mmmm %.«. • bv> mItUugI iMrl' fMfinPrAn vI •reuiBDAY, dec. is, 1926 »<••»•»•»»»»»»»»••««•»»»»»»»•»•»•»»««»»»»»»»»»»•••••»••»••»»«M«»»••»••»•»••»•»•»•+»»#»»•»»•»»>»»•»»»»<» CHRISTMAS of LONERIDCE GERTRUOC WALTON 'HIS man says we are here for the night, and no way out of It. We're twenty-flve miles from John's, too. Repairs will have to be brought four miles from Coaltown. Those huts down the hill belong to the Loneridge eo&i mines. The miners will have guests tonight," Mr. Long announced as he drew some tools from his automobile. The mine mechanic who had been procared when Mr. Long had walked to one of the shanties down the long winding hill when his car had refused to go, smiled and informed Mr. and Mrs. l/ong that he would find a place tor them to stay for the night It was the afternoon before Christmas, when they were on their way to Mrs. Long's brothei .John's country home, where the Long children had gone the day before with Mrs. Long's ulster's family, to be present at the family Christmas Eve festivities, with a large tree by the fireplace for the families of five brothers and sisters ' with parents of both Mr, and Mrs. Long. In the car were gifts not only for the Long children but for most of the other relatives. After telephoning from the mine-foreman's office to John's family that they must upend the night at Loneridge, the packages were carried to one of the better looking iiuts ol the foreignspeaking folks who received them hospitably. During the evening, while the hostess was preparing the meal, the woman by meps of signs and unintelligible English made Mrs. Long understand that there was little Christmas festivity in the mining town. This woman has sho^n me courtesy and kindness: here1 is an ooi»or- 1 unity to prove some cunstmas cubage and character," Mrs. Long whispered to her husband as plans began percolating through her mind. Soon the children were helping decorate the small tree which Mrs. Long had brought from her husband's store for younger members of the relative#' families, as well as her own children. Mrs. Schalska popped corn, Christinas- tree trimmings, oranges, nuts, candy and candles were produced from among the packages In the car, and a hurried trip to a small store enlarged the stock of goodies. The children, taking turns In carrying the tree, with Mr. and Mrs. Schal6ka, Mr. and Mrs. Long started out. Every house with boys and girls, aged or sick one#, was visited. The tree was placed on a table or chair, candlei lighted for a moment while some goodies were distributed. After a visit to each place, the Cam' ily was invited to accompany this Christmas Cheer company while carols were sung oatslde and Inside until everyone was so happy that some •hooted while others cried for Joy. One dear woman after listening to the story of the significance of the Yuletide season which some had made Mr. Long understand they wished to learn, drying her eyes oo the corner of a faded apron, called Mrs. Long an "H-angel." The glad notes of the Christmas carol.'ng soon reached the farther ends of Loneridge, whose inhabitants Joined in a community Christmas as they made their way to the - large engine bouse where the tree was placed in the center wtolle they Anna patriotic aongs. Then, while races of l^onerldge boys andgMa wtth their note discordant in tone bat fall of lore-harmony while they sang, "AH Is bright" Perhaps she wondered at the "peace that passed understanding" frhlch she had that Christmas. She may have understood that the Loneridge Christmas Eve would be one of the happiest memories of her life because wherever and whenever the message "Inasmuch** is lived out, there will be "Peace and Good Will Among Men." (fe 1>S«. wleteni N«w*p&p«r Utln.) A ChrUtmaa Carol A, trigfct and bleaaed Christmas I»r. With *choH of the anvele' sons. And p«tc« that cannot pass away, And holy gladness calm and strong, And sweet heart-carols flowing free: Thla la my Christmas wish to thee! --JlavergaL sacred quietness reigned, Mrs. repeated the Christmas story, which Mr. Long led softly In Ing, "All la calm, all is bright" some one touched Mrs. Long on the sleeve. It was her brother, John, who was waiting in his big car to take them to his home. After their own festivities he had flipped aw&y to bring the stranded travelers as a surprise next morning to all bat his wife. As Mrs. Long arranged the packages around the small tree on the table, possibly there were visions of hanov Tho Joke Turned A motorist touring in Ireland OM day met a native who was driving a donkey. Thinking he would have a litle fun at the man's expense, he said, "My friend, what is the difference between your Mirnout and mine?" "Oh, not a great dale." promptly replied the Irishman. "Share the donkey's in the shafts in wan and on the sate in the other." • Man's Debt to Bookt God be thanked for books! They are the voices of the distant and the dead, and make us heirs of the spiritual life of past ages. Books are the true levelers. They give to all who will faithfully use them the society, the spiritual presence of the best and greatest of our race.