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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1926, p. 4

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.Vixp& i ^(l, '. «§^> 51 «rmr iii^l»iwtr*t>^ 'Wr; a ftilfti; ^ tifrft ^ "*V it ij frff* * V W^rW; flit THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER published every Thursday at McHenry, HL, by Charles F, Renich. '---Entered as second-olass matter at the postofflce at McHenry, IlL,*un- 4>r the act of May 8, 1879. One Year .. Biz Months Sabecriptlea{ Rates I. .«#» tmi *•»* * •»•»»'»' » • ••• •• *»-• • • • *.+<* • • • • • • « • ••***>«* • •• • ,..$2.00 .$1.00 A. H. MO^HFR, Editor and Mtntg»r PERSONALS A. E. Nye was a Chicago pessenger ftlday. u Rev. Loughlin spent Monday in Chicago. , Miss O'Dwyer spent the week-end at Madison, Wis. * jp. N. Owen of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. . Miss Misner spent the week-end with friends in Chicago. . Percy Lodtz of Crystal Lake was a McHenry caller Tuesday. Quentin Walsh was a Visitor in Crystal Lake on Wednesday. ; Mrs. John E. Freund was a Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. Harold Gillies of Woodstock was a l^teiness visitor in McHenry Tuesday. '""Frank Hughes and Mat Freund attended the races at Aurora Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Frett attended to business in Porter, Ind., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider entertained relatives from Minnesota Tuesday. Vincent Martin of Wauconda was a visitor in {McHenry />net day last week. Mrs. Paul Meyers spent one day last week with Mrs. Ed Thompson at Ringwoodv- Mr. and Mrs. James L. Burke of Chicago spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. Donald Hunter called on her aunt, Mrs. Frank Wilson, at Volo one day last week. Miss Laura Karls of Chicago visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman of Chicago Sint Sunday in the home of Fred rls and family. William McEvoy of Chicago visited ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McEvoy here Sunday. Thomas Frisby and Mrs. Robert Whiteley of Chicago visited Mrs. J. J. Frisby on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baumgarten «l Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. aad Mrs. Mat Steffes. f Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alberg of Chi- 4Mkgo spent Sunday as guests of Mr. aad Mrs. Mat Steffes. • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone of Elgin spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Frazen and cjiil dren of Chicago spent Sunday with . Mrs. Agnes Wentworth. go were guests in the home of Fred Karls and family Sunday. ~ MrT and Mrs. B. C. Getzleman of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Miss Charlotte Frett spent last week visiting with friends at Genesee Depot and North Prairie, Wis. Mrs. K. M. Bradley of Ringwood spent some time last week with her mother, Mrs. Henry Heimer, who has been quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robison and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bishoff of Woodstock were visitors in McHenry on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. August Guhr and daughter, Dorothy, of Chicago are spending the week at their McColw lum's Lake cottage. Little Richard Lorert Edinger of Woodstock spent last week with his aunt, Mrs. Loren Edinger, while his parents were in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer, daughter, Edeanor, and son, Elmer, of Johnsburg, were visitors in the Peter J. Schaefer home over Sunday. Mrs. T. H. Tremere of Belleview, Fla., who has spent the summer in the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Martin, returned to her home last Wednesday. Mrs. McEnery and daughter, Kathrine, of New Orleans, La., and Mrs. Robert Fulton of Evanston visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey Friday. < Mrs. Alice Lindsay, Mrs. Ony Wheeler, Mrs. William Bacon and Mrs. Mayme Harrison attended the advanced officers' night at Bethel chapter, O. E. S., Elgin, last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett entertained a company of relatives at their home on Main street last Sunday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mansfield of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Martin and daughters, Claribel and Marion, of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin and son, Frank. Relatives who