• -I m I THE BCcHJBNBT PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1927 S&i-V' K .?• f; •i &>.!• \ McHENRY*® HOME OP AMUSEMENT "WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" SHOWS 7:30-9:00 IHURSDAt June 9 'WOLF'S CLOTHING" Starring Monte Blue and Patsy Ruth Miller The Mad Thrills and Mirth of IOU Broadway ,v>. •; And the Come# ^ HBY GEORGB" FRIDAY June 10 Road Attraction The Famous. Graeme Players. "CAPPY RICKS" A S-Act Laughing Hit Adults, 75 cents Qdldren, 35 ce«ta * A Great Show SATUBDAT June 11 Bnck Jones "GOOD AS GOLD" Stirring Story of a Horseman of the Plains .... with BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE And the Great Chapter Play 'THE RIDDLE RIDER" SUNDAY June 12 Matinee 2:15 Florence Vidor "YOU NEVER ENOW WOMEN" A Wonderful Pietan Musical Selections And the Latest Illustrated BM| Hits by the Orchestra with - VAUDEVILLE And the Fox Comedy "JHRSY THE GIANT* TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY Jane 14-15 ^ 4 sRex Beach's PADLOCKED" A Sweeping Revelation of this Restless Age And the Comedy "THE CHAMP** TUESDAY June 14 SIMC PILLOW NIGHT Real Prizes for the Lucky Ones Elegant Prizes for the Lucky Ones And a Real Show for AH THE PIT" TO CELEBRATE OPENING NIGHT JUNE 11 St. Mary's Commencement Program High School Thursday Evening, June 16 TBB OIROtfS PAKADZ AT TKXXXY-WZENX VnA8 Audience - -i \ * ---- Selected Popcorn Boy...,..^ * y,..^.William Clark Polioemen I. IX Justen, B. Baur Bot'ty going to the Circus..^.. Grandma and Grandpa Herald "The Pit" a new road house situated on Waukegan road east of Fox River will celebrate the grand opening of its first season on Saturday evening, June 11. This new enterprise is owned and conducted by Mat Laures who plans one of the most attractive places ft| this locality before the season is over. Although not entirely completed it presents a most inviting appearance and the porprietor more than pleased with the way in which business is starting1, having several dates for parties already booked. The building which is 28 by 48 . , ^ mrJ,;nAr feet is constructed of cincrete blocks Animal irainer which will be finished in the popular Grind Organ Man and digger... Spanish style with red tile roof and ; " ' ^ 4 - • • • ' ' : r " : will be surrounded by a beautiful : : - / It is most modern and | ' wlJls - ,J. Heimer L. Frisbv, E. Bohr ; F. Meyer The Band The Clowns. ('ireus Dancers Dwarfs ......Eleven Boys Ten feoys ......E, Schaefer A. Wirtz, G. Miller .Ten Boys :.... Ii. Freund, B. Thennes ....Three Girls B. Conway Eighteen Girls . _ Six Girls Flower Girl Gavotte"......... C. Miller, L. Kilday "We're Playing Together"........... M. Weingart, E. Justen, W. Smith traced lawn. u *» uiu»v mwutm ^ : '-w«'•'*" j complete in every way, equipped with \ lsitors from xiollyWOOd.... kitchen, office and spacious dining ; ]\f jss Columbia.. loom where dancing may be enjoyed to the Btrains of orthophonic music. The orthophonic music is the latest idea in radio and phonograph combined and renders ideal music for a place of this kind. The tones of this music are made more mellow and beautiful coming, as they do, from a lorjre po'den dome in the ceiling of the dining room. Around this dome, also, are arranged the 48 electric bulbs which throw an indirect light of soft red, blue and amber shades which blend most attractively with the rich tones of the room and its furnishings. the interior finish is done ^ . 41 T ± in kraft-tex. in colors, the prevailing Kathtottjl.' -- .l_Alma Just^p color scheme* being a rich cream that Connors (her mother) an invalid, AlverA Weingart "XATHLEElP'r ; or "*HE COST OF A PROMISE" A Drama in Five Scenes Scene I. Mrs. Connor's cottage blended into soft rose and green!(irn prpj»i anr] <<Fifth Aire" with panels of gold. The many wm- j iraumerei anQ rimi-fYire dows are prettily curtained to corree-,'* Dream Fancies ' pond with the walls and present a ( , _ . £ and home-like appearance. | Scene II. FubllC Far* \ Granny Gilligen--old apple-woman. Violin Solo. Leo Herbes Laura Blake cozy The building which was planned and designed by Mr. Laures person ...Clarice Miller ally ^'^^t"Vhe"s^nish"^e Loda--violin player (gvpsy)......r.........r^s^_ Louise Wolf with its appearance of elegance Zola--dancer .. .