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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Sep 1927, p. 6

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f% MORTGAGE BONDS of ftidwest Farms Syndicate of Kewanee for sale. A safe and profitable investment. This pays 7% and is safe. Write MIDWEST FARMS SYNDICATE lac. Savings Bank of Kewanee, Kewanee, Illinois tl McHENRY GRAVEL & EXCAVATING 00. A. P. Fraud, Prop. Ettad Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished on , Request gh-grade Gravel Delivered at any Hime--large or small Wm m r> i THEM'HWPtYP JOHNSBURG lehry sjced 1 life find Mrs. daughter of Volo visjted with Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen one day last week. Mr. and MVs. Peter Wagner and daughters visited with Mr. apd Mrs. William Althoff Sunday. Mrs Michael Justen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer and MV. and Mrs. John M. Pitsen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Freund on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M!ath Schimtt and family and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bildner motored to Holy Hill, Wis , last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Schimtt, Mr. orders given prompt attention, and Mrs. H. W. Hettermann and Joe Schaefer motored to Milwaukee, Wis., Phone 654-M-2 McHenry MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS at lowest rates. Give number of acres, value, and amount of loan desired. Prompt service. SAVINGS BANK OF KEWANEE - ' 1 Kewanee, Illinois ' • *tf; Chicken We make our ow^r POULTRY SCRATCH AND MASH Both excellent feeds and prices moderate. Sack Today Ndlenr] flour Mills Wes" McHenry,{111. C. W. KLONTZ. M. D. :"t Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and doing . Refraction) Oftee Hours--6 to<9 a. m.» 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. SundayB by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry, III WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer Oflke with Kent A Corapaay < % Every Wednesday 8 McBearj, DL Sr? telephone ^No. 106-R. <$toffel & Reihansperger Ifisurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt and Mr. -and Mrs. John Thelen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen Sunday. Mrs. Nick Barton, and family of Aurora is visiting with Mrs. Mary Schmitt this week. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schaefer of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer Sunday. The Wide Awake club met in the home of Miss Martha Miller Thursday and the afternoon was spent playing bunco. Prizes were awarded to Miss Agnes Hettermann, Mrs. Herbert Freund and Martha Miller consolation. Mr: and Mrs. Peter Oefflind and son, Lloyd, motored to Wisconsin Dells last week wherie they spent a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Epping motored to Lily Lake Sunday. Mrs. Ben Brefeld and daughter, Tresa, and Mrs. Christina Brefeld visited with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund a few days this week. • Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tenne$ and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freund and daughter visited with Mr. and Mrs. John J. Freund, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Steve S. Schmitt and Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt visited with Mrs. Mary Schmitt Sunday. Mrs. Steve King and Mrs. Steve May and daughter, Violet, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe King Monday. Miss Elizabeth Kempfer visited her parents over Sunday. Misses Kathryn Althoff of Elgin visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff Sunday. Mrs. George Michels and son, Donald, Misses Mildred Schaefer, Agnes Hettermann and Rose Pitzen visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nickson, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pitzen, Mrs. Peter Freund and Mrs. Joe Hettermann motored to Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Epping and children of New Munster, Wis., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels, Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. A. Freund of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regner and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regner and daughter, Betty Jane, ahd son, James, pt McHenry visited here recently. James Martin and Bernard Freund attended the rodeo in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Thennes and Mr. and Mrs. John J. Freund and family motored to Holy Hill, Wis., last week Wednesday. Sr. Emmanuel 0. S. F. of Milwaukee Is visiting in the home of her parents, -Mir. and Mrs. John V. Freund for a few days. " Mrs. John M. Pitzen and Mrs. P. R. Frednd were Woodstock callers on Tuesday. Mrs. Nix of McHenry and Mrs. C. Heinzler of Freeport visited in the iiome of Mrs. S. F. Schmitt Tuesday. Mrs. John P. Schaefer and Anita Regina Klein, Mrs. John J. Schmitt and Math J. Miller motored to Harvard last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Oaffliag motored to Chicago Friday to spend a few days with their children. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Thelen and children called on their parents, Math J. Miller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer motored to Arlington Heights to see Anton Schaefer and family one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Schumacher motored to Milwaukee to visit with friends a few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. William Kattner and Mr. and Mts, John Kattner of Spring Grove called on Mr. and Mrs. John V. Freund and family last Sunday. Arthur Klein motored to Chiqajfo Sunday. ****** V.hfgt- "i itlHtfrilii EMERALD PARK m. and' Mrs. V. Torkia and children and Mr. and Mrs. G. Forsman and son spent the week-end at the Barnas summer home. A. Erickson and friends of La Grange is spending the week here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt of Melrose Park, with their niece, Miss Lucile Jeschke, of Maywood spent several days the past week at the Schmidt summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carlson and family of Melrose Park spent Sunday here4 Mrs. Hugh Armstrong and family spent last week in Marquette, Wis. This week Miss Kezia and Helen Waterhouse are visiting at the Armstrong cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Lennot Armstrong and family spent a few days at the William Blum cottage. Miss Hazel Fraser returned to her summer home after spending her vacation at Sandstone camp, Ripon, Wis. The Fraser family will return to their home in Kenilworth for a week but will return on Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. George Amor and daughter, Bernice, of Chicago were guests last week in the Lyons cottage. R. E. Sutton went back to work in Chicago Monday, after spending tvfo weeks' vacation with his folks here. Mr. and Mrs, James G, Lyon and family of Chicago and Arthur Buehler spent the week-end visiting Miss M. Lyons. H. R. Johnson, Sr., of Evanston visited his folks here Saturday and Sunday. Miss Peggy Lyons and her aunt, Miss A. Lyons motored back to Chicago over last Friday to spend a few days in the city. A few days more before the kiddies go back to school, why not bring them in and let us fit them out from our store of bargains. Erickson Dept. Store. J. W. WORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Audits Systems Income and Inheritance Tax Matters . • Member of i Public Accountants Associatioa ' of Illinois Fbone 2M-i MeHeary, OL none 126-W. Reasonable Rates AM SCHAEFEK Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS hsnre--In Sore--Insurance WITH W m.G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone *3-R McHENRY, ILL for the last time Lay Johns* Manville Rigid Asbestos Shingles right over your old shingles and forget roof expenses as long as your house stands. V - \ iari Go,. *ola A gondolu '.s a long, narrow boat with covered ends rising high out*of the water, used chiefly on the canal* of Venice, T'hIj 'Pt.e b< ats average SO fee* ir ia breadth. The fconuoi'ei', Btanutiij. m the stern, propels and gi'ides the boat by means Of a broad-Miuled cur. iTwic« o l d ei Interesting Bits of News Takes From the Columns of the Plaindealer Fifty aad ; Twenty-five Years . August, 1877 The matrimonial market is said to be very dull. The young men are said to be on a strike for more dowry and less expensive sweethearts. We learn that an Egyptian Lotus Th« water in the mill pond is lower than it has been for several months. The water in the tail race is still quite high and as a consequence Mr. Reynolds is losing considerable power. The executive committee of the Fox River Navigable Waterway association at a meeting held in Chicago last Thursday, .appropriated $2,000 for building the abutments for the dam across Fox rvier. It is the intention to build them of stone and in a very substantial manner. Just where the dam will be located is not yet determined, or if° it is, the committee will not give oat any information on the subject. Work on the Johnsburg bridge is progressing slowly but surely. One span is now completed with the exception of flooring. It is necessary to saw off all9 the old spiles about two feet from the top that they may be used in the false wotk. Ben Smith will soon have completed a new oil wagon similar to those used Bed has been discovered in the edge b^ y the Standard Oil Co. Two large of Grass Lake, but a few rods from jron tanks are mounted on trucks with Fox Lake. This as a very rare flower, foot at the side8 f<ff f{ye ga]. m America, but famous through all, ion. «,*<• antiquity for its beauty! We believe i ' * there is but one other place -where it A ,, _ , is found in this country. This flower i "*"» Keguiaitoiu was the rose of ancient Egypt, the j "l® *ea(ler of the Marine band say* favorite flower of the country, and | Tl*® Star Spangled Banner" shonld will be seen in ancient pictures and j never b® played as a medley with statutes made into garlands or j °ther sopkr* A.t least *"wc. bars must wreaths and placed on the brow of i before playing "The Star females; it entered largely also into! ®Pangled Banner." There are no ofllworks of art, the capitals of columns, prows of boats and other objects being* fashioned in its shape. The existence of this flower here was not known until about two weeks ago, when it was discovered by A. H. Sellers, of Chicago, while duck hunting in that vicinity. A party