attended the funeral of Henry Thelen here last Wednesday morning were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pich, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Butzen, Mr. and Mrs. Art Thelen, Miss Emma Thelen, all of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Art Fisher of Elgin; Mrs. Joe Pich and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fisher of Chicago; Mrs. Frank Martin of Hinsdale; Mike Thelen and John Thelen of Chi- Mr. and Mrs. B. Spauncho of Chica-1 cago and Mat Thelen of Elgin. NOT ALL GOOD We never tried to make anyone believe that all Used Cars were good cars. But we do insi8t that the Used Cars we sell are good cars. Andthe^Mopl* who buy them know it. , J AMES MORROW & SON Waukegan and West McHenry A USE-D CAR IS ONIY AS OEPE-NOABL# v AS' oeAue-a 'WHO S&lls IT 'sk "fir WE ARE SHOWING THE LAtEST MODELS OT It i* just as satisfactory for og to know we are giving full value as it is for you to know you are getting it. That is why we ask you to come in and let us demonstrate an AtwtaePrKeni RcK-eivin-r Set. tmm ?'< m : - Model 35--6-tube One Dial Control Set Only, $70.00 We Are Equipped to Give You the Best in Radio Service QTJR MANY SATISFIED CUSTOMERS IS £UR BEST RECOMMENDATION Knox Motor Sales Exclusive Atwater Kent Dealer! , $0 and 31 Classified Column FOR SALE FOR SALE -- 1924 Ford roadster; newly painted; good tires; good running condition. Price 1150, Just the thing to drive back and forth to school with. Come in and see it. James Morrow ft Son, West McHenry. Phone 186. 20 FOR SALE CHEAP -»• Baseburner; nickel trimmed; goed condition. Niesen's Cafe, McHenry. Phone 38. 19tf FOR SALE--Judd electric washer, like new, and electric flat iron. Mrs. William Huff, on the Clara Bauer farm, West McHenry. 17 tf rOR SALE--1925 1^%-ton Graham stake truck; in first class all around FOR SALE--Second-hand piano in condition. tires very good; an excel good condition. Phone 53-R. Mrs. A. J.. Schneider. 21<-tf FOR SALE--Jewel Round Oak stove, 18-in., used a short time. Anna Frisby, Phone 51-W. 21 lent truck for heavy hauling. James Morrow A Son, West McHenry. Phone 186. 20 FOR SALE--1924 Ford coupe; tires almost new; bumpers, step plates; extra tire and extm lights; a real good running Ford. James Morrow & Son, West McHenry. Phone 186. 20 COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOl^- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West McHenry. 38-tf - FOR SALE--A few choice big-type Poland China gilts and boars. Sired by Big Bob. James Hunter, R. 2, McHenry. Phone 617J-2 16t£ TORRENT ~ FOR RENT--Modern house on Ringwood Road, near schools. Electric, gas, bath, garage, etc. Reasonable. Jacob Brefeld. Phone 632-R-2. 19-tt RENT--173-aci77arm for rent FOR SALE--1926 Dodge Velour se- at *6 50 Per acre- Also have a Rosdan; only run 3,000 miles; car would enthal corn husker for sale, in good cost new $1,185. Will sell this car "»nnmg order. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, for $900 with a new car warranty. McHenry. 21-tf An exceptional FARM FOR RENT--At McCollum's Lake. Inquire of Mrs. M. Bohr. Tel. 140-J, McHenry. 20-tf Competely equipped. buy. James Morrow A Son, West McHenry. Phone 186. 0 20 FOR SALE--140 acres, all new buildings. Every foot can be plowed if wanted. Will sell reasonable and on easy terms. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, McHenry, 111. 17tf FLAT for rent. Popp. West McHenry. B. 14-tf MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE Will pay $25 reward for information leading to the arrest of any person destroying signs on property FOR SALE--One 5-tube Fada Neutrodyne radio set at $20, less accessories. ^loud ^speakjer^re- by me, that I have under lease. ception from coast to coast at a barL. E. Diamond. Notify John Pfannen-, gain price, see this radio at Nye's Jewelry, Music* and Radio Shop, West McHenry. 21-tf still. 21-2* FOR SALE -- 1924 Dodge %-ton screen commercial car; in perfect mechanical condition; tires excellent; a wonderful buy at $395,. You will be convinced with one glance. James Morrow & Son, West McHenry. Phone 186. 20 FOR SALE--Choice lots on Center street in West McHenry, 2 blocks from depot. Sidewalks, gas, wate^, electric lights. $500 per lot. F. H. Wattles, West McHenry. 