•-y^ Marion Kaelin throughout. The cement construction t4Flvinff Hovfts" -" y ! M. Althoff, E. Sutton ..Lorraine and Laura Blake Mrs. Royalton's Sitting Room . The cement t J p, . nnvps»» work was done by Frett Bros, while , ^ ^ Ta ® u'VV " E G. Peterson did the carpenter Military March .... work. Peter Freund of Johnsburg, $ ___ \ 'ho i.-? a master in his li««. of work, ocene UL did the interior decorating and th« i Mrs. Rovalton (wealthy sister of Mrs. Connors)...Agnes Steffes beautv of the kraft-tex finish cannot * _ be i'«-cribed in mere words i Ethel Royalton, Lucille Royalton (nieces of the late Mr. Roy- Lunches and soft drinks are being ( alton Mildred Freund, Louise Kilday . ^^is^^dl^^'Elinor and Bernice--maids Loretta Young, Emily Smith also be served and special attention j Madam Felice, French attendant to Mrs. R. Regina Glosson will be paid to parties making ad- i The Hardscratch Twinfe... ..ii&zel Heiuaer, Florence Steffes aThe Pit will be open at all hours j Snowball--nigger boy,,.. and Mr. Laures extends a general in-'."The Guitar" vitation to the public to come and <<Piokintr Daisies"- also to ® ........... --%cene iVr Magistrate's Office Magistrate Albert Buch Policeman ; - • Vincent Wirfs "Jolly Darkies" - Freund, I. Blake 4' Butterfly" J::... Lorraine J^ake look it over at any time and attend the grand opening on this Saturday evening. ...iiazel Heimer, George Frisby .... C. Wirfs ...El. Sutton Mrs. Edward Leech Hester Adell Rowe was born at Hebron, Illinois, September 17, 1857 and passed away at Qconomowoc, Wis., at 12 o'clock Monday night, May 30, 1927. She had always made her home at Hebron until nineteen years ago, returning there four years later, remaining until 1914. She had been a resident of McHenry the past nine years. She was united in marriage to Edward D. Leech in June 1874. There were bom to them four children, two Scene V. Mrs. Royalton's Room ; 44 Watch the Corners of your Mouth" 5th and 6th grade girls "Meadow Brook" 1...L. Kilday "THE MILLIONAIRE JANITOR" A Comedy in Two Acts CAST sons and"two daug= hters,, ^-a lT^- f "whora.i Herman Schmaltz--the millionaire javnitior - with the husband survive her. Mr. I Prof. Flogg--proprietor of a boys' school, Leech is with a son m California and j j^jj Madison Jennings--Herald's father..^ was not able to return on account of I ,, T • f i TT cs declining health. She also leaves! Herald Jennings--a future U. b. Senator., seven grandchildren and one gTeat Horatio De Alger--the studious scholar... grandchild two sisters and one Fubbs Herald's Chum She had one niece residing | "Gavotte Moderne"--violin solo. Class Song--"Spring from Minuet Class of 1927 Birthday Party | Little Miss Emily Steffes was a very happy little girl on Saturday when she celebrated her seventh birthday anniversary at a party given at her home in this city. Games were played during the afternoon and prizes were won by Evelyn Schaefer and Miriam Sayler. Supper was served with the center of attraction being a birthday cake. The table was prettily decorated in pink and white with napkins, nut cups and place cards carrying out the prevailing color scheme. Many pleasing gifts were received by the little hostess. Among those present were Theodore Kalin, Eleanor Althoff, Miriam Sayler, Marshall Bacon, Jack Trent, Evelyn Schaefer, Katherine Simon, Lorraine Smith, Audrey Rothermel, Norma Oeffling, and Ardell Voetz. Forester Card Party, Hie lady Foresters gave a "card party st St Mary's church hall on Sunday evening which was enjoyed by a large crowd. Five prizes for both five hundred and bunco. At cards the winners were: first Mrs. Christina Joos, second Alford Weingart, third Mrs. Gritzmacher, fourth Mrs. John Meyers and fifth Mrs. Joe J. Miller. In bunco first prize went to CaTl Rothermel, second prize to Bertilla Freund, third prize to Mrs. Charles Herdrich, fourth prize to Marian Weingart and fifth prize to Alma Justen. Lunch was served. brother. in Los Angeles, Calif., that she brought up from childhood and to whom she was very devoted. It was the privilege of Mrs. Leech to have the beginning of her life in a home where an earnest religious life and faith dominated. Her parents were faithful and active members of the Methodist chutch in Hebron *here their memory still lingers as a blessing to all who knew them. From them she r^peived such train- | insr, and was so grounded in the prini cipals of mortality as taught by the i ; Christ that her life was guided and j i moulded by them. She was