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Not only the mayors were present here Sunday but aldermen and prominent city officials and friends were on hand from Antioch on the north to Ottawa on the south. A few were present to promote the building of the dam, for which the state has appropriated $175,000, but the very large majority came to enter a protest. Mayors were present from Ottawa, Oswego, Yorkville, Aurora, Manhattan, Geneva, St. Charles, Batavia, Elgin, Algonquin, Cary and McHenry. Before taking the trip up the river <on the Gladola, of the Hunter Boat line, a short session was held at the city hall and several were asked to express their opinions. . " Ask For Co-operation Mr. Anderson and Mr. James, both Jfc' Marshall Now Hit Enlarged " Quarters and Will Add. Lunch Room .On Saturday of this week, Sept. 3, the formal opening of another one of Green street's business houses will; take place in complete and well arranged showrooms. The bakery, owned by J. J. Marshall, has been working in a limited space during the summer months, but now, owing to the removal of the Nobby Style Shop to their new quarters, the bakery will occupy the entire building. The south half of the building will comprise the workroom while the north half will l>e the store and, coffee shop. The finished product will be conveyed from the large ovens to the workroom in the rear of the store, where the bread will be wrapped and bakery goods prepared for retail trade through the store and for the wholesale tmde by trucks through the rear door. A counter has been installed over which lunches will be served at any and all hours of the day. A steam EM-BRUCE BRAE BEAUTIFUL HOME NEW OWNERS REMODEL ' HOWELL'S VILLA Lai**' Conservatory To Be Added --Will Be One of Show Plads of Fox Valley The former home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Howell, at Howell's Villas, was recently purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Allister Stirling of Wilmette and Chicago and since. May they have occupied the place and made a number of improvements, some of which are not yet completed. The name of Bruce Stirling is becoming a popular one in this community and stands for progress and achievement as it is he who recently purchased the Strueh sanitarium and grounds which have already been subdivided and named "Sha-li-Mar," many FIREMEN TO STAGE THREE DAY CARNIVAL lots already having been sold in this • thjs locality, "beautiful garden." Mr. and Mrs.! -- - In McHenry City Park, Saturday and Sunday and Monday, Sept. 3, 4, and 5 Three big days are scheduled for McHenry over the week-end, including Labor Day. The members of the McHenry Fire Department will stage what they call a "'Big Fire Carnival," in the city park, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Sept. 3, 4 and 5. The entire receipts of this carnival will be used in the replacement of the city fire truck, which was badly" wrecked and three firemen injured when answering a fire call on Wednesday, July 6, 1927. There will be amusements of all kinds during^ the three days, including a merry-go-round for the kiddies, prizes for the lucky ones and a good time i" jr:n:"ill. ' Those who patronize this carnival will not only have a good time but will contribute toward a fund which will be used for a splendid purpose, giving fire protection to residents of HOME-COMING AT 200 GATHER FOR ANNUAL EVENT Oti4nr llgnnt Feat are of . Celebration Given on Friday August 26 " The Rirywood Home Coming Association held its second annual meeting at the M. W. A. hall at Ringwood on Friday, August 26, 1927. Invitations to attend this meeting had been extended far and wide and over 300 people gathered to enjoy the day; together. After the community sing, in charge of Mi"5! Bird Hodge, of Solon Mills, the .