THE VOLUME 53 McHENRY. ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1927. No. 15 DAM AGREEMENT NOip "NEAR" DAILIES PUBLISH ERRONEOUS REPORTS Major P. W Frett Issue* Statement Thaatt HB e Bw Been Misquoted Following a meeting held Sunday afternoon in a tent, just outside of the city of Antioch, at which time the question of locating another dam in the Fox River was discussed, the Chicago Tribune and the Waukegan Daily Sun came out the next day with news stories, stating that an agreement was near in the Lake County dam controversy and that peace was in sight or the Fox River dam. Before going any further let us inform our readers that from ail the information this newspaper can gain there has been no compromise and no talk of a settlement except by a few who may have talked to newspaper reporters for the fake of spreading some propaganda. In one paragraph in the, Tribune's story, Mayor Peter W. Frett of McHenry is accused of being satisfied with the prospects for his city, assuming that the stored water will be fed into the lakes and channel during the dry periods. The stored water re-1 ferred to was mentioned in a talk by Joseph C. James of Antioch, who said: "Building of a dam will create a reservoir 65,000 acres In area above .Pistakee Lake, and with the electric-' ally controlled dam in place, this j reserve could be used to maintain the j levels in the.lower lakes of the chain." j FIRE DEPARTMENT ANSWERS TWO CALLS Explosion of Launch Engine Results In Serious Damage at H. G. Saal Home The McHenry fire department was called to the residence of H. G. Saal at Pistakee Bay last Friday niorning to extinguish a fire in the boat house caused by an explosion in the launch. The alarm came in about 9 o'clock and the firemen lost no time in-getting to the scene of the fire, although when they arrived the launch was practically ruined and the boat house so nearly destroyed that it is beyond repair and it will be necessary to build a new one. The fire was caused by an explosion of the engine as Mr. Saal was endeavoring to start the launch, immediately enveloping the boat in BIG RIVER BRIDGE NEARS COMPLETION SLAB COMPLETED ON THE EAST SIDE Pouring of Cement on Route 61 Near Ringwood Begins--Will Lay V Six Miles This Year Road work in this locality is progressing nicely with favorable weather conditions existing for some time, making it much easier for the work to be accomplished. ^E. H. Merrick has been in charge ofthe work on Route 20 east of the Fox River bridge and the laying of the slab up to the bridge was completed the last of the week. This will prob- BUILDING ACTIVITIES CONTINUE IN M'HENRY More New Structures Are In Process Of Construction In Business Districts The building and improving of property and homes in McHenry continues with work on another new and modern store building for Green street well under way. . The building formerly occupied by Smith Brothers and owned by Richard B. Walsh, has been razed, a basement has been dug by Tony Freund with his big excavating machine and this w^ek the foundation is being laid bjr the company. Work has also been renewed on the foundation for the building on Riverside Drive which is being put up by H. E. Buch. / The Empire theati'e is being- im- CHICK" EVANS AT PISTAQUA HEIGHTS PLAYS 18-HOLE IN 77 COURSE Exhibition Game Sunday Draws Big ' Crowd of Spectators to Local Club • Sunday, September 11, was a big day in the history of the Pistaqua Heights Country club ,as it was the date set for the 18-hole exhibition match played between four wellknown golf champions of the middle west. The players who competed in this flames and burning the owner about i ably finish the pouring of cement at the face and arms. A row boat, which ^ the river bridge for this season as was in the large boat house with ^ the large fills at each end will, re-1 sufficient room for three, boats, was quire a certain amount of time to also slightly burned. j settle. The fill at the west end of! On Tuesday the fire truck was j the bridge is nearly completed as _ friendly match were "Chick" Evans, proved by a"coat of*stucco, which will fam°"£ amate?r *®lf champion* an<i a<ld to the appearance of the building 1 ^1SS Pearce- former Chicago district champion, who were paired against Miss Florence Bee be, the Illinois women's champion, and Hugh H. Kuhl, winner of the governor's cup and champion of the Pistaqua Heights Country club. The weather was ideal for the game, the golf course was in excel- SON FINDS BODY OF FATHER AT FOX LAKE Remains Discovered In Cottage Sunday Afternoon When Son Comes For a Visit Discovery of the dead body of his father on the floor of the latter's cottage in the Nippersink Terrace section of the Fox Lake district, after it is believed, it had lain there for five days, as made by J. Hanksforth, of 5501 Cortez street, Chicago, when he came to Lake county to visit his parent, at 1:15 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Death of the father, William Hanksforth, a summer resident at Fox Lake SUPERVISORS IN BUSHESSION NO ACTION TAKEN ON STATE'S ATTORNEY as well a's to its warmth. In West McHenry, also, the work of construction is going on jmd the _ _ _ Overton & Cowen garage on Front again called out, this time to extin-1 much ofl-he dirt from the 'basement! ,s completion. This is guish a grass fire at the Pistaqua • 0f the Wfclsh building was drawn in I, ,v°me tl?1® ®ulok cars for this Heights Country club. Arthur, Ed. here, with a fill of more than 20001 locallty and Wl11 be a most modern and Will Smith, D. A. Granger and yards at each end of the bridge a! *nrt U?r ® ,garaS*- j lent condition and the golfers plaved nothinsr of it fas he had a tendency Gerald Newman went on ahead with; great amount of gravel is required. £ u S !• l>ul J ,d'"fir "" to a large and interested eallerv" of towards wanting to be alone. the fire extinguishers while Mayor ; River Bridge Nears Completion 1 *!V ** ave beon continued through spectators during the entire eighteen 1 The body was brought to the under- Frett and Phil Meyers took the'truck, j The piles from around the piers o'f. !h<? SUmme.r ^ont^ "ith three. holes. * e,*hteen taking rooms of N. J. Justen & Son. and the fire was extinguished before: the river bridge were pulled out last' ™,fes Pr*ctica!.ly _ completed. Introduced by President I West McHenry, and later shipped to any great amount of damage was week by Julius Keg and his dredging the ^ke ^rrhe3!^^ JS I . Somewhat before three o'clock the McQueeny, Pouse's Detective, And Judge Shurtleff Address Thiii; -County Board . The board of .supervisors in regular session Tuesday failed to appoint a special state's attorney to succeed Alford H. Pouse who "threw up. the . to ij j i sPonRe ' a few weeks ago and departed who was 78 years old was due ed for parts unknoWTf to rela£ves> to organic heart disease according to friends and enemies. he finding of a coroners jury fol-| Although the board "failed to. name lowine an inquest Sunday afternoon.: a special prosecutor the question was T™ 7aS I Seen ff by thoroughly discussed and members of neighbors on Tuesday afternoon after the .are more versed on the .h e ihta. d* compl,e, ted , a so... mewhate. . tryi- n,e matter than„ .t.h."e y were prior. t. o T_u es- walk from the business section of j • • - v Fox Lake to his home. It is thought; *ftor Q . . . ' , that his death Ittay have been hasten- Q . , .nLh t^dTi n ed bv exhaustion durine this walk. ! fl"j Hi f ° 0 he roll While the neighl^4,ad not seen'?°d for committee meetings the aged man stinh^ng about the cot-!i' he member8s, got back into action tage for fji^ays they thought! again ab°Ut 1 30'iQtheafternoondone. SHURTLEFF IN CHARGE TOJURY gang, which has added much to the ere purchased 1 l u"7. utl"tK \ne . . .from Otto Johnson. The owners are j f?UI?01^ T'u ^eV&r»Uon* for the appearance of the bridge The work: R E. Bruelheide, Fred Borgstedt and ®t?rt' a* J?10*! time p,ctures on the railing of the bridge is pro- the MrA p . w , taken and he players were introduced gressing nicely and the structure be-; individuals> gdvard Sanisch', George! ^ the club Presldent' J- Scott Mat- M., Lehner and Nicholas G. Kellner, Chicago for burial. all of Chicago. Fre^ ^nies Statement * ; MAKES LENGTHY STATE Mayor Frett was interviewed by a Plaindealer representative1 Tuesday and stated that he had never made any statements that he would be satisfied with the arrangement as Outlined above and that he would continue to fight against the placing of another dam in the Fox River above the one just south of McHenry. , "Absolutely no settlement has been a u MENT TO JURORS Keep Cool and Do Nothing You Will Regret," Circuit Judge Warns | gins to present a more finished appearance. The railing 'will be of simple desiirn with 15 inch arches and ; the entire design will he one of sim- | plicity as well as grandeur. It will now only be but a matter of a few weeks before the bridge will ^be ready 1 for travel. . - ! As the work of laying the slab on Route 20 at the east end o£ the river I bridge is completed E. H. Merrick and | his workmen will next fill out the vnTTNT* TTrtT TTC tavt ! 20-foot width of concrete needed to XULilVo iAHHj jury cdmplete Route 20 leading from.Wau- STUDIES AGAIN COLLEGE STUDENTS .ARE RETURNING The; McHenry county grand went into session Wednesday morning kegan street towards the mill" pond- UP reached," the mayor said, "and newspaper reports saying that a settlement has been effected are erroneous. There will only be a settlement insofar as I am concerned when the en- 10 o'clock with all but four, bridge although the slab will not be McHenry and Vicinity Well R»nr». members present. Judge E. D. Shurt- poured over the fihs at this bridge aentM in Tn«tffnt;nna left gave a lengthy charge to the jury this year. He will also piece out and' Higher Education which took up about an hour. In hia complete the slab to Front street, statement to the grand jury Judge i Pouring Concrete on Route 61 I Shurtleff went over the same course i On Tuesday of last week the first With September comes the opening <f school and the time now draw Four of the best caddies from the !i-oal McHenry Country club golf : AU!'se w.ere on hand to caddy for the Chicago players, the boys being Ira Dowel!. Rollo Chamberlain, Eugene Savler and "Orville Granger. , "Chick" Evans broke the record of the; Pistaquji *• Heights golf course by two. makinir the eighteen holes in total of 77 40 out and 3 The narpe of "Chick"1 Evans is one1 so familiar in the history of golf that it was with a great deal of interest ithat each one of his plays were observed and studied by the onlookers. Miss Pearce played a game worth The meeting being so important and the weather being so gosh darned hot the chair decided'to ad'jor.rn from the regular board of supervisors' quarters to the circuit court room. This move met with favor with the members, fans and -several members of the press. After the reading and passing the various committee reports and l>:lls pgainst the "county tlve big question of the liquor scandal and ti;e disappearance- of State's Attorney Pouse became the topic of discussion.. Letter From McQueeny Countv Clerk" Guy E. Still rea.d"fr' letter which was received by Chairman John Conlev from the McQueeny detective agency of Chicago, in-which it stated that Mr. James MtQueeny he mc?tabout the departure of Pouse and the various , . . , . happenings jwhirh led to the' move ly raised hundreds of people out oftcken by the former McHenry county their beds in the neighborhood^ where; pro8ecutor. After the rea(ling of the letter a search of the building failed BOMB WRECKS WOODSTOCK HOME PLACED ON PORCH OF EXALDERMAN Believed to Be Aftermath of Li®* Violations and Federjil Crusade . tr,.ko, plavinfT a wore ofi T"?' ,.*!»?««<*,«• «oul,l appear I. t 37 in awakpnpd at 12 o clotk Tuesday ntEht nlli| n„ hf kn<,w a by an explosion which was heard for several miles around the city and fairit occurred. . . „ _ _ „ reP°rt wa8 the explosion of a produce the writer, although it was seeing, with a score of 50 out and 51 on 'ron^ P°rPh of the John ofat0(j that McQueeny i *'as seen early in, making a total of 101. F. \S ienke home on Lincoln avenue in ^he day in the lobby of the county ..d 1.0 » «... ........ . - Miss Beebe, also, played a remark- c'fy. The location is iu>t a tire people of the Fox River valley before the board off super-1 batch of cement was poured on Routes near when the young people seeking able game of jrolf, holding her score houses west and across the street W hile the members were discussing have had a voice in it, and when the|v*sors Tuesday and also added con--60 and 61 from the big mixer located higher education are leaving for the *° a out wit^ another 49 in, mak- from st- Mar>*'s school on that street ,;le question Judge E. D. Shurtleff greatest majority approve of it." jSiderable more. I near the creek bridge near the Clar- schools of their choice. Several stu-i *.nfir"a 9^ 98. | The bomb wrecked the front porch eppeared in the court room and seat- Mayor Frett was asked to prepare; T.^e court stated that he had plan- mont House on the Ringwood and dents will leave the last of the week; -Hugh Kuhl. a member of the Pis-vand front walls of the two story resi-; e(; himself near County Judge Charles a statement of his stand in the mat- ned calling the grand jury into ses- McHenry road. Eighteen trucks are for Champaign, where they will enter ta(lua Heights Country club, played dence, knocking pieces of the front Al^n. ter and to answer the charges as,sion several weeks ago but was re-; from the base in Ringwood to the the University of Illinois, while a 44 out and a *9 making A total porch into the, street a distance of Supervisor Robert Haeger of Almade in the newspapers. Here it is:' quested by the federal government mixer and hundreds of feet of cement others have already left to enter.of 93- " about fifty feet. The glass in the POnquin addressed the >4hair and "I have been accused of being sat- not to do 80 as }t would interfere with; are being poured every day. V j Notre Dame and other colleges. | .At the en(1 of srame the cham- tr6nt of the house was broken and briefly stated that it wouW probably isfied with the Lake county people's work the. federal department was! The S. & H. Construction company Miss Alice Miller will leave the last P'ons were presented with life mem- shattered and small picees of glass he of some benefit to 'the board and plan for the placing of a dam at Nip-1 doing in the county. (of Milwaukee, Wis., has the work in of the week for* the University of • bersh^Ps in the club and the accom- scattered for a distance of half a it? /members if Judge ShurllefT would persink Lake and of saying certain' The court said that he didn't want; charge, under the direction of Super- Illinois, where she will enter upon 1 |\anyin£ membership pins by the pres. block. Windows in the Lynn Stone p.jVP his view of the situation and things at the meeting near Antiocn fhe grand jury working at cross pur- intendent Welsh and their supply sta-; her senior year. I ident, J. Scott Matthews, after which and Mary Dittman homes on both what action he thought last Sunday. I object very much to i poses with the federal authorities and^on for gravel, sand and cement is Miss Angela Petesch will also leave 1 ^ ,y responded with their thanks and sides of the Wienke (home and in the j should take. the item in the Tribune stating that f°r that reason he did not call them' located at Ringwood, where a big the last of the week for the Univer-j a * fleal of P™ise for*the Lincoln Inn building across the street..'. Hhartleff Talk some 300 attended this meeting. Quite: until Wednesday* j power crane is busy unloading cars. | sity of Illinois, where she will enter P,staqua Heights golf course. were also shattered. I The veterm M-in>n*n a few had either gone home before my ! Judge ShurtlefT stated that upon his It is estimated that probably about upon her third year of study. j Wonderful Course | The affair occurred just at midnight,' 1jt comnT1(1(1 wjfh arrival or else someone made quite a' arrival in Woodstock Wednesday j six miles of concrete can be laid this1 Charles Ferwerda will enter upon i .. m«st remarkable thing about when most of the people of the city 'Rob" Kaezer • mistake in taking the couftt. I would' morning he was informed of the; fail with favorable weather conditions his second year at the University of I *I!Ur^e Is lts wo^(,erfuI condition were enjoying the first hour or two of in a say that seventy-five would naiore! bombing of the home of former AI-Jand this will be laid in the direction Illinois next week. j or he 'er>lfth of time spent in its sound sleep. . . than cover the attendance. , j derman John Wienke the night before.! of.