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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Mar 1927, p. 5

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mmm ppsp THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1927 TRICK GAMES FOR APRIL FOOL'S DAY Compiled by Glenn D. Adams, of the Y. M. C. A. of Chicago Broom Handle--Have two brooms, «ie of which is held by the leader in the center of the circle. Canes or sticks will do just as well. The leader steps up to one in the circle and taps the broom on the floor in front of him and says, "You can do this if you try." The other using his broom tried to duplicate the words and actions of the leader. Usually, however, he does not do so because the trick is in the fact that the leader winks his eye as he says the word. In order to win the other must do exactly the same thing. Instead of winking the eye it is possible for the leader to swallow as the trick. Kiss the Book--Blindfold the victim and lead him into the room. You ask him to kiss a book on the table. After he has done it once, you tell him to do it again real hard. But this time you put a saucer of flour before him M lU l l l l l l l which he kisses instead of the book. Trick Spelling--Those taking part in the game stand in a circle. Some one spoils a word of his own choosing and pronounces it. The person on his left must spell correctly and pronounce a word beginning with the last letter of the previous word. For example starting with the word "found" the next person in line might spell "down" and the next "night," etc. The person failing to spell a word beginning with Jacks(inville „ to have Sundav proper letter or pronouncingjncor- movles for the flrst ttme ln Itg hl8t rectly is "out" A word may be used Bn nr<nn.n«, bx 1 ILLINOIS State News i MM ItMMIIMMMMMtM Goodyear's New Balloon Tiro f £ Better Traction Longer Wear The tread of the new Goodyear All-Weather BaHoon Tire ifr semi-flat and scientifically designed to give maximum traction aijd resistance to skidding. Another big advantage is long, slow, even tread wear. "Clipping" and uneven tread wear, so common to many Balloon Tires is eliminated. Gome in-and see the wonderful new Tire* , It is outstandingly the newest, tested reason why more people ride on Goodyear Tires than OH any other kind. Walter Fretmd Auto and Radio batteries--Battery charging and repairing--Tire Repairing and Vulcanizing Phone 120-R EVERYTHING GUARANTEED only once in the game. It is up to the company to detect mistakes or repivitions. The trick in the game is to spell words whenever possible ending in "X". Words beginning with that letter are few and not common, so that the circle gets rather thin after the "X" is used a few times as a result of an ordinance passed by the city council. Four boy scouts of Jacksonville rescued Bert Martin from his capsized canoe on which he was marooned ln Lake MauValsterre. Bernard Murphy, sllty-two, member of the Illinois state boat'd of mine ex- ProgmsiTe Twelve The . members of the Progressive Twelve Card club observed St. Patrick's day with a card party at the home of Mrs. Will Bishop, Thursday afternoon. Several games of five hundred were enjoyed, with first prize going to Mrs. George Bohr^ second prize to Mrs. John Engeln, thii-d prize to Mrs. Will Bishop and fourth prize to Mrs. Joe Rothermel. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of a pleasant afternoon. Those present were: Mrs. George Bohr, Mrs. John Engeln, Mrs. John Karls, Mrs. A Krause, Mrs. F. O. Gans, Mrs. Jack Worth, Mrs. H. B. Schaeffer, Mrs. Agnes Wentworth, Mrs. Joseph Rothermel, Mrs. George Worts and Mrs. F. E. Cobb. Whom I Love--Those who do not! a°liners «nd long prominent In mining know the game or trick, are in al sep- j a"'j|rs the state, died at his home arate room and are brought in one by one. In coming through the doorway before being admitted, the leader i asks each one of the girls to say, "What boy do you love?" The boys | are asked to say, "What girl do you love?" They have to answer before they are admitted to, the room. They usually give the name of some person at Pana of heart disease. Earl f>arrough, forty-two, president of the Danville Title and Abstract company, fell dead at his home in Danville several hours after he had complained of not feeling well. Mrs. Claude Pearl Pierce, fiftythree, who had been in 111 health, shot and killed herself at Mattoon. She but as a matter of fact are supposed was the "'other of six children. Hers to say the words after the leader, "What boy do you love?" and not give any names at all. was the fourth 6uicide there In four months. The Woods Construction company It's easy to handle a wife. If you get her a sedan, she won't insist on a fur coat. --Ashcroft Journal. . If you want a beautiful lawn thi3 summer we have just the right kind of seed to make one. Erickson Dept. Store. "Yon should prepare foe a rainy da.y«."» % "I am. I'm gonna marry a girl named Macintosh."