-eeretary it ad letters of greetings from the following old-time residents: Mildred Lawson Munshaw of Eau C'aire, Wis.. Anna Green Washington LOUIS SMITH WINS j C. W. STENGER CUP Defeats Joe McOmber In The Finals, Played at Country Club On Sunday, Aug 28 On Sunday, August 28, the finals in the tournament for the C. W,. Stenger cup were played between Louis Smith and Joe McOmber with "Lew" appropriating the cup by defeating his opponent 5 up and 4 to g6. This cup becomes the property of the member winning it three times, each winner to have his name engraved on the cup and to retain possession of it for one year. On Sunday and Monday, September 4 and *5, the qualifying round for the club championship and medal competition will be played. This will be a 36-hole medal play prize tournament with full ^handicap allowance, eighteen holes to be played each day. All ladies with established may play in this event. STATES ATTORNEY ' POUSE RESIGNS LEAVES COUNTY-SEAT; RUMORS AFLOAT Fail* To Appear In County Court On Wednesday When State Cases Are Called Alford H. Pouse has resigned his position as state's attorney of McHenry county. This was the general topic of conversation at the court house Wednesday morning when Pouse failed to make his appearance in the hearing of the prohibition cases scheduled for* call in the county court yesterday. On August 9 at the fir3t hearing of the cases State's Attorney Pouse put , the cases over until August 22. On handicap, the last date named Pouse informed the court that he was not ready as his Bishop of Medford, Oregon, and Maud Rolf bag for second low net. five ttaabbllee _aanndd _oottnheerr nneecceess^saarnyr eeqquuiippmmeenntt1, eSt;l-r,ll-n 8f al,s o* 1ha ve othe'r ,l ara(nfea .h"ofljd*- j a nTehwe ftruunodk nrenend sv .m SoWreM mir^o neyy before """ " Yn„ P,„ 1 IHikota. | Hall Peterson of Watertown, South for prompt and efficient service which the food will always be kept hot and ready to serve have been installed and this lunch counter will supply a long needed accommodation for Greeh street. The show windows are large and roomy and are air tight being lighted •with large reflector electric lights. Mr Marshall has spared no expense in remodeling, building and preparing ftom'Antioch. rn.de t«lW adverting ' the construction of the proposed dam, ings in Deerfield and .have a great deal of experience in building and remodeling houses to fit their exquisite taste and to become beauty spots of their locality. Next Chapel Hill Course ' Their present home comprises a charming bungalow and is situated on one acre of land adjoining the Chapel Hill Golf club on the Pistake Bay road. The home has been newly decorated stating that it would be necessary for, the lake region to have a higher water to his patrons. A large addition was l«e ve,l .to al,l,o w ,for the nav.ig.ati.on of, a d d.e d i_n t h e r e a r t o h o ,u s e t h e . l a r g. e .b oa.t s successf-u ,l,ly and, give the ,l a,k es : an^d roomy garage was also constructmost satisfactory bakery goods and to! throughout jn harmonizing colors in r^^ tbe best service the tiffany finish and a large music room has been added to the pleasant arrangement of rooms. This music vitation to everyone to pay his bakery singer of note, having studied for ne wouM ramer nave me i am! lunc^ room a °" Saturday, many years at the Bush Conservatory if Pistakee Bav and that' 8 eveT day when in need of bakery 0f musjc an(j having sung at Orchestra goods. hall as well as at the Four Cohans in Chicago, besides numerous recitalsa . enough water during the low water Masons. They asked for co-operation from those farther down the river to see if some plan cannot be worked oat satisfactorily to both sides. ' Mr, James, who is a member of thV Pox River Conservancy District board, stated that he would rather have the dam bfiow territory can stand the amount of ---HWater necessary to put the lakes in proper condition. ' Mr. Blencoe, who is the president of the Gonservancy District board, said that he thought that good engineers ' should be employed to work out a plan to prevent water from going down and causing damage. He said tile dam below McHenry is in bad condition but thought it could be constructed to keep the level right.' His main objection was to the use of sfash hoards on the dam. The speaker is the mayor of Geneva. - Mayor Nadine of Yorkville was Afcked if he had anything to suggest ' «nd replied that he and his party considered