^Ringwood and the state line. j William Nye will leave later to en- ' Pre!?ajatl,orl' ?n'*.I!e-_wor'{ ^as In a few moments people gathered A. ' t vrr*p5J^ar°on,»1R °C tn? No Compromise Offered , The bombing of the Woodstock; Culverts are being put in along the ter a medical college in Chicago this ( between AP«"11 25 fnd from every direction. The occupants ^,.,, " Ah/ Iir°" ?t " Q "I said nothing of or about Mc- j home might have resulted from the route and the bridge over the creek year. | , • , c 's ,a 710P remar a le record of the house were uninjure<i. The low- . , th Henry being satisfied with any ar-! present situation in the county and Ms 'n the course of construction. | Leo Thelen will enter£He Chicago ° ® er floor of the home is occupied by Mr.'horf. «ft-r j..,,.,..'. . rangemeiyts madjfe at *his meeting, it might not. stated the court How-! Material for the big bridge across Medical school this fall. cour. e in the fine condition of this A ^ k,-- . 8h<>rt,y after his departure James H. nor did I attempt to take the matter ever, it is probably the aftermath of the Nippersink, just south of Rich-, LeRoy Conway left Saturday for into my hands for settlement. It was such a condition in the county, hel mon<I»'s now on the location and work Notre Dame, where he will enter his as a matter of courtesy that I made i continued. on the bridge will start in about two first year at the Notre Dame univer-! the trip to learn if it were possible!, Talks A boat Ponse weeks. | sity. ^ | where the great injustice was being; The resimation of State's At torn pv I Vernon and Robert Knox of Terra I done the good people of the northern ' Pouse wLTheruken^up8 atd^he COUNCIL PLANS ON 1 Cottaiivill enter Notre Dame univerlakps. K vcu' nnvn icarr sity this year. Howard Phalin will return to his ; school duties at Notre Dame this • year. i Neil Doherty left Tuesday for Chd-1 the "board1 the wish, of and addressed tb« part as follows: "Gentlemen I know nothing Of th« NEW BOND ISSUE An adjourned meeting of the Mc- «r a-a » n a « »i. t tk i u c°urt told the jury what he had .. v!Ve ? learned from the McQueeny detective have had summer homes on the beau- j agency which was employed by Pouse.! Henry city council was held Monday trful Fox River for the past number |He tQld of the conditlona exigting in! evening, to consider the floating of a Of years, as well as myself, cannot ^ tfae couaty and he waa willing to bond issue for the sum of $23,000 and Rilp withfn °fivr°m(iU^S of1 n! ! work niRht and* day to help clear them the holding of an election in the near River within five miles of one an-, future. One reason for this is that other, nor can we see why we should be locked out of Pistakee Lake and1 Pistakee Bay in order to satisfy An-1 tioch or any other northern lake re- He told of stories and rumors that the issue which was voted by the had reached him one of which was people of McHenry last spring has for course tJ1 , ... one. The course is a genuinely sporty ^.d ^rS ^ # E ^or®strom' McQueeny, head of the McQueeny one. with hazards that are unequaled. Wlenke and family live The ,]ete.-tive agency, came to my home It is of championship caliber and will the lower floor were ab- in Mnreneo and ffa,re m»"sotnc -ta"ttest the skill of "the most expert golf- 8en* 'rom home for the night, and Mr., ]jns, information ah jut the cjnd 'ions ers. Wienke and family had retired. The in MoHenrry county in regard to the Membership of 600 damage to the house is estimated over violation of the prohibition liw. He The club now has a membership of told me that he had been hired by about 600 and this list contains the Work of Professional* Podse early in May and that he had names of six legislators and twenty The bombing of the Wienke home purchased liquor and procured evi- Cook county officials, in addition, to was undoubtedly the work of profes-, dence against 51 road houses" and many more well-known names. sionals and probably an aftermath of; f0ft drink parlors in the county, all of cairo where he entered I ovol» nrti ^ „ -- some of the recent raids on law vio-. which was known to Pouse prior to !u! . !