- -- ? • /$\<-: ^ ll,r" • " * 1; ** t.. «. :•„.•«'%^•^v i"fc^'V1* v^/*; ^ " • . , - • - • ' • » " ' , ' ' > % ' . ' . > • ' ' ' . ' :\^-»,tJ". ••• * || ' ^ * r° ^ A '* ' . " i **r V » > _ * \ T'-V : Day . • --."i, ;<-••• • ... 4- • f <•••• • • Featuring Big Values for $1.00 The Nobby Style Shop invites the public to visit the store on this date and take advantage ofthe many ex- : ceptional bargains listed below: J ' ^ Eayon Bed Spreads, Regular : "16.00 Vaine st ___$5.00 Pillow Caste; regular 60 cent value, 3 for , • $1.00 SHEETS 63 x 90 * $1.00 72 x 90* / $1.00 81 x 90 $1.00 Seamless hemmed L4DIES' SWEATERS Regular price $5.50. < Dollar Day-- -- $4.50 CHILDREN'S SWEATERS Special prices $2.25 to $8 Children's and Ladies' Underwear at cost. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S HATS Come ija and see for yourself the Hats you can buy Saturday for $1.00. All other hats at a having of $1.00, We are now • showing the newest autumn hats. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES at a $1.00 reduction, including the Kindergarten line. LADIES' SILK DRESSES New--Just arrived-- at. $1.00 less than regular price. Nevermend Guaranteed Hosiery. Regular $1.00 seller. Dollar Day, pair -754 4 pair limit to ft customer, saving $1.00. • Reduction on all other hosiery. V/-x LADIES' RAINCOATS at a reduction. APRON DRESSES The best gingham aprons, regular $1.50 and $2.00. Special Dollar Day .------$1.00 CHILDREN'S DRESSES Real bargains at 75c alad; $1.00 Turkish Towels" 5 for $1.00 Ladies' Flannel Nightgowns. Regular $1.35, at --$1.00 Children's Pajamas and Bath Robes at a great saving. Mesdames BARBIAN & FREUND m %- *VvA - -- JAMES MORROW Dealen in to Sr-n mpfi • ;** 71 -v ?.'• Good Used Motor Phone 186 are a few used car specials which we are offering at this time: ' WV4 ONE 1926 DODGE SPORT TOURING, FULLY EQUIPPED, RUN BUT 2,400 MILES. NEW CAR WARRANTY. REGULAR PRICE $1,040. SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE - - $775 ' ONE 1924 DODGE SEDAN IN N6. 1 CONDITION. EQUIPPED, SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE : $650 ONE 1925 FORD 1-TON CHASSIS, WITH SPECIAL $75 SPRING ARRANGEMENT. SPECIAL FQR THIS SALE $265 West McHettry mm-m. ;:r V J-; V Ik m$*y ri;. Blanket We have just received for this occasion a mill shipment of fine pure cotton plaid Bed Blankets. These are full size blankets, 64x76 inches, of improved construction, firm weave, heavy close nap. New attractive patterns, shell stitched ends. First quality. Shop early and get all iwi Wfuit at $1.00 MEN'S UNION SUITS, Summer Weight, $1.35 and $1.50 values, Dollar Day Only $1.00 S FANCY SOCKS, Dollar Day _3 PAIR FOE $1.00 'S CLOTH GAUNTLET GLOVES, Leather Palm, Dollar Day _5 PAIR FOR $1.Q0 'S AND BOYS' FALL CAPS, Snappy Styles, $1.50 values, Dollar Day, each --$1.00 LADIES' RAYON SILK VESTS, Dollar Day Onfy _ $ 1.00 LADIES' BOBOLINK SILK HOSIERY, Service and Chiffon, a variety of colors, Dollar Day, per pair $1.00 LADIES' RAYON AND SILK HOSE, Popular Shades. Dollar Day _2 PAIR FOR $1.00 LINGERIE VOILE, New Wanted Colors, Dollar Day --2$ YARDS $1.00 ECRU "RAYON" CURTAIN MATERIAL, Regular 50c value, Dollar Da|C-J--3 YARDS $1.00 !f, 3 Shoes About 50 pair of Tennis and Basketball * Shoes for Boys and YoUng Men, Sizes 4 to 11, values to $4.00 a pair, _ 7 ^ # Dollar Day Special $1.09 An assorted lot of Ladies', Men's and Children's bress and Work Shoes, real values, v Dollar Day, per pair $1.00 FORT MILL SEAMLESS SHEET®, good grade of muslin, size 81x90, Dollar Day, eacll _-- -$1.00 SAXON BLEACHED SHEETING, Dollar Day 2£ YARDS $1.00 SAXON PILLOW TUBING, 42 or 45 in. Dollar Day 3 YARDS $1.00 ABSORBENT GAUZE OR CHEESE CLOTH, Dollar Day _^15 YARDS $1.00 DRESS GINGHAM, Regular SOe and 3te >Uar D4y , 4 YARDS $1.00 f OUTING FLANNEL, 36-ta., heavy weight, good patterns, Dollar Day 5 YARDS $1. "FRUIT OF THE LOOM" MUSLIN, " Dollar Day S YARDS #1.00 CREPE GINGHAM, Dollar Day 3 YARDS $1.00 VIRGINIA SWEET POTATOES, Dollar Day 20 LBS $1.00 FINEST BABY RICE POPCORN, Dollar Day 10 LBS. Sl.OO HAND-PICKED NAVY BEANS, Dollar Day 15 LBS. Sf.OO 4 " " ' STANDARD GRADE CORN. V, Dollar Day 9 CANS $1.00 STANDARD GRADE PEAS, Dollar Day & OAKS $1. STRAWBERRY JAM, Dollar Day 5 LB. JARS $1.00 JAP ROSE TOILET SOAP. ' -^Dollar Day 14 BAR8 $1.00 I gg 15 Pounds Pure Granulated Cane, $1.00 AMERICAN FAMILY LAUNDRY SOAP. Dollar Day 16 BARS $1.00 BOTTLE CAPS, Dollar Day . A GROSS $1.00 -Sl.OO BREAD RISER, large size, ||f Dollar Day Only TOILET PAPER, £656 Sheet Rolls, Dollar Day 12 ROLLS $1.00 6 PLAIN WHITE CUPS ANft SAUCERS and 6 COLONIAL GLASSES, -ALL FOR $1.00 COLORED GLASS ELECTRIC LAMPSHADES, Dollar Day 8 *OR $1.40 3-PIECE ART GLASS CONSOLE SET, CANDLESTICKS AND BOWL, at .. WINE SET, Glass Decanter and If Wine Glasses, - -^|i#>onar Day Only --$1.00 Erlckson's Dept. Store : fin ^ West McHenry,Illinois ' '•i f V. . VV \