*< c Henry Heimer of West McHenry was a Tuesday afternoon caller. Misses Laura Weter and Arline Harrison spent Tuesday afternoon at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cropley of Solon Mills, spent Wednesday afternoon in Ringwood. Mrs. Laura Brown and her niece, Nellie McDonald, were Wednesday afterncon caMers at McHenry. ;/ * East Side Garage Herman Schaefer, Prop. Automobile and Truck Repair Work of all Kinds Auto Accessories Crown Gag and Oils Phone 49 • V McHenry 9 . THE H'HENST PLAINDEAf.EE, THTTfiSDAT, MARCH 3,1927 Clyde Carr while cranking a car, Monday had the misfortune to break his arm, bat at this writing is getting ai'jn-' nicejj*. Bert Sutton of Solon was a Thursday morning caller in Ringwood. Matt Welter who has been spending a few days in Chicago, has returned heme. Mrs.\ Jennie Spanlding is again qble to be out after being ill for several weeks. John Boyle of West McHenry spent Thurrday morning in Ringwood. Miss Frances Helms and Virginia Wolter, were recent" cajlers at McHenry. Mrs. Bertha Esch and Mrs. Nick Klein of Spring Grove, spent one day this week in Ringwood. A number of McHenry women spent Thursday with Mrs. Henry Stephen son. Mrs. Jessie Trow of Hebron is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Schroeder for several days. Mrs. Laura Brown was a Thursday evening caller with her mother, Mrs. McDonald of McHenry, Endowed with Exceptional Comfort Bukk design cares for your comfort in many different ways. Correct balance scientific cushion cantilever rear springs, 5-bearmg-surface steering gear, an engine ribrationless beyond belief--all these Btiick advantages mean superior riding ease. Buy a Buick! It is luxuriously built, moderately priced. the greatest buick. i^yer built Overton & Cowen Hoick Dealers ftWest McHenry H. E. Kelley and L. Welter spent Thursday morning at Pistakee Bay* The Ladies' Aid society will serve dinner at the M. W. A. hail, Thursday, March 3rd. A1J are invited. John Buckland entertained the families of Charles Thompson, of Greenwood and Floyd Grattoif, of Woodstock, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas celebrated their twenty-first wedding anniversary at their home Sunday, F«b. 20, by entertaining their relative* for dinner. Mrs. F. Hitchens Spent the weekend in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown, spent Wednesday afternoon at the countyseat. The following pupils of the Primary room, who were neither absent nor tardy for the month of February. The primary teacher is Miss Arljne Harrison. 1st. Dora Anderson, Virginia Jepson, Alice Mae Low, John Noble, June Wa]ker. 2nd. Loren Thomas, Kenneth Noble, Lucile Peet, Noreen Krohn and Stanley Young. 3rd Mary Adams, Richard Kelley, Elmer Shaefer, Jean Whiting, Russel Franzen. 4th. Gerald Noble, Ellen Smith, Margaret Thompson, Irvin Walker. " Miss Laura Weter. spent the weekend with Hebron relatives ? Miss Arline Harrison spent the week-end with her mother Mrs Mayme Harrison of West McHenry. Mrs. Ri]lah Foss spent Tuesday yith Mrs. James Conway of Libertyville. I Misses Bernice and Lillian Smith! #|>ent Saturday at N. Crystal Lake. Kirk Schroeder who ha s« been quite i tU, is again able to be out. j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and daugh-' ter, Mae, spent Saturday evening at McHenry. Miss Alyce Wijcox was a Ringwood caller on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener and daughter, Marion, of West McHenry spent Sunday in Ringwood. William Giddihgs spent the weekend with Hebron relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Max Beth and son, Wililam Henry, of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with his father and sister here, Mrs. Charles Bacoif^and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lowe spent Saturday doing shopping in Elgin. Nick Muelheim, of Chicago spent Sunday in the M. L. We|ter. home. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Saturday evening at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and daughter Jessie, spent Saturday evening at the county-seat. Ed Thompson spent Sunday In McHenry. ^ Karl Bradley spent Sunday in Chicago with his wife who is a patient at St. Anthony's hospital. Mrs. Nick Young spent Friday in McHenry with Mrs. Christina Young. James Bell and family moved from the Mary Green farm to Richmond. Joseph Young and family have rented! the James Bell farm for the coming year, and Frank AdamB has rented the Ed Bell farm. Mrs. B. T. Butler and daughter Helen Ruth, of Chicago spent a few days this week with Her parents, Mr and Mrs. A. W_ Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and, daughter, Julia, spent Sunday at Mc-' Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Schaid are mov< ing from Smiths Corners to Solon to make their future home there. Bert Sutton of Solon Mills spent Tuesday morning in Ringwood . Miss Nellie McDonald spent the ewek-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. « Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stephensen spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Lin Kimball spent Wednesday in the C. D. Bacon home, f James Thompson spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson. Mr. and Mrs, George Noble entertained company on Sunday. Little Douglas Noble has been sick for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepherd and children