Sunday at L. F. Newman's. Mrs. Eva Steinback of Kenosha spent a week visiting at the home of Mrs. J. Mertes at Pistakee Bay. Mrs. John Sullivan of Woodstock spent Saturday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Theodore Schiessle. Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mrs. E J. Buss called on Mrs. George Meyers at Woodstock on Saturday morqing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maynard and family of Racine, Wis., were callers in the Frank Ensign home on Sunday. Mrs. Harvy Baron loft this Thursday morning for air extended visit with relatives and friends at Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Robert Steiner and son, Bobhte, from southern Indiana are the gWsta -ef Mrs. A. Edgar Nye this woclc. Mr «nd Mrs. Ben J. kef rid aad family were Sunday guests fan the luat of Mr. and Mrs. Edwavd Bre- Md of Chicago. Mrs. Walter Warner aad children asturned to their home in Bgin this wwek. after spending MMflu days visiting with relatives here. Miss Mame McCahe of Waukegan is enjoying a two weeks' vacation in the heme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCabe, of Msifnnry. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert F--ad, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Freund*nd Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Alston of Wanksgsn--re visitor* in th* hone of Mrs. Jeha Meyers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rasmussen aad-slaughter, Margaret Jeane, of Chittgo are spending a two weeks' naflwtion in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. Mkaes Helen Berendpen aad Marion Thelen of Green Bay, Wia^ *eturnod to their homes there, alter spending a week's vacation in the hoasas of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund and other relatives and friends in thia vicinity. Mrs. J. Mertes of Pistakee Bay entertained as her guests over the weekend Mrs. K. Althoff, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steinback and Mrs. John Schwab of Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Eva Stainback returned home with then Sanday everting. Worth Something - Qsnnnent data from several thousand farms show that the value of the family living from the farm at farm prices is approximately onethird the cost of living of farm families, and two-thirda of the cost of food, fuel and house rent. It is oneninth as much as the farm receipts and one-third as much as the farm in- •4 . JQta&e Lanen want a few jwn this week with Fraiwus You«g. Mr. and Mra. Charles Bacon and *M«liMa Qavld and )d^uoh|ar, 4«yA«.^rere fiaMers jn the Boy Bart- WT hq»e .An AiwUy wornlng. Gaefg* of JawsmtfUe spent F^flajr itt4ka- <X D. Ba«pn hone as a «ttat tfJiltt.Jayne QoaW. Nick ViHjff C uk-ees spent Friday aatfc £(*«. ^8Ui» I^rsen. Mrs. Edward Thompson entertained a few founds and relatives at a ««rty Tuesday afteiawc. Those pqpKnt weM ilrH. Winifred Jonas of E^gin, Mrs. Stew Ingalls of Spring Grove, Mrs. WilHam McCannon, Mrs. Paul Megers and Mrs. George Worts of KsPtpry. Mrs. Nick Adele Viola Ingalls and Louise Meyers. All report an eqjeyable afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Monday at Jenesville, Wis. Mrs. Melissa Gould, of spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Jphn Wolfe and son of Woodstock spent Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Miss Mildred Weterer of Chicago is spending a two weeks' vacation in he home her aunt,'Mrs. Lewis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and family spent Sunday evening in the William Antctiff home at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer of MeHenry spent Sunday evening with their daughter, Mrs. Karl Bradley. Miss Frances Helms is improving from her illness of a few days. Misses Sylvia and Gladys Larsen of Woodstock spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claus Lanen. Mr. and Mrs. George Hanais and son of Maraago were Saturday morning callers at the Charles D. Bacon home. Mrs. E. C. Hawley, Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. Delbert Bacon, and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and daughter, Andrew Hawley and Miss Bernice Smith had a visit on Thursday afternoon n Elgin. Mrs. Ruth Hupfter and son apent Saturday evening at McCotlum's L«ke near MeHenry. William Coates, after spending several months with his daughter, has returned to his home. Floyd Hopper of MeHenry apent the week-end with relatives in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sunday in the Eli Hawley home. Mrs. Myrtle IVemayne and son, of Chicpgot spent Sunday wth her sister, Mrs. Lewis Hawley. Mrs. Ruth Hopper and son spent Supday afternoon at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tony an of Fox Lake apent $uiylay with their aunt, Mr*.,Ah»J>WWC«- 'm wwww* www rmmm r V We Have a Right te Crow About those good Halted Milks we serve. And those tasty Luuahes too. fiome on over. Biwwsfet* Dito I * of New Design Occasional pieces designed to exactly fit in wliere every other piece of Furniture seqpis out selection from which to choofe. Jacob Justen $ Son ilrottHTe and JUadMtaUag Haiadealers at Boigerljg;, ^r~;%iNQW00P Charles Olsen and daughter* spent the week-end with friends and relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Lonnie Smith and family spent Monday afternoon in Ringwood. Mr. Mid Mrs. George Shepherd had a Sunday evening vWt ia MeHenry with relatives. Nick Schcoeder spent Monday in Chicago. Joseph ffelig, a former resident of Rjjpgwoed, called on old friends in R|pgwood on Sunday. Viait the besaar at the K. of C hall on Thursday afternoon, August 6, at MeHenry. Ralph Jpsten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jostsn, Louis Aadscaea aad A amP1^ wMu of paU known quality grooarias, ^alwaya-at-MOiMy* paving priooa ' ^7^:- ?5IP P and O, The White Naptha Qn rdLaauy oouiinjoditiee, the cost of distribution is frequently greater than the oost of production. The economical methods of distribution developed by THE NATIONAL TEA (X)., eliminating all unnecessary overhead are daily resulting in moneysaving prices on wellknown quality merchandise. Jello . SflV' " 25 c . . . . . , - ^ 4ai.vtuin Cora 3 casu 25c 8#wt and Tender, No. S Milk 3 «W - • \f. 26c .« Brt, «^prtWn, Bordei» •• * Kellogg's 2 Pk««- Corn Hifai EXTRA VALUE .a?' ie^'v Dills, qaart UFEBUOY, the health soap, 8 ten 19# lULRDINES, King Oscar imported, 1-48 15* PINEAPPLE, American Home sliced _ HO. S MB 19* -' "£BAPS J171QB, American Home. Sorve ice oo)i| »»ta7e v Qaart f r f s | . % -sat f f f v t e#IN0BB ALE, American Home, 24 oa. • T W .+ m v';- A s W :-'f.U 5c refund on empty batH-- -- i , • . -- • • • • -. -i#¥. -S"r.€fk *xvm: ; ^ • . ^ «U NATIONAL JAMS* «eEEN AXD SLM STBSITS

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