their district the tail of the dog and came up to see what the dog looked like. room which is brightly lighted by sev- A new cake-making machine has, eraj French windows will be finished in rose color Tiffany with a dias in FORMAL OPENING STILTING GARAGE TAKES PLACE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY The prizes for the event will be one, investigators were not on hand and f Cartersville, Iowa, Julia Smith J.?teel shafted club for low net, one j asked for a postponement until Aug, * J ' " * 31, at which time he promised the' court he would be ready. Many Rumors When he failed to appear Wednes-. day morning when court opened there were many rumors afloat as to where he was. It was finally announced that he had turned in his resignation to Governor Small. This has not been officially confirmed, but it is the Silver -King golf balls for third low , , net, four Silver Kings for fourth low a new truck can be secured. You can r>l>s Lucy Hall of Woodstock read I net. three Silver Kings for fifth low helPjby attending the firemen s c*r-. n paper that was gjven jn 1891 jt .a j net, two ^Silver Kings^ for sixth low just recently been added to the equipment and Mr. Marshall aims at all times to conduct his business in the most efficient manner to give satis- New Spanish Type Building Provides Salesroom For the' Nash Line Formal opening of the new Stilling i garage, located at Kim street and one corner on which will stand a very Riversi'de dri is 8cheduled ta take Sdoubt , will be favored by Mrs. Stir- **** «»**». a..™** «d factory service. He extends an in-, jjng wjjQ js a gifted musicain and Sunday. Sept. 3 and 4, at which time the proprietor, George A. Stilling will welcome all visitors, show them over farewell party for Mr. Nickle, telling i net, one Silver King for seventh low many reminiscences of earlier schooT! net. The prize for low qualifying ,'avs. Allison Lumlev and Carl Fay Rross will be one silver medal en- " re present and spoke of many in- graved with player's name. cidents of their school days in Ring-1 The eight members playing in the ^ wood. " I 36-hole prize tournament having the; general opinion among many of the D. T. Smiley of Harvard was the ^ lowest gross scores will play for the | members of the bar association, speaker of the afternoon, after 'which H c"amP10^ship of McHenry club. This writer is not at liberty to election of officers was held and re- j ^ns event will be an 18-hole- match, just why p0use has turned in his ressuited as follows: J. V. Buckland was j P"jy an^ ^"e *'nals will be thirty-six ignation. Some say that it resulted holes. The winner will receive a | from the recent federal raids in the championship gold medal and have his name engraved on the club house shield. The runner-up will receive a elected president and Mrs. Florence Smith was elected' secretary f««,. Ifae ;nsuing year. - . ' Out-door Pageant A cafeteria supper was servoc! at 5 o'clock and an outdoor pageant of living pictures was „the entertainment Sept. li to 20 inclusive and the final of the evening. This was a most in- found will be played Sept. 24 to 27 teresting program of living pictures! inclusive. This will be the final event taken from the popular ten pictures ; the season at the McHenry Country of James Whitcoitib Rilev. From the | club, after which arrangements will be drawing of the first curtains, showing ; made for the presentation of medals county. Others have different opinions. . 1 Pouse is out of the city at the pre&« 'When the Frost is on the Pumpkin." I MEMBERS OF CLUB SURPRISE MRS. PRIES The members of the Royal Bunco Add Conservatory Another addition which is being his beautiful new Spanish type KarageLhe interest of th<> spectators was held and present each with a souvenir, in^ on through the list of ten numbers, eluding the children. 