- ww~~r»--w 4s>i&^»i.iteift*ti*n*4i ^m4t^t,ii'w **'t* itWMI .-.«i<-.-i"»l«.'lA»i *•;»"'• Wi»»*<ts,' ra.-.-r-.' J£«&i:.,(»-V !•' wv*. .vtofcsuiJ.. vJ;.,. -i-,..>-;i, . „«,.. Uv-,,,».»-i.i\, <'.,v-j*.;-M-i-rs. ' - '.,»-> •»•.> - I .* *>««. •*«•'•- ".* •• «-••>..•! • M '1 ...-'.C-.1. • • - „•.• .«!«•. - . ,.. - > * I"*"' HI MeHSNRT PLAIRDKALKS, THURSDAY, SEPT. 23, IMS •t{ 'tie WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR GHESL As Seen By Plaindealer Re- . porters and Handed In By Our Friends Math Steffes visited with relatives in Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Schmitt of Woodstock were visitors in McHenry on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Steffes and family spent Sunday with relatives at Rogers Park. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Shetterly from Ohio spent the week-end with Mrs. Catherine Young. Miss Charlotte Frett has returned to her home, after spending the week with relatives in Wheaton. Mrs. Math Rauen and daughter, Marie, of Evanston were recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schueneman and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schillo and son of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schueneman. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Reinert, Mrs. Mary Reinert and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Quinlen of Elgin were visitors with Mrs. Catherine Young one evening last week. Mrs. Mary Eelley of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday in her summer home here. Mrs. Kelley has closed her home here for the winter months and returned to the city. The Moody Bible Institute Opens its weekly SUNDAY AFTERNOON BIBLE EXPOSITIONS fif DR. JAMES M. GRAY, President Sunday, Sept. 26, at 3:30 AUDITORIUM N. La Salle St. and Chicago Ave. " With a series of studies in Genesis. "The Beginning of Things" Public Cordially Invited RADIO BROADCAST ON WMBI Leo Stilling was a Chicago visitor on Friday. 7 Mrs. C. W. Goodell spent Tuesday in Chicago. John Schaefer was a business visitor in Chicago on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fishes of V«!o were guests in th« Wiiiiam Bacon home last Saturday. Miss Charlotte Madden and Mrs. Mary Green wore visitors in Chicago on Tuesday. Dorothy and Walter LaSalle of Des- Plaines spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. James Fay was a guest of his sister, Mrs. Harry Oden, in Chicago on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Purvey and son, Jack, visited relatives in Woodstock on Sunday. John Trapp of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Weber and family were vistors in Belvidere on Sunday. William F. Heide of Crown Point, Ind.. was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Weber on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jolly of Crystal Lake spent the week-end in the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Frank Sparling. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Chicago spent last Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell. Mrs. Raymond Howard and Mrs. William Bacon were guests in the home of the former's aunt, Mrs. Miller, at Volo one day last week. Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Nye, Eugene Nye, Miss Louise Schneider, Harvey Nye and Miss Ey» Blake spent Sunday in Milwauke^, visiting friends and relatives. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Matt Rauen and daughter, Marie, of South Evanston, motored to McHenry last Saturday and spent the day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schneider on Riveraide Drive. Miss Vera Buss, who is employed in the Thies confectionery store, spent last week visiting friends and relatives in Streator, 111. Miss Marie Powers subsituted in her position while she was ayray. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Frett and Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Matthews attended the Kiwanis district convention at Davenport, Iowa, on Sept. 20, 21 and 22. Mr. and Mrs. Frett will go on to St. Louis where they will visit relatives. | Always the Best I We handle only the^ best ice cream and flavors at our 'fountain. Quality is first, service next. You get them both ftt ? Shoes, Oxfords and styles, in plain or combination, at popular prices, in Men's Boys', Women's and Children's. Come in and see them. Priced $1.50 to $7.50. 4 V W§ have several lots of a few pair each to closeVat extremely low prices. It will pay you to look them over. Hosiery to match every kind of shoe in 3-4 sock or full hose. Priced 25<^ and up. Sweaters in slip overs or coat sfyie, fancy oolws toad plain priced from $2.00 to $8.50- Tennis shoes and keds for the bo^S and girls at $1 to $3.00 pair. New Fall Dress Goods in flannels, silks, and cotton fabrics. All the popular shades, 36 to 54 inches wide. Come and see us about your new suit or overcoat, made to your measure. We will save you money and give you a perfect fit. DICKERS AND RAINCOATS^ all sixes and color*. . J WALSH John Fay attended the football game in Elgin on Saturday. Earl Whiting and William Mertes motored to Chicago Monday. Miss Jennie May and Floyd Ccoley spent a recent day in Chicago. Mrs. Edvrlr. Vcgel of Solon "Mills spent Wednesday in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman were Elgin callers one day last week. * Miss Agnes Peters of Woodstock spent Friday evening in McHenry. Frank Walsh of Sycamore visited relatives in McHenry over the weekend. Miss Gladys Rietezel of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shales of Des- Plaines spent Sunday at N. E. Barbian's. Donald Givens was a Chicago visitor on Monday and Tuesday of this week. John Kelter of Chicago spent the week-end at his summer home at Lake Defiance. James Doherty and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Carey spent Thursday in Milwaukee. 