45-tf. INSTRUCTION--Merle Gale Smith, teacher of expression, desires limited number of pupils. Instructions each Monday -at the home of Mrs. J. N. Sayler. Phone 99-W. 16-tf THE MIDWEST HOSPITAL, registered school for nurses, is offering to young women desirous of becoming graduate nurses a two-year course of training. Uniforms, board, room, laundry, and expense money furnished. Address correspondence to Midwest Hospital, 1940 Maypole Ave,. Chicago, 111. 16-4 FOR SALE--Two pure-bred Guernsey bulls, one yearling and one two-yearold. L. V. Lusk, Round Lake, 111. Phone Round Lake 10-J-2 WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITERS-- $3 down and $3 per month; rebuilts direct from the factory. L. Kiltz. Phone 351-J, Woodstock, Ill# 20-8 A loose leaf duplicate system of keeping your accounts will save hours of work in sending out your 20t* monthly statements. Ask the Plaindealer job department to explain it to you. WANTED FOR SALE--Lathe. 16 in. by 8 ft. bed. Low price. Hunter Boat Co., McHenry, 111. 17-tf WANTED--Girl for general housework. Must be good cook. Call 656-R-l. Mrs. B. C. Bradner. 21-2 FOR SALE--20-foot launch equipped with 4-horsepower Cushman motor and canopy top. Just the thing for family picnic outings on the river. Inquire at the Plaindealer office, tel- RESULTS! Kent & Company Can sell that house! Can rent that flat! Can find a buyer for that land! 18-tf ephone 170. 1* POUND FOR SALE--Cabbage, 1 cent per pound; also potatoes for sale. Peter FOUND---Ladies' purse, containing rosary and some money. Owner may May, McHenry. Route 3# Located 1-4 have same by proving property and mile south of Solon Mills. 19--3* paying for this ad Phone 6&-R. 21* Join Givens spent Wednesday in Chicago. William Zenk, Jr., was a guest of Elgin freinda on Sunday. Warren Howell of Chicago was a1 business visitor here Tuesday. Charles Buss of Chicago spent a recent day with relatives here. Miss Villa Rothermel spent the week-end with friends in Chicago. Mrs. William Zenk was a caller at Belvidere the first of the week. Francis Bonslett was calling on friends here Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Fay and Mrs. William Bacon called on friends at Wauconda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe and son, Charles ,and James Powers spent Sunday with relatives at Belvidere. Miss fiena Stoffel went to Chicago Wednesday, where she will visit for several days with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and daughter of Ringwood were, guests of Thomas and Kate McLaughlin Sunday evening. David Merker from Pennsylvania is visiting his mother at Crystal Lake and also his uncle, W. E. Whiting, on the Crystal Lake road. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cole and daughter, Dorothy, and Miss Greenwald of Orfordville, Wis., spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gans. Mrs. Anna Cox and daughter* Mable, qf Council, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Fay of Elgin spent Thursday as guests of Mrs. John Fay. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murray and daughter, Cerquita, and Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Murray of Geneva, 111., were quests in the McLaughlin home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Murray and 'laughter, Cerqurlk, and Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Murray of Geneva, 111., and Miss Kate McLaughlin of McHenry were entertained at the home of Jack McLaughlin at Ringwood Sunday afternoon atj a luncheon and hickory nutting party. RINGWOOD John Thompson of Chicago spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent the week-end in the E. C. Hawley home. Mrs. Lewis Hawley and two daughters, Shirley and Marion, are spending two Weeks with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener and daughter, Marion, of McHenry spent Sunday in the A. L. Lawrence home. William Kelley and William Beth spent Sunday afternoon in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Welter and Mrs. Abe Lawrence spent Sunday morning in McHenry. William Giddings spent the weekend with Hebron relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLain of Woodstock spent-Sunday in the C. H. Stephenson home. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Abbott were Friday guests of Mrs. W. H. Sanborn of Spring Grove. Mrs. Nina Cristy went to Richmond last week after spending several weeks here. Mrs. Ed. Thompson, Mrs. William McCannon, Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Adele, attended a bunco party at MeHcnry on Tuesday given by th$ Royal Neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe and son, Jack, of Woodstock called at the Chas. Bacon home last Saturday. Mrs. George Bacon and daughter and Leslie Nelson of Antioch spent Saturday morning in the C. D. Bacon and W. A. Dodge homes. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd .Carr of Greenwood were Sunday morning callers in Ringwopd. Mr. and Mrs. Max Beth and son, William, of Chicago , are spending a few days in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Saturday in Woodstock. Math Glosson and daughter, Hannah, spent Sunday afternoon in the Joseph Young home. Mr. and Mrs. John "^Miller spent Sunday with relatives in Huntley. Mrs. Hannah Walker and son, Fred, spent Saturday afternoon in Woodstock. Clarence. May and Will Brogan attended the .show at McHenry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, and William Beth and daughter, Cora, attended the show at Woodstock Saturday evening. Joseph Young and family spent Sunday evening at Matt Blake's. Mrs. Charles Bacon and Mrs. Will Dodge spent Friday evening at Antioch as guests of relatives. Mrs. Emma Merchant spent Sunday in the home of her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Murray were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin. „• Henry Heimer of McHenry spent Tuesday morning in the home of his daughter, Mrs. K. M. Bradley. There was a gathering of relatives at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William McCannon last Sunday. Mrs. John Thompson and daughter of Minnesota were there. All wool dress goods, splendid materials for schobl dresses, $1.00 and $1.25 per yard, at Erickson's Dept. Store. 21 KMK1UT.T) PAMf * fcff 'Carlson and family, Fred Barnes and family of Melrose Park spent the week-end in the Carlson summer home in Emerald Park. Anna Malefyt and nephews of Chicago spent the week-end in the Malefyt cottage in this subdivision.« Hugh Kirk of Chicago spent the week-end in the Kirk home in Emerald Park. C. M. Freisnicker and family of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday in their summer hnmp in this BnhHivisinn. Edward Bolger and Martin Knox of McHenry called on M. A. Sutton on Sunday evening. Beautiful heavy weight, full size comforts in two grades of coverings, each $3.00 and $3.75, at Erickson's i Store, Z1 -:^Marion*ttm9 Popular From Greece, where they were Invented, the marionettes went to Rome, where leaders of thought, jurists, legislators, magistrates and generals became their patrons end sponsors. They were favored as after-dinner entertRinerg in the days of the Caesars. --Century Magazine. The Lunch Box Cor. Waukegan and Elgin ^ Roads We Serve Chili Con Carne Soup Sandwiches Homade Pifl Coffee MRS. P. J. HEIMER, Prop. Conscience to Blame It is not because men's desires are Strong that they act 111; It 1b hegmaa their eonseienefti ar« weak. >-- John Stuart Mill. •_ "U '• V:*' -*Mie bit goes a^Sfg wi&»«fd the keeper feeding a handful of hay to a giraffe.--Cornell Widow. "To Thine Own Self Chain up the unruly legion of ***? breast. Lead thine own captivity cap*, ttve, and be Caesar Within thyself,-* Sir T. Browne. , .. - . Mode* 'j-'"*- three wishes--to get rled, to become a millionairess and to become a widow!"--Der Brumtner, Berlin. i'u. your poultry same can be delivered direct to our market. We are prepared to supply customers with everything in iugli-grade meats, gpecial priees for- Saturday. •;••=... . ' Brett's Market Phone 3 West McHenry, fil Trade at Home and Boost Your Own --\--~ Community > •••••••••••••••••••••••I1 •••I'4"|nt"l"t"l"M,|llltl'll'l"tlitl FULL SETS or Separate Pieces You may select from our showing of exceptionally attractive designe in Living Room Furniture, a single piece or a complete set, just as you wish. Prices are unusually low, quality considered. Sacob Justen $ Son 0 Classification df Citie• 8 In America every town governed by a mayor and corporation is generally known as a city. In Canada the name Is given to towns having more than a certain population. In Great Britain cities are created by royaJ| authority, and the t general rule now Is that the dignity Is given to a great town which Is also the canter ot m tanpofta&t dustriul district • ^ ; v ; See the New Sport iToufilftg and Runabout In Nevritolort, '* in Also the new Coupefeaturing new Colors , * c MOW on display at McHenry, Illinois t gMMMg f.

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