a member j j o/ the Baptist church at Hebron, be-1 I ing one of the first to be baptized ! i in the church. She was always active | in all church interests until her j hclath failed five years ago. | She was a woman loved by all who j knew her, was always kind and ever ] ready to do what she could to help i others. Her life was one of sacrifice and devotion, deeply attached to her J friends and her family. She will be | missed by all, but especially by her j family, as this bright link of a gold- j en chain has fallen away in death. I The funeral was held at her late \ home in McHenry at one o'clock and from the Methodist Episcopal church at Hebron at 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, June 4, the Rev Raymond Sauger officiating. The interment was at the Linn Hebron cemetery. The relatives and friends from away who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leech and sons, Harold, Clarence and Merlyn, of Lake Geneva; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Steffgen and son, Floyd of Oconomowoc, Wis.; Mfcs. Susan Noyes of Owatonna Minn.; Mrs. Alice Gratton of Sycamore; Mrs. Lloyd Strand of Chicago; Mrs. Adeline Gay of Harvard, Mrs. Myrtle Austin of Woodstock; Mr«s# Francis James of Waujcegan, Mrs. ff. L^ Herrick of Kenosha; Mrs. Oscar Thomas of Walworth; Mr. and Mrs. A. Ehle of Hebron; Mrs. Fred Bohart of Woodstock; Mr. and Mil. E. C. Rowe and son, Lyle, of Hebron; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Colby of Hebron; Mrs. H. M. Friis of Janesville; Mrs. A. Hawthorne and Mrs. C. E. Arp of Hebron; Mr. and Mrs. A. Alexander of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams of Lake Geneva, and Mrs Warren Wentworth of Woodstock. ....Henry Stoffel ..Kenneth Boley ...... Joseph Walsh JThomas Wilson James Walsh William Amann Leo Herbes HONOR ROLL • Perfect Yearly AttdlBttee Second Grade--Rosa Popp. TTiird Grade--William Kuester. Fourth Grade--Clara ThorselL • Fifth Grade--Beatrice Weber. Sixth Grade--Marguerite Johnson, Francis Rainey. Seventh Grade--Robert Peterson, Stanley Schaffer, Eugene Sayler. Eighth Grade--Melvin Rainey. Perfect Attendance for Semester Second Grade---Rttsa Popp, Howard Whiting. Third Grade--William Kuester. Fourth Grade -- Robert Martin, Clara Thorsell. fifth Grade -- Howard Kuester, Beatrice Weber. Sixth Grade--Harriet Boger, Marie Freund, Lloyd Lockwood. Seventh Grade--Robert Peterson, Stanley Schaffer, Eugene Sayler. Eighth Grade--Howard Breniser, Rolland Ensign, Harold Heimer, Harold Lindsay, Melvin Rainey, Richard Wegener. Honor Roll for May First Grade--Ruth Bouril, Mary Lenore Kent, Louise Stilling, Ardelle Voeltz, Adalia W^osnuk, Frank Johnson, Arlyn Turner. Second Grade -- Evora Carlson, Lawrence Huck, Janice Klontz, James McAndrews, Curtis Newman, Rosa Popp, Miriam Sayler. Third Grade--Kathryn Donavin La Vem Engeln, Adele FroehHch, Ruth Reihansperger, Virginia Wasnuk. Fourth Grade---Shirley*. Covalt, George Johnson, Evelyn Karls, Mary Landl, Robert Vogt, Richard Vycital. Fifth Grade--Guy Duker, Hazel Howard, Beatrice Weber. Sixth Grade--Ernestine Freund, Marguerite Johnson, Gladys Warrington. Seventh Grade -- Arleen Bacon, Floyd Covalt, Marie Kinsala, Juanita Keg, Eugene Sayler, Stanley Schaffer, Robert Peterson. Eighth iGrade--Elvera Antholz, Dorothy Fisher, Agues McCabe, Lowell Nye. Gifts of Silverware for the June bride at Nye Jewelry Store, McHenry. TO HOLDERS OF SECOND LIBERTY LOAM BONOS School Tern Cloaes The McHenry Community high •chool as well as the grade school closed for the summer vacation on Friday of last week. Many of the teachers have gone to their respective homes where they will spend the summer vacation returning here next September to resume their school duties. Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Wolf, one of the high school instructors, left last week for their home at Williamsfield, 111. Mr. Wolfe has accepted a position in the high school in that city for next yea*^ Miss Misner left the first of the week for her home at Peoria, 111., Miss O'Dwyer went to her home at Dane Wis., Miss Esther Keller will spend the summer with her sister, at Milwaukee, Wis., and MHss Edna Geist will return to Urbana, Ind., and Mr. Koerner went to his home at Chatsworth, HI., but expects to take a trip after his marriage on June 15. Supt. and Mrs. C. H. Duker and family will visit relatives in. Missouri. The rural schools have also closed for vacation and many of these teachers are attending summer school at DeKalb, also. Among those at De Kalb are Misses Arleen Harrisoi^ Doris Bacon, Kathleen Powers, Noft , - ma Whiting and Mrs. Peter Wagnar. ~ •-?» Miss Vera Vasey will attend the University of Illinois. PPSfllJ®! . . i m i . 