called at McHenry on Wed nesday evening.' Frances Helms has been slightly ill for a few days. Lonnie Smith was a Tuesday morn iner caller in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson entertained company on Sunday after noon. Mrs. Honry Stephensen spent Monday at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Krohn and children were recent callers at McHenry, Kick Freund of McHenry spenjj Tuesday morning at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. John Claxton of Mc; Henry spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. George Shepherd. „,r Raymond Hall is improving at this writing after being ill. 5 Edw ard Harrison, of Elgin, spen' the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hughes of Me* Henry spent Sunday in the James Ladd home. Mr. and _Mrs. Bert McGannon of Woodstock spent Tuesday morning in Ringwood. Mr, and Mrs. H. E. Kelley have rented the Middle flat of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Welter. a Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey and Mrs. Jennie Cushpian spent Sunday morning at Woodstock. Mrs. Laura Brown is improving at this writing after being ill. William Coates has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Alec ^nderson. Dollars saved on every purchase, everything at wholesale cost. Shoes, Dry Goods and Ready-to-wear. J. M. Walsh's. All kinds of canned fish and Lenten dishes can be had from our grocery dapt Erickson Dept. Store. Tree's Many Names "Dogwood" is supposed to . e a corruption uf 'daiiuuoii,': a name equivalent to Its other names, "priekwood," "skewerwood"--so called because, being tirrn, hard and smooth, it Is lifted to make butchers' skewers. Prolific Fish A sturgeon, during the fish's normal lifetime, will l«y 7.000,000 eggs I This coupon and 25c entitle the nader- ' WKned to one 35c can of Acme Quality KnameUKote, any color* nod e 20c Paint. BnUhT N'.me Addrc*. To acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a spe- SPECIAL OFFER Lamb's Laugh Junior was visiting h farm and saw a lamb for the first time. Being of a friendly nature he wanted to pat It, but, as he approHehed. the lamb bleated out a loud "Rah-ah." Junior drew hack and cried out: "Oh, daddy, that lamb is laughing at me!"--Children, the Magazine for Parents. By"your house shall they know you • ?aint can make your house an asset. Neglect paint, and >our home becomes an eyesore, as well as a lowered Investment. The oaint you use should be chosen wisely, else you'll lose both time and money; Not only should the colors be beautif-.'l, but the paint quality Inust be durable. ACME QUALITY Paint rn ish i^or more than 40 years Acme Quality Products have been the choice of those who insist on the best. We can guarantee their lasting satisfaction. Let us figure on the job for you. • WM. H. ALTHOFF HARDWARE West McHenry, HL Goodyear's New Balloon Tire^ ^Better Traction--Longer Wear The tread of the new Goodyear All-Weathor- Ballooii Tire is semi-flat and scientifically designed to give maximum traction and resistance to skidding. Another big advantage is lon& slow, even tread w^ar. "Cupping" and uneven tread wear, so common to many Balloon Tire# is eliminated- dome in and see the wonderful new Tire. It is outstandingly the newest, tested reason why more people ride on Goodyear Tires then on any other kind. SPECIAL--ON SATURDAY ONLY 30x3Vi 01. Cord, $7.75 Walter Freund Auto end Radio batteries--Battery and repairing. Phoae I2Q-& EVERYTHING GUARANTEED w * K QLJUt Beautiful Chevrolet im BurroUt HiAtrm The COACH *595 Ma*. ore TOT than you ever Already the Most Beautiful Chevrolet Is scoring the greatest success in Chevrolet history! Because no other low-priced car ever supplied so completely all the attractions of a high-priced automobile! Here truly is more for your money than you ever thought possible--more than even Chevrolet, with its progressive • ,l - 'V-I' - 3Pr ^ * •itp*- QUICK STARTING policies and magnificent factories, could possibly offer, were it not for the economies of tremendous volume production* Come in--see the Most Beautiful Chevrolet. Drive it. Learn what makes it the greatest triumph in automobile history-- and why it is winning new buyers at a rateof tens of thousands each week! **at these amazingly low prices The Touring *525 The Sedan . *695 The Roadster • *525 Sport Cabriolet *715 TheCoun*_^j*62S The Landau * *745 1-Ton Truck . $495 (Chassis Mb) %-TooTruck - . (Oiauiimb) BellOon tires now stuufafd on all model*. h •ddWon to these low prices, Chetk fact's delivered pcicet ioctade the low est ptBdling bs4 fiaseciM Phone 191 West McHenry MARLAND OILS • N O K N Q€ K M O R B M I L E J M O RE P O WE R L E S S C A R B O N LESS . DILUTION . STARTING £t no greater cost § to Bang! They're off! There's nothing like the thrill of S tjuick get-away . . . nothing like the satisfaction of leaving the field behind. And the quick start means sure, fast running and faster finish. Gasoline that starts quick makes for clean burning . . . complete consumption ... foil power ... less dilution and thinning of motor oiL That exactly describes the New Marland 'Pressure (j a so line. Just try it one time and see for yourself! The cost is no greater than other gasoline and you will find it at all Marland Stations and at all Marland Dealers. •i i2UALITY Freund Oil Company Phoot^ZOl'W McHenry, llliaeU tin \..