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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Sep 1927, p. 6

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THE McHENRY PLAUfDlALER, THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1927 What difference does it make who $ayg a thing--Poor relations often % t»low in and say, "Well, here we are"; Jjut they never get anything like thejj |cind of a reception a fellow who has flown across the Atlantic does when lie says it.--Alaska Empire. McHENRY GRAVEL ft EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Preund, Prop. Koad Building and Excavating of Every Description ]S$timates Furnished on Request High-grade Gravel delivered at any time--large or small,'*®" MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS at lowest rates. Give number of acres, value, and amount of loan desired. x Prompt service. SAVINGS BANK OF KEWANEE . Kewanee, Illinois . . tf Well, finally we got to where, in this here South Dakota air, the president is restin' up, he brought his famthe pup, he's makin' fishes , come to terms by temptin' them with orders given prompt attention. I anpie worms. When Cal heard I was *>i_. CKA TWT 9 MrHftnrv : pas?in' through, why, what did that Phone 654-M-2 y tjiere feuer but send his hired man to see if I could call on him, by gee, and bring my wife and stay all night, he said that he would treat us right. Sary Jane says, "If I'd known that, I'd brought along my Sunday hat, I should have worn my new percale, all I have got is last spring's veil. He'll have no use for folks that goes to visit him in these old clothes." "Hell never notice you," said I, "it s me that's in the public eye, the president's sent for me to come and tell him 'bout the crops back hum. He'll show me where to park the car and hand me out a good cigar; you tell his wife about your chicks while me and Cal talks politics. I sure will stay with him until this here McNary- Haugen bill is plain to him, I'll tell him that us farmers don't know where we're at and won t ^until he signs a bill to put some money in our till." So we spruced up, and then we went to call upon the president." Mi* Darling were verry busy yesterday morning an' she finely happened to think that little John had been turrible quiet for quite a spell, so she called out, "John," says she, "what are* you doing?" says she. Why, ^ says he, "I'm inking," he says. An* when she hurried in, there he were with his father's fountain pen a-writing on everything in sight. The big problem these days is to study up new places to make nonstop flights to. As to those twenty perfect sets of teeth which the learned doctor says are in this country, one of them, of course, is in the Volstead law, but where "can the other nineteen be? Noah Lott who cant stand cold weather, has rented his house and has gone south until spring. ! One thing may be said for detours-- i there aren't so many billboards. A i hick town is one where the street cars ; carry lawn-mower attachments to keep down the gTass between the rails. The next thing in aviation appears to be to make ^the Atlantic. 2-way thoroughfare. Chicken Feed We make our own POULTRY SCRATCH AND HASH Both excellent feeds and prices moderate. Try a Sack Today Hctlenrj flour Mills Wei' McHenry,|ill. _ ABOUT WOMEN • • t • 0. W. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) Office Hours--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry, HI There are 100 units of women police Id America. In Portugal It Is popular for the firls to wear their bair shingled. Women represent about 2 per cent of the law makers In the United 8tates. Mrs. Isabella Hoggins has been station agent at Sabulaj Me*. ft* more than twenty years. Among the membership of the British Astronomical association are 70 women astronomers. Nine hotels In England now are owned and nnder the personal supervision of Lady Honywood. *.- Women In the United States fitrw are showing great skill In the difficult work of cutflng diamonds. " A recent count showed but 25 women In all on the faculties of Germany's educational Institutions. Miss Jessie G. Davison Is the only woman managing director of an organ manufacturing firm In England. The Cross of Merit has been conferred upon Miss Hallna Konopacka, Poland's famous woman athlete. - Without the aid of glasses, Mrs. B. F., Parker of Brockton, Mass., completed In 22 days a quilt of 1,792 pieces. EPIGRAMS If love Is blind how can there be love at first sight? Gossip has a thousand tongues and they work overtime. j Many a man who isn't a coward Is afraid of consequences. Misery may love company.but eon* pany never loves misery. The sharper a man is the harder It Is to make a tool of him. The more an officeholder talks about resigning his job, the tighter he clings tO It ' .MP- -- WM. M. CARRgLL Lawyer Olec with Kent & Company Every Wednesday Phone 8 McHenry, DL Telephone No. 106-R. Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS The family grabs up bathing suits and hops into the car. And, are they going bathing for the day? I'll say they are I The weather's hot as blazes and they're feelin' right in trim to cast the cares of home away and take a coolin' swim. "Say, mom, kin I go 'way far out?" asks tiny little daughter. And mom shouts, "No, you'll fall and get.your nose filled up with water." "Aw, I won't fall," replies the child. An argument's begun. "Gee, you and dad go way far out. I can't have any fun." So mother stays in, close to shore, to keep her eye on sis. She seldom stops to think about the fun she's gonna miss. The youngster splitter splatters as she wades around, waist high, and runs to mom a million times. There's sand got in my eye." But Dad--well he's out on a raft a bakin' in the sun; a divin' and a swimmin' am] a bavin' lots of fun. Then, when \he day is over, it's no wonder mom gets sore. Pop kids her cause she always stays so dog-gone close to shore. people spend one Just as foolishly as the other. T^r- About the only establishment that makes money without advertising Is the mint Many a man's so-called independence Is nothing more nor less than contrariness. Fortunately but few men say what they really mean. Otherwise blacked eyes would be more common. Twice Told Tales Interesting Bits of News Taken From the Columns of the Plaindealer Fifty and Twenty-five Tears - • Sept. 1877 Farmers and all others interested in the starting of a butter and cheese factory in this village are requested to meet at the hall, over Bishop's new warehouse, on Friday evening of this week, Sept. 21, for the purpose of taking the matter into consideration. It is expected that ex-Mayor Barclay, from Elgin, who has a large experience in the business, will be present and address the meeting. Let our rlroL#? Mifce Wegner who has been ill for some time is spending a few weeks at the Lake View Sanitarium at Elgin, he is improving nicely. Mrs. Harold Stroker and children of Wbuconda spent the week-end with D. V. Waits. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Molidor visited the laters mothers, Mrs. Cossman, at Ringwood Sunday. Mrs. MKke Wegner and daughters, Mir. and Mrs. P. Engle, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Peterson visited their father Sunday. William Donley .and grandson, Dick, left this week to spend the winter in California. Miss Eva Lewin of Wadsworth spent Friday evening with Miss Marie Shippert. Mrs. Rose Dunnell, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hironimus spent the week-end at Elgin. M!rs. Wim. Rothermel and Helen Wegner visited their father at Elgin Friday. _ John Dove who has been sick for sometime is quite ill at the present time. Mr. and Mrs.-Dan Welch of Antioch farmers and all others interested, called on Mrs. J. Molidor Sunday eve turn out and help by their presence at! ning. least, to push this matter forward. I A surprise party was given at the The musical clock, owned by Joe home of Mrs. O. Benwell on Thurs- Wiedeman, is offered for sale at a day evening in honor of her birthday, bargain. It is one of the handsomest A very pleasant evening was spent by pieces of workmanship to be found! in: all. Delicious refreshments were serthe west. Each hour instead of strik- I ved. " ing it plays a tune, and is not only aj Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stofflel and good time piece but an ornament for j Mr. and M!rs. J. Pitzen of Johnsburp parlor or office. It can be seen at the are visiting relatives at Almena, Wis. store of O. W. Owen. I Joe Vogt was in Lake Forest on One of the handsomest signs in J business Saturday. town now adorns the front of Riverslide block, and reads, "Smith, Aldrich and Haythorn." The letters are of the script pattern, gilt, and present a very neat and tasty appearance. The first frost of the season came on Monday night last. This will put an end to the cucumber picking. Irving Molidor and LaVerne Wheelock attended a show at Elgin Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Harvey of Grayslake spent the week with her daughter, Mrs. D. C. Townsend. T. A. Simpson of Waukegan visited schools in our vicinity Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbull and Uncle Stocker took it into his head children of Wauconda spent Sunday on Saturday last to count the num-! at