_ Loyola y-"rSILo COLLAPSES ON lators in McHenry county. «•!«»-• departure.-«--• WM. B. TONYON FARM The clues to the bombers consist of! "He also informed me that he was A most unusual incident occurred several witnesses who sav a big Cad- r,ure of the fact thai A. p: Pou?e was versity for another year. Miss Lillian Doherty left Wednes-! that a certain man came into the been declared illegal, owing to the Mrt. We like our friend, up i ,rom "< »P • C<"" the bay and lake and do not propose ,n business This man had made open mng same to have organizations miles away tell us what we can do and whose friendship we must uphold. Why Change of Location? I "I did ask of our Antioch friends past ye"' fording to reports, statedwhy the sudden change of location 6 cou • for this new-born idea, namely the;8 ° .u? tfVert- Nippersink dam, but nobody seemed ujr ^18 j^eer^' , ' lished to be able to answer it satisfactorilv.' Th?8e are the of men ^ the I also reminded them of the fact that ftate/ a"orne.y out to accord- p when we first went to Mr. Mulvahill's , to.the evidence found bvJames, OCCUPY NEW HOME office and asked if the money wasn't i McQueeQy- 8tated the cour^ KWith t^redf Rosarv coMpB'p8fonnthpr*^mp" Ia,te Sat,urday afternoon w hen the iliac sedan drive slowly up and down j at the head of the beer running and Miss SSe S, . °n th.e William B- T6n?on fa™. the 8treet a half hour before the ex- slot ma,h,ne violations throughout Ta [I between McHenry and Ringwood col- plosion. the class of 1926. left the first of lapsed" toThTground.'^Thesilo, which the week for DeKalb, where she will ' Later another witness saw a the county and had evidence to back car up his statements. Mr. McQueeny statements that nobody could harm Representatives from two bonding take a teacher's course at the state Tf T8 ^• n , lck< had Just been com- similarly described stop first in front agked me what he should do on the him and if anyone tried, he would houses were present and submitted xormal 8Ch00l this year 1 P'etely filled and the accident oc- of the Haley home, where a man ran subject knowing that I was the hisbcombat them with a gun. This same bids» suhject to the election being Miss Berteel gpencer' is SDendin^! °Urre w„e . e fami,y was eating up onto the porch, but came back im- est ofTirial in the county. After some man has terrorized the county for the voted favorably. All expenses of the her second year at th Academv of ^pper' Hear,n^ unusual noise mediately and getting Into the car deliberation I told McQueeny the best cast vear. acwcoorrddiinngg to rrpepnonrrtt*s, stated' election will be'bome by the success- Fine Apts in Cnuh;ic . ?rushed re- again, it moved down the street , thine for him to do to helD clear un 3 rn^y rU!!hed out to find that the re-' again. He visited McHenry and ful bldder- 71,6 ord'nance will be pass- James and Jo3eph Valsh sons of' 'nJ°rcernents bad,and the .doors, eral places because they ed at the next mee^ng of thjLjyHincil, Mr. and Mrs M J Walsh' are *t a nmg bands .had bro.ken from the The W which full details will be pub- ^ hTgh^l t * two thing help up • matters in the county would' be to get same man left the car again, ran in touch and c-o-operation with the Marv's hitrh a<>hnnl >t u \ t." up the porch of the Dittman home, federal authorities in Chicago. That the bricks to fall away and allowing where he remained but a moment, is about all I know of the matter," the fresh silage to lay exposed on when he ran down again and across the i concluded the jud'ge. Albert and William Vales left lawn to the Wienke house next door, i a few minutes later Judge Shurt- He then ran up the stairs to the left was called upon again in regard could be done on the old dam at that are not 8a*e> stated the court. time. However, after several