1 One would have to many miles to find silver medal. The first found in the: ent tjme and his whereabouts are hot championship contest will be played known by the writer. When Judge CharHs Allen announced at the close of the morning session that he had heard that State's Attorney Pouse had resigned it caufed considerable talk and exeituiiiilb - among the court fans. Try Cases Although Pouse failed to make his appearance the court proceeded to try and cups won during the season. Two days last week proved to be important ones for the caddies at the iF1^aiaiU(. w (The women folks with their sausage. McHenry Country club at which timeL^e machine cases. He conducted travel a good ( and app]e butter makin' were seen in1"1® played their annual tourna- j examinations of the defendants in a more modern j pjcture number one, while "The Rag-; P?en^* Several entries were made and ceveral of the cases* until Assistant , built to adjoin the bungalow on thi! *ara*VtJan ^ ^h,ch ,e ^ aboul \ ged&an." true to life and custom»the Joys turned m some good scores. State,g Attorney J. J. McCauley arclub motored to Waukegan on Friday! south is a conservatory 14x26 feet in ^omPleted on the above named comer.. of the old type Hoosier farmer days j 0n the first day eighteen holes y. ere, court evening of last week where they sur-j g,ze- This will be made entirely of j lt ?n e,ther of th.ese opening days; wag there in person. "Our Hired Girl" i Played, while on the second day thirty-. ^ following men pleaded g lttty prised one of their members, Mrs.!glass jn dome shap with a tile floor! gf s0UVE.I}jJ[* v 1 was seen cookin' on the old fashioned; six were played, making a total of; to h.iung in theil si0t William Pries. The event was in the |and wiu be filled with many beaut- , T n Bus,ne8s Fifte«n Years' stove, and Pa and Ma were seen ready fifty-four holes played in the tourna- j machines and for the operation of manner of a house-warming as Mr.|iful fern8 and piants surrounding a',. January. lyiJ. George A. go where the "sohhul met." The , m®®J* . . {the same in their placcs of business: and Mrs. Pries and family just re-|fountain m the center in which gold 5 opened a KaraKe and automobile eccentric ..m* What'-His-Name" and • The low gross score for the fifty-• r,ank Jr. Sir'.ini William " I sales room in the Buch building at Wnnwn "Omhan Annie." the thft, bridge corner, at that time ing the Hupmobile cars. In the _____ of August, the same year, he ex-| there. ' !'or eiKhteen holes was made by Ed xheo. "schiessk'sam ^Salver son, John .. • -'H- >^- '..-w-. cently moved to Waukegan from this' fish may be seen. city.* Although she was completely j steve Geroux of Chicago and Lake surprised the hostess soon recovered Como has the contract for th'e music and made the guests feel very much | room> while William J. Welch of this at home welcoming them-in her usual oity is assisting in the other carpenter genial manner. Bunco served as thej work about the place. entertainment for the evening withj Walter J. Donavin is installing a the first prize being won by Mrs. John most modern and up-to-date heating Keg, second prize by Mrs. Glen Gun-ipiant consisting of a combination of derson and the consolation was car-j hot air and hot water with a Round r> . ried away by Mrs. Henry Foss. Mrs.jOak oil burner. This is the last word ,£^" nSon^ Pries was presented with an appro- jn heating and is being installed in a near McHenry, replied to this remark by stating that if the new dam was ever installed they wouldn't have any dog to look at, it would be all tail. He added: Should Have Consulted "It is not fair for the people in the lake region to expect us to co-operate without showing us what we are going to have in return. Why didn't they consult with us before this appropriation was put through and not leave it to political engineers? When was the priate gift from the members of the neat and satisfactory manner by Mr. club. Delicious refreshments were served at a late hour, after a jolly evening had been enjoyed and the guests returned home, all agreed that Mrs. Pries was an ideal hostess. OUTBOARDS TO RACE SUNDAY FOR BIG CUP On Labor Day the outboard motor hydroplanes of the McHenry Boat clubj portation from Frapce. Donavin and his able assistants. In addition to the work on the interior many improvements have also been made on the surrounding grounds A large garage has oeen built with room for two