A. Paddock's. ber of teams that come to and passed j D. Townsend and Earl Townsend the mill during the day, that is be-1 were business callers in Waukegan tween 6 A. M. and 8 P. M. and his tally footed up five hundred and one. Sept. 1902 Patrick Cleary has sold his house on Waukegan street to Thomas Phalin. Mr. Cleary will go back onto the farm. Life in town is too inactive for him it seems. The Borden Condensed Milk company made its semi-annual contracts Time lsnt exactly money, but eome ^st Friday at its factory here, and at Mlonday evening. Walter Vasey was a Sunday visitor at Jay Vasey's. Georgia Vasey of DeKalb spent the week-end with her parents. We carry a, superior quality of ecotton batts, also an attractive line of challies. Come in today and get your winter supply of bedding. Erickson's Dept. Store. , SLANGUAGE J. W. WORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Audits Systems Income and j Inheritance Tax Matters Member of Public Accountants Association of Illinois PImc 2M4 McHesry. UL 126-W. Reasonable Rates A. ft. ftCHABFW Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS hsare-In Sore--Insurance WITH Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE tfcone 93-R McHENRY, ILL "As easy to run as a rubber bed." --P. M. "She's as secretive as chiffon hose." --M. C. O. "She thinks the break of day ts an accident"--O. M. "She thinks bulldose Is bovine sleep."--M. O. C. "You're the reason why husbands play golt"--M. F. B. <*He thinks an understudy Is s subterranean library."--B. P. "So dumb die thinks a cannon baH Is a military dance."--C. & "So tight he won't let his children blow soap bubbles on a windy day." all other factories. The prices paid per hundred for the ensuing six months are as follows: October, $1.35; November, $1.45; December, $1.45; January, $1.45; February, $1.45; and March, $1.35. The average price is $1.41 2/3. Wallie Woodbum, son of Mr. and Mirs. Dave Woodbum, will become a benedict on September 24. He and Miss Reed, daughter of a Woodstock farmer, will exchange nuptial vows at the county seat on that date. Wallie is a McHenry boy of good habits and sterling worth and has the best wishes of a host of friends in his new venture. * John Parks and N. H. Petesch expect to move into Dr. C. H. FegerS* new houses on Green street this week. The latter will occupy the corner house. They are nice, roomy houses, modern in every respect, with city water, bath, furnace and gas. Inventor of Steamboat It Is hard to say who invented the steamboat Both James Rumsey and John Fitch Invented steam-propelled boats In 1786. Rumsey demonstrated his steamship on the Potomac the same year that Fitch demonstrated his on the Delaware. Robert Fulton's more successful steamboat came later. M' The Farmer Starts 4 Preparations for Winter when he plows the first row, sows the seed, nurtures the crop and finally reaps the harvest that supports him during the .Winter months when nature rests. *' There Comes A Wintertime In I*ife when man enjoys the rewards of sowing the seed of thrift. Nurturing his bank account by regular, systematic saving, finally reaping a reserve fund that sustains him in comfort and independence when his years of active toil have eflded. ' Open A Savings Account Today / We Pay 3% Interest - : V \ Fox River Valley State Bank "Tht Bank That Helps Y©« to Get DRAWING PAPER--24x36 IN. AT THE PLAINDEAL Sheets 24x36 inches. Would Form Vast Wall H all the oil wells drilled In the United States in 1026 were placed end to end they would form one great well 18,000 miles deep. Man'a Mistake Many a man mistakes ttie courage of conviction for the confidence of conceit.--Boston Herald. JOHN STOFFEL West McHenry, Illinois Stitched Cotton Batts, 3 pound weigfci; 90c Dixie Cotton Batts,1 pound weight 30c Hoosier Cotton Batts, Vi pound weight - 15c Comforter Challies, 36 inch wide, yd 16c Muslin Gowns, regular and extra sizes a..._.. 90c Dress Percales, light colors, yd. 16c; dark colors, yd. ...18c Boys' Knickers, mill ends, pair 95c Part Linen Toweling, 10 yards ... . ..$1.00 Mason Fruit Jars, quarts, dozeft ^ ........ 85c Mason Fruit Jars, pints, dozen 75c Mason Jar Covers, dozen .... .25c Jar Rubbers, dozen ^_rr 7c Parowax, 1 pound -- ':-'V - < 12c Jelly Molds, dozen / ' ' ; 39c Certo, the sure jell, bottle . --27c Matches, package of six boxes --_.... 19c Nat arm't Regulation Although there are from twenty ts sixty more male babies than female babies In every 1,000 babies born, there are more women than men In the civnited countries of the world, according to an answered question in Liberty. This Is because more male bablee die In Infancy, and men are more liable than women to death by accident. I can't go to sleep these nights with the windows up," complained Windy Wolf. "Why don't you shut them?" inquired a friend. "Gosh, man, I can't reach dear across the street," Windy replied. "His harangue would give an somnlac the sleeping sickness."