1 , * _ ' K " J 3~*" * MrB. Bishop Entertain! Mrs. Will Bishop was hostess to the members of the Jolly Sixteen card club at her home on Riverside Drive last Wednesday afternoon. Five hundred*was played'during the afternoon and as every one furnished a prize it was a lucky day for all concerned as everyone won a prize. Those present to enjoy the afternoon were Mesdames Josephine Heimer, George Bohr, Joe W. Rothermel, Mat Niesen, Simon Mfchels, George Worta, Jno. Schuenemann, N. E. Barbian, J. C. Bickler, A. Krause, F. O. Ga Louis Wolfe and Misses Gertie Katie Weber. »!• * i) Methodist Church Children's Day will be observed it the Methodist Church Sunday, Jaws 12th. The regular Sunday School service will be held at ten o'clock and the special program for Children's Day will begin at eleven o'clock. The program will be for the children as* well as by them. in G' --Beethoven Address, Distribution of American Penman and* School Diplomas ...Rev. Chas. S. Nix '"Farewell" Graduates Ties that put more color into life Color--it isn't just red or gtien or yellow. It is a vital, refreshing quality that gives interest to everything it touches. These ties have it. They have easy prices, too $1 Entertains School Children Miss Alice Knox pleasantly enter- Royal Entertainers The Royal Entertainers met at the i home of Mrs. J acob Schaefer on tained her pupils of the seventh I Thursday evening of last week. Five grade at a party at her home on hundred was played and prizes were won by Mrs. H. L. Ritter, first; Mrs. Fred Schneider, second; Mrs. Jesse Wormley, third and Mrs. Mat Steffes fourth, The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Fred Schneider. Green street, Tuesday evening. The Evening passed quickly at games and a general good time after which refreshments were served. The guests presented their hostess with a gift in remembrance of the school year -they had spent together PUindeatirs at polgen buys a very onart oner McGee's Home of Hart, and Ifoyy •w.. 'Svl ^ Olothef r/ \\r.V7v; i' EXCHANGE OFFERING 0* NEW TREASURY BONDS Nttb* I* |tT«i of • new offering •< UNITED STATES TREASURY BONOS, 4at«4 Jan* 16, 192T, *nd bearing int«r«at fran that data at the rata of S % PW ml The bonds will matura in twanty yaara, but may Im nlkd tor itdanpdM after »t*t#<m jraara. Sacond Libartjr Loon bonda will bo MMpttd in axahanio at par. Aeeroad te> (mat on the Soeond Liberty bonds of* fared for exchange will bo paid h mi Jane It, 1*27. Seeond Liberty Loan bonda bare boon gall ill for payment on November II, 1V2T, gnd will eaoae to bear interest on that date. Holders of such bonds Who desire to take advantage of the exchange offer •hould consult their bank or trust company at onee. The exehange privilege Will bo available for a limited ported eoly. Cnd Mty expire about Jane 1 Itti Further infortnation may be from baaka or traat companies, ear fo^oral Koaerre Bank. A. W. 1IELLON, Eecretsry el the Ti Washington. May 31. 1927. r. Company We specialize in hauling rubbish, ashes, cans, etc. We will make weekly calls. We will also do expressing of all kinds at reasonable rates FOE QUICK SERVICE CALL McHENRY 38 member lit That/s the guiding spirit in this store. Our merit andise is built up to quality; not down to price. Years of training and experience at' the prescription counter have taught us that there is no substitute for quality. When we offer you an article of merchandise for everyday use, please remember that is has been selected wjth the same care and thought that we use in buying drugs and chemicals for our prescription counter. This is a QUALITY store. You H find „ one QUALITY merchandise cheapest in the long ran. Thomas P. Bolger "The McHenry Druggist" Liberty Loan Second Liberty and will cease to bear interest on that date.* & Wr- .Jfi 'si'&wxr • •,.<m «•, Sv The bonds should be presented on or prior to November 15, 1927. This bank.will be pleased to handle the sale or exchange of these' bonds for anyone desiring us to do so. imm- • ' * . • t x • ' » West McHenry State Bank "The Bank That Service Built" - ,0