cars while in the rear a-«omplete laundry has been equipped. A most unique and unusual fence surrounds the grounds, being an im- It is known perienced a disastrous fire in the interior of his building, suffering a heavy loss, but after having the place put in condition, continued at that location until April, 1914, tfhen he built a building on the corner where his present business is located. There he handled the Studebaker and Hudson lines until 1925 he took on the Nash line exclusively. In December, 1926, Mr. Stilling sold a part of the corner to the Standard Oil Co., for a filling station site and in the -following March work was started on moving his building and having it remodeled, adding new structures and reconstructing it into a modern Spanish type. Nash Line Exclusively I 'An Old Sweetheart of Mine" was! Baur with a pictured from the pink sunbonnet days i a P°" bagin the old one-room school, through the trysting days and 'till the recollection rises to greet the living presence of "that old sweetheart of mine." . . . , , 1 I 1 C U . u v m n c i c . u a m w > « » . . • > . . S O T 1 , score of 96 and he won A , d d Gmiea ^ McKune The low net score for fifty-four holes was made by Ro'lo Chambei lin with a score of 242 and he "won a steel shaft driver The second low net score for thr discovery made that they need twenty-, ard Beach Golf club. Also during will race at 2 p. m. for a beautiful, as the Dubois fence and is made of ^ result has been that he now fifteen-inch cup donated by the Orch-1 spijt chestnut saplings, being procured ^'ns. one ° the f,nest Places of its Out to Old Aun Marv's" was lived fifty-four holes was made by Eugene over again by the audience when they! Sayjcr with a score of 248, winning a saw the barefoot brothers of boyhood . a*'. days, and Aunt Mary standing in the Third low net for the fifty-four door whore the "gourd grew up the ho1®8 w»s made by Donald Granger cide and o'er the clapboard roof." ,*ithia total of 251, winning a mid-iron : T h e l a s t p i c t u r e , " W h o G a v e Y o u ! T h e l o w n e t s c o r e f o r t h i r t y - s i x j the Name of Old Glory." brought a hoIes made by Maurice Schreiner ( thrill to each one as "they watched -™th a score of 171, winning a spade: the flag fly and the boys marching mashie. j hv for such a scene causes a "shout in Two Fined $300 In all the above ca.es with the ex- , ception of Froelick and Mertes th#^ ^' 5 defendants were fined $100 on each „;<s count. In the Froelick and Mertes cases the fines were $300 each, or $150 on each count. Several of the defendants pie .(Led not guilty including. Steve He'raer, Mat? Laures. Otto Broecker, Ru.i >iph and Pet® Johnson and Jack Han Con S'?<?a failed to appear and Mike Worts •; as reported ill at his home in McHer;-'. Most of the defendants stated that T Jf four more inches of water? Farther down the river there is not enough water for a fish to live in. Put the present dam in good shape and they pill have all the water they are entitled to." Mayor P. W. Frett of McHenry. presided at the Meeting. No action was taken at the mornu»g session, as it the afternoon the pilots under twenty- ... , one years of age will contest for a tensive plans this pleasant home of ^h? buildinK being L-shape Wonder-, Oieenwood orchestra, splendid cup donated by G. Swinehart. i Mr. and Mrs Stirling, which they have ful showrooms for the Nash line are Neighbors," by Mrs. Li The regular Sunday race will be j named "Em-Bruce Brae," promises to held at 2 p. m. for first, second and j become one of the sh6w placcs of this third prizes offered by the McHenry j vicinity. # Boat club. i , . . All these races will furnish oppor-, Surprised-on Birthday , , | tunities for the contestants to wiHj The members of the Ev^ninsf was getting time for dinner and the Doints on the season's championship; j „ Tj£ "J, ri8e<1 Gordon. grinfour points being given the winner of;,^,. Bt hia hnmp on aIain gtreet on , • mm ** i they had the machines in their places the throat and a blur in the eye and RLRAL TEACHERS ATTEWD . ! for about t vo rcnr'h* an aching to live for the flag always,. INSTITUTE