--Our Navy. For Sale Fox River Chicks 25,000 Chicks on Sale Every Week at our Sales Room, 63 Grove Ave. WMt* Leghorns $13.00 Reds ~...._.......$i5.0O Mottled Anconas ......,$13.00 White Rocks..--^^.„ $15.00 Brown Leghorns..... $13.00 Barred Rocks..^...--- $15.00 White Wy»ndotts $16.00 Buff Orpingtons... .....$16.00 ' • V' / *• Special Prices When Galled For FOX RIVER HATCHERY Telephone 1537 63 Grove Ave., Elgin, HL A Hew radiothatttgets"every thing Arithmetic Puzzle--Lay 6 matches poured the first cement In the big in this order--1 11111. Then ask your friends to add five more and make nine. This is the trick--use the extra matches with those you have to spell out the word 'nine." Starved Ilock look and dam. one of the most Important units of the lal;es-togulf deep waterway which the state Is building west of Ottawa. The house appropriations committee Mystery Writing--Put a cross on appointed a subcommittee of five, a piece of paper with a pencil, first! headed by Representative John P. Deputting a cross on the back of you' vine of Dixon, to take up the Johnson hand with soap. Then burn the paper and rub it on the back of your hand, and watch for the cross to appear. Pin a Dollar Bill--Pin a dollar bill on the wall. Then call the victim in bills calling for an appropriation of $3(*0.000 for a state reformatory tor women. Following a storm of protests from the churches of Hillsboro, a petition telling him to look at the dollar, and i asking for a vote to be taken at the if they can point to the center of the! conilnp spring election on a proposldollar they may have it. Then the | tlon to allow Sundsly moving picture person is blindfolded, and when he or i shows to ojterate there has been withshe points, a person who has been ! drawn. " chosen to stand in front"Of7the tiollar I Sister M. Paula, sixty-seven, for hill bits their finger. i more than 38 years connected with St. Put an Egg in Milk Bottle--Can you Eli^beth's hospital at Danville, the put an egg m a milk bottle without last 2.1 years as business agent. Is dead breaking it * Take n hard boiled egg following an illness of three days with and remove the Shell. Then take a * pneumonia. She was by mainy years match and light, while it is burning the oldest attache there. i into a dry milk bottle. Put the! An airplane bearing $200,000 In caRh egp in the neck of the bottle. The rushed to Zeigler from St. Louis j heat of the match will draw the egg i recently and stopped a run on the i into the bottle without breaking it. , First National bank. The money was Numbers--A nujnber of children ; Rent from the Federal Reserve hank at form a straight line. One goes out' st. Louis and Us arrival satisfied deof the room while the others select i pngitors of the bank's solvency, a number. When tjie child is called | That It cost him mental anguish and in again she goes around touching! manual labor exceeding $10,000 Is the each one's head as a bluff. When j contention of Edward Brandt, farmer, she comes to her partner antf feels hexj jn a presented to the board of suhead, the partner taps her lightly on ( pervisors at Peoria after his automothe foot the number which has been, got stuck in a muddy country chosen while she was out of the room. road_ Brandt asks that amount. She continues feeling the heads until! Approximately 8.500 Illinois Nashe comes to ,the last one, and then I uonai Guardsmen, Including the Thlrfruesses the number, which of course, i ty_thlrd dlvlsion mlnus lts artillery will be the right one. A number above j will arrive at Camp Grant, July ten should not be selected. 15, for two weeks of training. With 1 j the divisional troops will come the F. H. H. Club Second squadron of the One Hundred Model 7 F 6 ST 49. 