visits to Springfield and a few long distance telephone messages to the governor, work on the dam was started and now; ficial sold out to a law violator and Pub" tending St Woodstock this year, Anthony Schneider, Ralph Justen the ground ON GREEN STREET !w Alb?rt and William Vales left at the time so that no one was m- UN UKfcfcN STREET fest week to attend Jasper College jured Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith and fam- at Jasper Ind. In endeavor to save the silage LorenaJepson a graduate with the Mr. Tonyon obtained the use of available for work on the old dam we suc^ a Problem existing in the county _ a were informed that nothing would or y°ur Ufe and my life and our property ily have moved into their beautiful _ _ uu u I new home on Green street, the con- class of 1926, and her brother broth- nearbv silo on th* Tnhn wh,ch 111611 moved rapidly down the requested in | struction of which has recently been er, Harold, left the first of the week and many of his neighbors from sur 8treet and OUt °f 8lght" that the peri completed. | for Mount Mbrris, near Rockford, rounding farms and friends from .Th'S,_h°m.L, l S !.™ad"n__8eLen:f^ wh£re tbey will study this year. : Johnsburg were on hand Sunday illiam^Dlartin, a graduate of the morning to assist in hauling the si No Protection Ttyb <feourt said that there was no ^ longer protection when a county of- bu^alo;r^th part^fi^eprTof "hingU would back -the most convenient and comfortable.. as a salesman. up Stephen H. Freund had the contract Stanley Geie* is an apprentice --- • for the carpenter work and the Arti- son in Chicago. 8upreme! ficial Stone company did the ipason Misses Adeline Perkins and Mkriaii power to investigate all of these mat- , wor^ Wegener who are graduates of the ters. It may take ^ month or six >j^e house which Mr. and Mrs.' class of 1926, are taking a post-grad- Fox River vallpv i ^ .u d° 8^1 Jud5e ShurtIeff Smith formerly occupied and which uate course at their Alma Mater, the W..1C* o-ot oe miir-l. and mniv if I uar . member8 the jury to ;s situated beside the new house is McHenry Community high school. hf • tK irr tKnn i» hn~ hrm' p 0 and do nothing that they! > ejng ^orn down giving more room Richard Stenger, a former Mcpossible in the future tK»n it h»s been|wou|4 rejret «terw.rd.. He told, for \ i,m. E S . Henry boy, wili fntW hi.^S - ' Iat Marquette university, Milwaukee,' Dance at Johnsburg ' Wis., next week. ahead and see that our dam is put in had evidence that such a condition that we will not have these statements, to ask for any more .help in the near. The grand jury has future and it will take quite a few more dollars to do this. "I did advise at the tent meeting! months to do so. Sunday that the getting in the past for there are many | them t0 be alncere and hone8t in theirj depending on this water all the year i work and that he and Judge BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mertes are the parents of a baby daughter born at St. Joseph's hospital at Elgin on Friday, Sept. 9. Born to Mir. and Mrs. Anton H. Freund, Wednesday, Sept. 14, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blake are the happy parents of a son, born last Friday, Sept.. 9. round below us where above us it is 4 matter of pleasure for a f4w. months. "The Antioch News, under date of Sept. 8, says that aside from the standpoint of slight delays in navigation, mainly for the Everett Hunter Boat company and river residents who trade at the store of Mayor Frett j would help them in any way possible. He also stated that the two courts The club girls of Johnsburg will Miss Elizabeth McCabe has gone to give a dance at Nell's pavilion on Chicago, where she will take a course would get together and pick an attor-t Wednesday night, Sept. 21. Every- at business college ney to advise them if they wished lt^^ody come! 1 ' to be done The jury was instructed to retire! ^ Miss Laura Michels has gone- to i Chicago, where she will enter business j college. Miss Agnes MicCabe will take a A variety of felts and velvet hats at the opening Saturday, Sept. 17. Blake Sisters, West McHenry, 111. 