1 Mrs. Fred Cooley spent several days last week visiting relatives in Chicago. Miss Genevieve Carey is spending a few days this week as the guest of Chicago friends. Mrs. Edwin Vojgel and George Vo~ gel of Solon Mills were Monday callers in McHenry. Mrs. Joseph Dittrich and daughters of Chicago visited McHenry friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Loomis of Woodstock attended the funeral of W. D. Wentworth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld spent Sunday in the home of their son, John, in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas and children of Mortons Grove visited relatives here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylwatd of Elgin were visitors in the home of M. A. Conway on Sunday. Thomas Knox of Chicago spent several days the last of the week with his mother, Mrs. Anna Knox. Joseph and Jerry Wilder and Arthur Lind of Chicago were over-Suns day guests of McHenry friends. Mrs. B. Maynard of Crystal Lake was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ensign on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey of Ringwood visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Alma Thomas, on Sunday. Mrs. P. W. Engeln and children spent Sunday in the home of her paren4 , Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wagner, at Volo. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Groom and baby daughter, Patricia Joy, of Elburn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vogt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan and daughter, Norine, spent Saturday and Sunday at their summer home at Pistakee Bay. %Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Krause are enjoying a two weeks' vacation trip, motoring through the east. Ifiss Christina Maynard and Harry Carpenter of Chicago were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ensign on Sunday. Miss Lillian Doherty left Friday morning for Rosary College, Chicago, where she is enrolled as a student for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCarroll of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. McCarroll'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen., J. M. Phalin, daughter, Eleanore, and Agnes Peters, of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Carey motored to Milwaukee Saturday. Mrs. Will Whiting and children spent one day last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller, at Genoa City. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh, sons, James and Joseph, and Miss Ellen Doherty spent Sunday in Elgin as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone, Rev. William A. OUourke left McHenry Sunday evening for St. Louis to visit Bishop Muldoon, who has been confined in a hospital there for some time. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker and children motored to Nappanee, Ind., last week, where they spent the week-end with relatives and attended a reunion of the Duker family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitt and son of Belvidere spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Mrs. Schmitt will remain in the home of her parents for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holle spent ths week-end in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. Mrs. Conway and son, Harry. retruned with them and will spend the week visiting in the city. Mr. Conway will go in for the week-end. Floyd Foss is enjoying a two weeks' vacation from his duties in the West McHenry State bank and is now visiting in the home of his grandmother, Mis. Foss, at Morrisville, Vermont. On his return trip he expects to travel through points of interest in the east and in Canada. PLUMBING Pbone 48 Prompt, so promptly in fact that you will woni| er how we do it, each phone call for service is answered by us. You will appreciate the reasonableness of our charges, too. • E. Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Work #reen Street itoHEN&Y, ILL. Robert Knox was a Dundee caller on Sunday. , Mrs. Bridget Relihan spent Mttnday, in Crystal Lake. Mabelle Wheeler spent the weekend visiting in Chicago. Miss Dorothy Engeln spent several days last week in Chicago. Dick Rossman of* Ringwood was a caller the first of the week. William Brown of Ringwood was a caller here one day last week. Arthur Boger of Forest Park visited his parents here on Sunday: Miss Pearl Claxton was a Chicago visitor on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly of Chicago vsited relatives here» *m Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Granger of Chicago visited relatives here on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Froelich and daughter were callers in •Ridgefield on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fay of Elgifi were calling on friends in McHenry Sunday. •» \ Mrs. Paul Meyers spent one dfiy last week with Mrs. C. Larson at Ringwood. Mrs. Letah Thomas and son of Elgin visited relatives here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Elsholz of Elgin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stringer. Frank Page of fSlgin spent the week-end in the home of Ms mother, Mrs. Martha Page. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and family were Crystal Lake visitors on Wednesday evening. George Hermansen of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb and family. Miss Genevieve Carey spent several days visiting her sister, Mrs. Agnes Doherty, at Ringwood. Mrs. Laura Brown of Ringwood was a recent caller in the home of her mother, Mrs. T. McDonald. Mrs. Henry Heimer spent one day last week with her daughter, Mrs. Karl Bradley, at Ringwood. Mrs. Frank Rosing spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Stanley Caldwell, in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolper and family of Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Bridget Relihan. Miss Mary Grover of Chicago is spending the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Welch on Main street. Albin Anderson left the last of the week for Chicago, where he will study law at the Northwestern university. Howard Phalin of Notre Dame spent the week-end in the home of hisv parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin. Richard Stenger of Waukegan was a vistor over the week-end and attend ed the Spencer-Page wedding on Saturday. Agnes* and Carl Freund of Cincinnati, Ohio, spent last' week in the the home of their sister, Mrs. Walter Freund. Mrs. Glenn Robinson and Mrs. Bishoff of Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William J Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burns and children of Chicago spent the week end in their cottage at Hickory Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton and children of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Frank Rosing and his cousin, Louis Pitzen, are enjoying a two weeks' fishing and hunting trip in northern Wisconsin.. Miss Margaret Smith and friend of Johnsburg were visitors in the home of Mrs. P. J. Schaefer on Saturday of last week. Misses Mary and Natalia Grover and Tom and A1 Kafke of Chicago spent Sundav in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward are spending a month as guests of their daughter, Mrs. A. Rasmussen, and family in Chicago. Miss Angela Petesch left the lag of the week for Champaign, where she will commence her school duties at the University of Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walsh and little son of Evanston spent Sunday in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Will Powers and family and Miss Eva Whiting of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin. Miss Elezabeth Vogt left the first of the week for Champaign, where she will commence her second year at the University of Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Senten and mother of Delevan Lake, Wis., spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls and family. Mrs. Art J. Real and daughter, LaVerno of Chicago were guests in the home of her sister, Mrs. Peter J. Schafcr. and family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmidt and little son of Belvidere and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiamholz spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz in Chicago. Frank Ensign went to Mt. Carroll, 111., last Thursday for the Artificial Stone Co." of McHenry, where he will superintend the laying of a curb in the building of the state road there. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vasey of Etna, Pa., were calling on friends in McHenry on Sunday. They were former residents of this city but are now pleasantly located in their own home at Etna. Mrs. H. C* Hughes spent a few days the last of the week in the home of her father, Will Smith, at Ringwood. Mr. Smith suffered a slight stroke last Thursday morning but is very much improved and able to be out again. Mrs. William C. Burns of Cincinnati, Ohio, who has been visiting ln the home of her sister, Mrs. Walter Freund, will return to her home on Saturday. She will be accompanied by her mother, who has spent most of the summer here. Mrs. Fred Samlow and daughter, Dorothy, of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer. Mrs. Schoewer and her father, M. C. Kline, accompanied them to Chicago where Mrs. Schoewer will remain for a few days' visit. Mrs. Paul Gerding and sons, Paul and Julius, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. A. Schmidt and son, Albert, Jr., and Mrs. Harry Valbrecht, all of Chicago, spent Saturday in the P. H. Weber and Schimle htpM ©a Ittia pteeat. Sam Fraser returned to the city on Tuesday. . " Clara Schiessle waa a^Chicago 'visitor on Thursday. Mrs. F. E. Cobb was visiting in Chicago on Tuesday. Mrs. George Lindsay was a Chicago sitcr on Wednesday. Mrs. Gerald Newman waa a Chics go visitor on Tuesday. Floyd Hopper was a visitor in Chicago over the weeke-nd. Mrs. George Lindsay was a visitor in Grayslake on Tuesday. George Lindsay boarded the Chicago train on Monday morning. Mrs. Brown of Ringwood was a guest of relatives here Monday. ' Mrs. George Lindsay was a visitor in Waukegan one day last week. Miss Minnie Conway of Elgin visited in the home of M. A. Conway on Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Mervin and children motored to Chicago oh Thursday on business. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz and children were visitors in St. Charles on Sunday. A. E. Nye went to Chicago on Tues* day, where he attended the jewelers' convention. Miss Doris Bacon iund Florence Antholz spent Saturday in Woodstock and Elgin. Miss Pender Walsh is spending a few days as av guest of Mrs. B. Costello in Elgin. Miss Lena Stoffel spent last week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Curtis Westfall, in Chicago. John Givins attended the Kiwanis district convention at Davenport, Iowa, on Sept. 20 to 22. Mr. and Mrs. John Fay and sons£ James and John, attended the football game at Elgin Saturday. Miss Fern Bacon of Elgin Bpent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon. Mrs. Helena Heimer is spending the week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Hoffman, of Chicago. Miss Lenore Freund of Libertyville spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Freiind. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froelich and daughter, Adele, and P. H. Weber and daughter, Helen, motored to Chicago on Saturday. Mr .and Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Master Warren Jones were callers in the home of Mrs. Rilla Foss of Ringwood on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruishank and Virginia Lee of Elgin spent the week-end in the home of Richard Thompson and sister. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Miss Ethel Jones and Master Warren Jones left Wednesday morning for a motor trip to Jacksonville, Florida. James Marshall, who sp^nt the week-end with his wife in the home of Mrs. W. D. Wentworth, returned to Champaign on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coleman^ Mr. and Mrs. William Karls and children, Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Karls and son, Bobby, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Coleman, all of Chicago, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider, Richard Thompson and Mrs. J. A. Canspent Sunday in the home of Floyd Carr at Greenwood. About thirtyfive relatives surprised Mr.> Carr at this time, the event being his birthday anniversary. John Thennes is spending a week's vacation in northern Wisconsin. Mrs. Raymond Powers spent one day last week as the guest of Mrs. Ralph Walkup at Ridgefield. State's Attorney A. H. Pouse and Mrs. Pouse were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Powers on Sundsv. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, Mrs. George Lindsay, Mrs. James Sayler, and Mrs. William Bacon attended the advanced officers' night in the Eastern Star chapter at Barrington Monday night. s Mrs. Raymond Powers spent am day last week in Oak Park . Miss Lillian Doherty left lad Thursday for River Forest, where ihl enrolled for the third year in RosafjP college. Miss Mary Brefeld, who is attend^ ing the Junior college in Elgin, spea£ the week-end with her parents, 1Cr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Miss Eveiyn Fcllisghsn;, ri; teaches in the high school at Libertgp* ville, spent the week-end in the hoHMP of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J& Fellingham. 200 ACRE FARM TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION At 2 P. M. Sharp on Premises |« Thurs., Sept. 30, 1926 Known as the Marion Kiser farm located 7 miles north of Woodstock and H» mile north and % mile west of the Village of Greenwood. Owing to the recent death of my father I am obliged to sell. This farm is one of the best in this locality, natural drainage, black soil and all under cultivation, Mid a real producer of crops, as well as an ideal dairy farm. Has an 8 room brick house, steam heat, porcelain bath, sink and toilet. Large barn and stone foundation with stanchions for 30* cows. Garage and implement building combined, hog house, corn crib, windmill with running water in house and barn, cistern. Mortgage $20,000 at 6% due Nov. 1,1928. Terms: $1,000 cash, balance can be arranged on day of sale. Good title can be given at once. CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer JOHN M. HOY, Clerk. JOSEPH W. KISER, Owner / 217 W. 63rd St., Chicago, 111., Phone Wentworth 1845 MILLER'S STORE I GENERAL MERCHANDISE "A Good Place to Trade in All Kinds of Weather" Jee. 1. Miller, Fr*. Phone 11441 McHenry, I1L ; \ • /;I«F * -• § •»»»»»»»»»»»»»»•••»•»»»»••»•••»•»•»»»»«»>»•»< tit>• • •»«n i l i * m » • A COMPLETE VARIETY OF WELL-KNOWN QUALITY GROCERIES ALWAYS AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES NATIONAL TEA CO. * : THE SAVING SPIRIT Inside National Tea Stores you'll find happy shoppers because our clerks are friendly and know that you are receiving dependable quality and uniformly low prices at all times. • A. Lard Pure Rendered 2";29c Rice Fancy Blue Rose ' 2 - 15c Peaches American Home^Finest Quality IJEZjm No. 2 1-2 can Halves 3 cans f ClVr Flour Pillsburv-Ceresota 1 Q J Gold Medal 24 1-ilb. sack VP V*/*** Coffee ; Chicago Blend * AAa A Rich, Mellow Flavor |b. ^V/v Rolled Oat Quaker \ * OC/% d Quick or. Regular 3 Pkgs. Cherries National "Red Pitted. 2 No^ 2 cans 54(|> -- Rinso * Soaks Clothes Clean Large Pkg. 23C Gold Dust For every use UrgePkg 23e INCREASE SAVINGS EVERT DAT SHOP THE NATIONAL TEA WAY GREEN AND ELM STS McHENRY, 114k '*0 4