--WiUiam Ellerj Churning. Mango in America 'The mango has been cultivated to some extent in southern Florida and California. It has been said that some eight-year-old trees in Florida have borne as many as 5,000 a single season. Era of Expletive* Everybody seems excited these days; people write letters in italics; voices sweet and low have become obsolete; nothing any longer is either good or bad, everything Is damn good or damn bad. And the less vocabulary people have to use, the more they use it.-- William Lyon. Phelps -to Scrlbner's Magazine. A* CHRIST MAS TIME, MOREPERHAPSTHANATANY OTHER SEASON 0FTHK YEAR, YOU ARK AltXI0VS TO MAITW YOUR DOLLARS BUY MORS THAN ORDINARY. TO AID YOU IN REALIZING THIS WISH, YET WITHOUT SACRIFICING YOUR CHOICE OS LIMITING YOUR SELECTION, WE HATS PRE : • • Gifts that Will Please f Feminine Tastes You cannot imagine what a splendid array of Gifts we have to please the feminine gift desires until you have seen them. We list a few below to give you a slight idea. Attractive Serving Trays $1.00 v Imported hand painted China"; beautifully decorated dishes. A large variety. Each 35* 50* $1.00 $1.50 £j&mpacts--tlie kind you want at 50* $1.00 $1.50 The fragrance of the world's most beautiful and pleasing flowers is brought to youm our dainty perfumes. Priced at " , £5*. 50*. to $2.50 M »*«•»»•III I'I»«««<»»•«111'*************1I'M* JEWELRY AT POPULAR PRICES atches $11.50 $27.50 $34.00 "iTold Bracelets up from $1.00- Bar Pins, Cuff Links, Beauty Pins, Stic& Pins, Watch Chains, Fountain Pens, Pencils and numerous other items at prices you can afford to pay. and Save Money ; Just think of buying all the Gifts you want to give/ and yet have money left., Thafcisp|eto fo wbat shopping here means. - ~ • DOLLS AND TOYS At Prices Less Than Usui! This affords you an exceptional chance to buy all the Dolls and Toys for the children that you wish but without spending a great deal on the entire lot. A large variety of Dolls, priced at 50*. 89*. $1.00,$1.98,$2.98 - "J It By Radio When it Tiomes to selecting a gift for the family the one best thing you can choose is a Stewart-Warner Radio. Mounted in a handsome cabinet, it has the power and se*' lectivity that enables you to get the stations you want when you want them. . A radio brings enjoyment throughout the whole year to father, mother, brother and sister. -- . Look over these prices: 6-tube Stewart-Warner, 1 dial , . • 5-tube Stewart-Warner, 3 dials--_--_ SEWING MACHINES, for industrious . girls -----' $ 1.19 MECHANICAL AUTOS, TRACTORS and TRAINST , 25* and ujL 25*. 50c $1.00 25* and 50* POP GUNS for ^ GAMES *t --_ e Hundreds of other toys of subh a wide variety that we have room to mention but few. v Stewart-Warner Reproducer 5-tube Komac --. 5-tube Komac, console $80.01 50.00 30.00 54.50 - 84.50 For those who Already have a radio, these items will be acceptable: * Balkite 2-amp. Charger $19.50 Balkite Trickle Charger , 10.00 Radio Table • • , • -- .. 7.95 Radio Table • ~ , ' • __ 16.50 LET US DEMONSTRATE Northwestern Radio Shop CARL N WEBER, Prop. Batteries and Accessories Authorised Stewart-Warner and Komac Dealer Phone 23 :;S%E8T M'HENRY GLOVES MAKE SPLENDID GIFTS Women adore them! They will appreciate these Chamoisuede Gloves with turnback cuff Your size. Per pair $1.00 and $1.50 BOOKS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Fascinating Fiction'for Children. ^ We have a large assortment at 10# 25*^ 50* $1.00 GIFT? Dear to the heart of every member of the family are here in abundance, ready for you to choose and present to your loved ones. MEN'S TIES Men always appreciate another new Silk Tie. We have many of the latest bright color combination* thai will be sure to please, at v H SO* 75* $1.00 HOSIERY Beautiful Silk Hosiery in the desirable oolors, service and chiffon weight, pair $1.00, $1.25, $1.75, $2.25 Rayon Silk and Wool Hosiery, warm, stylish, serviceable, variety of oolors, pair 59* Men's Socks, appropriate gifts for Christmas, per pair 25* 40* 50* 75* $1.00 To think of those dear to us; to wish them good cheer; to radiate good will without pretense--that is true Christmas Spirit. HANDKERCHIEFS It jbs easy to make a selection . Handkerchiefs of almost every price-- ; 5,10,15, 25,35 and 50* Packed in attractive boxes, priced at 25*, 35*, 50*, 65*, $1.00 NOTE WELL THESE SPLENDID GIFT ITEMS. ALL UNDERPRICED A few of the many items that you will find here, underprieed, but well up to standard quality. HOUSE SLIPPERS Ideal Gifts for Mother, Sister, Fatherxor Brother. Fancy colored silk bound Slippers for the ladies, per pair --$1.25 Warm and comfortable Slippers for men per pair -- -- 79* <• HERE ARE GIFTS YOU CAN PLEASE--PRIOE BE SURE OUT . WILL ' After you think that you have every Gift need supplied, read over this list and you will find need for some of these items at the prices quoted. Fancy Turkish towel Sets at $1.00 $1.10 $1.25 $1.35 Blankets, full size double Blankets, soft and warm, per pair ' -- $4.00 CANDY Pure and Delicious Candy for Christmas. Let the family have all the candy they want. You can afford to buy liberally at these prieee^ Fanoy Christmas Candies, per pound .^4^ ; v: :> IPO* 25* 30* 40* 50qi^ Mixed Nuts, best quality, per pound. New, fresh Brazil Nuts, per pound 10* 25* HMM« mil i f f WHEN IN DOUBT-SELECT A GIFT FROM OUR ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS STATIONERY. ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND SHADES, PER BOX 25*, 50*, 75*, $1.00, $1.5# Erickson Department Store Phone 154 West McHenry t ^ •> v _ a-.