--!• We understand why women might find some enjoyment in a picnic lunch away from the usual kitchen surroundings, but we never could see why a man can fool around with indigestible salads, pickles, hardboiled eggs, dried out sandwiches and messy pies, while fighting bugs and flies and ants and imagine fee is. having a good time. Many a man thinks he has the tobacco habit when he smokes nothing but 5-cent cigars. Hie Oath Wben asked to take the oath at Wlllesden, England, an elderly man wept and declared he had never sworn before In his life. DENTISTS D'RS. McCHESNEY & BROWN (Incorporated) Dr. L W. Brown Dr. R. M. Walker Established over 50 years and still doing business at the old stand Pioneers in First Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices ' Ask your neighbors and Friends about us. 8. E. Cor. Clark and Randolph St. . 145 N« Clark St., Chicago •'•••• Dally 8 to 5, Sundays 9 to It Phone Central 2047 That Old Sex Problem Woman's privilege Is to believe mes asc mend latches • mac's privilege Is to expect women to be able to work the latches he has mended.--American Magazine. "He thinks night dubs are what policemen carry after dark."--A. C. "She thinks he Is a florist because some one told ber his business Is growing."--J. J. Famous Irish Writer Charles James Lever, the talented and popular Irish novelist, lived from 1806 to 1872. He was educated at Dublin for the medical profession, and then turned to literature. At the age of thirty years he bad written the well-known stories, "Harry Lorrequer" and "Charles O'Malley." His books abound lp rollicking good ho- •*einw H f--*niAii uj *s*dqp*~o) Ijsa saoioooq aju«>nud sno.x "liu ujwa o} 8] bu .ijj isqi aXiiiq) ;o e»ue •seud em u| uu» pua jajnb deojj oj »j<jb eq 0} •juapud eq oj pun ! [pi »soi oj S| suoj;IPUOD ajvjaaa aj jUBUBdraf oq ox Of aausifoj The High Hatter It's all rlgnt to he dignified ^but jlon't go through llf« on, stilts. The intending chap banps bis head j against the tunnels that other folks l duck.--Farm and Fireside. WIT AND WISDOM Poets are born--and there doesn't seem to be any remedy for It. Many a man has become a jailbird whilst endeavoring to feather his nest Round after round ts the way In which the boxer climbs the ladder of fame. V,.; An engagement ring Still remains the average woman's idea of a round of pleasure. , . ! If ever they make earned Incomes exempt, the man who marries money won't pay any tax. TABLOID PROVERBS Sensation Is the best policy. A good reporter coven a multitude of sins. Dead men tell no tales, b«t usually their friends will talk. All the world loves a lover, especially one who is mixed up In a spicy breach-crfrpromlse -suit.---Boston Tran script % Cleaning Solutions The speed of chemical reactlc Is increased by raising the temperature. Therefore, a hot ammonia solution Is a better cleanser than a cold one. However, holding the temperature of the solution Just below the boiling point would be almost as effective as to keep the solution boiling, except for the possible aid given by the vigorous agitation caused by bot^ las. Foretells Earthquake The earthquake plant grows wild In Cuba. It is said that when an earthquake Is about to ocenr .the plant changes in color. 0: 666 is a prescription for Holds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, SOtav Fever and Malaria. It kills tips ^Vnelm Bbmn __ 1s mo' peaceable dese days,** sjUd Uncle Sben, "owln* to d« lnv«n- Jod of 6« safety ruor, an' also to de i'atfton* *cr?aiin,k** mtfbt d&mags Improvement Test Judge of thine improvement, not by what thou speakest or wrltest, but by the firmness of thy mind, and the government of thy- passions and affections.-- Fuller. | dlajqond-studded banjo.**--Washlns. ton Star. *•«! the Men Msn ores the ta**es "We **• bnslnesa and Owtlook. For BETTER GLASSES BETTER VISION BETTER SERVICE See DR. HENRY FREUMD Optometrist Pries Bldg. ^EcHenry, Illinois. Hours: 7 to 9 p. m. except Saturday; Wednesdays 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phones: Office McHenry 182 j [ Residence, McHenry 17&. I l T» HOUBE BROTHERS.IHC. •nil# . A.A- A'^oo, in "" ° * va*>ot ^ts of otV* ce fr0*® , , «oO- A* eod?JV *°Ut iV\e s?e iV) ' be^0t ^ ^ V* Z*' SlOVLc\^.e \0 W 0£ets c°fspccd, tVve finest s James Morrow & Sou Waukegan aI|d ^ est McHenry

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