AT WOODSTOCK i Mertes and Gillies and McKura reor die." I The McHenry county rural teachers'! ported that their machines had been Mrs. L. F. Hoover gave the entire (in8titute is in session this week at stolen asid Schiessle stated that he ' kind in Illinois. There are entrances on reading during the pageant which was , Woodstock with about 125 teachers of; orJere:' his machine? out of hi" place : rural schools in attendance. The an-1 after .federal a«r?:^s had ra'.ueu his nual institute is being held this year; place c.: August "i. as a school of instruction, where all of i '_t. To Get Machines the teachers will receive instruction! .The.;,court-' ordered the and" inspiration by working together j^pick up all the machines WedneSditf •m?- at a cost of $2,000.00. , . . . . , , the With the completion, of their ex-1 bothR'verside Drive and Elm street,; inter?persed by music given by L-.u-- i r -i nr--j-- ~ . . a readin(C. Our Libbie Allen of now provided on the drive, with an \ Woodstock and songs by Mrs. Maud office just back with windows on the j Merrill of Solon Mills and Irving south. Unique Spanish gates separate Hen of Crystal Lake. to solve common problems, under the i afternoon ard that in any ca>e where bbat ride in the afternoon set for certain hour, » After returning from the trip to Pox Lake another session (was had, resulting in another committee, being organized, consisting of all the mayors course in the Valley, of which the MtHenryj At present the competing boats .'J a»ayor is chairman. I stand as follows: W. G, French, Mayor Earle R. .Kelley of Elgin | "Xam" 9 points; L. Harmon, nade a motion to draft a formal pro- j skeeters" 9; George Zourhlaut. "Gee test dam department he held as rai sing report back er. j to the court. The work in geography is being j The court informed the defendants conducted under the leadership of, that a second offense wouli mean t ,, , ger at his home Main street a race, three points to the boat that; Wednesday evening of last week, the finishes second, two points to the one event bei in honQr of hifi birthday coming in third and oije point for each; anniversary, He soon reC0vered of the other boats completing the his surprise, however, and welcomed the guests who spent a pleasant eyening at bridge. High honors L. H.'! by, Mrs- /am®s ,Sayler and needs of the public in this line. A. J. Schneider. Mr. Stringer was electrically operated door these rooms and back one more room Thus ended a perfect day in Ring- leadership of a successful iocal teach-' a machi toward the rear is the used car dis-!wood, and a day long to be rememberplay. New office fixtures of all steel ed by everyone present. .•onstruction have been purchased. j Many Present From. Away Large quarters have been provided j Among those from a distance to in the west end of the building for the ' attend the meeting were the followstorage of about fifty cars. A sep- ;ntr: arate department is to be found where Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell and. Miss all the repair work is done, equipped Edith Harrison. Hastings, Neb,; Mrs. with all the modem tools and skilled Mary Smith Butler, Mr. and Mrs. C. mechanics. George E. Phalin and E. Fay. Mrs. George Spaulding, Mrs. Edward Kennebeck look after the A. C. Word, Maud E. Blake and Ed F. Lester, Chicago; Mrs. Hilda Kemrrling Olson. Granville; Mrs. Ada Simpson, Beloit, Wis.; D. T. Smiley and Misses Marion and Katheryn Miss Laura Mackeben of Mareneo Work in history is under the direction of Miss Alice Wilcox of Ringwood and Wanda Yuenger of harvard. Supt. Ethel Coe has charge of the classes in language and grammar, special instruction in primary work is being given by Milton Ganz of Elgin whose books are being introduced. The names of the teachers of rural schools in this vicinity who are attending the institute this week and Hendricks, Harvard: Miss May Sweet, the names of the respective schools Schmidt, "Flying Cloud" 3 points. Last Sunday's races resulted in a victory by J. Freeman, with "'Fuzzie." "L. H." driven by Laverne Harmon was second, W. Trostrud in "W 2" came in third. The official starter of these races Walter Zimmerman, a star all As a result of the McHenry session, lour definite statements, pertaining to the proposed $175,000 dam, were made, and may be embodied upon a petition to be signed by the voters and property owners Q^the Fox River Valley, for submission to the engineering division of thewar department. Those statements as follows: 1. It would be a serious obstruction jpid impediment to what is otherwise ' a- highly traveled waterway. . 