15-fp Jacob Bylsma, who was a graduate with the class of last year, won scholarship for the Northwestern representing the Third ward Wienke porch, where he remained only to the selection of & gragil jury for a brief moment, ran back toi^the car rhe September term. Judge Shurtleff letter to the board rsonnel of the M 1 y graad The witness who saw this happen jury Ije re-named for the September thought it strange that some one term , should be distributing bills at such a ; The purpose of this move as olain time of night. A minute or two af- as the May jury convened -Wednester he saw the car move away and day and according to Judge Shurtleff while still wondering over the strange ji: will be only an organizing meeting doings the explosion occurred. as the jury will, probably have several Many rumors are afloat as to the weeks of work ahead of them. The whole affair. Wednesday morning; surface has just been scratched in Judge Shurtleff in the McHenry coun- tJiis scandal," stated Judw Shurtleff, ty circuit court instructed the grand; Jud«ge Shurtleff stated that he isjury to make an investigation into the! sued a call for the grand jury at the circumstances surrounding the bomb-' request of the federal KOvernmeuL A ing. Mr. Wienke was called before the -large number of in li- tmeats are exjury to give all the information he pected. might possess for the benefit of the I>oabt* Rrslamatlon jurors. ! When asked about the resignation It seems to be generally believed:of Pouse. whether it was effective-or that beer agents or some other type not. Judge Shurtleff stated that Pons* of law violators are at (he bottom of might just as well have sent hi? r)ethe affair. signation to the Milk Producers Aa- Mr. Wienke is a former alderman ' sociation as to Governor Small a- far and is as the legal port was concerned £bo«t\ He said that he C. D. of A-Attention to their jury room and discuss the! Owing to the intense heat th^meet- ^ _ „ proposition. Immediately following j ing cf the Catholic Daughters of course at the Waukegan Business col- university and will leave Sunday for now employed in the sale of brushes j the resignation of McHenry there is not "a sinirfe the reliring °' ^ury Judge Shurt- j America which was scheduled for Fri- , lege at Waukegan this year. I Chicago where he will commence his by canvassing from house to house j doubted the legal part of the res.{aftreasonable argument whv the dam1"*" aa^ ^udi®e Allen held an earnest| day evening, Sept. 16, has been post- Caroline Steffes will return to studies for the year. throughout McHenry county. To a tion although he was sure that -here should not be placed at the location I c°nversation w'tb Jobn F. Wienke, j poned until further notice. j Champaign, where she will renew her Albin Anderson, who attended representative of'the Daily Sentinel he 1 is a . way to go about making th'» redesignated in Representative Weiss' Ibomb* Tuesday! -- ~ ^ ^ ( s t u d i e s a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f I l l i n o i s . N o r t h w e s t e r n u n i v e r s i t y l a s t y e a r , d e n i e d t h a t h e h a d b e e n i n a n y w a y s i g n a t i o n l e g a l appropriation bill. It goes to show jmgrht* that the party, responsible f«r ~ ~"V I iiept, Fall opening in millinery, Saturday, Clarence Thennes left this week to will return there again this year if associated in any of the matters con-j The circuit judge also stated UmU ept. 17. A great assortment of the renew his studies at St. Francis his plans for entering Harvard co'- cerning the present crusade ia the he had no candidate for t > special . ' L _i t _ J .>1 D1« C i aiivM MABM WW Ifl I --.. . . I_ M . • « • " ~ Adding machine mlla at tke Plain-' latest styles and colors. Blake Sisters, seminary, Milwaukee,,for the coming lege do not materialize.• expects county, which is being led by federal prosecutor's job and that he • Im IFNLLonmr TIL PWavia 1W.K Ififn UAAF * T •_ _ * , .. ... (Continued^ on Last Pn*e) ( dekler officei [ West McHenry, 111. Phone 123-R. 16fp year. to know in a few weeks. . authorities. < • _ < (C6ntLlue-J in ?a^ P--V