50 Merely tnrn the dial from point to point and station after station comes in separately, clearly and distinctly. The one dial is the only tuning device on this new Freshman Radio. Its a.maaing power allows stations from a gTe%t .Distance to be timed in right through the locals. Its superior construction and efficiency separate the different wave-lengths and tune out the undesired stations with startling Selectivity allowing you to listen to exactly the station that you desire without bother or iatarference and with fine Hear It CDESHMAM operate 11 Today! rVcT^CDDlViH Yourself! Tone Quality • which is the result of scientifically constructed audio transformers perfectly designed and co-ordinated to match this powerful radio. Operate ft Mags Marion Krause entertained the girls of the F. H. H/ club at her home Monday evening. Five hundred and Sixth cavalry and the Eighth Infantry. New bills Introduced In the house-- at the close of a happy evening X Dispersal Sale Beginning Saturday, March 26 Slaving purchased the entire stock of the late A. D. Buell, consisting of JOHN DEERE FARM MACHINERY, REPAIRS, HARNESS, AND REPAIRS, BLANKETS AND BINDER TWINE Cultivators, Plows, Discs, Planters, Corn Shellers, Grindstones, 8tone Boats, Whiffletrees, Neckyokes, Wagon Poles and Reaches Also many other miscellaneous articles covering nearly every line of Farp l^uipintoi As we have the building for only a limited time, stock must be sold at once Do Not Fail to Attend This Sale was played with first prize going to I By Curran, to appropriate $783,250 to Mildred Gans and second prize to i state treasury for biennium; by Hoar, Ernestine Freund. Lunch was served | to require pneumatic tires on all busses and vans using hard roads; by Igoe, to provide for holding of civil service examination for park employees; by McClugnge, to amend real estate mortgage laws. Stirred by charges that real estate bond houses In Illinois were violating safe banking principles and endangering millions ln Investments, the state house of representatives passed j a resolution Introduced by Represent- j atlve Frank A. McCarthy of Elgin j providing for a joint legislative Investigation of real estate bonds, mortgages and investment paper In Illinois. Decreases In Illinois factory employment which have occurred In every month since last October did not continue into February. The four-months' decline, which left 5.1 per cent fewer workers on factory pay rolls ln January than there were in September came to a stop In the second month of the new year, and manufacturing establishments employing 2(50,000 people reported to the bureau oj^lndustrtal accident and labor research an Increase In their forces amounting to six-tenths of 1 per cent. Six more men students at the University of Illinois have been dismissed for the remainder of the present semester by the council of administration. Kenneth Haney of Bloomington was dismissed for being one of th» leaders ln the spring celebration staged by several hundred students. Three men were dismissed for drinking. Another was dropped for nflsrepresenting his previous record at the time of his admittance to the university, and another for disposing of tickets taken from' the Star lecture course office without authority. Two other men were suspended while charges that they had beep drinking are being Investigated. A. Hanby Jones of Robinson announces he has withdrawn his resignation as state superintendent of foods and dairies, which he presented to Governor Small three weeks ago. after holding the position for 28 years. A resolution adopted at the Illinois Automotive Trade association convention at Danville opposes any changes ln the motor-vehicle laws of the state. It Is aimed at four bills pending ln th* senate proposing changes in the laws governing examinations and licensing of automobile drivers and altering certificate ot title regulations. Druce Telephone 100 Sheldon -.... Gray slake, 111; Six tubes ~One Control Authorized Freshman Dealer Nye Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop Ray-O-Vac and EverReady "B" Batteries, Battery Eliminators, Etc. Birthday Surprise Several of her friends surprised Mrs. Mary Simon at her home Tuesday afternoon, the event being in the honor of her birthday anniversary. A social and enjoyable afternoon was spent, after which refreshments were served. Those present were: Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Mat Steffes, Mrs. F. Weingart, Mrs. Wasnuk, Mrs. Boy Smith and Mrs. Linus Newman. ;V»y-fV . Field, flower and garden seeds at Eriekson Dept. Store. 'P. •*.! wm it ip ip ^ u * 1,000,000 MorePordS8oM in 1926 Than Any Other Make WHY? More Per Dollar Value Than Received in Any Other Car WE IN VITE YOU TO RIDE IN THE IMPROVED FORD CAR Its Wonderful Performance Will . Convince You Why the Above Record Was Achieved ^ KNOX MOTOR SALES ' 0 Authorisedfenl Dealers phones 30 and 31 H'HEKKY m V *

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