2. It would result in great property (femage to homes below the dam, because of low water, and to those above because of flooding of homesites. Water Famine Feared 3. The present location of the Mc- - Henry dam, when it was kept in good Vjepair, was sufficient to keep the Water level in the river and the lakes Begion up to a satisfactory level for •ill navigation. », 4. It would, in our belief, at certain times of the year, create a water famine for industrial plants down the river. These points, the wording of which may be altered, are expected to be submitted to the property owners and voters in the form of petitions, to be1 this is completed it can be shown that forwarded to the war department. ' the water in the river and lakes can Work on the repairing of the pres-jbe held to the necessary levels withent dam has been started rfrtd is going1 out putting another dam above Meon full force. It is believed that when! Henry. ~ 1 r ' ' :• Decorations were carried out tat orchid and white, prevents being lowered should the wrong button be pushed. A full line of accessories, tires, tubes, oils and greases will be carried. Local workmen WHO helped to con- HARRY HALL KING TAKES NEW ARCHITECT POSITION Harry Hall King, who designed the struct this building are as follows is TTaitcr c°urses for the McHenry Coun- Mason work, Frett Bros. & Freund; round TtWete^'or^'chicagT'D^ily j pT cJub, the Fox Lake golf andean* carpenter contractors, Joseph W. j^e_ try club, the She-wa-mi Country club Rothermel and Stephen H. Freund; DL"iJ J T11 and tin work, John Brda; plumbing, W. OPEN TOURNAMENT Ro^kford; Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Collins, Cederville; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huson, F.l^in; MTS. Florence Carr Martin, Delavan, Wis.: Dr. and Mrs. Allison Lumley and daughter, Helen. Ellsworth; Miss Helen Harrison. Wilton, Wis.; Mrs. Lillian Conway of Libertyville; Mr. and Mrs. John Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brunswick, Genoa City, Wis. Woodstock, Crystal Lake, McHenry, Greenwood, Richmond, Solon Mills and Spring Grove, jail sentence and a much larger flat* MRS. MATH BAURS MOTHF.R DIES AT SPRING "IROVU Mrs, Pete Britr died at th? horie of her daughter. Sirs. Peter M. May, at Sprinir Grove, on Sundav nft? - noon. August 28, at 4:30 o'clock. Mrs. Britz, who w*s '"n her ninetieth y-vsr was born in Germany, August 7, 1838, where she was married and whei a the four children v?ri bora. Mr. and Mrs. B::*:s and the! :'aa^ came here from Germany csd settled a' Johnsburg and ir. ^ this vicinity, Mrs. Britz has al va"? mad? her home. She was preceded to t5- • which they will-teach this year are as follows: Mrs. Larkin, Paririe School: Minnie Knox, Clemens school: Helen Powers, Cherry Valley school; Kathleen Powers will teach near > ^ B nd b her huihan l .. Dons Bacon, Ldy Lake^school hls.e : and p h Vycital, Fox River Grove Norma, ,. , . ,nort ou .'* . . '. miting. Burton's Bridge: Arle»r,d'«lShel, MrvivrfbylhrM Harrison, Ringwood; Mr meyer, Ringwood: Mary Bolger, Sher- •j? ^ man Hill; Roland McCannon. Ostend school ;< Mat Freund. Griswold Lake. others, is now connected as associate J. Donavin; painting, George Kane and; w«re all very well represented in the school at Emerald Park will t>e AT ORCHARD BEACH architect> with the United States Golf John Neiss; electric wiring and fix-1 audience. Great cerdit ^is due Rev. j dog^ this year It will be of interest to all golfers to learn that the Orchard Beach Golf club will hold an open tournament on Sunday, September 4 at 1 p. m. standard time, and is offering several beautiful cups and prizes for competition in the different