from this village contemplate making a visit to the bed during the week. We learn that an accident that came near proving fatal, occurred on Fox Lake on Sunday last. A sail boat containing eleven persons, was struck by a squall in middle of the lake and capsized, and for a few moments it was feared that all would be drowned. Boats immediately went to their relief from both sides of the lake and fortunately all were saved, although the ladies were considerably frightened. Tlie fall term of our public school will open on MWnday next, with S. D. Baldwin, principal, Miss Wake teacher in the intermediate ^ department, Miss Torrence in the primary and William Stevens in the Gagetown department. We notice that new and tasty signs have been put up by J.r I. Story, L. Stoddard and P. D. Smith. Fr. Hechtle was the artist that done the wprk. ' clal regulations regarding the playing of such hymns except In the Anny. Navy and Murine corps. { For BETTER GLASSES BETTER VISION B£TTER SERVICE See ML HENRY FREUND O• ptom; etr. istA ? . . Pries [ffiftois. *) Hours: 7 to 9 p. m. except Sat- .. urday; Wednesdays 9 a. m. to P9 p, tt Phones: Office McHenry 182 Residence, McHenry 176. mzm Important Oasual spending, for little things, can con* >. a surprising amdtint of cash. And yo^|i tfever realize it's going--until it's spent. 'Z When you're saving money, you get th*' • :$est idea of how important these little iteirtf jaeally are. For small deposits here have ei| , \'Shied many McHenry families /and businesif C " louses to get a reserve fund that opened ne# futures of comfort, convenience and happiness.1^ » . yoe Dollar will start an account. <*ur generous 3% interest will add to yotir sa\)S r s . . . ° State Banii 'The Bank That Helps Ton to Get Ahead' •d- A USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS fw River Valley Boat Company . \ • •. - Builders of PLEASURE CRAFTS HYDROPLANES AND V BOTTOM BOATS FOR OUT BOARD BOATS ROW BOATS B. C. MUELLER Ikt. ROTHERMBL Patent Office Term Ordi.^.i;. tl>e cerxrt - \slc patents Is employed ;n the of "foundation patent" --thut Is to say, a patent for a ploneei Invention--one Involving an altogrtlw"' new priiu*lpln a new departure. on' for ucconir* .:-*iing some* thing nev'i . . „ >«-fore. Part-Time Job Only occasionally do "ou find a genius, and when found-you'll And he Is only a genius occasionally, at that. --Boston Transcript DENTISTS DR8. McCHESNEY & BROWN (Incorporated) lUr. I. W, Brown ^ ~ Dr. R. M. Walfcer Bstablished over 50 years and still doing business at the old stand "Honeers in First Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices v Ask your neighbors and Friends about us. I H '?i . Cor. Clark and Randolph St. . 1. 1*5 N. Clark St., Chicago ' D»ily 8 to 5, Sundays 9 to U ~ s * ^ Phone Central 2047 666 1$ * prescription ;?|jrv Grippe, Flu, Dengue, BlHotis Fever and Malaria. McHenry Lumber Co. n. 4 COOK COUNTY A Real County Fair for the whole county Spooaoaed by th* Board of County CommlMionen "Anton J. Cermak, Pm. Palatine, 111. September 1 to 5 Harness, Running and Auto Races Horse Show five Big Free Acts Gigantic Midway Band Concerts Dancing Agriculture Poultry Flowers Stock, Automobiles Women's Work Night Horse Races - on Illuminated Trade A Junior Fair for the children School Exhibits exposition with plenty of fun and frolic* Noithu€K Hifltu>ay (Route 19) to fhr Gate. N. W. Ry. to Palatine. Unked Motor Coachci, Lawrence and M&* tvawlcee to Fair Grounds. Cook County's Great Fall Festival m a cABargain Cash with order only $0*25 Pay "Litde by Lttde" on your monthly light bill, 4.75 The total to pay is only $5*00 BECAUSE You Can , 'Turn in an Old Iron /by ? 1.00 Regular Price Hotpoint* $6.00 This is the You have seen the Hotpoint Iron advertised everywhere. It's the iron with these four unusual features--all of them of great importance to the woman who operates the iron. SUPER-IRON 1. Patented thumb rest. Rests wrist, arm and shoulder. 2. Exclusive hinged plug which trebles the life of the cord* 3. Built-on heel stand. Tilt the iron bade. Save lifting. 4. Hottest at the POINT where it first meets damp dodft and "noses" into gathers and ruffles. Jind Remember--This Special Sh©rt*Tlme Offer ings the Hotpoint to your home. A man will call to show you the Hotpoint. Right ien and there, if yovi like, you can turn in an old iron for a dollar, hand him the 25c and Arrange to pay the balance of only $4.75 in convenient monthly amounts. Then the Hot- Joint's yours. Don't delay. Begin at once to enjoy this wonderful iron. Write, phone or calL On Sale at Any Public Service Store or bf CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP McHenry, Illinois , Send This tf More Convenient SUBURBAN ELECTRIC SHOP S.. W. BOND * - Cary Station Algonquin, Illinois A. T. WAGftER Dundee, Illinois * 0 Public Service Company OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS * ^ 101 Williams St., Crystal Lake •;,/' Telephone 280 ",• , SchabecL. District Manager. , S PUBLIC SERVICE • COMPANY I OP NORTHERN ILUNOIS • • Gentlemen: a Please call with a Hotpofat Inn. [ My Name 1$ . - ^ s Street* LA. Ss •I a IWa. i'H-v..' ' -a% ~ -T > • : it* «*<-. -. * ' ,. ..

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