events. MRS. FRANK MILLER DIES AT JOHNSBURG Mrs. Frank Miller, seventy-six ! years old, died at her home at Johnsburg on Tuesday afternoon, August 30, 1927, at 1 o'clock. Funeral services will be held at St. John's church at Johnsburg on Friday morning. Sept, 2. at 9:30 o'clock. Obituary next week. tures, Carey Electric Shop, excavating, A. P. Freund. Remember the days of the opening, Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 3 and 4. Architects, Inc. Stanley Pelchar is the chief architect and James J. Prendergast consulting engineer. Amone other activities, this company is now building two eighteenpiole courses for the Women's Counter dob near MRS. CLARA E. HARRISON Waukegan. j DIES AT WOODSTOCK j Mrs. Clara "E. Harrison, 72 years Afternoon Bridge Club old, passed away at the home of her Mrs. Gordon Stringer was hostess- daughter, Mrs. Ed Martin at Woodto the Afternoon Bridge club at her stock, at about 8 o'clock Monday evenhome on Main street last Wednesday ing. August 29, 1927. afternoon. Two tables of bridge Mrs, Harrison had been sick but a were in play with high honors being few days, being taken seriously ill the won by Mrs, A. J. Schneider. Re- Friday before and her death came as a freshments were served at the close shock to relatives and friends. ct a pleasant afternoon. | Mrs. Harrison is survived by her .j<faue:hter, Mrs. Anna Martin and her Boat Excursions t ®on, Guy Harrison of Ferndale, Wash- 9 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. Special ington. boats at any hour. Regular fare,! Funeral services are being held this $1.00 for adults, 50 cents for children.! Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Hunter Boat f Tel. McHenry 7 Woodstock, with interment tfc 'the or 77-J. 6-fp-tf Ringwood cemetery. . • • i - • \ and Mrs, L. F. Hoover for the won-.! derful success of this meeting. Card of Thanks Wjidells Leave For Minnesota Mr. and MTS. Lewis Widell and baby We wish to express our thanks to I daUghter, Gretchen, left Wednesday all for the hearty co-operation we received in planning for, as well as during, their reunion. J. V. Buckland, Pres. Mrs Florence Smith, Sec Ki' "N? Mrs. Peter M. May of Spring Grove ' t * * and William Britz of Spring Grov*, i * IS' and also by forty-two grand children »r and seven great-grand children. Her - children with many of their families enjoyed a family party and reunion _ with her on her birthday only a short time ago. She has been remarakbly •'" bright and strong until her eighty- ' ll fifth year was quite well and active. ** -fM * Funeral services were held on Wed- . / 2^1 nesday morning. Aug'.i«t •>-. i*-. : ' 9:30 o'clock «t Sn Grove v-i^h,, Auditors' Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Board of Auditors of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, Illinois, will meet at the Town Clerk's office In West McHenry, 111., on Tuesday, the 6th day of Sepetmber, 1927 at 7:30 p. m. to audit any and all bills against the Town. Bills may be left with the Supervisor or the undersigned. Dated this 24th day of August,.AJ). 1927. 12.2 CHAS. B. RARMSEN, Town ClTc morning for Winona, Minn., where Mr. Widell's duties with his company has called him. This estimable cou(p.l has been living in McHenry sincc December 1 of last year and during I at Johnsburg. that time has made a host of friends ! It is with regret that we bid adieu to' SPECIAL BOAT EXCURSION cultured and wholesome folks such as' Next at l:£*i p. m. on the these. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Widell Gladola, around Pistakee Cay azd L* * and little Miss Gretchen all the gooa Fire Adults 50c. Child*vtv--29© things of life in their new home. HUNTER BOAT LINE Deck--East end of River Bridge O. E. S. Invitation m ?»ml 77-J *- McHenry Chapter, O. E. S. has Received an invitation to attend Advanc* ed Officers' Night at Bethel Chapter Notice Elgin, on Friday evening, September! The Catholic Daughters of Arj*r~% 9 at 7:30 o'clock. Sarah Dan.els, | will meet Friday night of this Grand Conductress, will he guest of instead of Thursday, in the X. of C. honor at this meeting. Bail • .% Ml '•vm